Born September 24, 1971 in Leningrad.
In 1993 he graduated from the Economics Faculty of St. Petersburg State University, in 1998 - Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, specialized in "State and municipal management».
Ph.D. of Economic Sciences (2003).
At the end of 1993, established the Construction Corporation (UK) "Vozrozhdenie Peterburga” (“The Revival of St. Petersburg») and became its general director.
In elections to the City (Legislative) Assembly of St. Petersburg in March 1994, Molchanov unsuccessfully ran from the block "Democratic unity of St. Petersburg».
In June 1994, he participated in the creation of the St. Petersburg Branch of the party «Democratic Choice of Russia "(DCR)
In the summer of 1994 he established and headed the company OAO «Lenstroyrekonstruktsiya "
Participated in by-election in St. GorDuma in the autumn of 1994
From 1997 to 2000 - general director of OOO "Group LSR".
Until August 2006 - President of the Group LSR; from August 2006 to March 2007 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO «Group LSR».
Since September 30, 2000 - member of the political board of the organization "Will of St. Petersburg».
From November 2003 to November 2005 - President of the Association of homebuilders and manufacturers of construction materials in Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad region (in the spring of 2005 is was called the "Association" Construction and Industrial Complex of North-West ").
In February 2006, "Finance» magazine assessed the state of Molchanov in $ 300 million (154th place in Russia).
In 2007 the magazine "Russian Forbes" gave him the 100th place (660 million dollars).
The main shareholder of OOO "Group LSR".
From March to October 2007 - Assistant Minister of Health and Social Development Mikhail Zurabov.
On January 30, 2008 - Representative of the Federation Council of Federal Assembly of Russia from the executive body of the Leningrad region.
Board member of the Leningrad Region Chamber of Commerce
Vice-president and board member of the Russian Union of Builders.
A member of the public council of St. Petersburg.
Honorary builder of Russia.
Source: peoples.ru from 10.09.2008
According to the press, the real name of Andrey Molchanov after father is Morozov. Molchanov - son of Natalia Molchanova, former wife of the Petersburg vice-governor Yury Molchanov. It is reported that Andrey took the surname of his stepfather at the insistence of his mother. According to the press reports, Molchanov's stepfather and mother separated in 2001 and formally divorced in 2003. But before the end of 2006 it was not made public. In the press Andrey Molchanov had been called the son of Yuri Molchanov for a long time. There were even allegations that Yuri Molchanov adopted his stepson.
Source: peoples.ruot 10.09.2008
It was reported that business ligament of Andrey and Yuri Molchanov appeared in the early 1990's, when Molchanov Sr had been actively pushing stepson in his own business, and then in politics. Andrey Molchanov began engaging in the business as a student. As soon as he graduated from the university, he became CEO of the corporation "Vozrozhdenie Peterburga».
Source: ZAKS.Ru from 12.02.2004
Reportedly, Yuri Molchanov had the opportunity to help Andrey. In 1987-95 years Yury Molchanov was rector of Leningrad State University.n.a. Zhdanov on International Relations. In 1990, his assistant was Vladimir Putin.
Source: peoples.ru from 10.09.2008
According to press, the first project of "Vozrozhdenie Peterburga" was transferring the milk plant № 3 outside the northern capital and construction of a dwelling house on its place. The press noticed that the relevant disposal of the St. Petersburg government had been signed by Vladimir Putin - then the first deputy mayor of the city.
Source: "Kompaniya" from 28.01.2008
As press wrote, in 2000, Andrey Molchanov became an authorized representative of Putin as a candidate for president of Russia on the advice of his stepfather. While the corporation "Vozrozhdenie Peterburga" was the official sponsor of Putin's campaign in the region. As reported, in mid-2000 Molchanov was discussed to obtain the post of Chief of the Construction Committee of Russia, but the appointment did not take place.
Source: ZAKS.Ru from 12.02.2004
In 2003, the press reported that t at the time he structures of Andrey Molchanov used MFN in the Northern capital. As reported, they could easily win contracts for the most prestigious building and restoration works - reconstruction of historical monuments, buildings and repairs of state residences.
