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Kuznetsov Alexei Viktorovich

23.02.2018 22:42
Kuznetsov Alexei Viktorovich

The Biography:


Kuznetsov A.V. was born in 06.11.1962 in Moscow. His registration address is: Moscow, st. Ordzhonikidze, 11, apartment 6; Previously lived in: Moscow, Rublevsky highway, 11, apartment 6. Bullock JM (wife), 12.05.1967 (date of birth) and Leonidova M.A. (former wife), 08.11.1961 d.b. are registered at the same address.

He has children from the first marriage:

  • the son - Kuznetsov A.A., 31.07.1984 d.b., Registered at the address: Moscow, Rublevsky highway, 12, kv.100;
  • the son - Kuznetsov T.A., 12.11.1986 d.b.., According to unconfirmed information lives in Bulgaria, Sofia;<
  • the son Kuznetsov A.A., 22.11.1993 d.b.., Registered at the address: Moscow, Rublevsky highway, 12, kv.100.

Kuznetsov A.V. owns an apartment in Moscow, st. Ostozhenka, house № 7/15/12, with total area of 306.7 sq. m. According to some data, he owns a real estate in the U.S., France and UK.

The former Minister of Finance of the Moscow region. Starting from June 2000 was a member of the Moscow region Government. Born in Oct. 6, 1962 in Moscow, graduated from Moscow Institute of Finance (currently the Finance Academy) on a specialty of economist; 1985 - 1990 - worked in a General Computing Center (GCC), the USSR State Bank ; starting from 1990 – Senior Economist, the Head of Credit Resources of the planning-economy direction, the Head of the Liabilities Management department, the Deputy Chairman of the board of AB "Inkombank; 1993 - 1998 – the First Deputy Chairman of the Board of AB" Inkom, the first Vice-President of AB Inkombank; since 1998 – President of CJSC IC "Russian investment company" ("R.I.O."); March - June 2000 – Acting Minister of Finance of the Moscow region.

In March 1997 Kuznetsov’s share in the statutory fund of “Inkom Bank” amounted to 0,04%.

From 2004 to July 2008 worked as Minister of Finance, the first Deputy Chairman of the Moscow area.

The Dossier:

Participation of Kuznetsov in financial frauds surfaced in 1996. Kuznetsov served as vice president of “Inkombank”. American shareholders started to sue the bank.

In 1993, Americans discovered the disappearance of money from the accounts and through their lawyers began internal reviews. It was found out that the methods of keeping bank accounts allowed stealing to everyone – starting from operator up to the president. Some frauds had been swung by middle managers, others - by top managers, including President Vladimir Vinogradov and his deputy Alexei Kuznetsov. The latter transferred the money to bank accounts of offshore companies through a network of Global Custody. Thus they took 60 million dollars. Subsequently, the officers who had been caught stealing - gave the money back, but shareholders had quarreled with the president completely. They had been judging with the bank for several years in the U.S. courts, and then some details of the frauds became known.

In many respects Russians got caught because of their own ignorance. Thus, vice-president Alexei Kuznetsov owned a gold card American Express, designed exclusively for corporate spending. The same "Gold" card was issued to his girlfriend in the States Janna Bullock; in 1993 she spent $ 29 thousand within six months just on underwear and shoes. In 1996 Kuznetsov bought a house for $ 575 thousand in the South Hampton - the New York area.

In 1993, Kuznetsov on behalf of the bank signed the deal guarantee, which later turned out to be a "refundable" credit of $ 15 million. Formally it was a purchase of copper wire party for $ 15 million of Samara company “Rosskat" from the American firm Southwire. "Rosskat" paid to the company with bills guaranteed by "Inkombank. The amount was debited from the accounts of shareholders of American Bank, which promised a refund with interest. But according to the documents, the guarantor appeared to be "Incombank. Money was never returned to the shareholders.
Source: "Kommersant", № 152 (1110) on 13/09/1996.

In 1998, "Inkombank” started bankrupting, and its top people created then a new structure called ZAO “IK Russian Investment Company”. In August 1998, on a wave of defaults the investment company in alliance with affiliated "Russobank" began buying debts of commercial banks. This is called creating a "trading platform for dealing with debts of banks and large corporations."

