Born on 04.06.1966 in the town of Angren Tashkent region, Uzbekistan. In 1979 he moved to the Leningrad region.
In 1985 he graduated with honors from the Leningrad Technical School of Aviation Instrumentation and Automation. Then, after serving 2 years in the Armed Forces, he was educated at Northwestern Polytechnic Institute by correspondence, specialty - engineer-economist. In 1993 he studied at the Interdisciplinary Institute of Advanced Studies of Saint Petersburg University of Economics and Finance.
His career began in 1985 as a senior engineer at the plant "Pyrometer", Production Association "Electroautomatika”.
Since 1992, he was one of the originators of the formation of the stock market in St. Petersburg, in 1992-1996 - managing director, chairman of the board of the “Brokerage Firm Lenstroimaterialy” CJSC; from 1996 to 1997 - Chairman of the Board of JSC "Lenstroy-invest-management" – the responsible consulting company of the Government of the Leningrad Region, since 1996 – the Member of the Audit Committee of “Industrial Construction Bank” JSC, St. Petersburg, in 1996 acted as adviser to the mayor of St. Petersburg on Finance and Economic Affairs; in 1997-1999 .- Deputy Chairman of the Board of “Industrial Construction Bank” (“Promstroybank”), St. Petersburg, from 1999 to present - Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Production Association "Lenstroymaterialy” JSC, St. Petersburg. In the period of 1997-1999 – the Member of the Board of Directors of
“Machine-building plant “Arsenal”,
“Izhora Plants” JSC,
“The Kirov Plant” JSC,
“Lentelefonstroy” JSC,
“Polimerstroymaterialy” JSC,
“Rot Front” JSC,
“Petersburg First macaroni factory” JSC,
“Poultry farm “Zavodskaya” CJSC,
Agrocompany "Oredezh” CJSC,
“Medpolimer” CJSC.
He is currently the Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Petersburg Mill Plant" JSC, "Roszernoprodukt” JSC and “Petmol” JSC.
Production Association "Lenstroymaterialy”, where Alexander Nikolaevich was a chairman of the Board of Directors, has its origins in 1992. Even then, the company included several factories producing construction materials along with the brokerage firm.
The first money earned on transactions with securities were invested in these businesses.
He is married and has one daughter.
Source: "Personalities of St. Petersburg"
In autumn 1994, there was real excitement on the stock market of St. Petersburg. It was caused by the massive campaign on buying up shares of one of the largest banks in the city – “St. Petersburg”, the campaign was led by several companies headed by “Lenstroymaterialy”. The purpose of buying shares of “St. Petersburg” was getting control over the bank, which would
arouse resistance from its management. Then in several Petersburg newspapers an appeal of the Board of Directors and the Board of the Bank "Saint Petersburg" appeared, in which they accused "Lenstroymaterialy” in unscrupulous dealings with bank stocks and urged shareholders not to part with their securities.
The campaign on buying up "St. Petersburg" bank shares had been prepared for almost six months and began on November 7. Less than in a month, a financial company "Lenstroymaterialy" spent on the purchase of securities of one of the best banks in St. Petersburg more than 2 billion rubles, and according to her representative, was going to spend at least another 40 billion. To tell the truth, Alexander Aladushkin told the reporter that his company doesn’t have so much money, so the purchase of the shares was carried by several companies. In particular, the purchase of securities was run by an investment syndicate, founded by three finance companies in St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Investment Corporation, "Glavstroyinvest – securities” and Northern financial company.
The reason for the massive buying of securities of the bank was on the surface - the desire to build a large, perhaps even a major controlling stake. This was not so difficult especially because the authorized capital of the Bank "Saint Petersburg" was only 1.2 billion rubles.
Moreover, according to informal information, none of the shareholders of the bank owned more than 5-percent stake. Therefore, it was written that if "Lenstroymaterialy" was able to collect 10-15% of the shares (that was the goal to achieve, according to Mr. Aladushkin), then that company immediately became the largest shareholder of the bank.
Alexander Aladushkin argued that the company was not going to take control over the bank. According to him, "Lenstroymaterialy" and its adherents acted on behalf of some shareholders, who would like to "change a few policies of his management".
Source: “Kommersant” № 230 (698) from 03.12.1994
Annual meeting of shareholders of bank "St.-Petersburg" held on February 15, 1995 did not become a battlefield for the "old" shareholders and the mysterious investors. Brokerage company “Lenstroimaterialy”, actively buying shares of the bank and speaking openly about the plans of acquiring controlling stake of securities of the Bank "Saint Petersburg", refused to participate in the meeting. The meeting was held quite calmly. However, the situation around the bank continued to be tense.
