2003 - graduated from the Economics Faculty of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, majoring in "World Economy".
I studied at the Mercuia Business College in Helsinki.
2002 - 2003 - chief accountant of LLC "PSBb-Development"
2003 - 2004 - Consultant LLC "Alfa-Integrator-BAAN CIS".
July 2010 - June 2012 - Deputy General Director of JSC IDGC Holding.
2004 - 2008 - Worked in the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation: consultant of the department, deputy department head, department assistant, department head, deputy director of the State Tariff Regulation and Infrastructure Reform Department, deputy director of the Department of State Tariff Regulation and Infrastructure Reforms and Environmental Economics.
2008 - 2010 - Director of the Department of State Tariff Regulation, Infrastructure Reforms and Energy Efficiency of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.
Since June 2012 - Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation.
He was awarded with the badge "Honored Worker of Transport of Russia".
April 11, 2014 in the board of Freight One
Everyone at that time had one question. Who is supporting Mikhail Kurbatov on the way to the top of power, as participation in various government commissions, instructions to lead the promising (mainly PR) directions literally filled Mikhail Kurbatov. Kurbatov himself told a lot of close people from business that he was a distant relative of the influential vice-premier II. Sechin. The rumor spread well around the business community and around Mikhail Kurbatov a certain eagle of power was created, just like a relative himself ... However, knowledgeable people secretly say that Kurbatov is in fact a close relative of Elvira Nabiullina. Then it becomes clear how he "deserved" so many honorable posts and important assignments.
And that is why Kurbatov's strange initiatives have always been enthusiastically perceived by the Ministry of Economic Development and included in government directives.
... However, behind the scenes of these high-profile events, the "Courchevel syndrome" was discussed in vain: a number of high-ranking officials - despite the advice of the government to refrain from the trips to the notorious Courchevel resort - before the new year 2009 - still went to France for the New Year holidays. "Courtesy" in Courchevel, teeming with journalists, and Mikhail Kurbatov, who, despite the ban on the First Channel, went with the adviser to the Minister of Communications Mikhail Leshchenko on nightclubs and fashionable restaurants - apparently continuing in the resort the discussion of the privatization concept of Svyazinvest ". "Brainstorming" was so great that, according to caustic reports of the media, "fairly drunken officials emptied the contents of the stomachs directly in a rented car." So to jam a scandal a friendly couple had to pay out a fair amount of local rental company, as well as Russian sites that wrote about this story, but subsequently withdrew these materials. Gradually information about this was "cleaned" on the Internet.
... However, newspapers have not reached the backstage conversations that the state official simply went to where he "took". Then it turned out that the "Courchevel tour" of the young official was by no means a mistake: he loved to live beautifully. Mikhail Kurbatov celebrated his wedding on a grand scale (as usual among officials) at the rest house of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade - one can guess at whose expense.
... .Only few people notice the fly in the ointment fanfare - many of the production and management successes of Mikhail Kurbatov, to put it mildly, are exaggerated. In IDGC Holding, he allegedly made the rules of commercial accounting, but in fact he simply took the existing requirements of the holding company and dragged it as his own. At the same time, Mikhail Kurbatov, who has become skilled in manipulation, did his best to make the general director of Nikolai Shvets dismiss from office. He ran to the then leadership of the industry with references, what a bad CEO he had. Simply Mikhail Kurbatov led (and conducts) the project of privatization of the country's network complex, while Nikolai Shvets was hampered by various unpleasant questions. What is the point of privatization, in fact, the ridge of reliability in the energy sector and an absolutely monopolistic type of activity that directly affects energy security and the safety of our people's lives. Who can be a buyer, how will the cost of electricity change after selling to a private investor such a monopoly, etc. - to these questions Mikhail Kurbatov had no answers. So I had to do a banal sit-up, which he did well.Given the success of Mikhail Kurbatov's project to remove his direct leader, Nikolai Shvets, today's leadership needs to carefully look at such a deputy. Moreover, he did not get rid of the habit of running to the most senior leader with denunciations on the direct one. At meetings held in the Ministry of Energy, for example, Mr. Novak's surname does not sound at all in Kurbatov's mouth. There are phrases: "I spoke with Dvorkovich," "I agreed with Medvedev about it," "Medvedev gave me a direct commission," etc. Apparently, our hero is really getting ready to become the youngest energy minister ever.
Secured the success of the work in MRSK Holding Mikhail Kurbatov, breaking through, leaving for the Ministry of Energy, bonuses for the management team. The press very figuratively wrote that the top managers who left the company took with them "golden parachutes": in the first half of 2012 they doubled their payments to themselves, spending 1.9 billion rubles on bonuses. instead of 809 million rubles. for the same six months of last year. The reason for this was the expense of the managers who left the company, they did not comment on IDGC Holding.
