Born October 12, 1960 in Dobele, Latvian SSR.
He has higher education. Candidate of Economic Sciences, professor.
Before entering the Leningrad State University he worked at the Academy of Logistics and Transport Ministry of Defense of the USSR in Leningrad, a car mechanic, instructor of practical training in the engines laboratory.
After graduating from the Economics Faculty of the Leningrad State University - Trainee — Researcher in the Institute for Social-Economic problems of the Academy of Sciences.
In December 1985, he entered the post graduate Institute of Economics Academy of Sciences of the USSR. After defending his Ph.D. thesis he was engaged in scientific activities in the Institute for Social - Economic Problems of the USSR.
Starting from October 1990 he worked as deputy chairman of the Committee on Economic Reform in Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council.
After the elimination of the Committee on Economic Reform passed to Management Committee of the Leningrad area of free enterprise.
From November 1991 to 1992 - Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Economic Development.
From August 1992 to 1993 - Chairman of the Chief Financial Management Hall of St.Petersburg (later renamed in the Finance Committee).
From 1993 to June 1996 - Deputy, First Deputy Mayor, member of the City Government, the chairman of the Committee of Economy and Finance in St. Petersburg City Hall.
In August 1996 — by Presidential Decree appointed Deputy Head of Presidential Administration of Russia, head of the Main Control Directorate of the President of Russia.
In March 1997, by Presidential Decree appointed First Deputy Minister of Finance of Russia.
From January 1999 - First Deputy Chairman of the Board of RAO «UES» of Russia.
In June 1999 he was appointed First Deputy Minister of Finance of Russia.
Since May 2000, by Presidential Decree appointed Deputy Prime Minister of Russia - Minister of Finance of Russia.
On March 9, 2004 by Presidential Decree was appointed Minister of Finance of Russia.
Since September 2007 by Presidential Decree appointed Deputy Prime Minister of Russia - Minister of Finance of Russia.
Chairman of the Board of Finance Ministry of Russia; Author of more than 15 scientific publications in the field of economics and finance.
On October 12, 2005 by Presidential Decree he was awarded the Order of Merit to the Fatherland IV degree. # 1199
He is married and has a daughter and a son.
He is fond of sports, music.
website of the Ministry of Finance of Russia
Alexei Kudrin has been attracting interest of the journalists specializing on negative press about high-ranking persons for a sufficiently long time. For example, even in 1999 Kudrin appeared in the the scope of the correspondents of Italian newspaper La Repubblica, which then began a campaign related to financial transactions of Russian authorities. The object of the newspaper's attack became money of the International Monetary Fund. In its first series of articles titled "How they deceived the IMF" La Repubblica told its version of story about the first tranche of the loan in the amount of 11,2 billion, which amounted to 4,782 billion and was allocated to Russia on July 20, 1998, i.e. immediately before the crisis of August 17.
As the newspaper stated,a, according to the documents it acquired from the Accounting Chamber of Russia, the sums of that tranche were used not to support the economy, but to turn them in insider transactions. As a result of the transactions which involved access to information not known to other participants of transactions, 27 Russian banks had transfered about 6 billion dollars to their accounts, according to the newspaper.
In particular, the newspaper asserted that the first deputy finance minister Alexei Kudrin put pressure on the IMF demanding to transfer the first loan tranche on accounts of the American Federal Reserve Bank only. In a period of July 27- August 18, 1998 4.5 billion dollars of the first tranche were transferred from the primary account of Bank «Russia» to the Federal Reserve Bank on account N608555800 in Republic National Bank of New York. according to the documents of the Accounting Chamber, that account could be used only for selling currency at the currency exchanges,and for selling foreign currency to commercial banks and transfers by the order of Russia's Ministry of Finance.
www.lenta.ru on 06/10/1999
Journalists wrote about the St. Petersburg period of Alexei Kudrin in connection with his good relations with the former St. Petersburg mayor Anatoly Sobchak. Journalists linked those trustful relations with the fact that Kudrin assisted the designer Tatiana Parfenova, a friend of the mayor's wife Lyudmila Narusova to obtain a loan of 1 million rubles to open her own atelier. Film director Alexey Herman, who had been doing the movie "Khrustalev, the car!" for ten years, received 46 million rubles from the mayoral fund. The director paid off the city debt in 1998 only, and again as they rumored, with a help of Kudrin; by that time he had already moved to Moscow.
