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Rakishev Kenes Hamitovich

14.03.2018 15:01
Rakishev Kenes Hamitovich


Position: Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC Kazkommertsbank, holdings of SAT & Company, Net Element.


Kenes Rakishev is the son of the late Khamit Rakishev, who headed the chamber of commerce and industry of Kazakhstan for more than 14 years. A note on the death of Khamit Rakishev on Kazakh websites mentions that the deceased "for many years occupied important posts in the system of the Consumer Union, the presidential apparatus and the government."

It is known that Kenes Rakishev is the son-in-law of Imangali Tasmagambetov, the acting defense minister and long-time ally of President Nursultan Nazarbayev. Kenes Rakishev is married to his eldest daughter Asel Tasmagambetova. 04/04/2016

He began his career as an adviser to the Road Safety Fund of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, then moved on to the specialists of the training center of Bank TuranAlem JSC.

Since November 2006 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of diversified industrial holding company SAT & Company. The Holding is currently represented by more than 50 companies engaged in ferroalloys, chrome, nickel, coal, steel processing and other projects in various regions both in Kazakhstan and abroad - in Turkey and China. 12/12/2016

As a result of Akim's ill-considered actions, the Almaty image that was habitual for many Almaty residents was irreparably damaged. Many Almaty residents and media accused Akim of illegally selling the Almaty lands both in the center of the city and on its outskirts. According to the media, the son-in-law of Akim I. Tasmagambetov, a certain Kenes Rakishev, acted as an intermediary in corruption deals with the land. Special indignation of Almaty residents was caused by the sale of the former Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren to Kabanbai Batyr-Seifullin.

The case of the illegal sale of land eventually resulted in a scandal on a national scale, as a result of which the former Akim of Almaty Viktor Khrapunov was dismissed from his post, and Imangali Tasmagambetov, the current Almaty Akim, got off with a severe reprimand. 26.02.2008


Prince Andrew sold his house to a Kazakh tycoon, with whom he is reported to have joint business. The purchase price was 3 million pounds sterling more than the price requested by the prince.

Kenes Rakishev, the 29-year-old head of the energy company, bought Sunninghill Park, the former home of Prince Andrew, for £ 15 million, although the mansion was put up for sale for only 12 million. Rakishev was the only buyer, there were no others who wanted to buy this property.

Kenes Rakishev purchased a mansion with twelve sleeping rooms together with his father-in-law, a former Kazakh prime minister. The purchase took place through an offshore company. The deal was kept in the strictest secrecy. ..

Arthur Krivov, who 8 months ago was the managing director of the British branch of Rakishev, Sat & Co, confirmed that the actually paid price differs significantly from the starting price.

"Personally, I was very surprised. For this money it was possible to acquire a mansion and a better one. I helped him in his search, "he said. "We had much more favorable offers. I can assume that the main role here was played not by price and place, but by something else. "

A source close to Prince Andrew said that Rakishev hired independent appraisers, and they also named the price of about 12 million pounds.

The Sunday Times. 25.05.2008


Find out new mysterious details of the sale of the royal family owned mansion.

On paper, everything looked like a completely transparent transaction: Sunninghill Park, Prince Andrew's former family nest, was sold for £ 15 million to an offshore company ...

A source informed about the deal reported that Rakishev turned the matter over with his father-in-law - Astana akim (the capital of Kazakhstan), Imangali Tasmagambetov.

Andrew, familiar with both Rakishev and Tasmagambetov, refused to talk about the owner of his former home, which he received as a gift from the Queen on the occasion of his marriage to Ferguson ...

Meanwhile, two even more prominent representatives of the Kazakh world are related to the notorious deal, with Andrew associated with them a much closer relationship than with Rakishev and his father-in-law.

It is said that the 28-year-old Kazakh businesswoman Gauhar "Goga" Ashkenazi, who is often seen with Andrew, told her friends that she is the owner of Sunninghill Park. She also allegedly reported that she was going to demolish the building, and in its place to build something else.

