(Born February 23, 1959.) - A Russian politician.
Place of birth: Sevastopol
Citizenship: Russia
In 1976-1994, he served in the Navy. In 1981, he graduated from the Higher Naval School behalf of Nakhimov. At the time of the dismissal was a deputy chief of staff of the Baltic Fleet base. He retired after the withdrawal of the ships of the Baltic Fleet of the Baltic States with the rank of captain II rank.
In 1994, he directed the Moscow firm "Alinvest» that was buying shares of Sayan Aluminum Plant. Since 1995 - Deputy General Director of JSC "Sayanal". In 1995-1996 - Deputy General Director, Head of Security Service of "Sayan Aluminum Plant."
In January 1997, he was appointed first deputy chairman of the Government of the Republic of Khakassia.
February 21, 1997 Duma member from the LDPR Yevgeny Loginov said at the meeting that Sarkisyan, while being a chief of the security service of the Sayan Aluminum Plant, "made in fact a concentration camp and, in addition to a criminal activity, carried out activities in the infringement and discrimination of the Russian population, with Khakass minority he organized terror against the Russians on enterprises. There was even the official rate set, when for the denunciation of any Russian Sarkisyan paid 360 thousand." Sarkisyan denied the accusations and filed a lawsuit on protection of honor and reputation, demanding to recover 500 million rubles from Loginov. According to Sarkisyan, he was a chief of the security service about three months, and "ten thousandth of collective of the plant less than fifty are Khakass and not one of them is an officer."
Since 1999 - Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC "Sayan Aluminum Plant." Since April 26, 2000 - Vice-President of the company LLC "Group" Siberian Aluminum", which ran shares of Krasnoyarsk, Sayan and Bratsk aluminum smelters.
On November 29, 2000 - Deputy General Director - Executive Director of OJSC "Gorky Automobile Plant" (GAZ). In January-June 2001 - a member of OJSC "GAZ" board of directors. On February 15, 2001 to April of the same year - the first deputy general director, executive director of OJSC "GAZ".
April 26, 2001 was elected the representative of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Khakassia in the Federation Council. He was the deputy chairman of the Security and Defense Committee. On March 13, 2002 - Member of the Federation Council Committee on Natural Monopolies.
In 2007, he was elected deputy of the State Duma of the fifth convocation on the federal list of LDPR (regional group number 81: Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District - Yugra, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District). He became a member of the LDPR faction.
In December 2011, was appointed head of the construction business of he company "Basic Element".
In 1999, he graduated from the University of Khakassia behalf of Katanov on the specialty "jurisprudence". PhD in Economics (thesis on "Crisis management of enterprises: regional aspect" defended in 2000 at the St. Petersburg State University). In 2002, he graduated from the faculty of retraining and advanced training at the Military Academy of the General Staff.
He was awarded the jubilee medals "70 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR", "300 years of Russian Fleet", and medals for long service.
He is married and has a son.
Yesterday Timiryazevskiy Moscow district court began its consideration of the statement of claim on protection of honor, dignity and business reputation of the first deputy chairman of the Government of the Republic of Khakassia Arkady Sarkisyan to the State Duma deputy from the Liberal Democratic Party Yevgeny Loginov. February 21 this year at a meeting of the Duma, shown later in the NTV news, the deputy said that Sarkisyan, when he was chief of the Sayan Aluminum Plant Security Service (SaAZ), organized "with the Khakass minority" a terror against the Russians. Sarkisyan did not agree with this statement, demanding refutation in court and 500 million rubles compensation.
... The minister did not say anything new - only told a few stories of the "Results" program. Kulikov said nothing wrong about GaAs yet, and the deputy Loginov hurried to fill this gap.
In the five minutes that were allotted to him by the chairman, he managed to tell that Arkady Sarkisyan, a former security chief of SAP, established at the plant "actually a concentration camp, and besides just a criminal activity he carried out activities on infringement of discrimination against the Russian people." Thus, according to Loginov words, Sarkisyan, together with the "Khakass minority organized terror for Russians on the enterprise." He also claimed that Sarkisyan set fee for denunciation and paid 360 thousand rubles for any incriminating information.
Kommersant, 24.06.1997
For none of the people, familiar with the true state of affairs in the forestry sector of the Arkhangelsk region, it is not a secret that all law enforcement of Vyacheslav Krasavin in the region is directly related to the interests of the company "Basic Element", which is owned by you, dear Oleg Vladimirovich!
