Born June 4, 1976 in the village of Butyn of Odintsovo district, Moscow region. In 1993 he graduated from Alabinskaya high school in military village Kalininets and in the same year he moved to Moscow.
In 1998 he graduated from the Russian University of Peoples' Friendship. In 2001 he graduated from the faculty of "Finance and credit" of the Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation.
From 2000 to 2007 he held various positions in the apparatus of the Russian Democratic Party "Yabloko". In the parliamentary elections in 2003 he led the election campaign of the party "Yabloko" on the elections to the State Duma in Moscow. In these elections, "Yabloko" has shown the best result among all the regional headquarters.
In April 2004, Navalny became the Chief of the apparatus of the Moscow branch of the "Yabloko" and remained in that post until February 2007.
In addition, 2004 until the summer of 2007, he was deputy chairman of the Moscow party branch, the branch was headed by Sergei Mitrokhin at that time.
In summer 2004, Navalny was elected as an executive secretary of created with "Yabloko" Muscovites Protection Committee, which opposed the sealing construction, and in 2006-2007 Navalny was a member of Federal Council of "Yabloko".
In August 2005, Navalny was included in the Public Council of the Central Administrative District of Moscow, created as a tool of influence of the society on making decision by power structures before the start of the campaign for elections to the Moscow City Duma. In November of the same year, Navalny became one of the initiators of the Younger, from 2004 until the summer of 2007, he was the deputy chairman of the Moscow branch of the party office, the party office at that time was headed by Sergei Mitrokhin.
In summer 2004, Navalny was elected an executive secretary of the created with the "Yabloko" Muscovites protect Committee of acting Public Chamber, an organization whose aim was to the participation of the youth in legislative initiatives. In the Moscow City Duma elections themselves, held in December 2005, Navalny ran on the list of "Yabloko - United Democrats." During this time he, in particular, met with one of the leaders of participated in the list party "Union of Right Forces," Nikita Belykh.
In 2005, Navalny was one of the organizers of the youth social movement "DA! - Democratic Alternative", among the organizers of the movement was also the daughter of the famous Russian politician and economist Yegor Gaidar, Maria Gaidar and correspondent of the magazine The New Times, the head of the Fund Think Moldova Natalia Morar. In this movement, he participated in a number of projects. In particular, Navalny was mentioned as a coordinator of the Project "DA! For media freedom!" and the project "The police with the people." In connection with the draft of the motion, associated with law enforcement, Navalny and his associates conducted raids on police stations to verify compliance of the rights of detainees.
In early 2006, Navalny, Gaidar and a spokesman of the party "Yabloko" Sergei Kazakov created another project - "political debate", within which in the clubs were organized public meetings between politicians and public figures.
June 23, 2007, Navalny was one of the founders of the movement "People" as an ideology of which was chosen a "democratic nationalism" - the struggle for democracy and the rights of Russian. Co-Chairs of the movement were elected Navalny himself, as well as writers Sergei Gulyaev and Zakhar Prilepin. In connection with the participation in the creation of the movement "People" in the July 2007, Navalny was forced to resign from his post as deputy head of the Moscow "Apple".
In December 2009, Navalny, together with the Russian version of Forbes magazine, has organized a project to protect the rights of minority shareholders - the Center of protection of shareholders.
Back in early 2009, shortly after his appointment as governor of the Kirov region Nikita Belykh named Navalny his supernumerary adviser. In the summer of the same year, Navalny led the non-profit organization Foundation for the Support of the initiatives of the Kirov region Governor.
Alexei Navalny is a minority shareholder of a number of companies such as "Surgutneftegas", "Rosneft", "Gazprom Neft", Sberbank, VTB and others. On the rights of a shareholder Alexei Navalny holds regular scandals, accusing top management of these companies in numerous abuses. At the same time on their hands Navalny has a minimum number of shares, for example, "Rosneft" by only 60 thousand rubles ($ 1,700) - there are 130 thousand people in such Shareholders of "Rosneft".
Navalny was recognized as Person of the Year 2009 by the business newspaper "Vedomosti". At the same time, he was recognized as a "Man of the Year" by the Exchange Review Stock in Focus.