 Kuznetsov was one of the founders and the president. Co-sponsors were those associated with “Inkombank": the former senior vice president S.A. Gusher, the former vice-president Sergei Mitrofanovich Migulya, and ZAO "IK "Intrastkom” headed by general direktor E.V. Semin. Migulya headed the board of directors "Rio". The vice-president’ post was taken by the former judge of the Board "Inkombank" Andrey Vyacheslavovich Mazurov. In 2000 Mazurov became a chairman.

In March 2000, Kuznetsov applied for resignation from the presidency. His post was taken by Migulya, while chairman of the board of directors post was obtained by Mazurov (general director of “Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG”, since 2001 - Adviser to Deputy Prime Minister Klebanov). In March 2000, Kuznetsov was appointed acting Minister of Finance, Government of the Moscow Region, since 2004 - Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of Defense.


In July 2008, the Investigation Committee of the Prosecutor's Office of the RF (ICP) filed criminal charges of abuse of office against Kuznetsov. Being an official, he seized the land of 20 billion dollars near Moscow; and he had been hiding his dual citizenship status - Russia and the United States - over the whole period of service. Immediately after the start of the investigation Kuznetsov resigned on his own volition, and emigrated to the United States.
Source: "The Case of the Week" on 16/10/2008


Kuznetsov was declared wanted. However it did not prevent him from having a rest in Courchevel in January 2009 together with the head of the FSO Yevgeny Murov and executive office to the President, Kozhin.
Source: "Kommersant", № 1 (4056) on 11/01/2009


Investigation of the theft schemes of budgetary funds of the Moscow region, unprecedented in size and audacity, revealed more and more shocking details. The amount of stolen goods and an exceptional organization level together with a high level of administrative and legal support of the fraudsters were extremely impressing. Thanks to the latter the plotters, led by former members of the Moscow area government had been ruining with impunity one of the most successful regions of Russia for many years.

In fact, the fraudsters turned the System of the off-budget financing of investment programs in the Moscow region into a "milch cow". The system was established by the Government of the Moscow Area in early 2000’s to attract investment and to protect the property interests of the region. The system consisted of a group of commercial entities - subsidiaries and "granddaughter" companies of the MA. Key roles were allotted to three of them:

  • OAO "Moscow Regional Investment Trust Company (MOITK) - 100% subsidiary of the Moscow region, established to invest in construction of dwelling, municipal and public buildings in the Moscow region under the investment programs approved by the Government of the Moscow region;
  • OAO “Moscow Region Mortgage Corporation” (IKMO) - belonged to MOITK (66%) and to the Moscow region; was created for the refinancing of mortgages and loans, and for work as an investor-developer of dwelling buildings in the Moscow Region Mortgage Program.
  • OAO "Moscow Regional Mortgage Agency” (MOIA) 100% subsidiary of the Moscow Area, appealed borrowed funds on the market to finance investment programs of the MA which was implemented by IKMO.

These companies were actively involving on the market and investing borrowed funds in construction projects in the Moscow region. It has been estimated that by 2008 they gained credit for 70 billion rubles. In those years, investments in construction projects could bring good profits, and borrowers were first-rated - the structures of one of the leading regions in Russia. Moreover, for a variety of loans the Area acted as a guarantor.

As commercial entities, those companies were free to choose their contractors, they were not obliged to carry out tenders as well as to negotiate estimates of the investment projects with government officials. They could be engaged in construction of commercial housing, office, retail and entertainment centers.

The simplest "construction" scheme of theft, which ideology was attributed to Kuznetsov: the estimates which had been approved annually by MOITK on dozens of investment projects - contained "extra" millions attributed, and in the most egregious cases, there were even billions. On obvious reasons MOITK produced payments forward and in full. Sometimes there were no estimates yet, but the money had been already listed. Therefore, they built a lot and at a very high price in the Moscow region (not to be mixed with "high quality").

Cost of building schools, kindergartens, hospitals, sports facilities and other facilities was inflated by 50-75%.Taking into account the magnitude of developed budgets, on this point the MA budget had overpaid (i.e., had been robbed) at least 20 billion rubles.

Thus, MOITK (and in the end - the regional budget) paid 2 billion rubles in the entire cost for the construction of stadium "Arena Khimki” with a capacity of 18 thousand people. Assessment of work and materials (the stadium was built of inexpensive light structures) showed a two-fold excess of the estimated cost over the market one.

