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Gryzlov Boris Vyacheslavovich

23.02.2018 22:42
Gryzlov Boris Vyacheslavovich



Born December 15, 1950 in Vladivostok. In 1973 he graduated from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute of Communications n.a. Bonch-Bruevich, radioengineering specialization.

In the late 1990's Gryzlov was the founder of a number of commercial and noncommercial organizations. That time he worked in higher education sphere –he was one of the founders of the Association of institutions of higher education, on his initiative Institute for accelerated training of managers and Central Institute for workers of municipal services was established. In 1996, Gryzlov became director of training and methodological center of new educational technologies in Baltic State Technical University n.a.Ustinov.

In 1998, Gryzlov was running for the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg as an independent candidate. He lost the election. In autumn 1999, he was a head of the office of a candidate for governor of Leningrad region Viktor Zubkov, who lost the elections as well.

In 1999, Gryzlov served as president of the Interregional Business Cooperation Fund for Development of Regions, based in St. Petersburg. In the same year he became head of urban electoral headquarters of Inter-Regional Movement “Unity” (Medved), and in December 1999 he was elected to the State Duma of the third convocation on the federal list of the block. In January 2000, Gryzlov was elected leader of faction of the movement”Unity”.

In May 2001, Gryzlov defended his thesis on "Political Parties and the Russian transformation. The theory and political practice"and gained Ph.D. in political science. In the same year he became the first chairman of Russia and Germany discussion forum "Petersburg Dialogue".

In March 2001, Gryzlov was appointed Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and put in the number of permanent members of the Security Council of the RF. Just two months after he announced the reform of the MIA. According to media, the reform had been prepared in advance, and Gryzlov was to implement it as a person having no corporate or personal interests in the office. However, major changes in the structure of the Ministry announced by Gryzlov had not been implemented.

In 2002, Gryzlov became chairman of the supreme council of the All-Russian party "Unity and Fatherland" - United Russia”. In December 2003 the party was renamed into "United Russia" and Gryzlov headed its Supreme political council. In November 2004, Gryzlov became chairman of the party "United Russia".

In September 2003, Gryzlov as Interior Minister headed the operational headquarters for counter-terrorist operation in Chechnya, and after 3 months, resigned in connection with the intention to work in Parliament. In January 2004, he was elected chairman of the State Duma, and also became the leader of the parliamentary faction "United Russia". In March 2004, he was elected chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia. In April the same year as the head of the lower house of Russian parliament he became a permanent member of Security Council of Russia for the second time. In April 2005 he was elected head of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Eurasian Economic Union (IPA EurAsEC).

In October 2007, after President Putin agreed to stand at the head of the party list for election to the State Duma of the fifth convocation, Gryzlov headed the list of "United Russia" in St. Petersburg. At the first meeting of the lower house of parliament held on December 24, 2007, Gryzlov once again took the post of speaker of the Duma. In addition, he again became head of the parliamentary faction "United Russia".

In December 2007, Gryzlov, together with the leaders of “Just Russia”, Agrarian Party and Civil Force put forward first deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev as a candidate for the presidency in 2008. On May, 7 2008 Putin stepped down as president and become the chairman of the party "United Russia", Gryzlov also retained the post of chairman of the Supreme Council of United Russia.

Gryzlov was awarded the Order of Merit, a number of independent awards, he has awarded firearms. He enjoys football, is a spark gap in seven sports, including chess, shooting, tennis.

Gryzlov is married; has a son Dmitry - a graduate of the Faculty of Law of the North-West branch of the Academy of State Service under the President of Russia; in 2000, he appeared in the media as the leader of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Youth “Unity”.





Interesting facts of Boris Gryzlov’s biography emerged in the press in the mid 90's. Then Gryzlov headed a number of firms, established with the participation of the former KGB officers. The founders of the company MP "Block" by Gryzlov and Viktor Ivanov were as follows: subordinate of Nikolay Patrushev (classmate of Gryzlov) in KGB Karelia - Valentin Chuykin, and one of the founders of the company by Gryzlov TOO "Borg" – a certain N.N. Patrusheva (it could possibly be the spouse of Patrushev - Natalia).



Boris Gryzlov had a daughter Evgenia. Her fate is unknown. Only once, in early 2000, little-known publication wrote that the daughter of Boris Gryzlov, Evgenia, died in 1998 at the age of 18 from a drug overdose.

Source: "Stringer" from 05.12.2002


In 2000, the wife of Boris Gryzlov, Ada Gryzlova became a heroine of publications in the press after filing the claim to the administration of the state farm "Tregubova" in the Novgorod region. Gryzlova called for a farm-pecuniary damage in the amount of 500,000 rubles, the damage had been made by accident: the milk tanker from the farm violated the rules of the road, as a result, the car which Ada Gryzlova rode, overturned and she received minor injuries. The court ruled the claim not in full by requiring State Farm to pay Gryzlova 10,000 rubles.

