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Hotin Alex Yurievich

23.02.2018 22:43
Hotin Alex Yurievich

According to market participants, Hotin family owns 150 commercial real estate in Moscow, a total area of 1.5 million square meters. The largest of these are business center "Favorite" (122 thousand sq. m.), BC Cherry Tower (102 thousand sq. m.), BC "Krasniy Bogatyr" (90 thous. sq. m), BC Cube (about 30 thousand. sq. m), BC "Agat" (32 thous. sq. m), BC "Stendhal" (about 20 thousand sq. m.) and a number of smaller objects of class B and C.

Forbes magazine in 2011 estimated the revenue of the Hotin family from the rental of commercial real estate in $ 105 million, putting them on the 12th place in the list of the capital rentier. The source of "Kommersant", familiar with the objects of the company, says that this figure may be understated. "Rental rates in belonging to Yuri and Alexei Hotin business centers varies from $ 100 to $ 300 per 1 sq. m per year", - says interlocutor of "Kommersant".  Thus, the annual income from these objects can range from $ 150 million to $ 450 million in year., 30.06.2011


Natives of Belarus father and son Hotin through dozens of companies control, according to Forbes estimates, about 1.8 million square m. of office and retail space in Moscow, in particular, Cherry Tower business centers, "Krasniy Bogatyr" and "Nizhny Novgorod" and Technopark "Synthesis". Hotin manage the business themselves and solve all the key questions: Yuri directly does with objects; Alex is negotiating with partners and is involved in legal proceedings. However, as market participants believe they may enjoy the protection of an influential person - the former speaker of the Federation Council, and now the presidential candidate of the party "Fair Russia" Sergei Mironov.

Numerous lawsuits, involving the companies of Hotin, consuming a lot of energy and resources, even in the structure, where, according to eyewitnesses, work more than 400 people from the law enforcement and security agencies. Without sponsors in high offices it would be even more difficult. And yet, despite all the changes in the corridors of power, everything goes on as usual. In summer of 2011 it became known that Hotin acquired shopping malls "Gorbushkin yard" and "Filion" from structures of Alexander Milyavsky, which experts have estimated at $ 400-500 million, calling the purchase a deal of the year in the retail market. The next step - is Mitinsky radio market, which is controlled by Alexander Tarantsev.

Forbes, 10.02.2012


In Belarus, Yuri led "Belkosmetiks", engaged in the production of cosmetics and household products. In the mid-1990s, father and son came to Moscow, rented a room at the territory of the Meat Processing Plant behalf of Mikoyan and started the habitual business - opened a shop of household chemical goods. In 1998, after the bankruptcy of the company "Mikoms" businessmen bought for peanuts one of the buildings and began to give premises for rent. What methods have helped Hotin to become from small businessmen to real estate development group, taking fourth place in the Forbes ranking in less than 14 years?

Hotin chose Moscow soap factory (MMZ) as one of the first objects to absorb. In 2001, 65% of the shares of MMZ were owned by businessman Mikhail Zavertyaev and his partners, 20% were at the Moscow government. Hotin appear among the shareholders of the plant even before Zavertyaev became the majority owner. "With a deal it was hid from us that raiders have already come. We knew about them later"- says Zavertyaev. Troubles, he said, began with a request to the prosecutor's office, signed by the then vice-mayor of Moscow Valery Shantsev to investigate MMP evasion from payment of taxes.

At the regular meeting of representatives of shareholders Hotin came accompanied by OMON fighters. Later ballot papers of main owners were admitted invalid. "Alex Hotin called me with threats several times, and when we met at a Moscow restaurant, he said that acts on behalf of Elena Baturina», - says Zavertyaev. - I taped all the negotiations and passed to RUBOP, but then all the records are gone. "

Compromat, 10.02.2012


Hotin is characterized as a very closed and non-public business. This asset, like many others, they manage through a few "physicists". The largest shareholder of the "Ugra" now is Maya Alandzhy (19.57% stake). According to open sources, she heads the LLC "Tehmed", which is the company of Alexey Yurevich Hotin. Internet users call this business woman as a faithful assistant of Hotin. In addition, another shareholder - Michael Grebeshef, according to some sources, heads the security service of Hotin. In general, a lot of negative information can be found in the internet about these businessmen. In particular, there is an open letter to the contractors, which were hired for construction by Hotin, but not paid with them. Some people accused businessmen in raiding.