"The Times". 28.07.2008

I'm really glad that today we are opening lyceum # 1, which will bear the name of the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, "Ramzan Kadyrov said. - Nursultan Nazarbayev was the first to extend a helping hand to the Chechen Republic at a difficult time for us. His policy and friendly deeds are continued by our friend Kenes Rakishev, who helped rebuild the city of Grozny by all available means. Our compatriots live in Kazakhstan. The number of Chechens living there is close to one hundred thousand, but about seventy thousand have obtained citizenship. 14.04.2010


The name of Mehdi Bahadurovich Mammadov does not say much to the Russian reader. Due to his very specific activities and circle of acquaintances, he avoids publicity in Russia. Meanwhile, it is this man in his forty-odd years that controls the transit of Afghan drugs to Russia, created a powerful corruption network in Kazakhstan and neighboring countries ...

Mamedov actively used his connections in law enforcement agencies not only to go to Kulibayev. Communications helped him to obtain information, which he tried to blackmail Kulibayev's environment in the companies of KazMunaiGas and KazRosGaz in order to persuade people to his side. Mamedov also excelled in blackmail and other persons close to T. Kulibayev. There is information that a number of them paid Mamedov compensation. Thus, K.Borambayev paid several million dollars under the pressure of compromising information about embezzlement in KazRosGaz. There is also information that Kairat Krymov and Kenes Rakishev, close to T. Kulibaev, paid Mamedov compensation. 09/21/2011


Kazakhstan businessman Kenes Rakishev has invested $ 20 million in an Israeli venture project. Thus, the chairman of the board of petrochemical company SAT & Co became the largest investor of Mobli. In the company of megastars ...

It is noteworthy that, in addition to Kenes Rakishev, the project included American movie stars Toby McGwire and Leonardo DiCaprio, as well as world-famous athletes Lance Armstrong and Serena Williams. It is understandable, these people earn no longer on contracts directly related to their activities, but on advertising. In other words, McGwire and DiCaprio stimulate their advertising revenues, trying to spin themselves through mobile applications ... It is also unclear whether Kenes Rakishev will receive control of Mobli's finances.

The fact that a Kazakh businessman withdraws money from Kazakhstan, when they need it in his country, is not a very good sign ... The same Mr. Rakishev at home feels quite reliable. But he prefers to take risks in another country. Why? What makes a Kazakh entrepreneur invest in a business abroad? 28.09.2012


According to the information posted on the website of the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), JSC "SAT & Company" (SATC) is a company engaged in the wholesale trade in oil products, metalworking and air transportation. The total market value of the company's shares traded on KASE is KZT61,589 million ($ 410 million).

47 percent of the shares belong to 32-year-old Kenes Rakishev, a large businessman who is also known as the son-in-law of Akim of Astana Imangali Tasmagambetov. He is included in the rating of "50 influential Kazakhstanis" according to the version of the site

Kenes Rakishev is the author of the book about horse breeding "Kazanat". He is a sports lover and not just a horse. Three years ago, Kazakhstani publics were indignant over the fact that Rakishev gave the Chechen football club "Terek" an airplane. 10/08/2012


The news that Kenes Rakishev, Chairman of the Board of Directors of SAT Company, the mining company ShalkiyaZinc will exchange for a controlling stake in Temirbank (79.89%), more than a week is actively discussed in the media. In this regard, there are two questions: is the transaction really going on, and why does the entrepreneur go from the real sector to the financial sector? ...

Now he needs Temirbank to take some place on the political Olympus to show muscles and light up 10/02/2013


Recall that in the consortium, according to official data, includes Kazkom and businessman Kenes Rakishev. However, it looks like this only on paper. Because in this case the last one is not at all independent. Let's try to explain why.

The Kazakhstan version of Forbes included Kenes Rakishev among the 50 richest Kazakhs, "estimating" it in 635 million dollars as of May 2014. But, in our opinion, the compilers of the rating missed a bit. To name the son-in-law of Astana akim for all his popularity as a major entrepreneur, the language does not turn. Yes, he invests millions of dollars in Internet projects and other start-ups, but this is still the end - there is no big success, no big business.

Ask where did these 635 million dollars come from? It seems, thanks to the friendship with the son-in-law of national importance, namely Timur Askarovich Kulibayev. But before we move on to this "hero of our time," a couple of words about Kenes Rakishev.