Source: Skandaly.ru on 07/28/2003
As the press wrote, Andrey Molchanov also had the opportunity to get acquainted with the criminal authority Mikhail Mirilashvili. According to the media reports, Yuri Molchanov actively collaborated with Mikhail Mirilashvili by arranging advertisements on the 11th channel of the St. Petersburg television. This cooperation passed in the area of real estate, construction and investment. It was reported that due to the help of of Mirilashvili family Molchanov received Gostiny Dvor and other profitable real estate in rent.
Source: ZAKS.Ru from 12.02.2004
As reported, in 2006, Andrey Molchanov stated he had had no shared business with Yuri Molchanov, and he was neither biological nor adopted son of him.
Source: peoples.ru from 10.09.2008
According to the press, that "cooling" of relations between the stepchild and stepfather could have been linked with the story of the division of property between Yuri Molchanov and mother of Andrey - Natalya Molchanova. According to the media reports, the couple got divorced in 2003 and concluded a marriage contract under which Molchanova Natalia gained part of the property. But, as ex-wife of Yuri Molchanov claimed, in 2007, she accidentally discovered that Yuri Molchanov had hidden part of the property at the conclusion of the marriage contract. Natalia Molchanov tried to assert her rights in court, arguing that the ex-spouse owed her more than 100 million rubles. At that time Andrey Molchanov began telling he had nothing to do with the former stepfather.
Source: "Vash tayny sovetnik» № 1 dated January 12, 2009
Another good friend of Andrey Molchanov, who had the opportunity to "promote" - was the current Federation Council Speaker Sergey Mironov; he had worked as an Executive Director of the Company "Vozrozhdenie Peterburga» until his entering in big politics.
Since the mid 1990's Andrey Molchanov has been fully involved in the political projects of Sergey Mironov - in movement "Will of St. Petersburg» ( he was a founding member there), then in the Russian Party of Life, and finally - in" Fair Russia». Andrey Molchanov is considered to be the main sponsor of the election campaigns of those parties in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region.
Source: peoples.ru from 10.09.2008, from 05.04.2008
It is reported that in 2003, Andrey and Yuri Molchanov sent to the "Party of Life" about $ 1.5 million monthly. To do so Molchanov laid Petersburg construction market under tribute - in the form of donations to party building for Mironov.
Source: Skandaly.ru on 07/28/2003
According to press reports, in 2007 Molchanov managed to "promote" several insiders - natives of the structures LSR – in the new composition of the Legislative Assembly of Leningrad, on which territory the LSR has launched its business. One of them was a former vice-governor of Leningrad region, and then deputy - spravedlivoross Evgeny Petelin.
Source: peoples.ru from 10.09.2008, on 05.04.2008, Kommersant »№ 7 (3824) on 22.01.2008
Reportedly, Mironov "promoted" Andrey Molchanov in Ministry of Social Development. In connection with the transition of Molchanov out of business into government, the press wrote that would allow Molchanov to control far greater funds than the budget of the Group LSR. Sergey Mironov has repeatedly called for Zurabov to resign because of the failure of the system of drug provision to exempts. The Ministry was proposed to be divided into two departments - the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Social Protection and Labor. Andrey Molchanov was regarded as one of those who would lead either Ministry of Social Development, or the divided committee.
Source: peoples.ru from 10.09.2008, from 05.04.2008
As written in the press, after the conflict that took place in 2006 between Andrey and Yuri Molchanov, Mironov was the only friend of Andrey Molchanov.
