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Zhukov Alexander Dmitrievich

23.02.2018 22:42
Zhukov Alexander Dmitrievich


Alexander Zhukov (born 1 June 1956, Moscow) graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University with a degree in Mathematical Economics in 1978. After graduating from university, he was a researcher at the All-Soviet Institute for Systems’ Research of the Academy of Sciences.

In 1980-1991 he filled various positions in the Main Currency and Economic Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Finance: economist, senior expert, deputy head and head of the Department for Financing Foreign Economic Ties.

1986-1989 member of the local government of Moscow’s Baumansky district (this body was called District Council of People’s Deputies)

1991-1993 vice-president of an international trade firm called AvtoTractoroExport JSC

1994-2004 member of the State Duma

During 1998-2003 Zhukov was a member of the supervisory board of Sberbank, member of the board of Agency for Restructuring of Financial Organizations, member of the Economic Council of the RF Government, member of the National Banking Council of the RF Central Bank.

9 March 2004 - 20 December 2011 deputy prime minister of Russia

On 4 December 2011 he was elected member of the 6th State Duma of the Russian Federation. He was on the party list of the candidates of the United Russia party in Kaliningrad Region. On 15 December he registered as a member of the parliament, and on 21 December 2011 he was elected first deputy speaker of the State Duma.    


Order of Merit for the Motherland of the 3rd Class (2011)

Order of Merit for the Motherland of the 4th Class (2006)

Order of Friendship (2007)

Order of Honour (2003)

2 letters of commendation from the RF Government (2006 and 2009)

2 letters of commendation from the RF President (2002 and 2004)

Russian Orthodox Church Order of Saint Prince Daniel of Moscow of the 1st Class (2011)

Source: Russian Wikipedia



In July 2001, Zhukov made a few statements supporting the idea of tax amnesty for Russians who had moved their assets in tax havens abroad. “We should give Russian citizens an opportunity to bring back to Russia the assets they had moved from the country without paying taxes and violating currency regulations. After paying 13%, which is the standard rate of VAT, they should be forgiven of tax liability,” he said. Zhukov added that the state budget of Russia would benefit from such measure, and the country would attract more investment. Later on, in February 2006, Zhukov said that the next measure after the tax amnesty could be citizens’ spend control.

Source: Kommesant, 16 February 2006     


In July 2006, Russian media mentioned Zhukov in connection with so called alcohol crisis, when, due to inefficiency of a state service responsible for implementation of a new system of alcohol production control, Russia faced severe deficit of alcohol in free market. Prime minister Mikhail Fradkov ordered ministries and agencies to take measures to tackle the situation and entrusted Zhukov the control of the implementation of this order.

Source: ITAR-TASS, 21 July 2006 


According to the reports, in 2007 former vice-president of AvtoTractorExport Alexander Zhukov and a group of people close to him became owners of the vast network of after-sale and service outlets of the company. After that the foreign sales of Russian-made KamAz trucks and tractors suddenly dropped, because there was no place to service or sell the vehicles anymore.    

Source: Russky Kuryer, 7-13 March 2007


The son of Russia's deputy prime minister has been jailed for 14 months after a drunken brawl which left a banker with a crushed cheekbone.

Petr Zhukov attacked Ben Ramsey, 26, at a house party in Albany Court, Whitechapel, east London.

Source: BBC News, 8 June 2007


At first, Alexander Zhukov’s press service denied that Petr Zhukov, arrested after a drunken brawl in London, was the son of the vice prime-minister. However, it turned out that the arrested Petr Zhukov was not only an investment banker, as the vice PM’s son, but also he was born on the same day - 2 September 1982

Source: Kommersant, 19 April 2007


In 2008-2009 Zhukov spoke about the global financial crisis and its impact on Russia for several times. In April 2008 he claimed that Russia would escape the crises. “Financial reserves of our economy give confidence and guarantee for foreign investors”.

Source: Rosbalt, 1 April 2008


In September 2011, president Medveded demanded that officials must leave boards of the directors of state comporations. Zhukov left the post of the chairman of the board of the Russian Railways, but remained one of the directors.

Source: Reuters, 30 September 2011


In September 2011, Zhukov headed the party list of the ruling United Russia party in Kaliningrad Region. During the 4 December elections, the party garnered only 37% of votes in the region - far below the average result of the party in Russia. On 21 December 2011 Medvedev signed a decree, dismissing vice prime-minister Zhukov, on the grounds that “he transferred to the job in the State Duma”.  

Source: RBK, 21 December 2011

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