Navalny - is the author of one of the most popular socio-political and business blogs on Livejournal.
Alexei Navalny is married, in 2008, the couple had a son.
"Business Petersburg", 18.12.2009 year, www.stockinfocus.ru, 21.12.2009, «Vedomosti» №208, 07.11.2005, "Novaya Gazeta" number 78, 20.10.2005, "Nezavisimaya Gazeta", 09.02.2010
Navalny was a member of the nationalist marches "Russian march" in 2006 and 2008, first as an observer from the "Apple", then - as the representative of the movement "People". In March 2008 he witnessed the brutal riot police detain of the leader of the "Slavic Union" Dmitry Demushkin and said that, despite the ambiguous reputation of Demushkin, he is ready to testify in court in his defense. In 2011, Navalny announced his intention to continue to participate in marches...
As of 2011, the movement has stopped an activity and, according to Navalny, "didn't take place organizationally," however, formulated a "very correct platform."
May 9, 2012 again was sentenced to confinement for 15 days for taking part in an illegal public event, held in the early morning of the day on Kudrinskaya Square.
According to the newspaper "Vedomosti", the spring of 2008 Navalny on the sum of about 300 thousand Rubles bought shares of "Rosneft", "Gazprom", "Lukoil", "Surgutneftegaz", "Gazprom oil". Then began the fight for their rights as a minority shareholder.
According to the Kommersant publishing house, Navalny - is a minority shareholder of large Russian companies, including "Surgutneftegaz", "Transneft", "Rosneft", "Gazprom Neft", "Gazprom", and TNK-BP, VTB Bank.
In December 2010, Alexey Navalny announced the creation of "RosPil" project, dedicated to the fight against the abuse in public procurement. The project works as follows: Site users identify the alleged corrupt procurement competitions (usually with the help of the official portal of public procurement), professional experts evaluate tenders from the point of view of possible corruption, the lawyers of the project on the basis of conducted examinations write complaints to regulatory authorities (primarily in federal Antimonopoly service) in order to cancel the corrupted procurement. Experts and users, involved in the search of corrupt procurement, are volunteers. The lawyers are members of the “RosPil” that is being paid from project funds for their work. To finance the project is organized a gathering of private donations, transferred through payment system "Yandex.Money".
... In May 2011 it became known that a criminal case was initiated against Navalny under the article 165 of the Criminal Code («Causing damage to property by deception or abuse of confidence in the absence of signs of theft"). According to investigators, Navalny misled the Director of the State Unitary Enterprise "Kirovles" Vyacheslav Opalev, inclining him to conclude a disadvantageous contract. Navalny introduced as an adviser to the governor of the Kirov region Nikita Belykh, although at that time he was no longer a governor, and promised Opalev the support from the authorities in the region. The amount of damage, caused to the company, was estimated at 1.3 million rubles.
... Alexei Navalny in his blog accused the head of the Moscow Department of Transport Maxim Liksutov in possession of shares of a foreign company, not reflected in the declaration. Maxim Liksutov filed against Alexei Navalny, George Alburov and a Foundation of the fight against corruption a lawsuit in the amount of 3.5 million. The court found Navalny guilty and ordered him to pay Maxim Liksutov 600 thousand rubles.
... May 17, 2016 Moscow court initiated a criminal case [297] against Alexei Navalny under article 128.1 of the Criminal Code ("Libel") in the address of the former policeman Pavel Karpov. According to the court, Navalny repeatedly published in his blog materials, defaming the honor and dignity of the police, wherein the materials themselves were not significant.
Father: Navalny Anatoly Ivanovich
Mother: Navalnaya Lyudmila Ivanovna
Wife: Navalnaya Julia Borisovna.
Children: daughter Daria, son Zahar
Brother - Oleg Navalny, to May 2013 - the Deputy Director of "automated sorting centers" company, branch of "Mail of Russia", the first deputy director of the express delivery company EMS Russian Post. Cousin - Navalnaya Marina (Ukr.) Russian.