Source: «Russky Zhurnal" from 30.03.07
Andrey Molchanov was mentioned in the press in connection with the scandalous results of Audit Chamber audit of the regional government activities in of the Leningrad region. In particular, it was reported that the work of the provincial auditors was linked to a series of major scandals involving former vice-governor and ex-head of the regional United Russia Nikolay Pustotin. As written in the press, the auditors claimed that the commission for the purchase of reduced drugs, headed by Pustotin, had spent the budget inappropriately. In this regard, the AC appealed to the prosecutor Leningrad and several times demanded the resignation of Nikolay Pustotin. The administration of th region linked the charges primarily with the elections to the Legislative Assembly. They believed that "Fair Russia" was behind the attacks as well as its unofficial sponsor, the former CEO of LSR Andrey Molchanov. Pustotin also claimed that the accusations against him were due to political motives. And Governor Valery Serdyukov defended his subordinate and accused the auditors of incompetence.
Source: "Kommersant-SPB" № 157 (3733) on 31.08.2007
Observers were surprised when Valery Serdyukov introduced Molchanov's candidacy for the post of representative in the Federation Council in the Legislative Assembly of Leningrad region. The press stated the opinion of the analyst who argued that the decision to nominate Molchanov was taken not by Serdyukov. And if the governor had his own ideas on the subject, they were ignored. It was reported that Serdyukov had asked deputies to hurry up and to decide on the candidature of Molchanov on the next day. It took them two days. As a result, Andrey Molchanov became the representative of Leningrad in the Federation Council, thus he beat another candidate - banker Alexander Lebedev.
Source: "Kommersant» № 7 (3824) on 22.01.2008, "Kommersant-SPB" № 9 (3826) on 24.01.2008
The press expressed an opinion that Andrey Molchanov could get the post in the Federation Council for his loyalty: as a sponsor of Putin's campaign and political project of Sergey Mironov.
Source: novayagazeta.ru from 26.03.2010
In late 2009, the press wrote that from the moment Molchanov had become a senator, none of his legislative initiatives had been approved by the State Duma, at least on first reading.
Source: slon.ru on 11/25/2009
According to the press, Molchanov is not an independent figure in the Federation Council and he represents the interests of Sergey Mironov only. the press published the opinion of an expert claiming that the emergence of Molchanov in the Federation Council was for the image, and there was no specific lobbying from his side observed. Molchanov has no need to support his own interests, he does not belong to serious players.
According to the press reports, Andrey Molchanov, along with Sergey Mironov, is considered as a possible candidate for governor of St. Petersburg, or even of the combined entity of Russia St. Petersburg - Leningrad region. According to a number of political scientists, as they say in the press, it will happen after the expiration of the Governor of Leningrad Region Valery Serdyukov.
Source: "Kompaniya" from 29.06.2009
According to the press reports, Andrey Molchanov sponsored not only the election campaign of Vladimir Putin and Sergey Mironov, but of Valentina Matvienko as well.
Source: "Kommersant-SPB" № 193 (2796) on 22.10.2003
In 1998, the company Lenstroyrekonstruktsiya appeared in the field of view of the media .
According to the press reports, the company acquired the right to finish the work in the historical center of St. Petersburg, and at the same time the right to realize the restored houses through a network of dealers.
The press described one of the financial operations by "Lenstroyrekonstruktsii». There was a contract concluded for the restoration of the house on Ligovsky avenue for placing therein families of OMON fighters. As a result, with the consent of the authorities of the city, the address of OMON house was changed from Ligovsky prospect to Plekhanov Street - closer to the center. As reported, apartments in this building were given through intermediaries to the OMON riot police commanders and to the two deputies of RUOP chief. Dozens of ordinary OMON riot police officers obtained a warrant on the outskirts of the city. In the Legislature reported: the officers got their homes.
At the same time in the press noted that the price of one square meter in the marginal flats at that time was $ 200. The price of the apartments on the Plekhanov street realized by "Lenstroyrekonstruktsiya" was $ 1000 per square meter. Thus, according to the press, the firm earned 800 dollars a meter in the whole operation.
According to journalists, city officials "did not notice" the sly passing move of "Lenstroyrekonstruktsiya" in connection with the fact t Sergey Mironov covered the operation from above as the building commission chairman and deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly.
