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Vinokurov Aleksandr Semenovich

23.02.2018 22:43
Vinokurov Aleksandr Semenovich



Date of Birth: October 12, 1982

Place of birth: Moscow.

Alexander Vinokourov with his father Semen Vinokourov owns "Genfa" (specialized in the distribution and production of medicines). "Genfa" has a joint venture with a subsidiary of GK "Rosteh" - National immune-biological Company (NIC). The company must produce medicines that replace foreign products.

In 2004, he joined the hundred of best top-managers of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region according to "Delovoy Petersburg".

A member of the supervisory board of the consortium "Alpha-Group". Member of the Board of Trustees of the Russian Cycling Federation.

In 2008, he married the daughter of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov Catherine. He is married and has a son.


University of Cambridge (UK).

He holds is a baccalaureate and has a Master's degree in Economics.

President of the Investment Company A1

Member of the Supervisory Board of Alfa Group Consortium

Member of the Board of Trustees of Russian Cycling Federation

Before 2006, he worked as a senior expert in the investment-banking department at Morgan Stanley in London.

From 2006 to 2011, he was vice-president and co-head of TPG Capital in Russia.

From 2011 to 2014, he served as president of the "Amount" Group.

Since December 2014, he is the president of IR "A1".

2004 - 2006 years. He is Senior Specialist of Investment Banking Division at Morgan Stanley in London.



64-year-old Sergei Lavrov, Russia's foreign minister - one of the most popular ministers in the country. How is the personal life of Sergei Lavrov, what is known about his wife and daughter?

Their only daughter Katya Lavrov was born in New York, when Sergei Viktorovich worked in the Soviet permanent representation at the UN. She graduated from the school in Manhattan and Columbia University.

After graduation, she went to London for an internship. Ekaterina met with the son of pharmaceutical tycoon there, a graduate of Cambridge Alexander Vinokourov.

In 2008 they married..., 22.04.2014


The fact that the Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov is preparing for the wedding of his only daughter, knew only a narrow circle of initiates. In the Reception Hall of the Presidential Administration usually take high foreign guests. On the day of the wedding decorators changed everything beyond recognition, making strict placement in a winter wonderland.

Designers built a makeshift altar; guests watched the sacrament of marriage, sitting on the white cathedral benches. 25-year-old bride Ekaterina Lavrova - in a dress with a long train, the same age as her fiancé, Alexander Vinokurov - in a tailcoat. Young uttered vows and exchanged rings by Cartier.

Then the guests were invited to a luxurious table. During the meal, a guest showed a film about a love story of newlyweds - Ekaterina and Alexander met in London.

Only the closest were invited at the wedding: old friends of Lavrov - large metropolitan businessman Gregory Balzer, former intelligence officer Yuri Kobaladze; from New York arrived bride's girlfriend Anna Anisimova, daughter of billionaire Vasily Anisimov; from London «The Leys School» and University of Cambridge classmates arrived to the groom.

The surprise of the evening was Valery Leontiev, a longtime family friend of Vinokourov. He, duet with the groom performed their hit "Do not forget me." And then, as usual, the younger generation danced from the heart, and the older recalled the camp youth.

"Express - gazeta." 21.09.2008


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov recently became a grandfather: daughter Catherine gave him a grandson.

On the eve of 27-year-old woman in childbirth was brought here by her husband, the son of a major pharmaceutical tycoon Alexander Vinokourov (young married in autumn 2008). Since birth Ekaterina coped magnificently, then she was determined in a separate apartment. On the same day, similar young parents arrived at the hospital at three luxury cars. Alexander was visibly excited and he first took his son in his arms. Sergei Lavrov for employment was not able to come in the hospital, but one of the first congratulated his daughter and son-in with a newborn on the phone. According to doctors, the boy looks like his famous grandfather.

"Moskovskiy Komsomolets". 06.12.2010


After hearing the salary expectations of Alexander Vinokurov, the founder of the "Summa" group Ziyavudin Magomedov 116 found them aggressive. 28-year-old financier, a Cambridge graduate with experience in global structures, sounded a sum of six zeros. Including $ 2 million "lifting" for the transition to the presidency of the "Summa" group, $ 2 million of annual salary. Plus annual bonus - according to several Forbes source, from $ 2 million to $ 6 million. In April 2011, when the conversation took place, the desired reward seemed overpriced: Group's revenue was $ 1 billion; management compensations in companies of similar size were more modest....

