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Ahpolov Alexander Alihanovich

23.02.2018 22:42
Ahpolov Alexander Alihanovich


He was born at 29 May 1956 in the city of Ardon, Ardon district, North Ossetian ASSR.

Education – high.

He graduated from A. A. Zhdanov Leningrad State University (1983). Educated specialty “political economy”.

Speaks English.

10.09.1973-29.04.1974 - Ardon Mechanical Repair Plant Food Ministry RSFSR, turner apprentice, second-class turner.

15.05.1974-11.05.1976 - Military service in the Soviet Army.

09.08.1976-22.09.1977 - Ardon Mechanical Repair Plant WFP RSFSR, second-class turner, third-class turner.

02.12.1977-01.08.1978 - Leningrad State University of A. A. Zhdanov, student of the preparatory department.

01.09.1978-18.09.1983 - Leningrad State University of A. A. Zhdanov, student.

20.12.1983-04.02.1985 - Ardon district association «Selhoztehnika" North Ossetian ASSR, economist.

05.02.1985-22.02.1994 - Ardon Mechanical Repair Plant North Ossetian ASSR, Head of division, Deputy Director.

23.02.1994-19.09.1997- The administration of local self-government Ardon District Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, Head of Department, Deputy Head of the local self-government, the head of the financial department.

27.09.1997-08.11.1999- Taxes and Levies Governance Agency of North Ossetian-Alania Republic, head of the governance.

22.11.2001-30.04.2004- Finance Ministry of Russian Federation, head of department, head of the department – board member.

05.05.2004-20.10.2004- The Federal Service for Financial and Budgetary Supervision, temporarily Acting Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Financial and Budget Supervision, Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Financial and Budget Supervision.

21.10.2004- until now- Finance Ministry of Russian Federation, Administrative department director.



Alexander Ahpolov is well known as a henchman from Ossetian clan in the higher echelons of the Russian government. Starting his carrier in 1983 in economic sphere as an economist of Ardon district association «Agricultural machinery», in 1997 he already has been appointed to the head of the department – Republic of North Ossetia – Alania deputy minister of finance, then the first deputy of the ministry of finance. In 1999 Ahpolov receives a post of the head of Taxes and Levies Governance Agency of North Ossetian-Alania Republic. On this position Ahpolov actively contacted the North Ossetian vodka manufacturers, who almost did not pay taxes to the federal budget.

“”. 03.08.2009.


The most interesting thing is that almost all alcohol industry enterprises in North Ossetia are privately owned. Through a balanced alcohol policy, the government of the republic has trained a major player in the Russian vodka market – JSC (Join-stock company) "Istok". The owners of "Istok" realized in time that they have been actually subjected to the amnesty, and began investing millions of dollars in manufacturing, advertising and marketing. As a result, according to the Head of MHC of the republic Alexander Ahpolov, more than half of liquor industry enterprises of the country are now under the control of this company, which continues to work actively in other regions of Russia.

“Rossiyskaya gazeta” 23.10.2001


On Saturday in North Ossetia in a car accident died the Minister for Taxes and Duties of the Republic Uruzbek Kusov. Uruzbek Kusov became a Tax minister of North Ossetia recently, replacing Alexander Ahpolov, who stepped on the rise and was appointed head of the Control - Audit Office of the Russian Finance Ministry.

“Kommersant 11.03.2002               


Ahpolov unexpected appointment in the Ministry of Finance in 2001, associated to the fact that he represents the interests of the former supernumerary advisor of Alexei Kudrin, Otari Margania. Margania known for his participating in the scandal with "Alrosa" Investment group. Ahpolov met Margania in St. Petersburg, where he was a student at Leningrad State University of AA Zhdanov, who graduated with a degree in "political economy" in 1978 -1983 years.

“” 25.03.2008


In 2001-2004 Ahpolov held the positions of Head of the Department of State Financial Control and Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Financial and Budget Supervision. In this capacity, he oversaw the northern delivery and apartments allocation in the Defence Ministry, which is still considered to be one of the most corrupt and non-transparent budget spending items.

 Since 2004, Alexander Ahpolov headed Administrative Department of the Ministry of Finance, the most closed structure for external control of the Ministry.

After joining the Ministry of Finance Alexander Ahpolov was appointed a member of the Supervisory Board of "ALROSA".

“” 03.08.2009


President of Yakutia yet signed the protocol on the fate of the property of the former PNA "Yakutalmaz".