Source: Novaya Gazeta, 23.02.1998
As written in the press in 2001, "Lenstroyrekonstruktsiya» became one of the main partners of the consortium «the 16th Trust and partners" which was entrusted with the restoration of the Constantine Palace.
Source: newsru.com of 29 November 2001
They wrote that according to the rumors, the transfer of contract worth of nearly one million dollars to "Lesnstroykonstruktsiya" in order to restructure the residence of the plenipotentiary of the president in the North-West Federal District, Viktor Cherkesov, the provision for that purposes was planned to be used for purely social purposes.
Source: "Stringer", April 2002
In the press there is a hint at the possible existence of common business interests between Andrey Molchanov, Sergey Mironov, and former senator of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Igor Ismestyev, he was accused of organizing contract killings.
Journalists noted that the holding by Izmestiev "Volgoflot" did not enter the entire production complex for the extraction, delivery, storage and handling of sea sand. It was reported that all robust infrastructure passed to Andrey Molchanov, President of the Group «Lenstroyrekonstruktsiya», although there was plenty of others willing to make such a purchase. Journalists noted that it was during the transaction Igor Izmestyev began his campaign in the Senate. The press assumed that, perhaps, Igor Izmestyev yielded yellow "sand" for the sake of political expediency. Journalists proved the possible existence of common business interests between Molchanov, Mironov and Izmestyev, inter alia,by the fact that Sergey Mironov had been fighting for Igor Izmestiev by the end.
Source: "Vash Tayny Sovetnik” from 19.02.07
LSR's offensive against Moscow began in the 2000's, as written in the press, and it was not successful. It was reported that in order to enter the capital market Molchanov planned to use the company "Mosstroyrekonstruktsiya", which he registered in 2001. However, as reported at that time head of LSR miscalculated. In 2005, he acquired an office complex in Tver Boulevard for $ 26 million, the Moscow headquarters of the LSR was placed there. Then Molchanov bought a small company producing construction materials - concrete ZhBI-6. But at the same time, as written in the press, the expansion of LSR in Moscow was stopped suddenly. Experts suggested that the company lacked the administrative resources. But at the same time, Molchanov managed to take advantage of connections in federal structures: LSR built 23-storey residential business-class complex «House in Davydkovskaya" on the lands of the Federal Security Service.
But in general, as written in the press, LSR has not received any major share neither in the capital market for building materials, nor in the segment of luxury housing and commercial real estate. After that, it decided to diversify the portfolio of its projects in Moscow and rushed into the segment of economy class.
Source: "Kompaniya" from 28.01.2008
Corporation «Vozrozhdenie Peterburga" was listed in the press in connection with the scandal surrounding the reconstruction project on 9 hectares on embankment of the Neva Small - «Naberezhnaya Evropy”. As reported, OOO “Petersburg City» was created specifically for this project in 2001. The investors were attracted - OOO «KV-Engineering" and OOO "Russian investments". In 2004, the founder of OOO «Petersburg City» - British offshore company "Grove Express» - concluded purchase agreements with these firms under which they acquired 75 percent of the share capital. But the "KV-Engineering" failed to fulfill one of the conditions of the contract and the purchase agreement was terminated. 100 percent of the share capital was sold to the British offshore "Ferngeym». And the latter, in its turn, sold 70 percent stake to the corporation "Vozrozhdenie Peterburga».
Management of Companies «KV-Engineering" and "Russian investments" considered there had been a double sale of shares, and appealed to law enforcement bodies. In 2004, a criminal case for fraud with shares of OOO «Petersburg City» was prosecuted . Investigators suspected some of the founders and managers of the company of stealing $ 1 million. But as a result, the case was closed due to lack of corpus delicti in the actions of the founders and management of the company "Petersburg City».