"I remember Sasha Vinokurov as a 15-year-old bully, which senses educated in England. Sasha learned at Cambridge University.

In England, he met a pretty girl Catherine who was the daughter of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov by coincidence, and married her in 2007.

This gave impetus to certain synergistic family business, including through contacts of son-in-law ", - tells the familiar of Vinokourov the brief history of the elite family. Vinokourov's father, an engineer, in the early 1990s met through mutual friends with Shabtai Kalmanovich, who encouraged him to go into business. In "Liat-Natalie", based by Kalmanovich and Iosif Kobzon, Semen Vinokurov became a junior partner, in charge of the pharmaceutical business. In mid-1990, the company served the public procurement of medicines to the regions and was one of the largest wholesalers. Even then, many Russian businessmen were thinking about how to give children an education abroad. Semen Vinokurov instills independence to his son, decided to send his son abroad too. Since Alexander was in a private school at the Association of British pubs and breweries. Not the best place to win a seat in the highest light.

Acquaintance with compatriots also helped, who called him to study in more interesting school Leys....

At the university, Alexander became the co-founder and president of the Russian Society of Cambridge, which organizes cultural events, but he became more memorable by star parties, which attracts Russian students from all over England.

After they organized a concert of "B-2" on campus, the King's College has introduced a limit on the noise level in their buildings.

"Forbes". 12/18/2015



Giant construction cost of a billion dollars will build together the Russian financial-industrial group "Summa", owned by Ziyavudin Magomedov, and the Dutch company VTTI.

The fact that a group "Summa" won the tender for the construction of an oil-tanker terminal in the port of Rotterdam, was first reported by sources in the Kremlin on October 19. Although the agreement on the construction and operation of an oil terminal between the management of the Port of Rotterdam and development company Shtandart TT B.V. was signed on 20 of October.

As stated in the press release of "Summa", the share of the Russian group in the share capital of Shtandart TT will be 75%, the share of VTTI in the project - 25%. This joint Russian-Dutch company will build tanks for the Russian oil Urals and oil products totaling 3 million cubic meters. Object area will be 55 hectares and the depth at the berths of the terminal of one of the zones (over 20 meters) will allow taking supertankers with a displacement of up to 300 thousand tons.

Terminal construction is due to start in 2013, after obtaining the necessary permits and completion of project works. The launch is scheduled for 2015.

The project will be financed both from their own and from borrowed funds, reported a vice president of "Summa" Alexander Vinokurov to RIA "News", noting that most likely a credit will be issued by a consortium of banks, since the volume of investment is very high. Vinokourov also said that the payback period of the oil terminal would be from five to seven years. 21.10.2011


The owner of "Basic Element" Oleg Deripaska, who does not agree with the results of the privatization of OJSC "United Grain Company" (UGC), is seeking for the cancellation of the transaction: at the request of his company, the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) filed a case against gas and grain trader for the signs of violating of the law "On Protection of Competition". Initiated investigation has prevented the signing of the government directive, approving a group "Summa" of Ziyavudin Magomedov as an investor of UGC.

In the framework of the initiation of the case, the Federal Antimonopoly Service has asked from respondents a full report on the procedure of the tender for the sale of 50% minus one share of the additional issue

As "Kommersant" reported on 29 May, UGC board of directors on May 28 in the framework of the privatization of state companies approved the holding of an additional issue in the amount of 50% minus one share in favor of the group "Summa" of Ziyavudin Magomedov to offer the highest bid for the package - 5.9 billion rubles at the rate of 1693 rubles per share.

"Kommersant". 15.06.2012


According to the results of 2012 the state agent on grain interventions regulation, grain storage and public intervention fund strategic reserve - United Grain Company (UGC) will show losses of more than 3 billion rubles.

In late 2011, in the company has come a new management team, which is closely connected with Magomedov Zia, and in early 2012, thanks to the active support of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation Arkady Dvorkovich "Summa Capital" of Magomedov gained control over the UGC.