Thus, the charge of concealing the Arkhangelsk pulp and paper mill of more than half of export revenue, made on the basis of the operational-investigative group under the leadership of Comrade Krasavin "analyzing of open statistics" was found untrue by the decision of the Arbitration Court of Arkhangelsk region. It is understood that the sum of 1,000 rubles charged by the court from Colonel Krasavin, did not ruin him, because, most likely, another amounts have been received for the accusation from Mr. Arkady Sarkisyan, a faithful ally of Oleg Deripaska. Interests of the minority shareholder of APPM to the full control of the plant that produces more than 10% of wood and paper products in Russia, are easily explained - too tidbit!
Constant baseless accusations to the address of the State Duma deputy Vladimir Krupchak, defending the interests of APPM in Moscow, searches of campaign headquarters during the elections campaign of Krupchak to the State Duma - are only a little of what has been done to their masters. Vyacheslav Krasavin performed not the specified tasks of his immediate superior Andrei Novikov, but orders, issued by Arkady Sarkisyan, and transmitted to him by vice president of "Basic Element" Pavel Vasilyev personally.
Lenpravda, 07.04.2005
Regional group for YaNAD and KhMAD heads one of the partners of the company "Basic Element", associated with the oligarch and the member of the Yeltsin "family" Deripaska, Arkady Sarkisyan - is a shadow "enforcer", very inconvenient for the Kremlin. In 2006, Sarkisyan, as a result of big scandal, was deprived of seats in the Council of the Federation, where he was representing the Supreme Council of Khakassia for several years.
Pkokprf.ru, 1220 08.10.2007
Right par apolitical activist Avigdor Eskin, who was arrested on November 5 on suspicion of involvement in illegal wiretapping of prominent politicians and businessman, began to give evidence relating to his customers. This is reported by sources in the authorities of inquiry, informed about the investigation. As it was previously reported, in the "case of Eskin" were also arrested two private detectives Rafi Pridan and Aviv Mor, which, according to the investigation, carried out the order of Eskin on wiretapping the Vice-Prime Minister of Israel, Avigdor Lieberman, a prominent businessman Mikhail Cherniy and some others. According to information received, Avigdor Eskin began to cooperate with the investigation. As customers of listening of Israeli politicians and businessman he called the citizens of Russia Olga Kostina and Arkady Sarkisyan.
... Arkady Sarkisyan is considered a key partner of Oleg Deripaska, the owner of one of the largest Russian business groups, "Basic Element" (capitalization of over $ 30 billion.). Exactly Sarkisyan, by virtue of their responsibilities within the group, organizes a secret war against Mikhail Cherniy and, therefore, made contact with Avigdor Eskin, which was recommended to Sarkisyan by all those spouses Kostin. Arkady Sarkisyan, who previously headed the security service of the corporation "Russian Aluminum", was the customer of the "wiretapping" of Cherniy, as well as all of the main connections of the latter in the political elite of Israel. According to data, obtained by Eskin, Deripaska and Sarkisyan would like to organize a major political scandal over ties of Israeli politicians with M. Cherniy and to achieve the arrest of Cherniy in Israel at this wavelength.
Cursor info, 15.11.2007
Among the deputies that have not made a single bill - is a billionaire Alexander Skorobogatko, businessman Ashot Yeghiazaryan, former Managing Director of "Basic Element" and the former head of "Ingosstrakh" Tatiana Dubrovskaya and another native of the structures of Oleg Deripaska - Arkady Sarkisyan.
Forbes, 31.08.2010
The history of Pavel Brazhniy is interesting, a former assistant of Sarkisyan in Khakassia government. Former police officer of Sayanogorsk itself, on its own initiative (!?) went to bribe the inspector, who led the case of bankruptcy of the bank "Sayan" (described below). Sarkisyan was the figurant in the case, so Brazhniy decided to stand up for his boss, was arrested red-handed, sentenced, paroled and sent to work in the company "Sameko" of already mentioned group "Siberian Aluminum" in Samara, and now becomes the head of security service of KrAZ.
... The decision on the establishment of LLC "Siberian Aluminium" took several companies, including one registered in Cyprus, in the offshore zone. Moreover, some of these companies have long been involved in the manipulations around the Sayan Aluminum Plant, for example, "Alinvest", led by the same Arkady Sarkisyan, bought shares of SAP in 1994 in Sayanogorsk.