Source: fontanka.ru from 16.05.2005
The press noted that there were visions of ominous shadow of the oligarch Boris Berezovsky standing behind expensive suit cases of the guys from the "KV-Engineering" and "Russian investment". In 2005, the Petersburg City had a new owner - "VTB-Capital". The press suggested that Andrey Molchanov sold his share in the project on the background of the fact that his business interests did not coincide with the interests of one of the first persons of the Kremlin's beau monde. As they wrote, Molchanov allegedly went into hiding in London, where Boris Berezovsky had been languishing in exile. Then, according to rumors, one very influential official was seen accompanied by the former top manager of the corporation "Vozrozhdenie Peterburga», Sergey Mironov, who was allegedly begging the influential official about something insistently. And then, as reported, Andrey Molchanov returned to St. Petersburg.
Source: "Vash Tayny Sovetnik" from 23.10.2006
In early 2007, as written in the press, in the political and business circles of Petersburg there were rumors of serious conflict between Andrey Molchanov and senior officials from the Kremlin. The subject of the alleged conflict was a spot on Krestovsky Island, which officials were going to use for the construction of the complex designed for the judges of the Constitutional Court. Molchanov had to abandon the profitable development project on Krestovsky.
Source: peoples.ru from 05.04.2008
According to the press reports, in late 2009, some financial analysts were critical of the business Molchanov. It was reported that when LSR published financial results for the first half of 2009 in the end of October 2009, the bank "Petrkommerts" published an analytical report titled "Group LSR". The situation was corrected, but the risks remain, it stated that the bankers were still reluctant to recommend investments in debt instruments of "Group LSR". As written in the press, analysts of Nomos-bank "made a similar conclusion at the same time. But Uralsib analysts considered bonds of LSR "attractive speculative investment", because "the company had close relationship with the state banks».
According to press reports, in 2009, LSR agreed with the State Agricultural Bank for a three-year credit of $ 150 million and a five-year credit line worth $ 100 million; while with the state VEB on line of credit for 10 years, amounting to 237 million euros with a delay in the payment of interest. In October 2009, a credit line of 2 billion rubles for 18 months was opened in «VTB North-West ". There is Sberbank among the creditors of LSR also. It was reported that the proportion of loans by the state banks in the portfolio of LSR is more than 50%. In its report for the first half of 2009 LSR announced that it will continue to increase the size of the debt.
Source: slon.ru on 11/25/2009
As of early 2010, the total debt of OAO "Group LSR" reached 39.541 billion rubles on international financial reporting standards at the end of 2009. Net debt of the company amounted to 36.680 billion rubles in 2009.
Source: "Kommersant-SPB" № 38 (4338) on 05/03/2010
In the summer of 2010 the corporation "Vozrozhdenie Peterburga" was involved in a conflict with the homeowners ' Robespierre, 4». "Vozrozhdenie" built this house by the order of the FSB. The five premises located in it with the total area of 2000 square meters, as noted in the press, supposedly were interesting for the family of Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov. In the summer of 2008 the conflict began between the corporation "Vozrozhdenie" and housing cooperative "Robespierre, 4". At that time Chairman of the housing cooperative was a man unconnected to the corporation. The new board came to the conclusion that the corporation "Vozrozhdenie" made a lot of defects, which can be estimated at 3 million rubles. In the summer of 2009 (just at a time when the HC "Robespierre, 4" was to bring claims against the corporation "Vozrozhdenie"), the corporation sold the building 66-N area of 10 square meters to the notorious leader of the Russian Party Nikolay Bondarik. According to the press reports, he served his term for having beaten a man to death. Bondarik purchased a room in the house on Robespierre, 4 for storage, but the HC has already used it as a security office. Thus, Bondarik could not use his new property, and therefore appealed to the police. Upon his statement a case was prosecuted under the Article 330 of the Criminal Code ("arbitrariness") - that unidentified representatives of the HC did not allow Bondarik use his property. As they say in the press, the chairman of HC is sure that the corporation "Vozrozhdenie" involved Bondarik in the house in order he could enter the HC board, or even lead it. Thus, it will be easier for "Vozrozhdenie" to defend their positions.
Source: "Vash Tayny Sovetnik" from 24.05.2010