According to estimates of Center of financial investigation of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation since the transition of the state-owned company under the control of the "Summa", from the budget of the company through its own trading house and a dummy Swiss company «Soyuz Commodities S.A. », using bogus contracts, were withdrawn in total of 15 billion rubles.

Attempt of the management, affiliated with the "Summa Capital", to conceal massive theft was not successful; therefore, likely, the Acting Director General Sergei Polyakov will leave his post in near future.

United Grain Company has played a major role in the regulation of the market of agricultural products smoothing the fluctuations in the price of public intervention and providing storage of the state grain reserve.

At the end of 2012, Magomedov in the interview told the newspaper Vedomosti about plans of creation a world-class global grain company, rivaling Glencore and Cargill. President of "Summa" Alexander Vinokurov said in an interview to "Kommersant" immediately after purchase, "the experience of the company in the transport and logistics will help UGC to create a modern infrastructure and strengthen the position of Russian grain on the world market in the near future." It does not work with the business still. But the basic meaning of the United Grain Company purchase consisted not so much in getting her business, how to control the Novorossiysk seaport, owned by it, and the concentration of transshipment facilities in the hands of "Summa", as well as download existing supply chain with the state grain.

Thus, the United Grain Company losses do not affect the business of Zia Magomedov, but they have a very bad influence on the development of the grain market of Russia. Shuvalov wrote about the negative consequences of the sale of control of the UGC to "Summa" in a letter to Oleg Deripaska and the Russian Federal Anti-Monopoly Committee opened a case, however, close to the then President Medvedev, Arkady Dvorkovich has finished the transaction on the sale of the company to the end.

The company's losses following the results of 2012 exacerbated the conflict between the Deputy Prime Minister Dvorkovich and structures, close to President Putin, who do not see anything good, not only in enhancing of Magomedov business, but also in the damage, caused by the group "Summa" to the Russian agriculture.

"Oko planety." 04/24/2013


First of all, Vinokourov asked for a price of the railway operator of Fesco transport group of Sergei Generalov, offered for sale. However, "Summa" was interested in the whole Fesco, and in late 2012 she bought the group in a consortium with the GHP Group for about $ 1 billion ... Since then, the company's shares fell three times on the background of falling of the stock index only by one and a half. «LBO was risky in a good market, and has become a death for Fesco in bad market. Earlier this year, she was on the verge of bankruptcy and was forced to restructure the part of the debt, "- says the head of the engineering industry, transport, materials, of "VTB Capital" Elena Sakhnova. The company was bought expensively and, in fact, she says, the holders of restructured bonds issue paid the premium to the seller. "The deal took place in a reasonable range at the level of about 5 EBITDA, but due to the complex structure was wrongly assessed by analysts" - Magomedov objects. Of course, if it was created now, it would look different, he admits, but the company difficulties are considered temporary. Minority shareholders, who bought shares in the market, were also unhappy with the transaction: Vinokourov promised them a voluntary offer to purchase, which did not take place because of the dramatically changed market conditions. ...

Their paths diverged - Magomedov had a great start for a beautiful business story and Vinokourov led the A1, one of the investment units of "Alfa-Group", whose financial resources are much higher in general than "Summa".

"Forbes". 12/18/2015


A1, part of the "Alfa Group", will help the State Bank to deal with distressed corporate borrowers.

A1 has signed several framework agreements with major banks to work with their troubled corporate debt. The president of A1 Alexander Vinokourov told this to the Forbes, refusing to name the banks. According to him, in the case of mutual interest of the parties, the company will be able to connect to the solution of the problems with corporate debt at any stage, of the negotiations on debt restructuring and litigation to the debtor's bankruptcy and the sale of its property.

Several bankers and financiers argue that Sberbank is interested in the services of A1. The press service of the bank said that the cooperation with A1 "is possible in some cases, if the interests of the parties are the same." Among possible partners of A1 sources also call Gazprom bank, but the presence of agreements with A1 was denied there.

... Sberbank appealed to the A1, so as not to inflict reputational risks when dealing with "bad" debts, counts an investment banker, working with stressful assets.