His main asset, SAT & Company, where he is the Chairman of the Board of Directors, once again reported losses in the first quarter of 2014. And very significant. Those interested can easily find on the KASE website the relevant information and make sure that as of March 31, 2012. the total cumulative loss of SAT & Company was KZT801.5 million and was mainly formed at the expense of financing expenses amounting to KZT 697.8 million.

As for the financial situation of the company, it is no less sad. With an authorized capital of KZT 31,584 million, it had negative reserves at the end of the first quarter of 2014 - minus 3,718 million, an uncovered loss of 3,710 million and long-term obligations of KZT 18,568 million.

As for the remaining assets of Kenes Rakishev, of them only ShalkiyaZinc, which he bought for a minimum after this business was selected by Kazakhstani siloviki and the new management of BTA Bank from Mukhtar Ablyazov, represents value, and that's relative.

All the rest is either a small project rather an image plan, or businesses in which he "fronts" Timur Kulibayev. Therefore, we do not even doubt that the co-investor of Kazkommertsbank in the transaction to purchase 93% of BTA Bank shares is not Kenes Rakishev, as the current head of the National Chamber of Industry. 06/04/2014


This year, "BTA Bank" was very oddly "sold" by the state fund "Samruk-Kazyna" to the second-largest bank "Kazkommertsbank" and Kenesu Rakishev - one of the closest partners of President Timur Kulibayev's son-in-law.

Given that Rakishev is the "front" of Kulibayev in most of the business projects, one can no doubt call Kulibayev one of the key owners of the illegally nationalized "BTA Bank."

The former controlling owner, Nurzhan Subkhanberdin, gradually lost control over his KKB and therefore, with regard to BTA, KKB follows Karim Massimov's instructions and adheres to the "party line" in pursuing Ablyazov.

In BTA Kenes Rakishev personally exercises control over the processes against Mukhtar Ablyazov. And about what is happening he reports to Masimov personally., 09/08/2014

JSC "Investment Fund of Kazakhstan" (part of the Baiterek NUH), for example, sold the project in Kazgeokosmos JSC - "Aerospace monitoring of natural and industrial objects" super-profitable - for $ 2.2 million instead of market $ 950 thousand. But then, the owner of the controlling stake in the SAT Company, Kenes Rakishev, firmly occupying high positions in the Forbes ratings of the richest and most influential (although some experts call his experts hundreds of millions of dollars mythical and urge not to confuse the inverted turnovers with real assets), it's scary to say "divorced" ? ...

Let me remind you: Kazkommertsbank and a large shareholder of Bank Astana-Finance Kenesu Rakishevu became closely in the market. And they buy BTA Bank ...

"It is unclear why Rakishev, a deeply religious Muslim, is going into the banking business? After usury is considered a great sin in Islam, "our source was perplexed. And having learned about the election of Mr. Rakishev as chairman of the BTA SD, he could only add: "A hypocrite!". 02/24/2014


In 2013, Ismailov returned to Chechen football. At the beginning of the year he organized a friendly match between Terek Kadyrov and Israeli club Beitar (Jerusalem), owned by his friend Arkady Gaydamak. The match ended with a score 0: 0. And the owners of the clubs agreed on the transition to "Beitar" of two Chechen football players - Zaur Sadayev and Dzhabrail Kadiev. What caused the anger of Beitar fans who did not want to see Muslims among the players of the club.

Partly because of the protests of the fans Gaydamak confirmed in the desire to sell the club. He announced that he was selling Beitar to Ismailov and his partners: State Duma deputy and Kadyrov's adviser Adam Delimkhanov and Kenes Rakishev, Kazakh businessman and son-in-law of the Kazakh defense minister. But the fans of "Beitar" also broke this deal. After this failure Ismailov moved away from Chechen football: the sponsor of "Terek" was Rakishev's structure instead.

"Vedomosti". 10/19/2015


Rakishev came to Kazkommertsbank through another bank - a nationalized BTA, owned by Mukhtar Ablyazov until February 2009, who is now in a French prison awaiting extradition to Russia on charges he considers revenge for his opposition activities in Kazakhstan.

