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Bastrykin Alexander Ivanovich

23.02.2018 22:42
Bastrykin Alexander Ivanovich



Born August 27, 1953 in Pskov. In 1975 he graduated from faculty of law of the Leningrad State University. He was the head of the group where Vladimir Putin studied. He was engaged actively in public work, entered the CPSU (remained the party member until it was prohibited in August, 1991). After the university graduation he was sent to police where he worked till the end of 70's as the inspector of criminal investigation department and the investigator.

In 1977-1980 he studied in postgraduate faculty of law in Leningrad State University. In 1980 he passed Ph.D. defense with the thesis theme "Problems in investigation of criminal cases with participation of foreign citizens". Since then he was engaged in teaching, Komsomol and party work. He was the teacher, then the senior teacher at criminal trial and criminology department of faculty of law in LSU. From 1980 till 1985 - secretary of committee of Komsomol in LSU, secretary of Leningrad city town committee AULYCL.

In 1986 he became Assistant to the secretary of Communist Party Committee in LSU. In 1987 he passed doctoral thesis defense on a theme "Problems of cooperation of interstate and international law in criminal legal proceedings".

Since 1988 he headed Leningrad institute of investigatory workers’ development at Office of Public Prosecutor of the USSR. In 1992-1996 he held a post of the rector of the St.-Petersburg legal institute, received an academic status of the professor.

In 1996-1998 he was Assistant on legal issues to the commandant of internal security troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in North-Western part of Russia. In 1998 he was appointed as the head of Northwest branch of the Russian legal academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. In July, 2001 he became the head of North-West department of Ministry of Justice, in June, 2006 - the head of Chief Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Central federal district.

On October 6, 2006 he was appointed Deputy to the Public Prosecutor of the Russian Federation Jury Chaika, carried out supervision of investigation of criminal cases.

On June 22, 2007 the Federation Council approved him on a post of the chairman of Investigatory committee.

On September, 19 Bastrykin was dismissed from the post of Deputy to the General Public Prosecutor and became the first deputy of the public prosecutor that, according to the legislation, corresponded to a post of the Head of Investigatory Committee.

According to the published data about Bastrykin’s property and incomes, his incomes for 2009 made almost 6.3 million rubles.

Bastrykin is State Councilor in justice of the first class, the honorable law officer, active member of Academy of security problems, defense and the law and order, Russian academy of social sciences and Baltic pedagogical academy. He is an author of some scientific works on criminally-legal subjects and the state and right theory, and also a series of publicist articles; Has the state and public awards, including medals of Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation "For diligence" of I and II degrees. On September 1, 2008 President Medvedev awarded Bastrykin with the order "For merits for Country" "for the big merits in legality and law and order strengthening, long-term successful activity".

Bastrykin is married, has two children.

Source: (by data on 5/11/2010)


The first publication unpleasant for Bastrykin appeared in the autumn of 2006. The name of Bastrykin appeared then in the press in connection with the scandal regarding the check of texts published in newspapers «Za Russkoe Delo» and «Rus Pravoslavnaya» executed by Office of Public Prosecutor of Petersburg. Originally at St.-Petersburg institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences it was taken out the conclusion that publications contained statements in the spirit of Blackhundredists and could be recognized as incitement of ethnic hatred. But as the press wrote, Office of Public Prosecutor was unsatisfied with such a conclusion and texts were transferred to examination to experts from Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts; its active member was the new deputy to public prosecutor Bastrykin. Experts of the academy did not find in nationalist texts any incitements of ethnic hatred and it helped editor-in-chiefs of both editions - Konstantin Dushenov and Oleg Gusev - to avoid criminal prosecution. Journalists hinted that Bastrykin took personal part in support of nationalists at carrying out of the given examination.

Source: «Vash Taynyj Sovetnik», October, 2006


In 2007 becoming a head of Investigating Commitee Bastrykin appeared in the center of the war of security officials lasting for a few. According to the press two cases — case of "Three whales» (about furniture contraband) and about contraband of the Chinese consumer goods became the reason of this war. When Putin was the president he charged the head of Federal Drug Control service Victor Cherkesov to investigate the case of "Three whales» which as it was informed from the very beginning encountered the most severe resistance of a management of the State Office of Public Prosecutor of that time and FSB. Investigation led to dismissal of several employees of FSB and public prosecutor's generals including public prosecutor Ustinov. As press wrote during the legal investigation concerning contraband of the Chinese consumer goods it was found out that the high-ranking employees of FSB took part in protection of illegal channels.

