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The owner of The Independent Lebedev and the poisoning of the spy Skripal

18.03.2018 18:28
The owner of The Independent Lebedev and the poisoning of the spy Skripal

The stories of poisoning in England the spy Sergei Skripal and the strangulation of businessman Nikolai Glushkov, according to sources, can cause Scotland Yard a keen interest in the former banker, the owner of the British edition of The Independent, Alexander Lebedev. Both incidents took place during the active phase of Lebedev's project on "hunting for bankers who cheated on the West". If earlier they were skeptical about Lebedev's demands to "share the stolen money", now they will think a hundred times over the "proposal that can not be rejected", which comes from a former employee of the Foreign Intelligence Service.

As early as 2016, Alexander Lebedev announced to the media that from now on he "appointed himself to look after fugitive Russian bankers and other thieves." And even began to make inspection trips to the "green places" - London hangouts, Courchevel and the Cote d'Azur. And at the end of 2017, Lebedev outlined his plan openly: "I offer nothing new - such measures have long been tested by our" Western partners ". Americans over the past 9 years, the efforts of the prosecutor's office and the US Treasury, almost free and without trial, have exacted almost $ 300 billion from the 11 largest Western banks. Know, the gold company, that sooner or later you will be picked up, as Ostap promised to underground millionaire Korejko, "in a wonderful trekking carriage." Leave yourself 10% of the stolen goods, all these your fragile little boats, dusty villas and rusty planes. But rest - return in a good way! For your tens of billions, hunting has already begun. I declare a hunt for bankers-fraudsters who have escaped to the West! ".

Sources told that simultaneously with such public statements, non-public activities of Lebedev began. He personally met with many fugitives and urged them to share "looted" (it is clear on the financial channels designated by Lebedev himself), otherwise "you will get here again".

Lebedev did not find any understanding of the "fugitives", no one seriously took his threats. Then, as sources believe, the fugitives were promised a demonstrative example of "available opportunities".

And soon two incidents immediately followed: the poisoning of Sergei Skripal and the strangulation of Nikolai Glushkov. Lebedev himself clearly did not say that this is a "demonstrative example". But runaway bankers for some reason decided this way. And, according to, they are already beginning to discuss whether it is worth sharing and not to collide with the promised "available opportunities".

And at the same time they recall the details of Lebedev's biography. Being an employee of the SVR, Lebedev, under the guise of a diplomatic mission, worked in London at the Soviet Embassy as attache (1987-1988), third secretary (1988-90), second secretary of the embassy (1990-92). London became for him "hometown" when he was a scout.


Sean Komrad

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