The name of Kenes Rakishev in the Kazakh media in recent years is often mentioned in connection with the charity work of the Saby Foundation, headed by his wife Rakishev. 04/04/2016


The British prince Andrew received 4 million pounds as a "kickback" for helping to organize a deal worth 385 million pounds through Kenes Rakishev. This news from the filing of mega-popular in the UK newspaper Daily Mail blew up public opinion.

But what actually happened was that it was able to thoroughly "shake" the British throne? Nothing special, if you look from the point of view of Kazakhstani practice. Two companies - Greek and Swiss - formed a consortium, which decided to start construction of water pipes and sewerage in Almaty and Astana. In the process, we decided to seek consultations with Prince Andrew, who already earned a reputation as a "specialist in Kazakhstan." As a result, a commission was formed for the Prince for a consultation - one percent.

After receiving the good, Prince Andrew asked for support from Kazakhstan businessman Kenec Rakishev, who quickly arranged for the royal person several meetings with the heads of Astana and Almaty. And 4 million pounds migrated into the pockets of the royal man.

"Respublika", May 24, 2016


At the disposal of the editorial staff was a document, from which it follows that two years ago a young Kazakh businessman Kenes Rakishev was already "worth" $ 1.687 billion. This is twice as much as it "weighs" up to now according to the official version of Forbes. Let's see what is hidden in his piggy bank?

Let's start with the assets, issued personally by Kenes Khamitovich himself. These are 9 business projects, of which only 8 were valued, and one was in the "process" of either clearance or launch. Total for this section Rakishev "weighed" 787 million dollars, which is comparable with the assessment of the Kazakh version of Forbes.

However, a part of Kenes Rakishev's assets was registered with his wife Asel Tasmagambetov, daughter of Imangali Tasmagambetov, and Sofya Tasmagambetova, the second daughter of the defense minister of Kazakhstan and sister of Asely. The first were "hung" five projects, valued at 101 million dollars, the second - the same 5, but the cost of only $ 14 million.

Further in the table there is a section entitled "Prospectuses". We do not know whether this is a reservation or Kenes Rakishev's employees have so decided to call major business projects that will lead their owner into a bright future. Among them, besides "BTA Bank" and "Kazkommertsbank" are mentioned "Almaty-Metrostroy", Investment Fund "Amanat" and "Kaznickel". These five projects have already pulled up to $ 750 million, and their prospective value is estimated at 2.885 billion dollars.

In the section "Property" there are 5 facilities, including houses in Moscow, Astana and Almaty, an apartment in Paris and a collection of cars. Their total cost is estimated at 77 million dollars. Section "Other assets" pulled by 308 million dollars, of which 198 million were in trust, that is trust management, 60 million were in Singapore, and 50 million were cost two business-class aircraft.

Thus, according to the document, in early 2014 Kenes Rakishev owned assets, including shares and securities, movable and immovable property, cash in banks and trust for a total of $ 2.037 billion. At the same time, Rakishev's liabilities were estimated at $ 350 million. The latter consisted of debts to two banks and other debts that were not decrypted in the file.

In other words, two years ago Kenes Rakishev, judging by this document, "cost" 1.687 billion dollars.

"Respublika", 05/25/2016


However, our sources indicate that in the Ablyazov case, Roman Marchenko has his own interest. And he is financially motivated by the Kazakh billionaire Kenes Rakishev, who uses the Ukrainian lawyer as an accomplice in the cases of "squeezing" the assets of his political opponent.

Realizing that he was involved in rather "dirty" schemes, Roman Marchenko decided to somehow whiten the reputation of Ilyashev and partners, which had been built for years. To do this, he even sold his stake in the company for only 15 thousand dollars. Left, at the same time, a senior partner of a law firm.

Now Roman Marchenko helps Kazakh billionaire Kenes Rakishev to seize the property of his opponent Ablyazov on the territory of Ukraine. Minimizing the legal risks for the foreign raider.

And the speech is not only about "BTA Bank", whose representative office works in the territory of Ukraine and which has long been owned by Rakishev. Before the "expulsion" Mukhtar Ablyazov managed to significantly expand the spheres of influence of his business empire in the territory of the CIS. And after the beginning of "pressure" on the part of Kazakhstan's leadership, a runaway businessman, on quite legal grounds, sold part of the assets to Ukrainian businessmen. 08/30/2016

A curious screen from the videotape of the World Nomadic Games appeared in social networks. A snapshot, we will clarify, shows not competitions, but a VIP box and its visitors.