Ustinov was Sechin’s protege who wished to revenge.

According to the press, the alignment of forces in the conflict looks like that: on the one hand it is Cherkesov and a management of Federal Agency of protection of the president, on another hand - vice-premier Igor Sechin and FSB management.

Sources: 10/15/2007, "Moskovsky Komsomolets" from 03.10.07


According to the press, Sechin could achieve division of the State Office of Public Prosecutor and Investigatory committee, thereby taking a revenge for dismissal of Ustinov. As mass-media wrote Alexander Bastrykin appointed as the head of Investigating Commitee as Putin's classmate is guided just on Sechin’s team.

Source: politcom.Ru, 6/22/2007, Russian Newsweek, № 5 from 1/29/2007


In a press the opinion is expressed that the idea of division of a public prosecutor's investigation from the State Office of Public Prosecutor could belong to Bastrykin who before becoming the head of Investigating Commitee supervised investigation of criminal cases in State Office of Public Prosecutor and regularly clashed with another assistant to Jury Chaika Victor Grin. At the resolution of conflicts Chaika gave a priority for his protege Grin. As the press wrote, Bastrykin ostensibly considered such practice of the public prosecutor who concentrated too much power in his hands as vicious.

Source: «Kommersant» № 107 (3683) from 6/22/2007


According to mass-media relations between Jury Chaika and Alexander Bastrykin were uneasy still when the first one was the Minister of Justice, and the second one supervised North-West department of Ministry of Justice. It was informed that Bastrykin’s department regularly was checked and the fact that he kept the post was connected only with his communications in the minions of the president.

Source: «Kommersant» № 184 (3515) from 10/3/2006


According to the press before becoming the head of Investigating Commitee Bastrykin did not work day neither as inspector, nor as public prosecutor or supervisor preliminary investigation.

The press wrote that he did not manage to get a foot in a door neither in public prosecutor's, nor in police environment. And it made a nominee of Bastrykin almost ideal for the post of the head of Investigating Commitee in a situation when the target not fine-tuning of the existing mechanism, but «cleaning» and "reformatting" was set.

As the press wrote, the first step Bastrykin did on a new post – he softened sensational cases about contraband.

Sources: "Moskovsky Komsomolets" from 04.04.10, "The New Times" from 14.05.07, "Kommersant" № 142 (3718) from 8/10/2007


According to mass-media, Bastrykin did not take to Investigating Commitee about ten inspectors investigating the most scandal cases. Among "rejected" there were: major case investigator of the State Office of Public Prosecutor Salavat Karimov (supervised over investigation of two criminal cases concerning Khodorkovsky), head of department on major cases investigation of the State Office of Public Prosecutor Sergey Ivanov (supervised over an investigation of Politkovskaya’s murder case), deputy chief of this department Andrey Mayorov (supervised investigation of a poisoning of Litvinenko). The inspectors engaged in case investigation of the deceived investors of association "Social initiative", case about contraband of mobile phones by company "Euroset" and about rader capture of the several enterprises in St.-Petersburg in 2006-2007 did not get to the Investigating Commitee.

Sources: Kommersant, №164 (3740) from 9/11/2007, from 9/11/2007 and from 9/18/2007


As the press informed, in order to find out of relations between agents of national security and, accordingly, between Investigating Commitee and the State Office of Public Prosecutor resonant criminal cases were used.

It was reported that by the end of 2007 relations between the State Office of Public Prosecutor and Investigating Commitee became aggravated to a limit.

Source: 2/3/2010


In the autumn of 2007 general Alexander Bulbov who was considered as the right hand of director of Federal Drug Control Service Victor Cherkesov was arrested. It was informed that exactly Bulbov investigation of the cases of «Three whales» and Chinese contraband.

According to the press, the State Office of Public Prosecutor unsuccessfully tried to challenge arrest of Bulbov; the wife of the general declared as hi detention was illegal, arrest occurred without criminal case initiation and case was not registered at all. She said Bastrykin ignored complaints. Bulbov’s wife declared that case against her husband was created by Investigating Commitee.

Source: «Kommersant» № 26 (4081) from 2/13/2009


It was informed that in October, 2008 the Supreme court passed the judgment on illegality of Bulbov’s arrest as also criminal case against him was initiated illegally with rough infringement of formalities.