But that small charity did not count. according to the media, Kudrin's life-work at the post of vice-mayor of St. Petersburg was placing short-term bonds of the city in the European market. In return he was awarded a medal - "For the development of Russia's stock market». In spring 1995 the project was presented in London. They hoped that could solve the financial problems of Petersburg, but it was not to be - the city's debt was not reduced, and even vice versa. In fact, Alexei Kudrin was a father of the St. Petersburg financial pyramid.
New St. Petersburg Governor Vladimir Yakovlev established a commission on the audit of the former administration. Former city bosses including Kudrin had been accused of all financial failures such as unfounded loans, and benefits to companies which made the city bankrupt. Kudrin waited out the scandal in the Sverdlov St. Petersburg hospital suffering radiculitis for four months. But soon "Kudrin's" scandal was hushed up.
At the same time Kudrin along with Putin appeared in the criminal case # 144128 against the Construction Corporation «Twentieth trust». According to the audit act conducted on behalf of the Investigation Committee under MIA, Kudrin signed the agreement on granting the corporation a state credit for several million dollars, while the corporation transferred the money to more than two dozen companies in Spain, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Belgium, Ireland, and the United States. This criminal case was also ruined.
In 2000, journalists called banker Alexander Mamut the main supporter of Kudrin.
"Profile" from 23.10.2000, "Novaya Gazeta" № 73 of 2005
A year later, the media drew attention to the relation between Kudrin and the head of RAO UES Anatoly Chubais. In this regard it was reported that ministor of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister Alexei Kudrin built an intricate scheme of large-scale set-off with the budget, through which RAO should have got rid of budgetary arrears and debts to suppliers for the 40 billion rubles. By the order of Kudrin the Ministry of Finance listed that amount to RAO for payments to creditors, at the same time it passed the debt obligation of Russia to the firm Falkon at $ 1.35 billion (the remaining $ 1.15 billion of our debt was written off). That Czech company managed to buy 22% of the debts of RAO UES by some suspicious manner.
As the media wrote, by that time t $ 80 million went hrough Falkon, and in 2001 RAO continued energy supplies to the company in payment of its debt. As the journalists calculated, payoff was going to take 22 years with that time pace of exports. Press suggested that for such a long period benefactor Kudrin could leave the Finance Ministry, while Chubais would have time to leave RAO, and RAO itself could not exist any more in its current state. But those debts of the company they had carefully restructured would pass to their successors, who will be forced to either pay off to Falkon, or continue to supply it with energy at a certain price, which was kept secret.
"Bulletin" on 24/10/2001
In 2004, oligarch Vladimir Kogan appeared in the scope of interest of the press. In this regard, journalists noted that the main force of Kogan consisted of his proximity to the influential leaders of the state. In particular, they wrote that Minister of Finance Alexey Kudrin was interested in the Empire of Kogan.
"Kompromat.ru" from 03.09.2004
Later the press drew attention to some of the nuances of Vneshtorgbank purchasing the company Ilim Pulp Enterprise. According to press the owner of the St. Petersburg Promstroibank Vladimir Kogan acted as a broker in it. In this regard, the journalists described numerous legislation violations associated with that transaction. And as a senior person, supposedly Alexey Kudrin was concealing Kogan in the transaction, as at that time he was not only the Minister of Finance, but Chairman of the Supervisory Council of Vneshtorgbank.
"Kompromat.ru" from 23.09.2004
In May 2005 the Moscow Prosecutor's Office opened a criminal case on misappropriation of Russia's largest diamond monopoly ALROS. There was a very knowledgeable witness on the side of the investigation - former head of legal department of ALROS Hamlet Hakobyan. Moreover, the criminal case # 345751 for art. 160 of the Criminal Code was instituted precisely by his statement. Checking the facts set forth in the statement disclosed that the company had been entering into «knowingly disadvantageous» contracts, which led to the embezzlement of 153 million rubles. It was assumed that in the case framework full-scale audit of financial and economic activities of the company would be conducted.
However, several months later, the criminal case was dismissed in the absence of a crime. Meanwhile, Hamlet Hakobyan claimed that the case was stopped as soon as it became clear that the helper in the case was going to be Alexei Kudrin as head of the supervisory board of ALROS.