... And as for its activities in IDGC Holding, it was very interested in law enforcement agencies. Not so long ago, searches were conducted on the issues of the relationship between the same company as KARANA and IDGC Holding. As the Deputy General Director of IDGC Holding Mikhail Kurbatov was in charge of a number of consulting contracts with this company "KARANA" for a total of 534 million rubles. As usual, consulting was carried out on issues that were part of the direct duties of Mikhail Kurbatov, and should have been made free of charge, since it was for this that the salary was paid. Accordingly, law enforcement agencies reasonably suspected that these agreements are fictitious. Moreover, part of the funds, according to Rosfinmonitoring for the CFD, under these contracts was transferred to offshore companies as payment for subcontractors (it is interesting that for subcontractors in offshore jurisdictions). A part of the funds was in the form of bonuses paid to employees of KARAN and withdrawn in cash from their accounts in banks.
Searches in the framework of the investigation of this episode took place both in the executive office of IDGC Holding, and in the cottage of Mikhail Kurbatov on the Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway. At present, the candidate for ministers is making incredible efforts to hush up this story. There are rumors that he even offers himself as an informant agent of competent structures, if only to investigate the 534 million rubles left by IDGC Holding in KARANU. has come to naught.
Moscow-post, 01/03/2013
Immediately after joining the MEDT, Kurbatov began working on his own enrichment. The methodology developed by him was called the RB-regulation (from the English RAB - return on asset base). As a result, electricity tariffs tripled in three years. The owners of the power grids were very grateful to Kurbatov. The following facts testify to the fact that the incomes of an official considerably exceed the official salary: regular rest in Courchevel, a wedding in the Voronovo estate near Moscow (an architectural monument), accommodation in a cottage on Rublyovka, possession of an extensive collection of designer Italian shoes where one pair costs several thousand euros and much more.
But this is all, so to speak, indirect signs. Thanks to the ICIJ investigation, the most realistic evidence of the deputy minister's business activity appeared. The beneficiary of the Cyprus offshore ATRACODE MANAGEMENTLIMITED is the incumbent civil servant Mikhail Kurbatov.
... Of course, there is no information in any income statement of Mikhail Kurbatov. One could assume that the company is not operating, and it was purchased in order to make it easier to get visas or buy a house for your beloved mother-in-law (deputies and officials whose journalists found undeclared off-shores like to justify themselves like this). But not in this case.
It is documented that in 2011 Bryanskenergosbyt, a member of the infamous Holding ENERGOSTRIM, transferred 46 million rubles to ATRACODE MANAGEMENT's account in the Hellenic bank in Cyprus.
Recall that the controlling shareholders of the Holding ENERGOSTRIM, who transferred 46 million rubles to the account of Kurbatov offshore company, Shandalov's father and son have long been associated with Kurbatov. His first job, before the ministry - "Alpha Integrator" - one hundred percent "daughter" of the Optima Group of Shandalovs.
It was Optima Group that received billions of contracts for the construction of substations and IT services for grid companies during the period when Mikhail Kurbatov held the post of Deputy Director General of IDGC Holding for Strategy and IT in the period 2010-2012. Of course, if not for the above payment, it could be assumed that "Optima" won the competitions honestly. But 46 million rubles, listed from Shandalov Kurbatov, are forced to doubt this. And it is unlikely that this is the only enumeration of this kind.In addition to the offshore company, ICIJ journalists also found an account in the name of Mikhail Kurbatov in CyprusPopular Bank Public Co Ltd (it was absorbed by the Bank of Cyprus as part of the reorganization of the Cyprus banking system).
In this account, as follows from the extract provided by the informants of the consortium of journalists, in February 2013 there were almost 12 million euros:
... At a conference on electricity issues on March 18, 2013, held under the aegis of the newspaper Vedomosti, Mikhail Kurbatov said, literally, the following: "... today is the news of the day - a 10% tax on Cyprus on deposits, in principle we can not strongly worry that it can be more shocking. "
Due to the lack of bank accounts and funds in Cyprus, the rest of the participants were not shocked by the events in Cyprus, the theme of development was not received. But, as it turned out, Kurbatov in vain thought that a 10-percent tax on deposits is the worst thing that awaits him.
Already on March 29, 2013, Cyprus issued a decree "On the sale of certain services to the bank of Cyprus Popular Bank Public Co Ltd", which was issued in accordance with the law "On the improvement of credit and other institutions." As a result, the deposits of this bank for more than 100 thousand euros were transferred to the Bank of Cyprus and frozen there. Thus, Kurbatov lost the opportunity to dispose of 11 million 455 thousand euros, and in the future (given the real possibility of converting frozen deposits into shares of Bank of Cyprus) will become quite a large private shareholder of a foreign bank in a very difficult situation. I wonder if there is another such official in the world who owns a stake in a foreign bank? And if it is not called a "foreign agent", then what is it called?