Another striking story was about the business center "Two Captains" which was located at the Moscow Ring Road on the site of 2.4 hectares literally right under the prestigious shopping complex "Crocus Mall”, and the Government House of the Moscow region. In 2006 MOITK retained the customer ZAO “Stroyinvest” for the construction works of the center, and contributed to the project 9.55 billion rubles. This crazy amount was transferred to “Stroyinvest” in advance without any estimates of the project ready. Actually they spent about 2 billion rubles for the construction. And on the rest of funds “Stroyinvest bought a 40% stake in OAO “ROSWEB" (owner of telecommunications companies and high yield commercial real estate objects in Moscow and Moscow region) through the front companies. It was bought from MOITK. In such a cynical was a very profitable asset was acquired from MOITK for the MOITK money. By the way, "Stroyinvest" is a 100 percent subsidiary of "RIGroup”.

In 2005 IKMO, MOIA and the Government of MA initiated issue of MOIA bonds to finance the programs which implementation was entrusted by the Government to IKMO. Organizer of the bond issues was the company "RIGroup Finance”.

IKMO transferred more than 1 billion rubles from the obtained of the bonds 4.4 billion rubles to the company “RIGroup Finance" at the expense of buying the company which owned the land for a dwelling district construction in the suburban Klin, and belonged to "RIGroup Finance. However, the company never became the property of IKMO, and "RIGroup Finance never returned the money: it was withdrawn on account of offshore companies.

In late 2008, the Central Investigation Department in the Moscow region police department opened a criminal case on the grounds of a crime under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code (fraud). As part of this investigation CEO of “RIGroup Finance” Ludmila Bezdel was arrested, who was also engaged in the Audit Commission of the Moscow Mortgage Bank. Member of the Board of Directors of the bank was Vladislav Telepnev.

This bank served the majority of debtors’ accounts of the Moscow region subsidiaries including the structures of "RIGroup”. When the MBZ became fevering due to the lack of liquidity, from the order of Kuznetsov came to support the bank at the expense of MOITK. Then the company was still in the money and promptly provided short-term borrowing patterns to "RIGroup" structures by transferring on their accounts in the MZB more than 2 billion rubles. The Bank "died on feet" - the money got disappeared. They said it had been "taken out", but it was impossible to follow those operations.

As part of this criminal case, three issues of MOIA bonds were arrested by regulations of Odintsovo City Court of Moscow region. MICEX suspended all operations in the issuance of bonds for 5.2 billion rubles in total; a technical default was declared. Accordingly, the regional administration could not meet its obligations and promptly redeem the bonds.

As the Moscow government acted as a guarantor of redemption, Standard & Poor `s lowered the long-term credit ratings of MOIA and the Moscow region to the level of selective default.

In April 2009, FAS of Russia declared that IKMO in violation of the antimonopoly legislation acquired the exclusive right on state guarantees for 750 million rubles in the framework of the regional program for the resettlement of dilapidated housing. As a result, the Moscow Region Duma was prosecuted for breaching Part 1 Article 15 of the Federal Law "On Protection of Competition" (the prohibition of authorities’ acts restricting competition). It turned out that Duma members made amendments to the regional budget, in accordance with which the state guarantees could be used not by any organization involved in the implementation of housing programs on a competitive basis, but only by IKMO.

As a result, for the period October 2007 to July 2008 IKMO had become the winner of more than three auctions in various suburban municipalities, and acquired rights to tens of hectares of urban land for peanuts. Those areas were badly needed by the structures of "RIGroup" for the implementation of new commercial projects of Kuznetsov family. The damage caused to the area, has not been quantified yet, but clearly it will be hundreds of millions of rubles.
Source: «Solomin» on 31.08.2009

At the end of 2009 a corpse appeared in the case Kuznetsov. At least, journalists referring to law enforcement sources linked the murder of the top manager of “VTB Bank” Oleg Zhukovsky with this case. In 2007 His body was found bound at the bottom of the pool in a suburban cottage. As “Rosbalt” learnt, Oleg Zhukovsky appeared in the case of theft from the budget of the Moscow region for more than 3 billion rubles.