In 1999 he entered the faculty of Finance and Credit of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation (specialty "Securities and stock exchanges"), from which he graduated in 2001.
In 2010, on the recommendation of Garry Kasparov, Eugene Albats, Sergei Guriev and Oleg Tsyvinski, he took a six-month training program at Yale University on the program «Yale World Fellows».
Work and business
Navalny owns 25% of the share capital of LLC "Kobyakovskaya for basket weaving factory" (in the Odintsovo district, Moscow region).
For some time he worked in the "Aeroflot" bank.
In 1997 he founded the "Nesna" Ltd., the main type of activity of the firm were announced services hairdressing. For some time "Nesna" handed over "zero" balance sheets, and then was sold.
In 1997 registered an "Allectus" LLC. In 1998-2005 he held the position of Deputy Director for Legal Affairs in the company. In the Duma elections of 2007, the company "Allectus" was the agent of the party Union of Right Forces on advertising. Total URF purchased through "Allectus" advertising on 99 million rubles, Navalny received a commission of 5% from this that is 5 million rubles. As for 2011, LLC "Allectus" was in the process of liquidation.
He worked in the development company "ST Group" in 1998-1999. Among other things, was engaged in currency controls, and anti-monopoly legislation.
In 2000, together with friends at People's Friendship University Faculty of Law opened the company "N. N. Securities ". Navalny was the owner of 35% shares of this company and held a post as chief accountant there. "N. N. Securities" traded securities on the stock exchange; as a result, the company went bankrupt. According to Navalny, playing on the stock exchange, he lost "those few money" that he had.
In 2001, Navalny acted as the co-founder of "Euro-Asian transport system." The company was engaged in logistics, earning road freight.
In 2006 he was leading the program "Urban Chronicle" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow".
In 2009, Navalny passed the qualifying examination in the Bar Association of the Kirov region. In 2010, Navalny transferred to the Moscow City Bar Association. During his legal practice he was involved in 11 matters in arbitration courts, with only two of them personally, and in other cases his representatives acted on his behalf.
In 2009, Navalny has established LLC "Navalny and partners", in 2010 the company was liquidated.
In February 2012, the National Reserve Bank (NRB) of Alexander Lebedev (which owns 15% of "Aeroflot" company) has put forward Navalny as a candidate to the Board of Directors of "Aeroflot". June 25, 2012 Navalny went to the council of "Aeroflot" Directors according to the decision of the annual shareholders' meeting. 787 million votes were cast for Navalny that the total number of votes at 12.1 billion pieces amounted a 6.5% (voices of NRB and a number of other minorities). Navalny entered a part of the Committee for Personnel and Remuneration of the Board of Directors of "Aeroflot". In February 2013 it was reported that Navalny has been nominated as a candidate for the new composition of "Aeroflot" Board of Directors.
Since the second half of the 2000s Navalny, earlier trading stocks professionally, became interested in the issues of the rights of minority shareholders. In 2008, he began to actively engage in so-called "invest-activism" - bought small stakes in large companies (in particular, he is a minority shareholder of "Surgutneftegaz", "Transneft", "Rosneft", "Gazpromneft", TNK-BP's, "Sberbank" and VTB) and then demanded on the rights of shareholders a disclosure of information about the activities of management, from which could depend on the incomes of shareholders and transparency of companies.
«Vedomosti» № 248, 30.12.2009
In autumn 2006, the press pointed at Navalny as one of the organizers of "Russian march", prepared by the nationalist organizations, but he categorically rejected. However, Navalny participated as an observer in meetings of the organizing committee of the rally, explaining that the protection of the rights of citizens to peaceful assembly
"Novye Izvestiya", 02.11.2006
A large scandal, organized by Navalny, was an alleged embezzlement of $ 150 million by the officials of the branch, the state-owned bank VTB after purchase by the company of 30 Chinese oil platforms in 2007. The authorities initially refused to open a criminal case, saying that there was not sufficient reason to do it, but later the Moscow prosecutor's office sent the material of the case to the police to address the issue of a criminal case initiation.
www.stockinfocus.ru, 10.03.2010
Alexei Navalny organized a project for the TVC channel - program "Fight Club." In April 2007, after just two broadcasts, which have shown a high rating, the program was suddenly taken off the air. Navalny himself tied to the existence of the closure of the program "stop list", drawn up by the authorities, forbidding the appearance of individuals on television, what they are exactly, he did not explain.