It is known that the initiator of draining information about the signed protocol to Interfax first, and then the "Vedomosti" newspaper was Alexander Alihanovich Ahpolov -Director of the Administrative Department of the Ministry of Finance of Russian Federation. "It's known on Ahpolov that he represents the interests of the former supernumerary adviser of Kudrin, Otari Margania. At the parliamentary hearings "On the legislative provision of the precious metals and precious stones market in Russian Federation" in the Federation Council on November 24 the official read out his report due to Kudrin illness (an operation to remove appendicitis). Not every officer will entrust such an important statement.

“Sahanews” 13.12.2005


At the disposal of editorial office was influential transcript of telephone conversations of the influential Yakut diamond miners and their friends in Moscow. The man's voice resembles the head of "Alrosa" Alexander Nichiporuk (N.) and a man's voice resembles Alexander Ahpolov (A.)

H: How is the visit to Leonidovich?

A: Nothing, continuous abuse.

H: Abuse, yes, but what to abuse for?

A: Of course, well, that's because of the plan adjustment, stared to asking questions as to why do I see this for the first time? Why are this and that to me? Why with you? And so on and so forth.

H: You overlaid these, what is the name?

A: Of course, he said, that I did not do dick that I do not know at all.

N: Hey, if anything, I will invite you to the company to an important position, if you get fired, ha ha.

A: Ha ha ha.

H: Well, the main thing that Leonidovich with Leontyevich do not give positions

A: They mustn't.

N: We have one main goal, to choose, and then we'll tear any cat apart, fuck.

A: Well, and tomorrow it will be necessary, as Medvedev will be, this question will be needed, sort of, here.

H: Okay.

A: What does it mean to soften, so I have the impression that from a certain point.

H: Yeah.

A: Medvedev began to act out back, so here.

H: So they recruited him.

A: Well, something like that, yes.

H: Yeah.

“” 30.12.2005


Full capture of the diamond monopoly, more than 50% of shares owned by the state, has been made possible also because "grown and matured" Margania protégés in the Russian government. It is about his faithful protégé - current chief of administrative Treasury Alexander Ahpolov, his deputy Andrei Glinov and the head of Assay Office Alexander Markin. Ahpolov is the curator of "ALROSA" from the government; also the trio enters the governing bodies of the company. Currently Ahpolov headed the Strategic Planning Committee of the Supervisory council «ALROSA», Glinov is included in the audit board of "ALROSA"; Markin is the chairman of "ALROSA" major "daughter" board of directors  - "Diamond World".      

 With the advent of Fyodor Andreyev to "ALROSA" company funds almost openly began to leave in England for uncomplicated scheme.

            During the 2008 crisis, bank KIT Finance "busted". Thanks to the efforts of Otar Margania authorities, instead of initiating a case to the credit institution management, spend 135 billion rubles of budget funds for his salvation. Some of that money has been successfully "allocated" by Margania and his "sons". Then the president of KIT-Finance Alexander Vinokourov has focused on his TV channel "Dozhd", and became a conspicuous character of protests. And his deputy at KIT Finance Sergei Grechishkin moved to London, where he created the Management Company Alcantara Asset Management LLP (address: One Warwick Row, London, SW1E 5ER, UK, phone +44 207 808 7102). In the birth of this structure participated Fedor Andreev (he died in 2015 at the age of 48 years) and Otar Margania.

“Infoliks” 01.02.2016


 Grechishkin was a vice-president of the "KIT Finance" bank, which formed a huge financial "hole" and on which salvation the government has spent 135 billion rubles. Then Grechishkin moved to London, where he became an official sponsor of Navalny FBK. Sergei also organized rallies "for fair elections" in London, appeared in the Western media, sharply criticized president Vladimir Putin and Russian government, and so on... Otar Margania and the head of the administrative department of the Ministry of Finance Alexander Ahpolov are familiar with Grechishkin for a long time and they are his "senior partners" on a various projects. In particular, Margania and Ahpolov control financial flows of "ALROSA" state company and send them on their own directions. At one time, the diamond money was properly flowing to English fund, Alcantara Asset Management LLP, belonging to Grechishkin.

“” 08.02.2016


A striking example of input the right people in the "gold-vertical" can be considered ascension of Alexander Markin as the alternates, and then as the heads to the Assay Office at the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Placed under the supervision of Otar Margania under the caring wing of a director of the administrative department of the Ministry of Finance Alexander Ahpolov, he was integrated into the "golden vertical". Office of the current "head of precious metals" Markin descends on the brakes all claims and verifies, that were kindled by cooperatives, who passed the ore, and later by the security forces. Theft of precious metals in this "control" has grown to dozens of tons.

