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Kirikov Andrey Aleksandrovich

23.02.2018 22:43
Kirikov Andrey Aleksandrovich


In 2004 Kirikov became one of the five co-owners of Sibirsky tsement holding company.

Up until 2009 he was a shareholder and a board member in Sibirsky tsement. In 2009 he left the company along with his business partner Andrey Muraviev and, just like Muraviev, sold his shares in the company. 

After leaving Sibirsky tsement the two business partners acquired shares in JSC RTM. Andrey Kirikov and Andrey Muraviev are the owners of about 40% of shares in this real estate development group.

In 2011 JSC RTM announced its bankruptcy.

Among other companies mentioning Kirikov among co-owners there is Business Format publishing house, CJSC Art-Format, etc.

In 2012 Sibirsky tsement PR made an announcement concerning litigations involving former leadership of the company, including Kirikov.

Source: Delovye Novosti



In 2007 mass media published information about a meeting that took place in a Moscow restaurant Syr. Two businessmen there were talking about how they got it licked and how Ratm is doomed to lose. The two were well-known people.

One of them was Andrey Kirikov, member of the board of directors in  Sibirsky tsement and head of legal advice company Regionservice which represented Sibirsky tsement in court. According to mass media, Kirikov was very influential among his co-workers in the law firm, including the son of Kemerovo region prosecutor and the son of Kemerovo Arbitration Court. The two, Alersandr Khalezin and Ivan Matvienko, provided legal advice to Sibirsky tsement when it was acquiring new entities making them part of the holding. Their names were mentioned in regard with outrageous acquisitions typical for raider takeovers.

 The other businessman in Syr was Vyacheslav U (source: Novy Region news agency). His name is also mentioned with regard to several hostile takeovers. He was called the mediator in several small-scale semi-legal deals and settling legal issues in Moscow courts. He was kicked out of the Basic Element. According to certain sources, there he might have been head of a crisis, or anti-crisis, centre.

Taking into account the peculiarities of careers of both the businessmen talking in Syr, their cheerful vigorous conversation looks rather strange. Answering the question “would the unloaded 5 tons be enough”, Vyacheslav U boldly told the other businessman not to worry, because he had Cassation court in the bag. “All necessary construction materials have been loaded, RATM blew it”, he said in a loud enough voice for other people at the restaurant to hear. It is clear that such words hint that the deal was corrupt.

According to mass media, claiming to be a decent market player, Sibirsky tsement in fact nearly stole 2.17% of share in Angarsktsement through fraudulent court decisions. As the result, RATM, the owner of the plant, lost control over Angarsktsement. RATM took Sibirsky tsement to court for that matter.

Just before that RATM, owned by Eduard Taran, made a deal on partnership with Russian Olympic Committee. RATM holding is a major federal-level enterprise with a turn over of over $1 billion. The holding encompasses over 20 Russian industrial companies engaged in strategic fields and located in several regions of the country.

Source: Novy Region, 14 August 2007

Corruption in Kemerovo region can be compared to that of Sicilian mafia. There are facts of hostile takeovers, fraud in criminal cases and court decisions, regional government officials protecting businesses with dubious or even out right criminal activities.

They say, local authorities have a personal raider, businessman Oleg Sharykin. The man emerged from obscurity to so long ago. He did not use to have connections in the government bodies, but now he is a prominent businessman with a fortune estimated at $420 million. 

Sharykin built his business following all the rules of the so-called black raider activities. In solving his so-to-say business problems, he resorted to close relatives of highest-level region authorities. Legal advice was provided by his own company Regionservice, in which Andrey Kirikov, board member in Sibirsky tsement, is head of the Bar.

In fact, it is Kirikov who plays the role of an air escape valve when there is too much pressure resultant from yet another raider attack by Sibirsky tsement and entities affiliated with it. It is Kirikov who solves the issues around corporate wars, even if there is nothing to solve.

Source: solomin, 16 July 2007

A Kemerovo subsidiary of Sibirsky tsement, Topkinsky tsement, collected over 38.5 million rubles from Sibirskaya promyshlennaya investitsionnaya kompaniya, a company established by Muravyov and Kirikov. The sum was allocated to the company on a loan agreement in 2007. The court ruled in favour of Sibirsky tsement. But the founders of Sibirskaya promyshlennaya investitsionnaya kompaniya reregistered the entity in Krasnodarsky region and initiated bankruptcy procedures.

The debt of Kirikov alone amounted to 70 million rubles on a bank order in 2007. On 19 July 2012 Presnensky district court in Moscow considered a lawsuit filed by Sirirsky tsement. Defendant’s representative presented a loan reclaim and pointed to the fact that the period of limitation to file a lawsuit had expired. As the result, Sibirsky tsement was denied satisfaction on this matter.

Source: Vedomosti, 2 August 2012

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