In the autumn of 2009 it became known that Jury Chaika returned supplementary examination a case about corruption and illegal listening of telephone conversations the main accused person on which it was Bulbov.

Source: «Kommersant» № 5 (4060) from 1/15/2009, № 216 (4271) from 11/19/2009


Another loud and scandalous opposition between Investigating Commitee and the State Office of Public Prosecutor was connected with the case of the deputy minister of finance Sergey Storchak arrested on November 16, 2007. At first he was accused of attempt at plunder of $43,4 million during the settlement of a debt of Algeria to Russia. And then the second case connected with return of the Kuwaiti debt was initiated. According to the press, the State Office of Public Prosecutor unexpectedly for many recognized the second criminal case as illegal. Bastrykin wrote the letter to Chaika in which he expressed disagreement with decision cancellation. Thus, as press wrote, deputy to general prosecutor Grin who signed the decision about illegality of the case was accused by representatives of committee almost of falsification of the documents.

Source: «Kommersant» № 236 (3812) from 12/21/2007


In June, 2008 Storchak has published the open letter. He named the case brought against him as the planned action directed against the interests of the state. According to Storchak, his arrest led to failure of the Russian negotiations with Libya (for which Storchak was responsible), and also to the fact that "a number of projects became frozen up». The tightening of negotiations and, accordingly, additional budgetary expenses of Russia on payment of projects became a consequence of it as the author of the letter confirmed.

Source: from February 12, 2009


Under mass-media data, from the moment of detention of Storchak vice-premier Kudrin named his returning in ministry as a "matter of principle". According to mass-media, release of Storchak in October, 2008 finished opposition of Investigating Commitee and the Ministry of Finance in favor of the last one.

Source: from February 12, 2009


In September, 2008 press informed about thaw in relations between heads of Investigating Commitee and the State Office of Public Prosecutor. It was informed that Jury Chaika awarded Alexander Bastrykin with a medal "For faultless service".

In March, 2009 the Supreme court confirmed the superiority of a post of Chaika over a post of Bastrykin. The Supreme court explained that Bastrykin and his subordinates are obliged to fulfill orders of the public prosecutor.

Source: Vremya Novostey, № 35 from 3/3/2009, "Kommersant" № 160 (3977) from 9/6/2008


In Bastrykin’s department the head of SID of IC at the State Office of Public Prosecutor Dmitry Dovgy who was considered as confidant to Bastrykin was engaged in the case of Storchak and Bulbov. As wrote in a press, the backstroke was done for Dovgy.

Source: «The New Times», 4/7/2008


In the beginning of 2008 at Dovgy faced troubles: two major case inspectors of Investigating Commitee operating as it was considered not independently, but in interests of the State Office of Public Prosecutor wrote the letter department in which they accused their boss Dovgy of corruption and official abusing. Bastrykin had to discharge Dovgy of work, to made a check concerning him and then to dismiss at all. Dovgy named an event as the planned action against him and indirectly — against Bastrykin. Dovgy complained to the court on a wrongful dismissal, but then he was arrested on suspicion in attempt of reception of a large scale bribe and abuse of rank.

The press informed that Dovgy accused Bastrykin of "framing up of some criminal cases".

Source: Magazine "Power" № 19 (772) from 5/19/2008, Kommersant-Online, 5/29/2008


Dovgy declared that Bastrykin forbade him to investigate case of Investsotsbank behind which ostensibly there was a Service of external investigation, and the owner of this bank is Ruslan Valitov from whom Dovgy received a bribe as investigation confirmed.

Dovgy also said that he did not find out any elements of a crime in Storchak’s, however Bastrykin demanded on initiation of criminal cases "by all means”.

Former head of IC asserted that arrests of Storchak and Bulbov were a consequence of war of political groups, and Bastrykin authorizing arrests operated by order of special services.

As a result jurymen recognized Dovgy as guilty of bribe reception.

Sources: «Kommersant» № 107 (4162) from 6/18/2009, № 192 (4009) from 10/22/2008, № 112 (4167) from 6/25/2009, from February, 12th 2009


According to the press, Storchak and Bulbov by the order of Bastrykin were arrested by the head of Moscow investigatory department Anatoly Bagmet.

In December, 2009 acting public prosecutor of Russia Alexander Buksman issued the order for dismissal of Bagmet for violation of the oath of public prosecutor. Bagmet declared that only his direct boss Bastrykin could dismiss him.

In few days Jury Chaika cancelled the order of Buksman for dismissal of Bagmet.

