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The murder of Zhilin will lead to Sovcombank?

24.03.2018 12:33
The murder of Zhilin will lead to Sovcombank?

Investigation of the murder in Odintsovo of the leader of the party "Oplot" Yevgeny Zhilin could affect Sovcombank and its owners Sergei and Dmitry Khotimsky. It is established that Zhilin died, trying to return about $ 10 million, which disappeared during the operation to transit money to Europe. The businessman Paul Fuchs, a former co-owner of Sovcombank and longtime business partner of Khotimsky, organized the operation. According to sources, the investigation checks whether the bank itself was involved in transit.

Yevgeny Zhilin was killed in September 2016 in the restaurant "Veterok-2" in Odintsovo district near Moscow. The leader of the party "Oplot" together with his friend and bodyguard Andrei Kozar arrived in this institution for a meeting. When they studied the menu, the killer approached them and opened fire from the pistol. Zhilin died on the spot, Kozar was wounded in the throat.

The investigation went on for more than a year, until the perpetrators and motives of the crime were identified. It turned out that the "businessman" controlled by Zhilin from Kharkov decided to transfer about 10 million dollars to Europe. Interlocutors told that Paul Fuchs, who brought the businessman to a major Russian-Ukrainian channel for the transit of money, offered to help him. The money went to the accounts indicated by the shadow bankers, but Zilin's friend did not see them anymore. As a result, he complained to the leader of the "Bulwark", which has in its assets several dozen armed fighters. Began "arrivals" on persons involved in deception. Including Fuchs, who is now building a business career in Ukraine. In the midst of these "showdowns" and was shot dead Zhilin.

The perpetrators of the crime are already established. Now, according to sources, the investigation is studying the motives, the main thing is through which financial channels and where about $ 10 million went. And, given the involvement in this story of Fuchs, who now does not have his banks, there were questions to his former structure - Sovkombank. Moreover, without a credit institution of this level, such a scam would clearly be impossible.

Fuchs' friend Sergei Khotimsky, at a young age, established a law firm, which in fact dealt with the registration, purchase, sale of one-day firms. Its clients were mainly banks engaged in illegal cashing, money laundering, etc. So, Khotimsky and climbed into the banking business, or rather in its shady part, until gradually began the project Sovkombank.

         In 2010, Fuchs came to the bank. In 2015, Fuchs announced that he was selling 21.83% of Sovcombank. However, the interlocutors of on the market believe that Fuchs did not lose ties with Sovcombank and Khotimsky.

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