The last shareholders’ meeting showed that the bank still managed to hold its positions. In addition, an issue of $ 48 billion, which actually gave a carte blanche to the bank management,
could cancel the plans and hopes of “Lenstroymaterialy” on its purchase of a controlling stake of “St. Petersburg" - a large stake of the bank of almost any volume can be, for example, referred "earmarked" to a friendly structure. Therefore, "Lenstroymaterialy" absence at the meeting was explained by the fact that the company simply did not manage to get enough shares for public performance. It was predicted that in the period prior to the next shareholders' meeting, which is in six months, Lenstroymaterialy would make all efforts to increase its stake.
Source: “Kommersant” № 29 (747) on 17.02.1995
In October 1995 it became known that the management of St. Petersburg brokerage firm “Lenstroymaterialy" appealed to the acting Chairman of the Central Bank of Russia Tatyana Paramonova with the requirement to check the legality of changes made in the summer of that year in the earlier registered brochure on the issue of "St. Petersburg" bank's shares. The brokerage firm demonstrated quite a lot of serious violations of law committed by the Bank "Saint Petersburg" in the course of the issue and demanded to recognize the issue to be legally untenable.
Source: “Kommersant” № 191 (909) from 14.10.1995
In March 1996, Alexander Aladushkin said that he prevailed over the Bank "Saint Petersburg". The reason for such a declaration was the decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court on the suit of "Lenstroymaterialy" to the Bank "Saint Petersburg" and the Central Bank of Russia. In early March, the court invalidated changes of the brochure on the 6th issue of bank shares and a report on the outcome of this issue, however, the company claim to the bank "Saint Petersburg" itself was rejected by the court.
Source: “Kommersant” № 49 (1007) from 26.3.
Nevertheless, in May 1997 the Presidium of Supreme Arbitration Court confirmed the rightness of the Bank “Saint Petersburg” in a dispute with “Lenstroimaterialy”. And many observers had linked the attack on the vice-president of the Bank “Saint Petersburg” Nicholay Dremin (his head was fractured), which happened a few days after the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court issued its decision.
Source: "The Company", 08.09.2001
In September 2001 Alexander Aladushkin got the attention of mass media in connection with the murder of Nikolay Shatilo in St. Petersburg, who headed the directorate of security and data protection department at “Promstroibank”. In this regard, journalists paid attention to the fact that the late was a member of the board of directors of “Vitabank”.
Shortly before the murder, "Vita" was actually under the control of the head of Promstroibank Vladimir Kogan. But in the summer of 2001, the head of Lenstroimaterialy Alexander Aladushkin became the main owner of Vitabank.
Journalists wrote at that time about the relationship between Vladimir Kogan and Alexander Aladushkin. They wrote that Aladushkin - was not a stranger for Promstroibank. Once, in 1994, due to Aladushkin’s "Lenstroimaterialy" Cogan tried to make a hostile takeover of the Bank “Saint Petersburg". Later, in 1998, Aladushkin became for some time an executive director of the banking house " Saint Petersburg" - the structures, bringing together Promstroibank and " Saint Petersburg" and designed to become a management company for managing Kogan’s possessions.
But soon the ways of Aladushkin and Kogan began to diverge. Quite possibly that the reason for their break was Kogan’s refusal to credit new projects of Aladushkin: for example, plant
“Farmakon” or the pool of food businesses, including “Petmol” and St. Petersburg mill plant.
Source: "The Company", 08.09.2001
In May 2003 Aladushkin was in the center of a scandal in "Leningrad Plant of cereal products named after Kirov” JSC, whose shares were being bought up by two groups of owners. The new CEO of the company from the group “Agros” (a part of the holding company “Interros”) Boris Myzin on May 3 was trying to get to the plant. But he was not allowed in by the structure of a famous St. Petersburg entrepreneur the head of holding "Lenstro” Alexander Aladushkin.
The plant is one of the largest flour producers in St. Petersburg, the volume of enterprise production - 250 thousand tons per year. In 2002, revenues amounted to 1.5 billion rubles, profit from sales - 143.7 million rubles. Combine assets according to the balance at the beginning of 2003 - 567 million rubles.
For a long time one of the largest flour mills in St. Petersburg remained inaccessible for outside investors: the personnel of the enterprise and top management together with the CEO Alexander Andreev controlled over 50% of the share capital. The situation changed dramatically in April-May 2003: Mr. Andreev began buying shares in his favor, that displeased the board of directors and employees of the plant. They were not satisfied with the proposed price (75 rubles vs. market value of 250 rubles) and administrative pressure.