And finally, there is the view that the banking business is not interesting for new shareholders that the capital could be increased fictitiously. "Pour the means to take loan by themselves. Previously with a small authorized capital nothing was given on hands, now, when the decision on the additional issue, it will be possible to give 1.5 billion rubles on hands,"- says one of the local bankers. However, this version seems strange, considering that there is nothing to take in a small bank, especially for the business of the volume, like Hotin have.

Znak, 04.03.2013


No matter is he right or not, a real estate has become a core direction of business for Hotin, and bankruptcy - the main condition of its acquisition. To carry out the correct bankruptcy, it is necessary to get inside the company first. That's how it was done in the case of the already mentioned neighbor of Hotin on the Talalihinskaya street Stavrulov. As a businessman remembers, he wanted to withdraw production from Moscow and began the search for a buyer for its building at 19 000 sq. m in 2007. A neighbor - Alex Hotin - contacted him. Businessmen agreed, 30% of the advance were transferred to Stavrulov. Then the deal was delayed by almost six months, and Stavrulov decided not to wait longer - to find a new buyer. But when it came to tax, then he found out that his company "Igelsnab" (the only asset of which was the building) has the new owners, and unfamiliar Dmitry Rud'ko appointed as a general director instead of his sister Helen Stavrulova.

While Stavrulov challenged in the courts of changes in the registration documents, the new owners of "Igelsnaba" do its bankruptcy. Several third-party companies have given a bill by 1.4 billion rubles to each other, and made "Igelsnab" a guarantor for it. After that, the creditors have filed lawsuits for the return of the debt, but the guarantor had to pay. According to the decision of the Moscow Arbitration, the company was to pay 684 million rubles, and Rudkov filed for "Igelsnaba" bankruptcy. The building, which Hotin liked, was put up for auction and bought for 199.7 million rubles. Of these, almost 120 million rubles were returned to the same third-party companies, 79 million rubles received Sberbank (the building was in its pledge).

The veteran of MIA Dmitry Mikhailovsky also lost its building in Lubyanskiy Travel in a similar scheme.

Vedomosti, 04.22.13


VTB Bank in 2008 issued a structure of Hotin - the company "Complex investment" (a part of LLC "Machinery and equipment") - a loan in the amount of 5.25 billion rubles. A year later, the Bank recorded a first non-payment, in March 2010 filed a lawsuit to recover the debt, in July 2010, found out about the liquidation of LLC "Machinery and equipment" and the guarantor on the loan LLC "Mega Group", notes the newspaper.

In 2011, the debt to VTB of Hotin structures was 6.26 billion rubles. As of April 2013, the VTB is still trying to repay the loan, but unsuccessfully.

The Name of Alexei Hotin is also linked with Elena Baturina - a wife of ex-mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov. The former owner of MMZ Mikhail Zavertyaev told Forbes that Alexei Hotin said him that he was acting on behalf of Elena Baturina.

Russia Today, 23.10.2013

10. Alex Hotin, Yuri Hotin

Company: Complex investments

Rental income: $ 320 million

The main object: "Gorbushkin yard" (35,000 sq. m.), the shopping center "Filion" (58 000 sq. m.), BC East Gate (110 000 sq. m.)

Trading area (sq. M): 120 000

Office area (sq. M): 1.22 million

Other business: in late 2013, Alexey Hotin acquired 30% of the oil company Exillon Energy, (capitalization of £ 170 million, has been producing in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District and Komi Republic) registered in the Isle of Man.

Transaction: In summer an oil company "Dulisma", owned by Hotin, having achieved the extension of benefits to export duty, for 1.8 billion acquired the company "Irelyakhneft" from "Alrosa". Previously, "Rosneft" claimed this company.

Digital: Revenues from oil assets of Hotin exceed the revenue from the rental of a real estate more than double.