In November 2007, Alexey Navalny participated as an observer in a meeting of the organizing committee of "Russian march". Navalny has publicly stated that he condemns none of the slogans of the "Russian March". On this occasion, followed by a critical statement of the Deputy Chairman of the party "Yabloko" Sergei Ivanenko and when in December 2007 at a meeting of the party bureau Navalny demanded the immediate resignation of the chairman of the party and all his deputies, and re-election of at least 70 percent of the bureau, by a majority vote, he was expelled from the "Apple with the wording "for causing political damage to the party, in particular, for nationalist activities»
www.polit.ru, 01.02.2008
In 2007, Navalny has twice figured in scandals related to the television program "Political debates", conducted by him. In February, the debate between publicists Yulia Latynina and Maxim Kononenko, appeared radical nationalists, led by Maxim Marcinkiewicz (nicknamed "Slasher"), to whom Navalny gave the word, confirming their nationalist beliefs. However, after the debate, Navalny appeared among the people, who submitted statement to the police to Marcinkiewicz. In October, after the debate between Maria Gaidar and writer Eduard Bagirov, accompanied by a violation of the order in the hall, Navalny shot from a traumatic gun in mechanic Timur Teziev. According to Navalny, Teziev tried to disrupt the debate: was sent by the Kremlin structures, responsible for internal policy and youth work, among which Navalny called the first deputy head of the Presidential Administration Vladislav Surkov. After six months of investigation the case of the attack of Navalny on Teziev was discontinued.
www.vz.ru, 09.03.2007, "Expert", 02.03.2007, "Nezavisimaya Gazeta", 09.02.2010
In May 2008, Alexei Navalny has announced that he and a group of like-minded people are going to find out why the oil of the major Russian state-owned companies is sold by a trader Gunvor and who its beneficial owners are. Navalny said that the company "Rosneft", "Gazprom Neft" and "Surgutneftegaz" are hiding information from shareholders about their collaboration with the oil trader. He made a statement that the companies rob the shareholders. He demanded in court to open information about the contracts of Russian oil companies with a registered in Switzerland intermediary firm Gunvor International B.V. The courts thrice denied Navalny in his claims. One of the reasons of interest of Navalny to Gunvor company in the media called the revelation of the Russian political scientist Stanislav Belkovsky in the Washington Post about the relationship of former President of the country Vladimir Putin with Gunvor firm, allegedly, Putin owns 75 percent of the company Gunvor - oil trader registered in Switzerland and founded by Gennady Timchenko, a friend of Vladimir Putin. Alexei Navalny demanded to report on what extent and in which conditions "Rosneft", "Gazprom Neft", "Surgutneftegas" sell oil to Gunvor.
www.newsru.com, May 15, 2008
In December 2008, Alexey Navalny was acted in the press, denouncing "Gazprom" managers, who made several transactions in their own interest and tried to cash funds in Latvia. He managed an initiation of a criminal case, which was discontinued July 10, 2009. Navalny over the Internet turned for help to the citizens and asked them to send an official letter to the prosecutor. Then the Investigative Committee of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs received 512 formal complaints, and the decision to close the case was changed.