Trying to dismiss Bagmet Buksman by then became an object of attention of Bastrykin’s department. It was informed that in 2005-2006 a case concerning Buksman about abuse of rank at competition carrying out for replacement of posts of the notary was initiated. In August, 2006, right after appointment of Buksman as the first deputy to Chaika case was stopped. In May, 2008 Bastrykin resumed an investigation on this case. But Chaika cancelled this decision of Bastrykin.

Source: «Kommersant» № 238 (4293) from 12/19/2009, "Kommersant" № 189 (3765) from 10/16/2007


In April, 2008 the press informed about ostensibly taking place correspondence between the head of Investigatory Committee at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation the general of justice Alexey Anichin and the head of IC Bastrykin. As it followed from the correspondence, in the end of 2007 subordinates of Bastrykin ostensibly spent «unreasonable withdrawal» of the documents and material evidences on 5 criminal cases four of which were connected with laundering and cashing in of billions rubles through a number of banks. As it was informed, the name of the killed vice-president of the Central Bank Andrey Kozlov who not only disposed to withdraw licenses at the banks mentioned in affairs but also directed the information on their activity to IC in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation anyhow appeared in all five affairs. In the letter to Bastrykin Anichin asserted that as a result of illegal actions of employees of Investigating Commitee work of Investigatory committee at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on a number of criminal cases was almost stopped. Anichin wrote that inspectors of Investigating Commitee withdrew multivolume (more than 600 volumes) criminal cases which were in a stage of investigation, thereby discharging inspectors of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of work.

Bastrykin answered the charges of Anichin that his subordinates did not mean to interfere to work of inspectors of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and there were no any infringements in their actions.

In a press the opinion was expressed that the described case is one more struggle between clans of agents of national security. And Investigating Commitee (supported by FSB) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs (supported by Jury Chaika) — pawns in this struggle.

Source: The New Times, 4/7/2008


In the newspaper «Moskovsky Komsomolets» some times there were the publications discrediting Bastrykin. But it is necessary to accept the content of these publications critically since their author - the deputy of the State Duma Alexander Hinstein – is ranked to the team of Cherkesov and the Chaika.

On May 30, 2008 in «МК» there was an interview to the former assistant of Bastrykin Dmitry Dovgy. In there Dovgy declared that case of general Bulbov was fabricated by order of Bastrykin. Dovgy was arrested soon after the publication of this interview.

Source: from July, 14th 2008


In July, 2008 Hinstein made a startler that head of Investigating Commitee ostensibly has business abroad. According to Hinstein, in 2001 Bastrykin together with the wife founded in Czech Republic the closed joint-stock company "LAW Bohemia" which was engaged in real estate trade. However, during that moment it was not infringement from outside Bastrykin since he was not the state employee. But, as Hinstein confirmed, becoming acting head of federal management of Ministry of Justice on Northwest federal district Bastrykin did not refuse a post of the director and the status of the founder of "LAW Bohemia". Moreover, according to the deputy, he received two-year Czech commercial visa which was in his passport. Hinstein declared that the fact that head of Investigating Commitee conducted illegal enterprise activity abroad made him vulnerable for recruitment by foreign special services.

The deputy also asserted that infringements of Bastrykin were caused by feeling of permissiveness which he ostensibly has being Vladimir Putin's classmate

Having accused Bastrykin, Hinstein urged him to resign and to complain on him, Hinstein, in court. If Bastrykin does not do that, it will mean that he completely agrees with the opened facts.

Source: 7/3/2008, on July, 3rd 2008


Hinstein also told about check of Investigating Commitee by Audit Chamber in the beginning of 2009. As the deputy confirmed, in its process numerous infringements were found out: Investigating Commitee bought the goods without tenders, on overcharges; people without legal and even in general without higher education were employed.

Source: "Moskovsky Komsomolets", 6/2/2009


In March, 2009 Hinstein from pages of «МК» informed that the apartment of Bastrykin in Petersburg was under mysterious attack of unknown persons. Details as the author of a material confirmed were kept a secret. The edition informed that the signal about state of emergency came to the Admiralty police department #1. Neighbor of Bastrykin ostensibly informed that the door in the apartment of head of Investigating Commitee located in the house 26 on Galernaya street was smashed. Bastrykin arrived to Petersburg next day and declared that nobody opened a door to his apartment and from it was gone nothing. He also refused to write the application to police. Referring to sources in police Hinstein made the assumption that Bastrykin did not wish to foul hi nest – after all it has a reputation for the keen collector of antiques.