Forbes, 29.01.2015

Businessmen Alexei and Yuri Hotin acquired the oil company "Negusneft" from the group "Synthes" of the former senator Leonid Lebedev, reported three sources in the market to Forbes.

Representatives of the "Synthes" and Hotin didn't provide comments at the time of publication of the material.

The amount of the transaction is unknown. Gazprombank analyst Alexander Nazarov estimates "Negusneft" approximately at $ 100 million, taking into account the high debt.

Forbes, 09.11.2015


It is known very little about the past of the father and son Yuri and Andrew Hotin: being one of the most non-public Russian businessmen, they are practically absent in the information field of the country. That, in principle, does not prevent to make an incredible way from small Belarusian traders of cosmetics to the largest holders of real estate in Moscow. Considering that such jumps "from rags to riches" until recently were peculiar for the financial pyramids and zits-businessmen, on which are written the assets of the other people, experts have repeatedly speculated that Hotins's Empire is very vulnerable.

Moreover, exactly an astronomical number of square meters create a major threat to it. Sources in surroundings of Hotin are sure that the property was bought by the owners of "Gorbushkin court" on the money, taken from the influential people. And Hotin know that if the payments will stop, the authorities will take not only the property.

During the crisis, the unexpected happened: the value of the ruble real estate has fallen sharply, but the foreign currency liabilities remained. Apparently, financial problems recently forced father and son Hotin to desperately search money to patch up financial holes. By the way, the veil of silence around the family financial status generated a lot of rumors about its secret political patrons, among which was also called the name of the leader of "Fair Russia" Sergei Mironov. If these rumors have a soil under them, the situation for businessmen is desperate at all; they have the debt not only to investors, but also the political "roof".

"Ruspres". 04/03/2016


Firstly, "Ugra" previously developed by the same scheme, as the rest of the empire of Hotin, i.e. on the basis of anonymous financial pyramid. Not once, not twice this institution was called a "bank-vacuum", which has attracted money of the population with the aggressive advertising campaign and promises obviously inflated interest, and proceeds were deduced to the companies of the owners with large disturbances and risks. According to some estimates, by 2015 a quarter of loans of "Yugra" were at Hotin projects. The bank finished almost as "MMM", dramatically lowering the yield on interest rates over time, which fell from 12.4 per cent to 6.5 per cent per annum for ruble deposits and from 7.9 to 2.3 per cent in dollar deposits . The Bank has ceased to open seasonal deposit "Mobile Summer", has ceased to replenish deposits. By June 2013, household deposits in "Yugra" were up 24.9 percent, by clicking the mark of 20 billion rubles, wherein the twelve co-owners of the bank, whose last names are not known to anyone in the financial community, disposed of this money. Actually, drugged citizens carried their money in modern office of "horns and hoofs" with the only difference, that there were already twelve zits-chairs, and this number was needed just to paint less than 10 % share per "pound", beating some legal restrictions.

And six months ago, a miracle happened: "Ugra" bank, who had been silent with regard to its beneficiaries, like the partisans in the interrogation, suddenly confessed! And quite unexpectedly went to meet the Central Bank, demanding to reveal the true owners of suspicious structures, "suddenly" calling Alexei Hotin as its co-owner. However, Hotin, as always, limited with a half-truth. If In January Hotin Jr. was listed only as minority shareholder with a stake of 0.5%, whereas in February Alexei Yurevich as a result of the additional issue became the owner of 52% stake in the bank directly and through a Swiss offshore Radamant Financial AG. Strange movements in the bank continued in March, when Radamant offered to other holders (thus zits-chairmen) to redeem their shares in the bank capital at par value of 1,000 rubles, which in our circumstances is to give a gift. It turns out that bankers and developers, carefully hiding their involvement to the bank for a long time, right now publicly declare their rights on it for some reason? Of course, poverty and lack of money force to make not only such actions.

The fact is that one of the last (or latest) ways to solve their problems for Hotin is - to lobby an obtaining of financial loan bonds (OFZ) under "Ugra", an obstacle to what until recently was the opacity of the ownership. With the disclosure of the owners, the bank can claim the additional capitalization through federal loan bonds in the amount of 9.9 billion rubles.