www.gorod.tomsk.ru, 27.12.2009
As a shareholder of "Gazprom" Alexei Navalny said that his company is robbed. According to him, "Gazprom", being able to buy oil directly from the company, engaged in oil production, allows some third company to be a mediator in the deal, wherein "Gazprom" overcharged for oil twice as much as if the oil was purchased by it without intermediaries. Wherein, the raw material goes on a straight line - from the provider to the tube of "Gazprom", and the profit is taken by an intermediary firm. At the same time, top-managers of "Gazprom" and the state does not recognize themselves as victims. However, Navalny, as a shareholder of "Gazprom", was officially recognized as a victim in the criminal case of theft of money from "Mezhregiongaz" - one of the subsidiaries of the company. Defendants in the criminal case, initiated on the facts of the theft, became six people. This is Deputy General Director of "Mezhregiongaz" Igor Dmitriev, director of "Novatek" Alexander Lyadov, former general director of LLC "Transinvestgaz" Galina Sheremet, Tatiana Gulyaeva, the former chief accountant of "Trastinvestgaz", the CEO of "Transinvestgaz" Dmitry Novikov and Igor Kataev, general director of LLC "Investment agency" Intelligence and law. «They were accused of abuse of power. In this case the investigator, in whose production is the criminal case, warned Navalny that the director of the department "Novotek" (the company, producing oil) Aleksandr Lyadov, who signed the paper for passing the oil through an intermediary company, died under unclear circumstances after the initiation of the investigation.
www.chayka.org, 01.03.2009, www.navalny.livejournal.com, «Vedomosti» № 248 (2518) 30.12.2009
In 2008, Alexei Navalny filed a lawsuit to force Rosneft to open information about the delivery contracts, concluded with Gunvor... The Moscow Arbitration Court dismissed the claim, saying that the company is in accordance with the Russian legislation is not required to show their trade relations with Gunvor. After denying the claims, Navalny was going to file a lawsuit on the alleged violation of property rights against Rosneft in the European Court of Human Rights. Rosneft's representatives at the same time asserted that all information is available to shareholders, as required by Russian law.
www.stockinfocus.ru, 10.03.2010
In January 2009, Alexey Navalny, a minority shareholder of "Rosneft" and "Transneft", submitted to the Federal Arbitration Court of Moscow District an application for reinstatement of a term of two of his claims to oblige companies to provide information. Earlier, the Arbitration Court and the Ninth Arbitration Appeals Court in Moscow rejected the statements of claim of Navalny, who asked to oblige "Rosneft" to provide information about the company's relationship with the oil trader Gunvor. Similar requirements for transactions with Gunvor Navalny filed to "Surgutneftegaz", where he also is a minority shareholder. Analysts believe that the actions of Navalny - is just a PR-action, since his packs in campaigns are negligible for information, which he states in their suits.
"Finance", 21.01.2009
At the same time, in the claim to "Transneft" Navalny demanded to disclose information about charitable payments of the company for 2007. According to him, the cost of holding on a charity are excessive and detrimental to shareholders, as they reduce the amount of dividends. At the request of Alexei Navalny the Chairman of MDM Bank Board, an independent director of "Transneft" Oleg Vyugin sent a letter to the chairman of the Board of directors of "Transneft" Sergey Shmatko with the proposal to bring on the Board of Directors the issue of publication of information, related to charitable work, as only in 2007 year "Transneft" has spent for these purposes 7.2 billion rubles, but the recipients of assistance to shareholders does not disclose. In 2008, Navalny has filed lawsuits to "Transneft" in the Arbitration Court of Moscow, but lost: the company proved that it is not obliged to disclose the recipients of charity.
www.lenta.ru, 07.10.2009
In 2009, the inspection of the law enforcement authorities at the request of Navalny of the company "VTB-Leasing" resulted that: at the purchase of rigs about 160 million settled in the accounts of the Cyprus offshore. The result of the audit became the resignation of the director of this company. VTB President Andrei Kostin admitted that the manager is fired for using illegal schemes.
www.dp.ru, 18.12.2009
May 7, 2010 Alexei Navalny has filed a lawsuit in the Moscow Arbitration Court, in which he asked to oblige Sberbank to disclose the remuneration of President Dmitry Medvedev and Chairman of the Board German Gref. According to Navalny, in protocols of the supervisory boards in 2009 the graphs on the site of remuneration of Gref and the members of the Supervisory Board are classified as "confidential". In Sberbank had previously reported that in 2009 paid to members of the Supervisory Board bonuses of 23.8 million rubles, and the total amount of payments to top managers was 423.6 million rubles. At the same time how these funds were distributed among the members of the Supervisory Board, wasn't reported.
www.lenta.ru, 12.05. 2010
But Alexei Navalny, apparently, does not understand that his only political capital - are apologists of the legend of a fearless fighter against corruption, fans of the brand "Navalny." And so an individual Navalny should not call their fans rams, must not exchange the popularity of the brand "Navalny" on some small squabble over the vacant seat of the "Father of the Russian democracy." Even if an individual Navalny gets some dividends from this, the brand "Navalny" irreversibly dies.