Debtors of Sberbank have repeatedly accused German Gref in the seizure of their assets, or the pursuit for personal reasons. For example, that publicly did Vladimir Kehman (the JFC), Sergei Poymanov (“Pavlovskgranit") and Andrew Gorodnov ("Alteks group companies"). In response to these accusations Gref said that he did not consider it necessary to reply, "When people behave beyond good and evil", and willing to go through with regard to ineffective owners, due to which the bank is losing.

... When working with bank debtors, A1 Company expects a reward in 5-20% of the cash flows (the sum of the loan is returned, the value of the sold property, and so on.) and it is interested in projects that can bring her at least $ 10 million, said Vinokourov. That is, the company is interested in working with debts starting from $ 50 million. Interviewed Forbes financiers call the level of remuneration, which calculates A1, average. Also, A1 can redeem a problematic debt, adds Vinokourov. 06/29/2015


Several market participants said that "Alpha" in the face of Vinokourov, Lavrov son-in-law, needed a resource of a man, close to the authority, in the case if someone from the group will accidentally "swim for the buoys."

For example, shortly before the lawyers, in the interest of the A1 opposing NPK "Uralvagonzavod" (UVZ) in a corporate conflict at the coal company «Zarechnaya», threatened members of the Board of Directors and management of UVZ with the criminal proceeding in Cyprus and personal sanctions, including a ban on entry to the EU. However, the shareholders of "Alpha" refute it. "Vinokurov is young, intelligent, groovy, energetic man with a good education and experienced enough. I knew about the pharmaceutical business of his father, who began in "Liat-Natalie," but that he was Lavrov son-in-law, I learned not once, "- says Friedman. According to him, good human relations had established with Vinokourov and him, despite the age difference.

A1 is involved simultaneously in five to seven corporate conflicts. Investment resources, available to the company within the group, is nearly $ 1 billion, shareholders may give more if necessary. "Vinokourov was tasked to upgrade the company and cheer her inside. We wanted to infuse new blood into A1 and make it entrepreneurial spirit more aggressive, "- adds co-owner of "Alpha groups", the head of the advisory board of the A1 German Han. In recent years, he says, the profile defocusing takes place in the company, and it has entered into a series of non-profile projects, focused on market growth.

"Forbes". 12/18/2015


President of A1 Alexander Vinokurov entered the capital of the pharmaceutical distributor "SIA International"

Alexander Vinokurov is 33 years old. He began his career in 2003, as an intern in the investment bank Morgan Stanley, three years later became a co-director of the Russian office of TPG Capital Fund, RBC reminds. In 2008, he married the daughter of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov. In 2011, he became a president of "Summa" of Ziyavudin Magomedov, and in late 2014, he headed the investment company A1. Forbes included Vinokourov in the list of highest-paid young top managers.

President of A1 Alexander Vinokurov entered the capital of the pharmaceutical distributor "SIA International"

"Vedomosti". 02/08/2016


President of investment company A1, Alexander Vinokurov became the controlling shareholder of the company "SIA International", one of the leaders in the distribution of medicines in Russia. He plans to return her lost supremacy in the market.

President of investment company A1, which controls means of shareholders of "Alfa Group", Alexander Vinokurov became the controlling shareholder of the pharmaceutical distributor "SIA International", told to RBC a senior manager of one of the pharmaceutical companies. According to him, the deal was closed in December 2015. The fact, that Vinokurov became a co-owner of the company, confirmed his representative to RBC earlier, without specifying the size of the purchased stake and its cost. "Pharmaceutical Bulletin" earlier, referring a source, close to the negotiations, noted that the heirs of the founder of "SIA International" Igor Rudinsky will retain the part of the business. The "SIA International" could not provide RBC with comment on Monday. The press service of the A1 answered to the inquiry that they do not comment on personal projects of managers.

... The representative of Alexander Vinokurov said that the businessman entered the BIA capital for several reasons: Vinokourov knew the founder of "SIA International" Igor Rudinsky "for many years", after the death of Rudinsky his family appealed to Vinokurov with the request to help to restructure the company's business, Vinokourov and the new team "SIA International" see the prospects of development of the Russian pharmaceutical industry and companies in this market.

