Born on December 19, 1962 in Leningrad. In 1985 graduated from Leningrad Institute of technology with degree in radiating chemistry. After graduation from the institute, since 1985 for 1989 worked at «Baltic factory». In the beginning of 90s Alexander Nesis left a post of the deputy chief of shop «Baltic factory» and started private business. His first steps were connected with uranium business - Nesis received rare-earth metals from a waste of uranium extraction.
In 1991 Nesis opened shop on manufacture of a synthetic winterize for jackets. He enclosed the earned means in AOZT "МСТ" company where since April, 1991 he was the vice-president. Same year Alexander Nesis together with the partners created and headed business structure which in 1993 was issued as a group of companies «ICT» («Investments, Constructions, Technologies»), specializing on management of investments in finance and industrial development.
«ICT» group’s actives are concentrated in such branches, as mechanical engineering ("Titran-Express" – manufacture of carload carts and tank tracks), banking («ICT» has 50% of "Nomos-bank"), engineering (“ICM” – “Investment, Constructions, Management», joint enterprise created together with BARAN group), development («Northwest Technopark») and the chemical industry (KIF, manufacture of catalysts for petrol chemistry). Besides, «ICT» owns shares of gold mining company "Polymetal". Nesis is a member of management team in "Polymetal" as well as all those who began business with him in the early nineties. It is, in particular, Nikolay Dobrinov who is responsible for interaction with the federal and regional authorities and the councilor of directors of this company. Other person close to Nesis - Mikhail Suslov who is responsible for finance administration, since 1998 holding a post of the vice-president of board of directors in "Polymetal". Mikhail Ushakov who since 1996 worked as the director for strategic planning in OAO «Baltic factory», and since 1998 - the assistant to the general director of ZAO «ICT», the councilor of directors of OAO "Polymetal". Alexey Gudaitis, since 1994 - the vice-president of ZAO «ICT», and with 1998 - the councilor of directors of OAO "Polymetal".
In 1993 "Nomos-bank" was founded, “ITC” was 100 % its proprietor. Following the results of 2009 the bank took 14th position in a rating of the largest Russian banks. In 2007-2008 49,99 % of bank shares were sold to strategic investors — the Czech group PPF and Slovak group J&T. «ICT» group possesses a bank controlling interest (50,01 % of voting actions).
In 1993 at open privatization competition «ICT» group got controlling interest of «Baltic factory», one of the largest Russian shipyards. Further the package was finished to 75 % and in the autumn 1997 sold to "Oneksim" group. Factory shares were redeemed back in the middle of 1998.
In 1998 «ICT» group started to develop a mining direction of the activity, having created "Polymetal". From the moment of creation and till 2003 Alexander Nesis held a post of the general director of the company, participating in an operational administration of the company. Then was created the specialized holding including prospecting, engineering and extracting companies which is now the largest in Russia and the third manufacturer in the world of primary silver and one of the manufacturers of gold largest in the country. In 2005 «ICT» group left the project, having concentrated the efforts to working out of new directions. However in 2008, having seen new prospects of growth of capitalization of the company, Alexander Nesis with group of friendly investors (Peter Kellner, Alexander Mamut) redeemed a controlling interest at company "Nafta-Moscow". At the moment «ICT» group is operating shareholder of "Polymetal". Current capitalization of the company on LSE makes more than 4.2 billion dollars.
In 1999 "Polymetal" got the controlling interest of ZAO «Zun Hada» which had the license for working out gold ore deposit Barun-Holba in Buryat Republic. The next step was purchase of ZAO «Gold of Northern Ural» with the license for working out gold ore deposits Vorontsovsky. Subsequently there were also other acquisitions. In 2001 deposits Barun-Holba, Vorontsovsky, Lunar were put into operation. In 2002 mine "Ducat", and in 2003 - a deposit Hakandzhinsky were entered into commercial operation.
In 2001 Alexander Nesis began building up ferroalloy factory in Tikhvin (Leningrad region). In the end of 2006 as a result of merge to the British company Oriel Resources Plc it was created a vertically integrated metallurgical company uniting one of the world's largest chromite ore deposits "Rising" (Aktyubinsk area, Kazakhstan) and Tikhvin ferroalloy factory (ТФЗ). In 2008 the project was sold to "Mechel" group for 1.5 billion dollars.
Since 2001 Alexander Nesis and «ICT» group developed a machine-building direction in Tikhvin on the basis of an industrial complex of former factory "Transmash". In 2007 complex modernization of manufacture on release of passenger carts and tank tracks — assembly factory "Titran-express" was finished.