IFR "Navalny" in general should not be involved in some kind of political vanity, he, according to the thought of the authors of the project was to be the ruler of the minds, the spiritual father of the protest, a kind of New Solzhenitsyn. He did not have to fight for power, he had to wait until he will be plead, "Come, prince and rule over us." In this case, the potential of the brand would be fully implemented.
Can Alex Anatolievich cure the disease of the star fever and save the brand "Navalny"? More likely no, than yes. Except that he will be put under the inhumane practices of compulsory treatment...
Russian News Agency, 03.11.2012
Being a man of ambitious, Alexey Anatolievich does not want to be "a running errand" of Mitrokhin. So he together with other young politicians of "democratic orientation" Maria Gaidar (the daughter of the infamous reformer), Natalia Morar and Ilya Yashin created a youth social movement, "DA! - Democratic Alternative." This movement was primarily engaged in organizing of debates between prominent politicians and public figures in Moscow clubs.
People's control committee in 2013.
A real scandal broke in the web. It was provoked by Margarita Simonyan. Russia Today editor wrote that sits in the Kremlin, eats shrimp, and next to he sits a very Navalny. Soon Minaev wrote about a blogger. He stressed that Navalny became a secular lion. At first, he is in the Kremlin, and then flies into the "Rain".
The city of Ryazan, 03/21/2013
Underestimating of the opponent - is a key mistake of the official. The other day I allowed myself to sneer over the leaflet of Navalny again, the text of which literally sounds like this: "If you are normal, then your choice is - Navalny ... if a complete idiot, your choice is - reindeer herder." One of the fiercest Navalny's people reproached me that I pick on a student creativity "on the knee", and in general I should be ashamed that I criticize the One uncontested leader of the opposition. Note: not the headquarters, which churns out such leaflets, but, namely, I should be ashamed. Similarly, 30 years ago, I was explained that if I fail to hand over 20 kg of waste paper, the socialist regime in Nicaragua will collapse, and the blame for this will be on me personally.
MC, 04.09.2013
Bar Association of Moscow has deprived the opposition leader Alexei Navalny the status of a lawyer in connection with the entry into force of the verdict in the case of "Kirovles".
The site of the Chamber stated that the Lawyer status on the register number 77/9991 (lawyer Navalny Alexei Anatolievich) is terminated.
www.newsru.com, 04.12.2013
Alexei Navalny on the air of the TV channel "Rain" named former deputy head of his staff, municipal deputy Maxim Katz a "dishonest person" and a "crook". During the "straight line" Katz asked what has caused the change in attitude of Navalny to him and the team that granted him a second place in the elections of the mayor of Moscow in 2013.
5kolonna.info, 31.05.2016
The expert stressed that Navalny made for himself a name of oppositionist, and before that the name of the successful greenmailers (greenmailing - is corporate blackmail - note. Vzglyad) solely on the scandals. "It's just such a person; he has such a scandalous nature. Everything he touches, eventually turns into a scandal, like the ancient king Midas, only with a sign on the contrary ", - said Martynov.
Look, 01/06/2016
Law enforcement agencies conducted a search in Moscow apartment of the oppositionist Alexey Navalny. Earlier in respect of Navalny was initiated a new criminal case, reports TASS.
Earlier, the police at the request of the ex-investigator Pavel Karpov initiated a case against Navalny. The reason for the initiation of the case was the blogger material, which he published on his website. In the text Navalny commented the information from the four-part film "Untouchables", which refers to the involvement of Karpov to the death in 2009 of the employee fund Hermitage Capital, Sergei Magnitsky.
Vedomosti, 01.06.2016