"Criminal Russia". 04/03/2016


The Central Bank and the DIA are establishing the check of structures of the Belarusian perfumers Hotin.

Former Belarusian perfumers Hotin - are characters so conspiratorial (even their photos cannot be found on the network), as if they are going to escape from Russia with stolen money today or tomorrow. That, in principle, is not surprising when you consider that the bank "Yugra", owned by them, is collecting money from the Russians on unnatural beneficial interest, and then covers with this money the pre-bankruptcy developer family projects.

According to "Vedomosti", on Monday, April 4, the check of the Central Bank and the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) starts at the bank "Yugra", said a person, close to the supervisory unit of the Central Bank: Central Bank and DIA officers will check the register of depositors. The representative of "Ugra" confirmed "Vedomosti" that on the cheek will go on the bank on Monday, but said that it is planned and the bank has no information, if the depositors’ registry will be checked. The reason for testing is - the re-registration of the head office of "Ugra" of Megion (Tyumen region.) to Moscow, he explained...

The Central Bank had a lot of questions to "Ugra", told a person close to the supervisory unit of the Central Bank and the Bank Counterparty: In addition to concerns about the growth of the rates Central Bank was worried about bank ownership structure. De jure "Ugra" was owned by 12 people, but market participants believe that the bank is controlled by the father and son Yuri and Alexei Hotin. According to a person, close to the "Ugra" and familiar of the family of Hotin, Hotin Jr. was mainly engaged in the bank, he appeared in a part of the owners at the end of 2015 after the additional issue with 52.5% share.

"Ruspres". 05/04/2016


"Young businessman, is not pretentious, goes without protection", - says about Alexei Hotin a banker, which knows him for a long time. Another friend recalls that met him on the sidelines of the Petersburg Economic Forum and the international exhibition MIPIM in Cannes. Hotin was surrounded by a large entourage, but they were not guards, but top managers of his many companies. Alex Hotin, who is now 41 years old, is one of the largest metropolitan real estate developers, the owner of the bank "Yugra" and a number of oil assets. Belarusian businessmen Alexei and Yuri Hotin (in recent years, all the cases are on Alex, the son) doing business in Moscow for 20 years, but few people know them in person.

Different people were called as high patrons of Hotin: the wife of Yuri Luzhkov, Elena Baturina 65, the Federation Council Speaker Sergei Mironov, the former head of the Interior Ministry in Moscow, Vladimir Pronin.

Forbes, 15.04.2016


About how the "Comprehensive Investments" were buying their assets, wrote a lot at the time:  bailiffs participated in the corporate wars, SWAT and the courts. Some contractors of Hotin found themselves in prison, for example, the former owner of the buildings in Lubyanskiy Travel Dmitry Mikhailovsky. Structures of Hotin are now practicing a pretty hard style of communication with the tenants: if there are disputes, PSC can block the entrance even in a small office, even though the restaurant "McDonald's".  Dozens of disputes between companies Hotin and their contractors are considered in Moscow arbitration courts. Tenants complain on a failure of returning of pledges, builders - on the fact that they were not paid for their work, realtors - on the fact that they did not receive commission. But problems with law enforcement authorities didn't arise at Hotin.

For five years, according to Forbes estimates, Hotin has made deals for almost $ 950 million. And according to a source, investments have exceeded $ 1 billion long time ago: only $ 200 million were invested in infrastructure of the company "development of St. Petersburg."

Forbes, 15.04.2016


In addition, in the privatization of "Bashneft" shares are also interested Alexei and Yuri Hotin. Their structures began expansion in the oil market a few years ago. The first loud deal Hotin made in 2012, when they bought from Sberbank 100% of the oil company "Dulisma". Since then, Hotin has accumulated a number of oil assets: acquired the company "Aurora" from ConocoPhillips and "Rosneft", "Negusneft" from Leonid Lebedev and became the largest shareholder of Exillon Energy with a share of 30%. "Izvestia" source in the government said that Alexei Hotin truly claim to a share in the "Bashneft".

"Izvestia". 04/25/2016


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