... Alexander Vinokourov and his father, Semyon Vinokourov, already have assets in the pharmaceutical business. Together with a partner, Sergei Zhukovsky Alexander Vinokourov and his father Semen Vinokurov own a company "Genfa", engaged in distribution and localization of medicaments, confirmed a representative of Vinokourov Jr. to RBC. This company was founded in 2006, according to SPARK database, its revenue in 2014 amounted to 47.8 million rubles, net loss of - 208.7 million rubles. Now the key product for "Genfa" is an antineoplastic drug "Genfatinib", which, commissioned by the company, is produced abroad, says the development director of RNC Pharma Nikolai Bespalov. According to him, in 2015 "Genfa" was to make 50-60 million rubles by selling "Genfatinib”. Also, "Genfa" is engaged in the packaging of medicines under a contract at the Kurgan plant "Synthesis", which is co-owned by "SIA International" and "Rosteh".

"RBC". 02/08/2016


Alexander Vinokourov, despite the young age of 33-year-old, has repeatedly found himself in the list of highest-paid top managers according to Forbes. He began his career in 2003 as a trainee at investment bank Morgan Stanley, and three years later became a co-director of the Russian fund TPG Capital. Business successes of a businessman are traditionally associated with a successful marriage: in 2008 he married the daughter of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov Catherine. At the end of 2014, he headed the investment company A1, included in "Alfa Group" of billionaires Mikhail Fridman, German Han and Alexei Kuzmichev. In some cases, however, his commercial operations resemble ordinary "spin cycles". The latest example is squeezing the founder and co-owner of the company "Eurodon" Vadim Vaneev out of his business.

As RBC reports, an investment group A1, by acquiring the shares of the main turkey producer in Russia, the company "Eurodon", immediately filed lawsuits against its co-owner Vadim Vaneev. Three claims are registered in the files of the Rostov Arbitration Court on 9 February. "Eurodon" LLC is indicated as a respondent in two lawsuits, in the third - Vadim Vaneev personally. The plaintiff in all cases is "Brimstone Investments Limited." The beneficiary of this company, registered in Belize, recently became the A1. The representative of the latest confirmed RBC the filing of lawsuits. On the purchase of 40% shares of "Eurodon", the largest turkey producer in Russia, the company A1 reported last Tuesday, 2 February. A member of "Gazprom" Board of Directors, former Minister of Property Relations of the Russian Federation Farid Gazizullin sold his share in "Eurodon" to A1.

"Ruspres". 02/11/2016


On Monday, the Lefortovo court of Moscow arrested the former director of the Department of Natural Resources of "Vnesheconombank" (VEB) Ilgiz Valitov for up to 25 April 2016. FSB investigators petitioned for the arrest, Valitov suspected of fraud on a large scale (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code), told a court spokesman Catherine Krasnova to "Vedomosti". According to her, the investigation suspects Valitov in attempts to fraudulently take possession of the property of group companies "Eurodon" - the largest producer of turkey in Russia. According to investigators, Valitov proposed "Eurodon" structures to receive in VEB loans in exchange for a share in their charter capitals....

Valitov was arrested on Friday, 26 February. On the same day it was reported that the investment group A1 (unit of "Alfa Group") has sold to structures of VEB 40% of "Eurodon", the acquisition of which reported less than a month before, February 2. At the same time, VEB bought from A1 by 49% in three groups - LLC "Ursdon" (production of turkey hatching eggs), LLC "Metal-Don" (metal) and LLC "Irdon" (house-building). Arrest of Valitov and the transaction between A1 and VEB are directly related events, told “Vedomosti" a person, close to the bank. But another source, close to one of the parties of negotiating on a deal, assured that Valitov was "interested" in "Eurodon".

"Vedomosti". 01/03/2016


Intelligence agencies are searching for the unknown, who wrote a letter to the killer Alexei Sherstobitov. In a letter, someone "ordered" to Sherstobitov a daughter of Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov Ekaterina Vinokurova and her husband. "Customer's" personality is not established...

 "Hello, I want to order Catherine and Alexander Vinokourov, I pay $ 500 million.", - says the man, whose name in the mail marked as Sergey Nikolaev.

", » 02/20/2016

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