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Usoyan Aslan Rashidovich

23.02.2018 22:42
Usoyan Aslan Rashidovich



Was born on February 20, 1937 in Tbilisi; Kurd.

Four convictions. Was the thief-pickpocket, and since 50th years began to shake rich shadow capitalists in Tbilisi.

"Hasan" is reputed as one of influential criminal leaders of the country supervising several basic Russian-Caucasian criminal "families". He and his accomplices delivered "supervisors" in Moscow, Ural region, in Siberia, in the North Caucasus, Krasnodar. In 1996 "Hasan" was detained on suspicion in the murder organization in Pyatigorsk. His driver was detained as well - four time loser Avdushev George who was at that time the assistant of the vice-president of Legislative Assembly of St.-Petersburg Novoselov. "Hasan’s" group keeps in touch with the Georgian emigration which attends to criminal activity in the different countries, in particular in America, Germany, Holland, Belgium, and Israel.


During different periods of time Usoyan was connected with criminal authorities:
- Ivankov Vyacheslav Kirillovich, "thief-in-law", nickname "Yaponchik", condemned in the USA, killed in Moscow;
- Petrov Alexey, "thief-in-law", nickname "Petrik", living in Israel ";
- Mikhailov Sergey, leader of Solntsevskaya criminal group, nickname "Mihas";
- "Dzhamal", - "thief-in-law", authority of Solntsevskaya group;
- Tsihelashvilli Datiko Pavlovich, "thief-in-law", nickname "Dato-Tashkent", known as "owner" of Siberia;
- Mamedov Kar-Ogly Dzhamoevich, 1958, native of Tbilisi, registered: N.Tagil, Altayskaya St., h.хх, ap.171. Nickname "Karo". Protege of "Hasan" in Ural where he is one of chiefs of the organized crime in this region. Heads criminal groups of Nizhny Tagil, keeps in touch with criminal authorities of Georgia, Moscow, and St.Petersburg. They control Perm (through "thief-in-law" nicknamed "Yakutenok" - Zykov Nikolay Stepanovich) and Ekaterinburg (through "thief-in-law" nicknamed "Trofa" - Trofimov Andrey Anatolyevich).
Source: «», 1998


In 1996 another influential "thief-in-law", three times loser Rudolf Oganov nicknamed Rudik Bakinsky started to show interest to southern region of Russia "supervised" by Usoyan. At first button men were killed in showdowns, then came the turn of criminal elite. The leader of one of clans, "thief-in-law" Amiran Pyatigorsky who was shot in 1996 in Moscow became the first "high-ranking" victim of criminal war. Besides, Rudik convicted Usoyan of concealment of huge profit - for the total control of resort zones of the Caucasian Mineral Waters and also waste of money from "pooled cash fund". When the default happened in Russia it was suddenly found out that the holder of largest in the country thieves' cash desk just before economic crisis enclosed the large part of money in state credit obligations. But they depreciated at once. Here thieves also had a question to Grandpa Hasan - why state credit obligations? Rudik achieved decrowning of Usoyan.

During this period serious blow was struck to a clan of Grandpa Hasan: his supervisors were killed - "thief-in-law" Fighter from Irkutsk and his fellow countryman authority Andrey Vereschagin, "thief-in-law" Sergey Sibiryak.

In the summer of 1998 in one of cafes in Sochi Usoyan was shot. Missed. After that criminal war could not be stopped any more. Almost weekly in Russia there were murders of "thieves-in-law" and the authorities connected with any of contradictory clans.

In Moscow four "thieves-in-law" from the environment of Grandpa Hasan were killed including Alik Minalyan (Alik Sochinsky) and Andrey Golubev (Skif). Detectives consider the conflict between two thieves' clans as the most possible reason of attempt at Yaponchik. One is headed by Usoyan, other – by Tariel Oniani (Taro). Ivankov supported Grandpa Hasan and Taro meanwhile got to the prison; according to experts that could lead to attempt at Yaponchik.
Source: «Moscow truth», 9/10/2009



Aslan Usoyan is, of course, a legend of the Russian underworld. No wonder that large mass-media became interested with him in the mid-nineties. In particular, they wrote about his detention in 1995 in Sochi where he supervised a meeting of 350 participants. Meeting was dispersed. However, there was nothing unlawful in the meeting — authorities were going to celebrate the anniversary of death of thief-in-law Rantik Safaryan and to discuss the issues. Having kind of a feeling of the end of the meeting nobody took weapon and drugs.

