Alexander Putilov was born in 1952 in the Tyumen region.
In 1974 graduated from Tyumen Industrial Institute, having majored in machinery and equipment of oil and gas fields. In the Tyumen region he worked as a repairman, then deputy head of a plant shop, then as a chief mechanic. He also was deputy director of Surgut drilling operations and headed Krasnoleninsk and Urai management of drilling operations.
In 1987-1993 he managed Urayneftegaz production association.
In April 1993 Putilov was appointed chairman of the board of trustees and president of Rosneft state oil company by the decision of the Russian Government.
In May 1993 he joined the board of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy. He became a member of the Union of Oil and Gas Producers of Russia.
In May 1997 the Russian Government dismissed Putilov as president of Rosneft company. Putilov was replaced with Yury Bespalov but he remained chairman of the board of directors of the company.
In May 1998 Alexander Putilov was dismissed.
At the end of 2004 Putilov became a co-owner of Eurasia Drilling Company, having received 28% of shares. In 2011 his stake was reduced to 25%.
In 2011 Putilov's wealth was estimated at 1.1 billion dollars.
Sources: Forbes
In 1995 by Putilov's consent Rosneft state-owned oil company made a deal that caused a $ 20 million damage to the RF state funds. Rosneft made an agreement with Rosetto Liechtenstein company. The agreement guaranteed assistance in selling of 400 thousand tons of oil. Almost immediately a buyer was found. It was another Liechtenstein company, Bobardo Anstalt. In fact, both offshore companies were established by the same person, Yan Goldovsky. Rosneft carried out oil shipment under Goldovsky's guarantee. Soon Bobardo company was liquidated and shortly afterwards Rosetto company stopped working, too. But beforehand the company received the money for its fictitious oil reserves from Rosneft.
Source: Political news agency, 1999
At the end of 1990 Rosneft company managed by Putilov got involved in privatization wars. Since Putilov was pain in the neck for secretary of Security Council Boris Berezovsky and deputy prime-minister Potanin, Putilov's career suffered at the conflict. There were no official reasons for Putilov's dismissal as he was doing well and company's production increased, while company's projects were developing and there were no tax debts. Nevertheless, in April 1997 Putilov was unexpectedly replaced with Yuri Bespalov, former head of the disbanded Industrial Ministry. Bespalov was an old man and had little to do with business but he was said to be "Chernomyrdin's man".
Changes in personnel caused a scandal, mainly among numerous foreign partners of Rosneft, who wanted to continue working with former president Putilov. The government gave in and Alexander Putilov was invited to the company as chairman of the board.
Source: Partner, 1998
At the end of May 1998 Putilov was removed from Rosneft as chairman of the board of directors for failing an open bidding for Rosneft's shares. It was believed that his conflict with former president of Rosneft Yuri Bespalov had a negative impact on the company's image. But when the government announced another bidding, they invited Putilov back to the company. Alexander Putilov returned to Rosneft five days after he had been fired. Former president and former chairman Putilov was appointed vice-president of the company. The appointment was made by new president of Rosneft Ilya Leshchinets, who was formally considered as a member of Putilov's team. But it is clear that this decision could not be made without consent of the only shareholder of the company, the RF Government. Putilov's appointment was rumoured to be a part of the campaign against president of Rosneft Yuri Bespalov who unofficially represented Boris Berezovsky's interests. Formally, it was not possible to blame failure of the bidding on just one person, so the government resorted to a trick and dismissed both Bespalov and Putilov.
Source: Russian Telegraph, 4 June 1998
In 2011 Putilov found himself in an awkward situation when his partner and co-owner of Eurasia Drilling Company Alexander Dzhaparidze exchanged his shares for a stake in Hadar Fund Ltd, having thus twice reduced his presence at Eurasia Drilling Company. Immediately after Japaridze's decision the value of company's shares decreased by 3%.
Source: Kommersant, 4 May 2011