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Owners of Sovcombank are fascinated by shadow bookmaking

31.12.2024 23:46
Owners of Sovcombank are fascinated by shadow bookmaking

The VChK-OGPU Telegram channel and are starting a series of articles about one of the most criminal and problematic banking structures - Sovcombank - and its owners. The bank is always "bursting at the seams", and its owners are involved in shadow activities, into which they also use depositors' money. Our readers will find out. How Sovcombank invests money in the "black market" of antiques, and its co-owner Sergei Khotsimsky also participates in it. How another co-owner of the bank, under the influence of drugs, accepted unofficial deposits from Sovcombank for very large amounts, and then VIP depositors were simply screwed. A case was opened against him, when he was about to tell everything (and even made a video) about Khotsimsky's dark deeds, he mysteriously disappeared (it is already known for sure that he was killed). How the wife of the murdered co-owner of Sovcombank was taken advantage of by her grief, got hooked on a bottle and took not only a video recording, but also the family share in the bank, a lot of money, all the real estate. How Sovcombank thugs attack large families. Today we will begin the story of how another co-owner of Sovcombank, Dmitry Khotsimsky (Sergey's brother), decided to "kill" two "criminal birds with one stone" - to seize a "tasty piece" of land on Rublevka and start making money from illegal bookmaking.

A lover of specific parties and all kinds of substances, Sovcombank co-owner Dmitry Khotsimsky unexpectedly went into sports and became the owner of the Spartak Kostroma football club from the second division. An explanation for this was found quite quickly. sources said that the famous banker built a system of fixed matches in the opaque second division of the Russian football championship. And he got stuck in the underground bookmaking business, where he actively invests the money of Sovcombank depositors. And at the same time, under the pretext of building a sports base for Spartak-Kostroma, Khotsimsky, with the help of officials, seized a huge piece of land in the elite Romashkovo.

Corruption in the richest district of the Moscow region has already attracted the attention of the competent authorities.

Now, let's take everything in order.

1. Between the Committee for the Management of Municipal Property of the Administration of the Odintsovo Municipal District of the Moscow Region (lessor) and the State Unitary Enterprise Experimental Agricultural Enterprise Nemchinovka of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (lessee), a land lease agreement No. 2023 dated September 12, 2007 was concluded, according to which the lessor provides and the lessee accepts for lease a land plot, which is in state ownership, with a total area of ​​49,000 sq.m. from agricultural lands, with KN 50:20:0010215:0019, located at the address: MO, Odintsovsky municipal district, urban settlement Odintsovo, in the area of ​​the village of Romashkovo, for agricultural production.


2. Immediately after this, under agreement No. 48-U dated October 24, 2007 on the transfer of rights and obligations under the lease agreement for a land plot from agricultural lands, the State Unitary Enterprise "Experimental Agricultural Enterprise "Nemchinovka" of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences transfers to ZAO "Tekhstroyinvest" (the new lessee) all of its rights and obligations as a lessee. In accordance with the special registration inscription, agreement No. 48-u dated October 24, 2007 on the transfer of rights and obligations was registered by the Rosreestr Office for the Moscow Region on October 26, 2007.


3. The Municipal Property Management Committee of the Odintsovo Municipal District Administration of the Moscow Region, the Territorial Administration of the Federal Property Management Agency in the Moscow Region (lessor) and Tekhstroyinvest CJSC (lessee) entered into additional agreement No. 1 dated September 23, 2008 on the transfer of rights and obligations under the land lease agreement dated September 12, 2007 No. 2023, according to which the Committee transfers, and the Territorial Administration of the Federal Property Management Agency for the Moscow Region assumes, the rights and obligations of the lessor in full under the land lease agreement dated September 12, 2007 No. 2023 for a land plot of agricultural land with the permitted use for agricultural production.