In 1996 Usoyan was detained in Petersburg on suspicion in the murder organisation. It happened after in the beginning of 1996 a series of the gangland killings with numerous murders swept across the North Caucasus. In particular the Ministry of Internal Affairs received the operative information that one of the largest Russian criminal authorities Aslan Usoyan was involved to the murder made in Pyatigorsk.

Together with Hasan the driver — four times loser George Avdushev was detained. Subsequently it was found out that Avdushev was the assistant to the vice-president of legislative assembly of St.-Petersburg deputy Victor Novoselov. He was released. Besides, police detained three more persons — two Assyrians and the Georgian which Grandpa Hasan for some reason named as the relatives. During a search at Hasan’s place the TT pistol loaded with eight cartridges was found and at one of the "relatives" — pump-action shotgun. All four were sent to predetention center.

Police operation was not ended up. Investigators departed to Moscow where they conducted a search in Hasan’s hired apartment. There it was withdrawn about 2 kg of jewels, $380 thousand by cash and documents of the various commercial structures controlled by Hasan or created by him. Under the assumption of police in Usoyan’s house the pooled cash fund of the group was stored.
Source: Newspaper "Kommersant" № 91 (1049), 6/1/1996

Extremely interesting relation between Usoyan and the largest in the country fuel company "Lukoil" was noted by journalists in 1998. In criminal environment Bogomolov Gennady Semenovich is a "thief-in-law", criminal nickname "Bolomol". Supervises activity of fuel company "Lukoil" under "commission" of the Tyumen criminal structures; he got acquainted with their management during his stay in “Lukoil’s” capital Kogalym where he was living after he served a sentence in Corrective Labor Establishment in Labytnangy.
Source: «», 1998

But in court his case was broken up and soon Hasan was released.

In January, 1998 Aslan Usoyan again got to sphere of journalistic interest in connection with large police detention in Shakhty city (Rostov region). Employees of local Management on Organized Crime dispersed a meeting of 96 criminal "authorities" which gathered from the whole Russia and from the CIS countries. One of the most influential "thieves- in-law" 61-year-old Aslan Usoyan was organizer of the meeting. Thieves from Republic Komi, Stavropol territory, Moscow and Moscow Region, St.-Petersburg, Armenia, Kemerovo region, Tatarstan, Krasnodar area, Alania, Tver, Nizhniy Novgorod, Volgograd, Chernigov, Kirov and Sverdlovsk areas sent their representatives to this meeting. The greatest number, about 20 persons, was presented by Moscow delegation. A receiving party was presented by four Rostov "thieves-in-law": Brick, Edic Red, Grachenok and White. 69-year-old Stavropol "authority" known under a nickname Kosoy was the most elderly among gathered. In total from 20 regions of the country there arrived 96 persons, 50 from which were crowned "thieve-in-law".

According to employees of MOC in agenda of the meeting there was an issue of relations between Hasan and some other "thieves-in-law". They were dissatisfied with activity of Hasan paying a lot of attention to business recently and wished to deprive him of his thief' dignity. Then Hasan arranged meeting which should support him and at the same time punish dissatisfied ones.

Almost everyone including Hasan was released Bidding farewell to police old "thief-in-law" said that "after such greeting he would never set foot on the Don’s ground".
Source: Newspaper "Kommersant" № 2 (1405), 1/14/1998

One interesting circumstance of that thieves' meeting also attracts attention: there was "thief-in-law" Matvey Iliadi (Pilidi) who was living in Greece for a long time and was a coordinator of activity of Russian-speaking groups in Eastern and Central Europe.
Source: Newspaper "Kommersant" № 27 (1430), 2/18/1998

A bit later journalists informed about serious positions that Usoyan obtained in 1994 in Nizhniy Novgorod. It happened after thief-in-law Pavel Zaharov (Cirul) was seized. Thief Zachary Kalashov (Shakro-junior) was Usoyan’s partner in the control over informal business of this region.