So, alongside the leaders of the parliamentary factions Isa Okurkulov (SDPK) Bakyt Torobaev ("Onuguu-Progress"), the users found out the brother of the thief in law Rustam Gabbazov Anwar and the Kazakh oligarch Kenes Rakishev.

An involuntary participant in a major scandal involving Ramzan Kadyrov and his sons was the Kazakh businessman Kenes Rakishev, who attended the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the authoritarian Chechen leader and was the spectator of children's fights without rules, which the head of Chechnya gave to himself as a gift to himself.

This is not the first time that Kenes Rakishev, the chairman of the board of directors of Kazkommertsbank, falls into the sight of journalists as a great friend of Ramzan Kadyrov, whose reputation was already not indisputable, and after using them in the literal sense of whipping boys, finally deteriorated. However, Mr. Rakishev has not publicly expressed his attitude to the childish battles that shocked not only the Russian but also the Kazakh public, in which, incidentally, one of the participants was the son of Ramzan Kadyrov, as the referee announced loudly, knocked out for 12 seconds.

Recall that Kenes Rakishev and Ramzan Kadyrov were great friends in July 2015 on his Facebook page the head of Chechnya himself told who congratulated the businessman from Kazakhstan with warm words. 10/10/2016


Kazakhstan millionaire Kenes Rakishev used the services of the famous Moscow pimp, Peter Listerman. And "Ochkarik" supplied the oligarch with not just beautiful models, among them, probably, were fifteen-year-old girls ...

Analysis of correspondence shows that the cooperation began in 2007, when the assistant "Ochkarika" (Listerman's nickname - the author) sent Rakishev photos of two girls with comments that one of them is designed by Kenes himself, the second "for the elder". The speech may go as a son-in-law of Nazarbayev Timur Kulibayev, with whom Rakishev is closely connected ... In 2012 the situation takes an interesting turn. July 11 Listerman sends Rakishev letter about "Elenu S.", which contains only a video with 15-year-old Elena Selezneva. On the record the girl defiles and it seems, her age is clearly heard ...

Instead of the answer, the oligarch gets another video with 21-year-old Matilda Romanova and 17-year-old Alina Marasik, another minor girl. Both unassuming young men Kenes Rakishev calls "super variants" ...

Similar adventures of the family man Kenes Rakishev should interest his official wife - Asel Tasmagambetov - the daughter of the famous Kazakhstani politician Imangali Tasmagambetov.

"Mosmonitor." 11/28/2016


And Rakishev can boast a very friendly relationship with the leader of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov. The latter calls the Kazakh not otherwise than "brother" and "prince". It is clear that with such ties to Rakishev it is not difficult to lobby the necessary decision within the walls of the Kremlin.

"BTA" - Kazakh "colleague" of the nationalized "Privatbank"

Similarly, with Kazkommertsbank, Kenes Rakishev heads the Board of Directors of BTA Bank ...

Former owner of BTA Bank, businessman Mukhtar Ablyazov, known on the territory of the CIS, commenting on the nationalization of the institution, noted that such actions are "arbitrary and political raiding" of the Kazakh government.

Ablyazova ... in 2013, detained in France.

The Kazakh oppositionist was released only a few days ago.

However, the businessman's assets are still being "debated" by representatives of the ruling elite of Kazakhstan, headed by Kenes Rakishevim. Next up is an unfinished hotel complex with an oceanarium, which the investment and industrial group Eurasia, owned by Ablyazov, planned to build in Moscow. Nedostroy should become the property of Avangard-M, which is affiliated with Moskomertzbank, a daughter company of KazKom.

Political raids of Russians under the "cover" of the Kazakhs are gaining momentum in Ukraine

Relations in the highest offices of not only Kazakhstan but also the Kremlin allow Kenes Rakishev to continue "squeezing" the property of his political opponent Mukhtar Ablyazov. Even the one that the convicted businessman managed to legitimately sell. ..