4. Tekhstroyinvest CJSC and the newly created DNP Tekhstroyinvest (new tenant) entered into Agreement No. 1/04-A dated April 16, 2009 on the transfer of rights and obligations under Lease Agreement No. 2023 dated September 12, 2007 for a land plot of agricultural land. The Chairman of the Board of DNP Tekhstroyinvest at that time was RASUL PAKHOBITDINOVICH CHABDAROV from Kabardino-Balkaria. Since 2013, this post has been occupied by MURAT MUSABIEVICH SHOMAKHOV, who was simultaneously the CEO of LLC "Exclusive Construction Corporation" in Grozny for several years (founder - DZHARAGYAN ARGISHTI SEIRANOVICH from Chechnya). 5. By the Resolution of October 1, 2009 No. 909 of the Head of the urban settlement of Odintsovo, Odintsovsky municipal district, Moscow region, the type of permitted use of a land plot with an area of ​​49,000 sq.m. KN 50:20:0010215:19, agricultural land, was changed.

I, leased from the Dacha Non-Commercial Partnership "Tekhstroyinvest", from "for agricultural production" to "for dacha construction", located within the boundaries of the urban settlement of Odintsovo, Odintsovsky Municipal District, with a location in the area of ​​the village of Romashkovo.


6. Between the Federal Property Management Agency in the Moscow Region (lessor) and the Dacha Non-Commercial Partnership Tekhstroyinvest (lessee), an additional agreement No. 2 dated 02.04.2012 was concluded on amendments to the land lease agreement dated 12.09.2007 No. 2023, according to which the subject of the agreement is set out as follows: the lessor provides, and the lessee accepts for lease, a land plot with KN 50:20:0010215:19, with a total area of ​​49,000+/-155 sq.m., from agricultural lands, with the permitted use of dacha construction. In accordance with paragraph 2.1. lease agreement No. 2023 dated September 12, 2007, the lease term is set from September 12, 2007 to September 11, 2056.


7. Between the Territorial Administration of the Federal Property Management Agency in the Moscow Region (lessor) and the DNP Tekhstroyinvest (lessee), additional agreement No. 3 dated July 18, 2012 was signed, according to which subparagraph 1.1. of paragraph 1 "Subject of the Agreement" of the Agreement is set out as follows: "The lessor provides, and the lessee accepts for lease, the following land plots:

with cadastral number 50:20:0010215:558, with a total area of ​​2458+/-0 sq.m., from agricultural lands, located at the address: Moscow Region, Odintsovo District, Mamonovsky rural settlement, in the area of ​​the village of Romashkovo, with permitted use - for summer cottage construction;

with cadastral number 50:20:0010215:560, with a total area of ​​921+/-0 sq.m., from agricultural land, located at the address: Moscow Region, Odintsovsky District, s/o Mamonovsky, in the area of ​​the village of Romashkovo, with permitted use - for summer cottage construction;

with cadastral number 50:20:0010215:561, with a total area of ​​2500+/-0 sq.m., from agricultural land, located at the address: Moscow Region, Odintsovsky District, s/o Mamonovsky, in the area of ​​the village of Romashkovo, with permitted use - for summer cottage construction;

with cadastral number 50:20:0010215:562, with a total area of ​​2500+/-0 sq.m., from agricultural land, located at the address: Moscow region, Odintsovsky district, s/o Mamonovsky, in the area of ​​the village of Romashkovo, with permitted use - for summer cottage construction;

with cadastral number 50:20:0010215:563, with a total area of ​​2500+/-0 sq.m., from agricultural land, located at the address: Moscow region, Odintsovsky district, s/o Mamonovsky, in the area of ​​the village of Romashkovo, with permitted use - for summer cottage construction;

with cadastral number 50:20:0010215:564, with a total area of ​​2500+/-0 sq.m., from agricultural lands, located at the address: Moscow region, Odintsovsky district, s/o Mamonovsky, in the area of ​​the village of Romashkovo, with permitted use - for summer cottage construction;