“Nasha Versia” 28.12.2015 


   Russian Ministry of Finance expects, that about 25 tons of gold will be sold from Gokhran. This statement was made by the head of the department of the Ministry of Finance, which oversees circulation of precious metals and stones in Russia, Alexander Ahpolov. "We plan to sell, but not 40-50 tons, somewhere around 25 tons," - he said.

   According to Ahpolov, it is possible that gold will be sold on the internal market. "Maybe we will not sell in the foreign market, but how can we not sell at all, if there is a presidential decree and a sales plan, approved by order of the government?" - Said the representative of the Ministry of Finance.

Ahpolov added that the volume of gold sales is still under discussion. "We plan to sell, but not 40-50 tons, somewhere around 25 tons," - he said.

“Interfacs” 29.10.2009


And here is another meeting of a man, whose voice resembles Kyrgyz emissary with a man, whose voice is like the voice of the head of Finance Department Alexander Ahpolov - this time, June 25, 2012, but in Simferopol. Interlocutor again requires more gold from Russia. For the needs of Hodja (devoted to conversations call between themselves a former till August 2014 Turkey Prime Minister Recep Erdogan, which now has become the head of the country). Characteristic phrases from the talk about gold in Simferopol, lined on the Web.

Emissary of the Turks:

- Hodja do not have enough.

A Russian character:

- Well, Hodja should be cool a bit... We have our Otar as our Hodja ... Volodya, Dima change, but Otar always ...

- What message?

- The needed volume of gold will be presented ... It is necessary to include other plants for more ... While Andrew is working objectively give the right ... It's all so much for you ... Tons...

     As you can see, the gold flow out of Russia is not the first and only all increases. We will try to understand where the precious metal gets in the end.

Event interrelation forces us to take a closer look at Turkey, where the flow of smuggled precious metal goes.

         Prior to the deterioration of relations with this country in the gold flows to the shores of the Bosphorus could be viewed merely as a crime.

           Recently, the character, familiar to us, seems to have been cheered up by the Turkish side, preparing for a confrontation with Russia.

         "Race" began with the fact that on 24 September 2015, Simferopol, which has already become Russian, some Turk came to a secret meeting with a man whose voice sounds like the voice of Alexander Ahpolov of the Ministry of Finance. And the voice of the Turk was similar like to peas to the voice of Osman Atalay, vice-chairman of the fund, IHH (İnsan Hak ve Hürriyetleri ve İnsani Yardım Vakfı), registered in Istanbul.

           We will inform those, who do not know about the fund, that as early as 2010, the European Jewish Congress demanded from the EU leadership to bring it to the list of terrorist organizations. Fund is under the control of certain Bilal, mentioned in the leaks of Simferopol talks with Turk (open secret - the son of the current president of the Turkish Nejmeddin Bilal Erdogan).

“Nasha Versia” 28.12.2015




Ahpolov does not hide the fact that while working in the Ministry of Finance he became the owner of the property value for more than $ 5 million.

Not having worked for two years in Moscow, Ahpolov became the owner of the estate on Rubloyvka. In June 2003, the eternal official acquired three adjacent land plots (12 acres, 6 acres and 2 acres) in the village Buzaevo Odintsovo District. It is easy to calculate that the purchase of 20 acres was to be $ 800 thousand to the official. Seller (the contract is registered in the IUF 01.07.2003 for №50-01 / 20-48 / 2003-123.1) acted as Joint-Stock Company "Agricultural complex" Gorki-2 ", which belonged then and belongs now to Andrew Klinovsky - son-in-law of former Prime Minister and opposition leader Mikhail Kasyanov.

In 2011 and 2012 Alexander Ahpolov decides that it is time to officially register the numerous buildings that have already been on plots for a long time. As a result, the official Ahpolov registered a residential building area of 496.3 square meters (this is a big brick mansion, registration rights number 50-50-96 / 075 / 2011-398), a guest house with an area of 108.8 square meters (a smaller cottage, registration rights number 50-50-96 / 075 / 2011-399), as well as some non-residential premises, one floor of which - is underground (probably a bunker or storage for the money).

Looking at the real estate agency websites, you may find that now, in times of crisis, an area of 15 acres in Buzaevo with buildings like Ahpolov have, sold for about $ 4 million. An official have more land, and the houses are more interesting, accordingly, his estate is more expensive. October 19, 2012 Ahpolov becomes the owner (registration rights number 77-77-20 / 139 / 2012-350) of a flat area of 142.8 square meters (or Penthouse, or 2-level apartment) in a house on the street №7 Krasnaya Presnya, right to the next door to the White House. The cost of apartments in this luxury complex starts at $ 1.2 million, and Ahpolov housing "pull" somewhere in the $ 1.8-2 million.

“Infoliks” 08.02.2016

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