Somehow unnoticed passed publication in Khakassia about how Sayanogorsk CHP went offshore. Maybe because the IA "Khakassia" did not duplicate this material? But painfully familiar characters emerge there again. Victor Panyushkin, character of the note, has long lived by the principle: "money does not smell." Literally, at the end of this year Panyushkin pestered doorsteps of the new government, so that they allowed him to build a landfill for disposal of household waste in Beysky area, from where the residents of Kala village expelled him. Zimin did not support Panyushkin. But Viktor Pavlovich became familiar, almost akin to Arkady Rafikovich Sarkisyan then, in December 1996, when he passed his "sidekick" with the guts - implacable fighter with aluminum mafia - Mayor of Sayanogorsk Sergei Bondarenko. Passed him not just so, and made it to the whole country on the broadcast of the TV "Khakassia", where kindly let him Vladimir Ustyahin. And now, years later, Valentina Ustyahina and her independent IA "Khakassia" simply did not notice that Sayanogorsk - is the most corrupt city in Khakassia, and Viktor Panyushkin is to this day an insider for Arcady Rafikovich. But she with all her might banged on media drum with the "scandalous revelations" of the head of Khakassia. She made it just in time, don't you think?
Khakassia Inform, 14.01.2011
May 12, 2006 Chairman of the Federation Council Sergei Mironov sent to the regional parliaments of the Nenets Autonomous District of the Primorsky Krai of the Republic of Khakassia and the Yamalo-Nenets autonomous district representations on the early termination of powers of four senators.
The main reasons for the recall of members of the Federation Council were called systematic truancy of meetings and "activities, incompatible with the status of a senator." Two of retirees - "primorec" Igor Ivanov (1) and "yamalets" Boris Gutin (2) - wrote the resignation statements at once.
However, Nenets and Khakass parliamentarians stood up for their appointees Alexander Sabadash (3) and Arkady Sarkisyan (4), requiring more detailed explanations from Mironov. Resistance was overcome quickly, and 26 May, the Federation Council stripped of powers Ivanov Gutin and Sabadash, and on June 2, Arkady Sarkisyan shared their destiny.
Ruspres, 02.06.2011
Group "Basic Element" announces the appointment of Arkady Rafikovich Sarkisyan a leader of the construction sector of the Group. Arkady Sarkisyan will oversee the implementation of a number of major projects in Russia in the field of housing and infrastructure construction, including the construction of Olympic facilities, "Sochi-2014".
... Key directions of the activity of organizations of the Construction Sector of the Group "Basic Element" include housing and civil engineering (the head organization "Glavmosstroy"), infrastructure construction (the head organization "IBC" Transstroi "), construction materials ("Basel Cement"), development (OJSC "Glavstroy", LLC "RogSibAl"), design and R & D, maintenance of buildings, real estate services (OJSC" Glavmosstroy-real estate"). A management Organization of construction sector is "Glavstroy".
Metalinfo, 07.12.2011
Russian law enforcers seriously took up for the "right hand" of the oligarch Oleg Deripaska, a board member of Ltd. CPM "Transstroi" Arkady Sarkisyan. Interior Ministry has sent him several summonses to interrogations, on which he did not respond. Instead of it Sarkisyan chose to go abroad, fearing rightly that he may be delayed during the interrogation. Investigators are interested in businessman in connection with the investigation of cases of embezzlement of funds, allocated for the construction of a third runway strip (runway) of the airport "Sheremetyevo". According to the version of the Department of Transport of the Interior Ministry on the Central Federal District, "Transstroi", which was the main contractor for the works until recently, was using low-quality materials and registered them in documents, as materials of the highest class. As a result, part of the strip came out in poor quality and the state in the face of Federal Air Transport Agency («the customer" works) suffered serious material damage.
In 2011, "Transstroi" and its "subsidiaries" received state orders on runway strip construction for a total of 26.2 billion rubles. However, already in 2014, lagging from the schedule by "Transstroi" accounted for nearly one year, which was a real disaster - the runway strip is to be built to the beginning of the World Cup 2018. Moreover, the "customer" was not satisfied with the quality of work.
In 2015, the Federal Air Transport Agency stopped funding the construction, recriminations showered. As a result, the contract with "Transstroi" was canceled, and "Transstroimechanizaciya", controlled by Rothenberg brothers, was instructed to finish the runway.
And after that the case of embezzlement came to light. Many top-managers of "Transstroi" have already visited interrogations, but the investigators did not hide the fact that their main goal is Sarkisyan.
Rumafia.com, 01.04.2016