In March, 2010 Agency of mortgage loan restructuring (ARIZHK) in cooperation with «ICT» group started the program "Moving" aimed to assist in citizens’ labor migration. According to this program, «ICT» and OAO "ARIZHK" assist in employment at Tikhvin car-building factory, moving and acquisition there habitation to the citizens having in the property habitation, if their qualification and a speciality follow the requirements of "TCBF". «ICT» group also is the proprietor of 27 % of shares of leading Israeli construction holding BARAN Group which on an equal footing with group created Russian engineering company "ICM" representing itself as constructor and contractor at building of TCBF.
Among others business projects of Alexander Nesis there was transport-logistic company "Incotec" (1992-2005), one of the largest universal transport-logistic holdings of Russia, including terminal and warehouse complexes, the navigable, motor transportation, railway, shipping, agency and operational companies with the head transport-logistic center; logistical centers "Interterminal" (1992-2005), one of the largest players in the market of storage of cargoes on own container and warehouse terminals of A and B classes; office and inhabited real estate of a A class in Moscow and St.-Petersburg.
In June, 2010 it was made the transaction on share purchase of "Uralkali" which were got by Alexander Nesis structures, Suleiman Kerimov and Philaret Galchev.
In 2010 in Forbes list Alexander Nesis occupies the 44th place among the Russian businessmen with the capital of 1400 million dollars. In global Forbes list — «The World's Billionaires» in 2010 Nesis occupied 721st place.
Alexander Nesis is divorced, has two children.
Source: www.biografija.ru, "Vedomosti" № 120 (2142) from 7/2/2008,
In 1994 Alexander Nesis for the first time was in the centre of scandal case connected with activity of JSCB "Animabank" (subsequently - "Inkasbank") which actual owner he was. It was said that the basic interests of "Animabank" were connected with activity of RAO «High-speed highways» («VSM») (officially "VSM" was created for realization of the project of highway «Moscow – Petersburg») and both withdrawal and greenwashing the money allocated from the budget on its functioning or taken on credit under guarantees of the federal and local authorities. At the governmental level the idea of RAO "VSM" was lobbied by Alexey Bolshakov, close friend of Ilya Klebanov, the plenipotentiary of the President in North-Western Federal District which had special relations with Nesis. Later after bank formation, a stock package was redeemed by OAO all-union scientific research institute of mineral-salt production which was a part of Nesis’s interests. Thus, the basic shareholders of all-union scientific research institute were offshore companies Brumbridge Company Limited (Ireland), First Clifton Nominess Ltd (Man island), Second Clifton Nominess Ltd (Man island), Melin Real Estate Corp. (Panama), Robertson Trading Ltd (British Virgin Islands) and Bigbury Company Ltd (Ireland). All-union scientific research institute of mineral-salt production actually wasn't engaged in the declared activity - studying of mineral salt production. It was supposed that through "Animabank" / "Inkasbank" means of RAO "VSM" were greenwashed and then deduced in offshore zones through founders of all-union scientific research institute of mineral salt production. It might be that Alexey Bolshakov covered this operation at top level. Project RAO "VSM" was closed, and in a press there was information on plunder of 100 million dollars allocated under this project. Criminal case upon plunder was brought, but it did not reach court. Subsequently Bolshakov headed board of directors of "Polymetal" which belonged to ZAO «ICT», and Nesis made the decision on sale of "Inkasbank" which in April, 2002 was sold to MDM group.
Source: www.skandaly.ru from 23.01.04
In the beginning of formation of the business in gold mining sphere, Alexander Nesis had serious protection against criminal structures. According to some information, safety for his activity was provided with assistance of Nesis’s relations in military environment. Besides, the former high-ranking employees of FSB worked in the structures supervised by Nesis. So, in the beginning of June, 1998, in "Polymetal" creation, Vladimir Tsehanov, the general director of the Russian association of collection became the councilor of directors of "Inkasbank". Before, from February, 1991 till May, 1996 Tsehanov headed Administration of Federal Safety Agency.
Source: www.skandaly.ru from 23.01.04
In the late nineties Alexander Nesis became interested in OAO "Factory Transmash». At that time the factory’s board of directors consisted of three top-managers of RAO "VSM", and a post of the general director was occupied by the director of RAO «High-speed highways" ("VSM») on technological preparation Sergey Suzdaltsev - such personnel policy was favorable for absorption of the enterprise by «ICT» group. At the factory re-structuring was done under the program confirmed by the government of Leningrad region - it supposed entering most parts of property of the enterprise in authorized capital stocks of affiliated and dependent societies. As a matter of fact, it was the transfer of the assets with the following bankruptcy of headquarters plant. After a while Alexander Nesis started buying up shares of branches of "Transmash" (in particular, «Centrolit»), and in the beginning of 2001 redeemed controlling stock of OAO "Factory Transmash”. At the same time Nesis’s «ICT» group founded ZAO "Factory Transmash" which rented floor spaces at OAO "Factory Transmash» and carried out industrial operations. In 2001, by definition of Arbitration court of St.-Petersburg and Leningrad region, a bankruptcy procedure concerning OAO "Factory Transmash» began. The transfer of the assets from OAO "Factory Transmash» into balance of ZAO "Factory Transmash», belonging to ZAO «ICT» lasting for several years badly reflected in quality of let out production, including quality of a high-speed train "Sokol". Shortly after it started to ply between Moscow and Petersburg, the Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation of that time Gennady Fadeev declared that the high-speed train "Sokol" wasn't fit for running though it was spent 70 million dollars for it.