Source: from March 27, 2009


In April, 2009 the State Office of Public Prosecutor published the data about a property status and incomes of the heads and members of their families, on what deputy Hinstein was not slow to react. It was informed that in 2008 Bastrykin earned twice more money than Chaika - 5,2 million rubles. It was informed Bastrykin had two apartments in 216 and 60 sq. m and the rented summer residence. The spouse of head of Investigating Commitee earned in 2008 1,6 million roubles. Besides the general with the husband of 60-meter apartment at that point in time she was the owner of apartment in Czech Republic with the area of 42 sq. meters and Toyota Corolla car. It was affirmed that Bastrykin received the basic income from lecturing and a writing of books on jurisprudence. In this connection deputy Hinstein noticed that Bastrykin gave lectures mainly in Northwest branch of the Russian legal academy of the Ministry of Justice which rector was its former spouse. Therefore Hinstein began to doubt in legitimacy of reception of impressive fees by Bastrykin there.

Source: «Kommersant» № 71 (4126) from 4/21/2009


In the summer of 2009 the president discharged Bastrykin’s deputy Igor Sobolevsky. In this connection deputy Hinstein burst in the next exposing article directed against the head of Investigating Commitee. Referring to own sources, Hinstein asserted that Sobolevsky who was considered as authorized representative of Bastrykin ostensibly appeared in materials of the investigation concerning arrest in Spain of 15 persons connected with "Tambov" criminal group. According to Hinstein, Sobolevsky came into the view of the Spanish police because he ostensibly repeatedly contacted to Gennady Petrov, the basic figure in the case who was named as the leader of the criminal group

Source: "Moskovsky Komsomolets", 6/2/2009


In the beginning of 2010 Hinstein published article in which he told how Bastrykin together with the children visited amusement park “Riviera" in Sochi and was unsatisfied with service. Bastrykin as Hinstein wrote was not allowed to get the ticket for disposable visiting of an attraction, and was forced to get a bonus card. Bastrykin considered that his rights as consumer are restrained. As a result the director of firm "Karusel“ renting attractions in the park was not only dismissed, but also brought to administrative responsibility. And subsequently regional Investigating Commitee initiated a criminal case concerning the ex-director having considered that operation of attractions did not correspond to life and health safety requirements of consumers.

Source: MK, 4/27/2010


In November, 2009 Bastrykin caused scandal having sent the letter to the chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Boris Gryzlov. Bastrykin accused deputies of numerous attempts of unreasonable intervention to investigation of criminal cases by deputy inquiries and references, according to Bastrykin dictated by personal interest. For example, head of Investigating Commitee asserted that at once 14 deputies of the State Duma and 2 councilors of Federation sent letters in protection of the person on remand of the deputy minister of the finance of the Russian Federation Sergey Storchak. The deputy of Union Russia Adam Amirilaev, according to Bastrykin, «directly suggested to consider the issue on change of preventive punishment to recognizance not to leave for the active participant of a band». Bastrykin named deputy initiatives as attempts to influence to investigation. He convicted some deputies that by means of deputy inquiries they defended interests of the relatives and acquaintances.

Having inspected the facts stated by Bastrykin the State Duma of the Russian Federation rejected charges in bias and pressure for investigation by means of deputy inquiries and references.

Sources: «Kommersant» № 16 (4316) from 1/30/2010, from December, 7th 2009


In February, 2010 Bastrykin declared that for increase of crime detection it was necessary to oblige each migrant at registration to leave the fingerprints.

Soon after press informed that Bastrykin suggested to finger-print all inhabitants Caucasus federal district. His statement caused anger of the legal experts who accused the head of Investigating Commitee in discrimination of Caucasians. After that representative of Bastrykin specified that the head of Investigating Commitee was misunderstood: he meant that obligatory dactyloscopy should be done for all inhabitants of Russia, and not just CFD.

Source: 3/4/2010, Kommersant-Online, 3/5/2010, Kommersant-Online, 2/11/2010


In 2010 incomes of Bastrykin for 2009 were published. It was informed that in 2009 Bastrykin earned three times more than Chaika — almost 6,3 million roubles. The income of the spouse of head of Investigating Commitee is 1,82 million roubles, but she lost apartment in Czech Republic.

Source: «Kommersant» № 80 (4380) from 5/7/2010

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