Oleg Zhukovsky held in VTB a post of managing director of department on work with large clients. His death left aroused many questions, causing a great resonance in the media. On the rim of the pool next to the corpse of a banker a suicide note laid in which Zhukovsky wrote,"In my death no one is to blame”. The first version was proposed that the top manager of VTB committed suicide in such a strange way. An assistant to Zhukovsky, employee of VTB Timur Valeryevich Telepnev told reporters that the death of the banker was not of a criminal nature.

However, forensic experts questioned then the possibility of such a suicide. Moreover, on the doors of the cottage were seen signs of tampering. As a result, bodies of the Investigative Division of UPC RF, Moscow region opened a criminal case under article 105 of the Criminal Code (murder).

Zhukovsky's name became involved in the case of a large-scale embezzlement from the budget of the Moscow region, in which the charges were brought against the former general director of the Moscow Regional Investment Trust Company (MOITK) Vladislav V. Telepnev (correspondent Rosbalt did not manage to determine whether he was a relative to Timur Telepnev).

By the time that message came, Investigation Committee of the RF Prosecutor's Office investigated three criminal cases of frauds with the billions of state funds including those under Art. 210 of the Criminal Code (organization of a criminal community).

Witnesses testified that Oleg Zhukovsky was aware of the credit schemes development which later became used for stealing billions of rubles from the budget of the Moscow area, the source of “Rosbalt” said. Many of the decisions had been taken with his approval. The evidence shows that the death of Zhukovsky had not been not accidental, and it was possibly linked to the events, which were under investigation that time.

As the source Rosbalt noted, primarily those were loans obtained from the banks of VTB24. "We suspect that the money could have never left the banks, and their receipt by the municipal utilities existed only on paper; in connection with that we have got serious questions to certain representatives of the VTB 24", said interlocutor of the agency. The government of the Moscow region guaranteed the return of those loans.

Then MUP (with the permission of the local legislative assembly), suddenly began to conclude contracts passing the right to claim debts of housing and communal services to various companies. Those firms were faked and were registered on the names of alcoholics, prisoners, other people who had lost their documents, etc. Despite the apparent doubtful character of those structures, the regional government regularly transferred the budget money to them, paying for non-existent debts to the housing and public utilities. Then the funds were laundered and derived abroad. There is a sum of 3 billion rubles (plus interest which came running for the use of those funds) appeared in the materials of the investigation.

On November 10, 2009 Telepnev was presented the charges in a final form under art. 159 of the Criminal Code (fraud). The record shows that investigation considers Alexei Kuznetsov to be an organizer of crime schemes of embezzlement. On November 12 a criminal case directly against the former Minister of Finance in the Moscow region was separated from the case against the former leaders of MOITK; he was declared wanted. Telepnev refused to familiarize himself with the case, but already on November 25 he suddenly was already charged under Art. 210 of the Criminal Code.
Source: "Rosbalt-Moscow" from 01.12.2009

In February 2010, Dmitry Demidov was arrested. He was the former head of the largest subsidiaries of the Moscow region government - OAO Moscow Region Mortgage Corporation (IKMO) and OAO "Moscow Regional Mortgage Agency (MOIA), launched an international search. He was accused of stealing a billion of rubles from the regional budget. The money was earmarked for implementation of the program "Development of residential mortgage Moscow region in 2005-2010"
Source: was dated 12/02/2010

On March 4, 2010 they arrested the former First Deputy Minister of Finance of the Moscow area, the owner of the financial company "Horizon" and the publishing house Ltd. "Artmedia Group” Valery Nosov. He is suspected of damaging the budget of the Moscow region for 25 billion rubles by fraud; along with the launched in the international wanted list former Finance Minister Alexei Kuznetsov of the Moscow region, his wife, the president of JSC "RIGroup" Janna Bullock, and CEO of OOO “Russian Investment Group" Dmitry Kotlyarenko.

Mr. Kuznetsov, Mr. Nosov, Ms. Bullock and Mr. Kotlyarenko are suspected pf issuing budgetary credits to the organizations controlled by the same Jeanne Bullock and Dmitry Kotlyarenko through MOITK. Mr. Kuznetsov and Mrs. Bullock are not available for the investigation - they are hiding abroad. Dmitry Kotlyarenko was detained in Cyprus a year ago, but it refused to extradite him to Russia. Thus, the only direct figurant of the new trials may happen to be Valery Nosov.
Source: "Kommersant» № 37 (4337) on 04/03/2010

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