Source: www.rpk.len.ru from 3/8/2005
In due time a number of construction projects of Alexander Nesis came under criticism. For example, company "ICT-construction" which was supervised by Nesis and engaged in reconstruction and building up of inhabited and uninhabited buildings, basically in Petersburg, could not name all projects as successful. "ICT-construction" redeemed and reconstructed the building at Nevsky prospect, 10 in Petersburg, but couldn't find a buyer for it. As a result this building was occupied with the offices by the parent company «ICT».
Source: www.skandaly.ru from 23.01.04
In October, 2000 of ZAO «ICT» got 35 % of " Baltic factory» and generated a controlling interest, then Nesis made attempts to get the shares of «Northern shipyard», expecting to get access to incomes of contract on delivery of two destroyers to China two for the sum of 1,4 billion dollars. But his attempt to intercept the contract was not successful, despite lobbying of his interests by the plenipotentiary of the president in NWFO Ilya Klebanov. Within 2001 structures of Nesis bought 18,85 % of shares of «Northern shipyard», Alexander Nesis began to demand to enter the representative in enterprise’s board of directors; in this connection he even applied to the court, but unsuccessfully. As a result, to the middle of October, 2002 «ICT» sold the share holding "Northern shipyard» to company "RINACO" – a part of MDM group. Then Nesis declared that the factory refused to deliver spare parts to "Northern shipyard» for performance of the Chinese contract despite the given obligations about deliveries of spare parts for destroyers. Subsequently Nesis established control over several designers and manufacturers of the ship equipment and tried to unite them in one holding together with «Baltic factory». By this way he expected to deprive «Northern shipyard» of possibility to order and buy ship devices and the equipment at the traditional suppliers and by that intended to break ship-building programs of «Northern shipyard».
Source: www.economics.pravda.ru from 7/7/2003, "Kommersant" № 115 (2718) from 7/4/2003
In 2003 the scandal ran high around Alexander Nesis and his «ICT» group: «Baltic factory» executed the order of India for building up of three ships. During their delivery it was found out that the ships were made with rough infringements and could not be used.
Source: «Russian courier» from 26.07.03
In the end of January, 2003 company «ICT» declared that it established control over a number of the enterprises which were included into number of the basic contractors of "Northern shipyard». They are Proletarian factory, «Special design office of a boiler construction (СКБК)», CCB "Iceberg", ZAO «CSRC ship mechanical engineering» (CSRC SM) - all these enterprises were engaged in designing and manufacture of the ship equipment. Mass-media wrote that the bought enterprises did got not to the best company, that some aspects of activity of holding «ICT», its affiliated structures, property relations in group, communications of the owner of «ICT» Alexander Nesis caused considerable suspicions.
Source: www.skandaly.ru from 23.01.04
A number of analysts had serious doubts regarding the transaction which was made by Alexander Nesis with actions of gold mining company "Polymetal". In 2005 he sold 100 % of "Polymetal" for 900 million dollars to Suleiman Kerimov, and in 2008 together with Alexander Mamut and Peter Kellner again redeemed at Kerimov 68 % of shares of "Polymetal" already for 2 billion dollars. Mass-media wrote that Suleiman Kerimov got this company only in speculative purposes, ostensibly for him it was the developer project and subsequently "Polymetal" would be sold, as it happened.
Source: «Russian Forbes» from 6/14/2010, "Kommersant" № 212 (3296) from 11/11/2005
In 2010 in mass-media there were messages that company "Polymetal" could lose one of the directors. The independent director of "Polymetal", the chairman of committee on human resources and compensations of council John O’Reily was condemned in Australia for trade in securities. He was the director of the Australian gold mining company Lion Selection Group owning 25 % of shares of gold copper company Indophil Resources. In the middle of 2008 Lion was going to sell this package to one of the largest mining corporations — Xstrata. Knowing that the transaction would lead to growth of indexes of Indophil, the day before John O’Reily got 50 thousand shares of the company, and after absorption sold them, having earned 29 thousand dollars. He was condemned for it for ten months of imprisonment. After a sentence of court Board of directors of "Polymetal" declared that it would raise the question about leaving O’Reily from the company.
Source: "Kommersant" № 73/P (4373) from 4/26/2010