AVK Investment Company used this situation and had received an order to buy up shares of the enterprise group “Agros” (a part of the holding company “Interros”). AVK began buying shares of Leningrad Plant of cereal products at the beginning of this year. However, buyers could not succeed then: management and plant workers were reluctant to sell their shares. The second wave of buying, which followed on April 29, turned out to be effective. Brokers managed to conclude a contract for the purchase of more than 50% of the plant in a few days. In its turn, Mr. Andreev turned for help to the structures of agricultural holding "Lenstro” of Alexander Aladushkin, which was very interested in acquiring Leningrad Plant.
May holidays prevented AVK from re-registering much of the purchased shares on the new owner. Nevertheless, this did not prevent the board of directors to appoint a new director of Leningrad Plant –Vice President of “Agros” Boris Myzin. On May 3 he made the first attempt to penetrate the plant, but was met by the armed guards. As the source from Leningrad Plant Board of Directors reported, since the 2nd May the Plant was captured by some security forces, who seized documents and archives.
Yury Makarov directed the actions of these structures – the financial director of “The St. Petersburg mill plant” JSC (the parent company of the holding company “Lenstro”). At the plant Mr. Makarov was as an executive director, to whom a former CEO of Leningrad Plant Alexander Andreev delegated his authorities. The brokerage firm “Lenstroymaterialy”, having partner relations with the structures of Mr. Aladushkin, confirmed that they were leading an alternative buying of the shares of the plant.
It is interesting that later, Alexander Andreev was killed under mysterious circumstances.
Source: “Kommersant Saint-Petersburg" № 76 / P (2679) from 05.05.2003
In summer 2007, journalists remembered about Aladushkin in connection with the received materials in the Prosecutor General's Office in regards to the Head of Federal Agency for Subsoil Usage Licensing Vadim Sogiyaynen. It became known to the media from the materials received, that Sogilyaynen organized a system of bribery based on the professional activities of its Directorate. Describing the biography of this official, the journalists wrote that his future career Vadim Sogilyaynen began in St. Petersburg beside Alexander Aladushkin, a businessman with a controversial reputation.
They say that Sogiyaynen managed to convince Aladushkin to arrange him a place in a government service. Odious businessman from the northern capital, using his contacts in St. Petersburg coterie, was able to settle Sogiyaynen to a North-Western administration of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Usage, who was later transferred to Moscow for a specified position in the Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation.
Source: "The X-Files Russia, 13.06.2007
Aladushkin interested journalists also in connection with the murder of the financial director of CJSC “Sinyavinskaya Poultry” Natalia Alexandrova in the autumn of 2007.
Natalia Alexandrova was shot that morning on her way to work. Woman was driving her Subaru along the road on the Murmansk highway and ran into an ambush. Offender discharged a horn from AK-74 with silencer and fled, leaving the weapon at the crime scene. Top-manager of "Sinyavinskaya Poultry" died on the spot.
After the murder, the director of the company Nikita Melnikov held a press conference where he said that an incident was a shock for him, and that he does not know anyone, who pretended to the soil or to the production, that’s why there is no possible reason for the murder related to the enterprise business.
Nikita Melnikov also reported that 90% stake are in the hands of five individuals, two of whom are represented by JSC Lenptitseprom, three more - by CJSC “Brokerage Firm “Lenstroimaterialy” with Alexander Aladushkin.
Source: The newspaper “Kommersant Saint-Petersburg" № 186 (3762) from 11.10.2007
In summer 2008, there was information about the complication of relations between Aladushkin and administration of St. Petersburg. In particular, it was reported that Smolny intends to become a participant in the flour market in St. Petersburg and once to become the second largest participant, surpassing the leader - "Aladushkin group".
To begin with authorities intend to expand milling capacities of "Neva Mills (owned by the investment and construction company “PBL-holding”), by purchasing the company equipment and renting a room, ensuring super- privileged terms of the deal of administrative resources, and in a half of a year - to build its own elevator and flour production for € 14 million. The Operator of Smolny on the market of flour will be state unitary SUE “Food Fund”. Producers of bread suggest that the emergence of a new supplier of flour can reduce costs for state government purchases and keep retail prices.
Valentina Matvienko hinted on the inadmissibility of unnecessary monopolism in the course of the discussion of the project at a meeting of the government - at that time "Aladushkin Group” held approximately 80% of the market in St. Petersburg.
Aladushkin Group owned Kirov mill plant and St. Petersburg flour mill, apart from them there is also a private company Rezervhleb. Until recently there was also a powerful plant, owned by "Neva mill” (a part of the assets of the investment and construction company “PBL-holding”).
Source: The newspaper “Kommersant Saint-Petersburg" № 142 (3959) on 08/13/2008