 In addition, Rakishev managed to get influential friends in our country. Somehow the senior partner of the law firm "Ilyashev and partners" Roman Marchenko, whom the billionaire uses to conduct "dark" cases outside of Kazakhstan. 12/16/2016


The rescue of Kazkommertsbank (Qazkom), brought to a terrible state by the Asian "young oligarch" Kenes Rakishev (pictured), will cost the Kazakh taxpayers at least $ 7.5 billion. Now it is difficult to judge whether this force majeure was caused by the "genius" of this "venture investor "The desire of the nearest entourage of the country's president Nursultan Nazarbayev is a bit" popilit "under the noses of the decrepit head of state, or it is a special operation inspired from the Kremlin, from which Astana began to distance itself a little after known events th in Ukraine.

http: //


In the case of the massacre that took place in Moscow near Elements restaurant on Rochdelskaya street on December 14, 2015, the defenders of the owner of the institution Jeanne Kim remained in the shadows ...

Kazakhstan billionaire Kenes Rakishev and Moscow restaurateur Zhanna Kim grew up in one city - Alma-Ata, the former capital of Kazakhstan. They are 37 years old, and they are both representatives of local golden youth living in at least three cities - Alma-Ata, Moscow and some European or American. According to some, as yet unconfirmed data, they can be connected and something more than just friendship ...

According to other sources, it was Kenes Rakishev who provided financial assistance to Kim. Moreover, it was he who sent to help his friend Budantsev ...

Later Rakishev also tried to mitigate the consequences of what happened. In particular, he allegedly offered large sums to the families of those killed in the shoot-out of Philip Domaskin and Alexei Kitaev, who arrived together with the Italian. Formally, they were listed as employees of one of the private security companies under the control of Shakro Molodoy, and, according to our information, the issue with relatives was solved by their own means - they were bought by an apartment in the Moscow region ...

In Russia, Rakisheva registered only three companies established in 2006: SAT LLC (real estate management), Sat-Moscow LLC (real estate agency) and Sat Oil LLC (motor fuel trade). So, OOO "Sat" through a chain of companies and personalities is associated with both "Gangam Style" Ltd. Jeanne Kim (now all of her companies are rewritten to other persons), and directly from LLC "The Fifth Element", owning the restaurant Elements. "Sat-Moscow" LLC is also associated with Budantsev, the "Dictatorship of the Law". With Budantsev, however, Mahmudov was also linked through TKH-Invest. And what is most interesting, and Kim herself - her "Gangam Style" LLC and Keanu LLC also found the intersection points with the Dictatorship of Law. 11/16/2017


One way or another, Kazakhs can not afford to let Qazkom into the bottom, either, as the Ukrainian National Bank could not drown PrivatBank - this could cause a catastrophe in the national banking system.

Ukrainian business continues to go through hard times. This time the "Farmex Group" campaign was under threat of raider seizure. While she managed to resist the corruption and sales of the Holosiivsky court and the insolence of the Kazakh raider, the owner of BTA Bank Kenes Rakishev. 12/13/2017


After the "sale" of the majority stake in Kazkommertsbank JSC for only 1 tenge of Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC, Kazakhstan businessman, a figurant of the Forbes Kazakhstan list, Kenes Rakishev practically disappeared from the field of view of his fellow citizens. In the information space of the republic, only occasionally do appear messages about his activity as a venture investor and patron of art, but no more ...

According to our assessment, the above-mentioned transaction confirms unofficial information that Kenes Rakishev, after a fiasco with BTA Bank JSC and Kazkommertsbank JSC, decided to move to Russia, under the wing of his father-in-law. This is quite logical, since in Kazakhstan it does not have serious business assets. Of the business entities mentioned by Forbes Kazakhstan, the largest one - SAT & Company holding - has long been worthless, as well as NetElement, a company specializing in mobile payments and transaction services. Although the latter shares are traded on the NASDAQ, their price fell in 2012-2016 from 85.6 to 0.84 dollars.

As for BTA Bank, whose majority shareholder Kenes Rakishev became June 28, 2017, when he bought 299211380223 ordinary shares from Nurzhan Subkhanberdin and his share increased from 48.89% to 97.79%, the financial institution from the business structure has long been transformed in the legal envelope that Akorda uses for legal and information warfare with Mukhtar Ablyazov. 02/20/2018

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