"Kommersant" dated 14.09.2005
Some time later reporters drew attention to the charitable activities by Kudrina Irina, the wife of Alexei Kudrin. Irina Kudrina was President of Russia's fund of social, charitable and cultural programs “Northern Crown”. Reporters noted that for Irene Kudrina high life was not just a way to spend time but also her work. However, as she says, Moscow secular lions are not ready to spend their energies to charity; it is more usual for public in London or New York. Perhaps that consideration caused the opening of London office of the fund “Northern Crown” in December 2004, in addition to the U.S. office. Undoubtedly, the husband of Irina Kudrina is a tasty morsel for large businessmen, and there is nothing surprising in the fact that they are willing to put money into her fund. If Alexei Kudrin had other relatives leading charitable foundations, businessmen would to invest in them with no less pleasure.
Nezavisimaya Gazeta "from 02.11.2005
In summer 2006, Alexei Kudrin gave testimony in the Moscow City Court on the trial of a former senior official of the Ministry Denis Mikhailov. The latter was accused of taking bribes in the form of sport car "Mercedes" worth of 87 thousand euros from two businessmen - Chairman of the Board of Directors of VIP-club "National" Teimuraz Karchav, and adviser to the head of the International Investment Bank Alexey Kirzhnev. Investigators believed that Mikhailov who served as deputy director of the department of international financial relations, state debt and state financial assets in the Finance Ministry in July 2004 gave traders official documents constituting state secrets in exchange for expensive car. They contained information about payoff debts of the former socialist countries to Russia. Reporters paid attention to the fact that Kudrin actually testified in favor of Mikhailov.
"Gazeta" on 07.07.2006
In connection with new appointment of Kudrin to the post of Deputy Prime Minister, journalists drew attention to the activities of his wife Irina again. In 2007 Business interests of the wife of Alexei Kudrin - Irina Tintyakova were very broad. She was not only president of the foundation of social, charitable and cultural programs "Northern Crown", but together with the famous couturier established a "Valentin Yudashkin Group in the spring of 2002. Earlier, in July of 2001, Tintyakova was among the founders of the Moscow Company "Ambi XXII", which had planned to engage in artificial sapphires production, but the business did not take place.
Elena Voitsekhovich was also among the founders of Creative Commons "Northern Crown", which actively helped children. Former Adviser to Prime Minister Konstantin Voitsekhovich was a referent to Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Zhukov.
As for the famous couturier, many representatives of state and business elites used his services; apart from spouse of the Minister of Finance, one of the founders of "Valentin Yudashkin Group" became "Investment Financial Company" Business technologies" by pipe manufacturer Karmanov Alexander (in 2006 the company owned 51.33% of the group). Karmanov headed the firm “Lehman Pipe "- an exclusive supplier of large diameter pipesby Ukrainian Khartsyzsky plant for the system of Gazprom. The plant belongs to the group "System Capital Management” (SCM), owned by the richest man of Ukraine - Rinat Akhmetov. According to the version of the Polish magazine “Vprost”, his fortune has been estimated at 18.7 billion dollars.
Currently Alexander Karmanov is the head of Russia's "EPC-Holding" (Eurasian Pipeline Consortium).
In 2001, Professor Murtazali Rabadanov, Irina Tintyakova, and specialist in artificial sapphires Bagomedov Alaudinov established the firm "Ambi XXII".
Artificial sapphires are ranked below in hardness to a diamond only , and are used in medicine, opto-electronic and jewelry industry, as well as in the production of lighting equipment. The demand for them was great.
"Novaya Gazeta" on 01.11.2007
In 2008, reporters drew attention to Kudrin's participation in hardware games. They reported in particular that Alexei Kudrin, taking advantage of the power slackening of Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov, arranged dismissal of the chief of legal department in Federal Tax Service Anton Ustinov: he belonged to the clan of Igor Sechin, and was considered to initiator of the "Yukos affair" and one of the organizers of the tax "terror" against a number of industries.
«The New Times» on 10.03.2008
In the beginning of 2010 journalists drew attention to the activities of the Deputy Minister of Finance Oksana Sergienko. They published information that Oksana Sergienko was supporting actively a cell of the Church of the Seventh Day Christian-Adventists (CSDCA), which was actually a cult. They rumored tha Oksana Sergienko had been favored by the head of that jurisdiction Alexei Kudrin. Currently Sergienko oversees long-term financial planning which is extremely important for the state during a difficult post-crisis time. As old-timers of the Ilyinka Office say, Oksana Sergienko has got passion to teachings of CSDCA rather long time ago, however she has been enabled to deploy her “outreach” activities in such a large scale only after moving to the chair of deputy minister.
According to sources in the Finance Ministry, prayers and spiritual seminars on various religious issues, studies of Writings take place in Sergienko's office weekly. Moreover, journalists noted that it could not happen without the consent of Alexei Kudrin.
"Century" from 19.01.2010