However fast enough these positions reeled because of pressure of local police.
Source: Newspaper "Kommersant" № 134 (1537), 7/25/1998

Next time mass-media became interested in Usoyan again in connection with the thieves’ meeting dispersed by police. This time events happened in Odessa, in the territory of Ukraine. More than 120 persons participated in the meeting. "Thieves-in-law" and "authorities" came here from all CIS countries to decide how to live in a period of crisis, and also to reconcile two famous leaders of the criminal world Rudolf Aganov and Hasan Usoyan (Grandpa Hasan). Probably, therefore the delegation from Russia was one of the most representative on a meeting.

The majority of "thieves-in-law” and among them there were such known leaders of the criminal environment as Usoyan, Pipia and Vagin as usually was released — they did not have even drugs. However, they were forced to get out of the city. They were said to be followed by local police to the airport and railway station.

The gangster meeting organized by the oldest Russian "thief-in-law" Usoyan supposed to conciliate him with not less authoritative Rudolf Aganov. Last accused Grandpa Hasan of waste of thieves' pooled cash fund and last year achieved his decrowning. The conflict between authorities took a giant scope. Actually, as the investigators say, all criminal Russia broke up to supporters and enemies of Grandpa Hasan.

Trying to get back a rank and posts at the same time Hasan (he supervised South of Russia) arranged three meetings — in Rostov region, Ekaterinburg and Tashkent. But all of them were dispersed by police. It was not possible to make it even now as well. First, from 300 invited thieves only 40 arrived, and secondly, police again interfered.

Also in agenda of the meeting there was also an issue of financial crisis. Gangsters put money of the pooled cash fund in state credit obligations and kept it in deposits of the banks many of which became bankrupts.
Source: Newspaper "Kommersant" № 167 (1570), 9/10/1998

Next time journalists remembered Aslan Usoyan in connection with murder in Moscow of Petersburg criminal authority Konstantin Yakovlev (Kostya Tomb) who was in close confidential relations with Usoyan. 48-year-old Konstantin Yakovlev and the 27-year-old idle inhabitant of Leningrad region Denis Tsarev (according to some information, the assistant to the deputy of the State Duma Mikhail Zadornov) died on May, 25th, 2003 in Moscow after their car was shot. The car driver 52-year-old Muscovite S.Chikov also died of his wounds, one more passenger - the 30-year-old inhabitant of Petersburg was hospitalized in a grave condition with wound of the left shoulder and a forearm.

Journalists noticed that dead Yakovlev was closely connected to Moscow thief nicknamed "Grandpa Hasan". In the mid-nineties Moscow thieves repeatedly offered Tomb a position of supervisor in Petersburg and, on hearings, even crowning. But he diplomatically refused, managing thus not to offend the gang but, in every possible way underlining that he "did not wish to be involved to criminal environment".

It was possible to consider Tomb’s position really unique. He was named as Petersburg "supervisor" of Moscow thieves, the person of governor Yakovlev and Berezovsky's authorized representative helping to the disgraced oligarch to create business in Petersburg.

Officially Konstantin Karolyevich was a president of TV Development fund but, on hearings, the sphere of his influence included almost all electronic mass-media working on decimeter television channels.
Source:, 5/26/2003

Usoyan was told to notice young Kostya when that transported antiques from Caucasus to Peter as courier, from well-known authority and the future leader of the Georgian opposition Dzhaba Ioseliani to beginning businessman Ilya Traber.
Source: «Moscow truth», 9/10/2009

Interesting things were written about Usoyan by journalists in 2009. According to the press, during Leonid Kuchma's stay at Presidential post in Ukraine at the airport Borispol he was met personally by Grigory Surkis (president of Federation of football of Ukraine, member of executive committee of UEFA, owner of Kiev "Dynamo", real Ukrainian oligarch).
Source: «Moscow truth», 9/10/2009

In the beginning of 2000th years the thieves' theme became so popular that journalists published the letter in which thieves sentenced thief-in-law Tariel Oniani to death. Under the letter there were signatures of influential thieves including: Yaponchik, Grandpa Hasan, Lasha Rustavsky, Jury Pichuga, Vasya Voskres, Oleg Mukha, Kostya Scar, Leha Zabava, Serega Surgutsky, Shakro-junior, Koba Rustavsky.