Source: "Kommersant" from 09.12.2000


In March 2001, Boris Gryzlov was appointed Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. according to the media, MIA at Gryzlov was to be divided into the federal police, municipal police, service of investigations and the National Guard. But nothing like this has happened. In October 2001 the media called the elimination of RUBOP (regional offices to combat organized crime) one of the few performances by Gryzlov as the head of the Interior Ministry. According to Gryzlov, its work, did not comply with the requirement to increase the efficiency in the fight against crime.

Sources: of 10.10.2001, "Kommersant-Vlast» № 10 (563) dated 15.03.2004


The name of Boris Gryzlov was mentioned in the media in connection with the theft of the car "BMW 745" $ 100-thousand dollars in 2002 belonging to his wife Ada Gryzlov. In those years, wife of the State Duma speaker worked as rector of St. Petersburg Institute for Advanced Executives. They said that Gryzlov had established the university, and a lot of people from the ruling and business elite passed through the paid training. They wrote that the kidnapping of his wife’s car had been organized by the police to draw attention to the business of Boris Gryzlov, Minister of MIA in those years. According to another version - the hijacking was a revenge for mass layoffs in the police ranks: Operation "Werewolves in epaulets" began after the appointment of Gryzlov as Minister of the Interior Ministry.

Gryzlov simultaneously combined post of Interior Minister and leader of the party "United Russia", and that caused dissatisfaction among some members of the legislature. In July 2003 a group of Duma deputies appealed to the Minister of Justice Yuri Chaika to make a warning the party "United Russia" in connection with the fact that its leader illegally combines public service with the party activities, but Chaika did not detect any violation then. Afterwards, Communist Deputy Viktor Ilyukhin turned to his colleagues from the Duma for the support of his demands to President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov to release Gryzlov from the post of Minister of Internal Affairs, but the proposal was not supported by the majority of Duma deputies. And in October 2004, the State Duma adopted amendments to the Constitutional Law “On the government of Russia "to allow government members to occupy leading positions in political parties.

Source: Izvestia, 02.07.2003, from 08.10.2003


In April 2000, the son of Boris Gryzlov, Dmitry led the movement "Youth Unity". In March 2005, this movement was related to the scandal - activists of "Youth Unity" decided to organize a procession to mark the anniversary of the presidential election, in support of Vladimir Putin. But the procession was halted: the media reported that the culprit of this was Putin himself. Allegedly, he called Gryzlov and instructed him to stop fanning the cult of self.

Source: "Kommersant” № 212 from 11.11.2005


In autumn 2002, the media reported that after the tragedy in the “Nord-Ost” can be followed by the resignation of the leaders of the security forces, including Boris Gryzlov (security forces conducted a botched operation to rescue hostages, 129 people were killed then). In the Press sounded the opinion that Gryzlov was liable for the penetration of terrorist squad in the capital, but there was no response to these publications - the State Duma refused to create a commission to investigate the attack and death.

Source: "Nevslie izvestiya" from 21.11.2002


In the press Gryzlov was sometimes called a man who can easily change his beliefs. In December 2004, they wrote that Gryzlov spoke about Joseph Stalin as a superior man, and prophesied that in the near future people would appreciate his merits and change their attitude to the great leader. And on the same day, at another event, Gryzlov spoke about Stalin in a different way – he said Stalin had been a man who can never make amends to the people for repression.

Source: Izvestia, 24.12.2004


In 2006, one of the Moscow clubs announced the demonstration of erotic film "Mating on the Neva", in which allegedly Dmitry Gryzlov, the son of Boris Gryzlov, appeared. But the film was not released - before its release, journalists turned to Boris Gryzlov fot comments, and probably he has taken certain steps to ensure that the film was removed from exhibition. Prior to that, there were publications in the press from time to time about Gryzlov, Jr. and his engagement in virtual dating online and places there his profiles of not quite decent content. They wrote also about the friendship of Dmitry Gryzlov and Elena Berkova, famous porn star.

Source: "Moskovsky Komsomolets" from 03.03.2006


The name of Boris Gryzlov was mentioned in the conflict related to the seizure of land in the territory Sosnovsky park in St. Petersburg. In 2005 the park was leased to the Russian Shooting Union, whose president is Vladimir Lisin, chairman of Novolipetsk Steel Plant, a person close to Boris Gryzlov (they founded the National Federation of Sport Shooting Activities (Sporting)). There was a private stable next to the land plot rented by Lisin. Some time after the lease of the park, Ada Gryzlova, the wife of Boris Gryzlov visited the stables; then she led a nationwide fund of youth programs "Dar". Gryzlova supposedly became interested in the fate of the horses and promised to the owners of the stables to help maintain them, but a few days later she turned out to sue the owners of the stables and got permission to take the horses for the trial period of time. The journalists assumed that Ada Gryzlov acted on behalf of her husband and Vladimir Lisin who needed a territory occupied by stables for further building residential complex on this attractive in terms of invistitsy land.