with cadastral number 50:20:0010215:565, with a total area of ​​2500+/-0 sq.m., from agricultural lands, located at the address: Moscow region, Odintsovsky district, s/o Mamonovsky, in the area of ​​the village of Romashkovo, with permitted use - for summer cottage construction;

with cadastral number 50:20:0010215:566, with a total area of ​​2500+/-0 sq.m., from agricultural land, located at the address: Moscow region, Odintsovsky district, s/o Mamonovsky, in the area of ​​the village of Romashkovo, with permitted use - for summer cottage construction;

with cadastral number 50:20:0010215:567, with a total area of ​​2491+/-0 sq.m., from agricultural land, located at the address: Moscow region, Odintsovsky district, s/o Mamonovsky, in the area of ​​the village of Romashkovo, with permitted use - for summer cottage construction;

with cadastral number 50:20:0010215:568, with a total area of ​​2499+/-0 sq.m., from agricultural land, located at the address: Moscow region, Odintsovsky district, s/o Mamonovsky, in the area of ​​the village of Romashkovo, with permitted use - for summer cottage construction;

with cadastral number 50:20:0010215:569, with a total area of ​​2500+/-0 sq.m., from agricultural land, located at the address: Moscow region, Odintsovsky district, s/o Mamonovsky, in the area of ​​the village of Romashkovo, with permitted use - for summer cottage construction;

with cadastral number 50:20:0010215:570, with a total area of ​​2500+/-0 sq.m., from agricultural land, located at the address: Moscow region, Odintsovsky district, s/o Mamonovsky, in the area of ​​the village of Romashkovo, with permitted use - for summer cottage construction;

with cadastral number 50:20:0010215:571, with a total area of ​​2500+/-0 sq.m., from agricultural land, located at the address: Moscow region, Odintsovsky district, s/o Mamonovsky, in the area of ​​the village of Romashkovo, with permitted use - for summer cottage construction; with cadastral number 50:20:0010215:572, with a total area of ​​25 00+/-0 sq.m., from agricultural land, located at the address: Moscow region, Odintsovsky district, s/o Mamonovsky, in the area of ​​the village. Romashkovo, with permitted use - for summer cottage construction, concluded between DNP Tekhstroyinvest and the Territorial Administration of the Federal Property Management Agency in the Moscow region for land lease agreement No. 2023 dated 12.09.2007.


8. Judging by the documents, after the DNP, the lessor changed twice. The first agreement on the assignment of rights and obligations under the land lease agreement, issued on 15.11.2019, state registration date: 19.11.2019, state registration number: 50:20:0010215:573-50/001/201 9-1. The document is notarized: 15.11.2019 Kvitko A.F. Notary of the Odintsovo Notary of the Moscow Region 50/122-n/50-2019-7-1573. However, this owner apparently died. A Certificate of Right to Inheritance by Law was drawn up, issued on 10.08.2022. The document was notarized: 10.08.2022 by the notary of the city of Moscow Novikov Andrey Nikolaevich 77/406-n/77-2022-5-1327. Agreement on the division of inherited property was issued on 12.08.2022. The document was notarized: 12.08.2022 by the notary of the city of Moscow Novikov Andrey Nikolaevich 77/406-n/77-2022-5-1397.


9. The new owner signed an Additional Agreement to the lease agreement for a land plot in federal ownership dated September 12, 2007, No. 2023, No. 50-211, issued on July 14, 2023, state registration number: 50:20:0010215:558-KUVD-001/2023-39149168:1. Today, the lessor of the plots is an Individual (personal data is classified). sources say that he is Dmitry Khotsimsky. On May 12, 2022 (after the previous owner died, but the new one had not yet officially entered into rights), a meeting of the Commission for the Consideration of Disputes on the Results of Determining the Cadastral Value under the Ministry of Property Relations of the Moscow Region was held, during which Kuminskaya Yu.S. represented the interests of Khotsimsky D.V. there. to determine the cadastral value of plots 50:20:0010215:561 - 50:20:0010215:581, intended according to the protocol "for dacha construction".

Denis Zhirnov


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