According to official version, thieves' message was caught by police on September, 19th. Police kind of made own investigation of circumstances of attempt at Vyacheslav Ivankov, more known as Yaponchik, and came to a conclusion that Oniani ordered a hit.

The rumor says that at one of thieves' meetings Yaponchik (Vyacheslav Ivankov) achieved thief Simony to be "decrowned". Yaponchik then was supported by thieves Aslan Usoyan (Grandpa Hasan), Sergey Boitsov (Fighter) and some more criminal authorities. Oniani took it as a personal challenge. Taro is told to be wounded so much that he publicly offended Usoyan and Ivankov. Such insult in the criminal environment can never be forgiven. And it is not a surprise that in 1991 after Ivankov was released ahead of schedule (with support of numerous requests of singer Josef Kobzon, legal expert Sergey Kovalev and ophthalmologist Svyatoslav Fedorov) Tariel Oniani decided to leave the country and to stay in Paris.
Source: Journal "Ogonek" № 21 (5099), 10/5/2009

In the end of 2009 Usoyan again became interesting for journalists who described in details Usoyan’s life earlier partly already known; in this connection they mentioned about one of his relatives It was police lieutenant colonel Boris Pashaev who in the late nineties worked for thieves-in-law issue and was considered as outstanding police investigator. Since 2001 he is considered as dangerous special criminal and is in federal search. He is convicted of robberies, rapes and falsification of evidences. The day before he was supposed to be detained Pashaev hided in Georgia having taken the whole archive. Now the former policeman consults Georgian authorities on thieves' issues.
Source: "Russian Newsweek", 11/16/2009

Next time journalists remembered Aslan Usoyan because Tver regional court of Moscow repeatedly authorized arrest of Alexander Schukin — former deputy Minister of Industry of the USSR, deputy of General Director of ZAO "Voskhod" in Serpukhov, one of the largest in the country manufacturers of a cardboard and paper. Schukin was convicted of extortion in 2008 of the real estate evaluated in $12 million at businessman Evgeny Vasilyev. According to the investigation, last transferred to convict one the company possessing a large warehouse complex after a meeting with him at the restaurant. At that meeting Mr. Schukin was supported by criminal authorities Aslan Usoyan (Grandpa Hasan) and dead Vyacheslav Ivankov (Yaponchik). Protection of Mr. Schukin told that he only tried to indemnify a loss put by relatives and friends of Mr. Vasilyev.

On December, 23rd, 2008, as it comes from case papers, at restaurant "Blue Elephant" on Novinsky boulevard he together with unknown persons required $12 million from Evgeny Vasilyev. When the sustained refused to pay Mr. Schukin and unknown persons threatening him with murder made a new demand — to transfer ZAO "Country Plaza" which owned a warehouse complex in Moscow with total area of more than 10 thousand sq. meters to Alexander Schukin. Mister Vasilyev "got threats really" and signed contract of purchase of ZAO according to which the real estate was sold for $50 thousand. Victim wrote cash voucher, however he was not given any money. Under the application of the victim a criminal investigation of Mr. Schukin was opened.

As victim Vasilyev told at a meeting in the restaurant Alexander Schukin informed that his father-in-law — former chairman of Federation of a judo and sambo-wrestling of Moscow Region Mikhail Sinyakin and also the ex-deputy chief of department "N" of FSB of Russia (supervises customs) Sergey Naumov owe him money. "As the father-in-law at that time was wanted and mister Naumov — in prison I should pay for them", — Mr. Vasilyev remembered that conversation. After that, as he approves, the threats began. As he said, "authorities" which were present at the meeting did not interfere to the conversation, however already their presence convinced Mr. Vasilyev of gravity of the threats.

Journalists mentioned that this event could become a display of the internal conflict in ZAO "Voskhod".
Source: Newspaper "Kommersant" № 222 (4277), 11/27/2009

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