Note that the listed episodes are documented facts of corruption, which became known due to the announced fight against offshore companies, which is controlled personally by Vladimir Putin in our country. In reality, the facts are likely much more.
Parity Press, 06/28/2013
Kurbatov's main project, for which he came to the Ministry of Energy - the merger of the Federal Grid Company and IDGC Holding into one structure, "Russian Networks" - was completed, the source said. "In addition, Mikhail is humanly tired," he says. In the past few months, scandalous articles about Kurbatov's personal and professional life have appeared on the Internet. Market participants attributed this to the fact that Kurbatov became the "executioner" of the largest private energy retail holding Energostream. For huge debts accumulated before other energy companies and banks, the holding's companies were driven out of the market. The Ministry of Energy supervised the process of expelling the Kurbatov.
... Mikhail Kurbatov has a good relationship with the president of Rosneft Igor Sechin. According to Vedomosti, Kurbatov was one of those who helped Sechin, who was in charge of the fuel and energy complex in the post of vice-premier, to understand how the electricity market is structured.
Forbes, 09/11/2013
On the desktop, Deputy Energy Minister Mikhail Kurbatov has a weighty folder with documents about the debts of the holding company Energostream. Telling the correspondent of Forbes about the most problematic salesman of electric power, the official does not hide irritation. Moreover, he spent more than a year on the proceedings with Energostream, because of his participation in the liquidation of the holding, his photo was displayed for several months on the site of Compromat.ru, and on the Internet a lot of articles appeared with colorful details of his personal and professional life. According to Kurbatov, the story of Energostream is an illustrative example of how overly aggressive buying of assets and brazen withdrawal of funds can overnight bury a business with proceeds of 170 billion rubles (at the time of handing over the issue it became known that Mikhail Kurbatov resigned on his own desire). Once the largest private energy retail holding still does not give rest to many. The activities of his leadership are being investigated by law enforcement agencies of Russia and Germany. In the list of creditors, waiting for a refund, the largest energy companies of the country and Sberbank. The amount of debts, according to their estimates, is close to 60 billion rubles. While lenders are fighting for their money, the companies of "Energostream" individually move to new owners. Among those who are interested in the pieces of the collapsed empire are the structures of RZD, Inter RAO and billionaire Mikhail Gutseriev.
Forbes, 10/07/2013
In the list of ladies, whose youth fell at the end of the nineties and the beginning of the zero years, no doubt noted the name Gubin for himself. But we hasten to disappoint - it's not a handsome singer, but Gubin Ilya Nikolaevich. A reservist of management personnel under the patronage of the President of Russia. Also a young, hopeful and not a doctor fled, as some would have thought, and former deputy energy minister Mikhail Kurbatov. Very recently a former. The reference "Google" and recorded: "until September 2013 - Deputy Minister of Energy of Russia." The likely cause of the resignation was called Kurbatov's fatigue and disappointment in the ministerial work, because according to the newspaper Kommersant before the dismissal the deputy minister had read the official letters until three in the morning, but a short rest, and the former official, now a simple citizen, found strength, raised the torch and ran . A real patriot.
THE LITTLE, 10/07/2013
Kudepstinskaya TPP has become one of the most scandalous unfinished construction of the Olympics and certainly the most problematic energy object of the Games, says former Deputy Energy Minister Mikhail Kurbatov, who oversaw its construction. By the time when the construction was under his supervision, the owners, the place of deployment and the project itself were replaced.
Literally three days after the appointment of Deputy Minister Kurbatov went to Kudepstu - even then the construction caused a storm of protests from local residents. They wrote a bunch of petitions, blocked the road, organized a round-the-clock camp around the construction site. Some activists did throw themselves under the tractor.
Kurbatov himself, when he came to the place with the audit, was almost beaten.
Forbes, 04/02/2014
Former Deputy Energy Minister Mikhail Kurbatov joined the board of the First Freight Company on April 11, the railway operator said. Kurbatov will supervise communications with state agencies in the PGK, his friend said.
... PGK belongs to the structures of Vladimir Lisin. The revenue of the railway operator for 2013 under RAS decreased by 13% to 103.6 billion rubles., Net profit - 3 times to 12.6 billion rubles.
Vedomosti, May 6, 2014
Mikhail Kurbatov, Deputy General Director of OJSC First Freight Company (PGK), entered the list of candidates proposed for election to the Board of Directors of Transneft as an independent director. The text of the document is published on the website of the Federal Property Management Agency.
Vedomosti, 12/02/2014