Source: from 30.10.2006


Boris Gryzlov has initiated exclusion from the party lists of “United Russia" the governor of Stavropol Territory Alexander Chernogorov. The reason was a failure of "edinoroses" in the parliamentary elections of Russia, held in March 2007. It was said that "edinoroses" lost to "Just Russia" because shortly before the election Chernogorov had been included; it turned out he did not have great prestige among the residents of Stavropol, but leadership of United Russia, in particular, Gryzlov insisted, thereby hoping to attract voters in such a way. According to one of the election agenda, "Just Russia" intended to make the governor a vote of no confidence - this literate PR act allowed the party to defeat Sergey Mironov.

Source: "Kommersant» № 42 (3618) on 16.03.2007


In March 2007, Gryzlov lobbied for Sergey Mironov, who was going to regain membership in the Federation Council, in exchange of the post of parliamentary speaker of St. Petersburg for the member of United Russia, Vadim Tulpanov . Mironov was approved for the position of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg in SF, and Tulpanov became speaker of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly. If Mironov did not get to the Federation Council, he would have made Tulpanov compete in elections to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg and most likely would take the post of Speaker in the Legislative Assembly of the northern capital.

Source: "Kommersant» № 42 (3618) on 16.03.2007


In 2008, Boris Gryzlov was in the center of the scandal with a State Duma deputy Valery Draganov, his closest ally. The latter was accused of abuse of power, embezzlement and negligence. In 1998-1999, on behalf of the State Customs Committee (SCC) Draganov decided to transfer the accounts of the territorial customs authorities of the Most-Bank to AKB “Rosbank”, which was not authorized by the Government to accommodate the budget. Subsequently, Draganov and the owner of "Most-Group", Vladimir Gusinsky signed an agreement under which Customs received a pledge of shares of the holding Media-Most "as a guarantee of debts repayment by Most-Bank to territorial offices of SCC (State Customs Committee of Russian Federation). However, shares were blurred subsequently, and customs money from the accounts of Most Bank got disappeared. The head of the investigative committee at the Prosecutor's Office Minister Alexander Bastrykin, having a Supreme Court decision on the guilt of Draganov, turned to the Duma for the removal of the his parliamentary immunity. But Boris Gryzlov spoke in support of his colleague and declaired that Draganov took the right decision in 1998, thus he refused to withdraw parliamentary powers from Draganov.

Source: "Kommersant" from 10.12.2008


Since 2009 most of the publication about Boris Gryzlov has been dedicated to him as a fellow inventor of the notorious academic public organization "Russian Academy of Natural Sciences" -Victor Petrik - creator of filters based on a mixture of carbon with high reactivity (HRCM). Viktor Petrik became most famouse due to the project "Pure water", launched by the party "United Russia" on a proposal by Boris Gryzlov, in 2006. At the time Gryzlov announced the creation of a similar federal program and in September 2007 together with Petrykiv filed a patent application "Method of purification of liquid radioactive waste”. As a result, they have patented an installation, allowing a large scale cleaning of the contaminated water up to the drinking status. In the same year the company of Petrik "Holding "Golden Formula" with the support of Gryzlov won a tender for the installation of filters in the institutions of different levels (there are no reports on the other participants). Petrik’s filters were installed in the Novgorod region - in schools and kindergartens- for a pilot project. And in 2009 an outbreak of serous meningitis occurred there, presumably, the infection got to the children through drinking water. But the project was not closed and it was planned to allocate up to 15 trillion rubles from the budget for the program of equipment with Petrik’s filters. But the project attracted the attention of the press, and Gryzlov was accused of corruption, and Petrik - of the scheme. In summer 2009, RAS Academicians Academicians checked the activities of Petrik, and then Eduard Kruglyakov stated that all activities of Petrik are a sheer ignorance. In late 2009, the President of Academy of Sciences Yuri Osipov instructed the commission, headed by academician-secretary of the Department of Chemistry and Material Sciences of RAS,Vladimir Tartakovsky - to examin the technology created by Gryzlov-Petrykiv (the commission began its work in March 2010). In response Gryzlov issued a sharp criticism of RAS. On April 21, 2010 the commission concluded that the activities of Petrik were lying not in the field of science, but in the field of business. For example, a patent by Gryzlov and Petrik to clean up heavy water from tritium can not be implemented because it is based on a misconception about the properties of the nuclei of hydrogen, deuterium and tritium. The Commission cautioned against the use of filters of Gryzlov and Petrik for drinking water without a qualitative assessment of their impact on the human body. Regarding the study of filters: on the advice of scientists, filters based on HRCM do not clean tap water from microorganisms comletely, moreover, they add a new unwanted flora and nanoparticles, whose influence on the human organism is unknown yet.

Sources: Rossiyskaya Gazeta № 5023 (199) on 21.10.2009, on 04/21/2010, Grani.Ru of 15.12.2009,« The Wall Street Journal »of 05.03.2010," Moskovsky Komsomolets "from 11.03. 2010, Rosbalt from 08.12.2009,, www. on 29/01/2010


In 2009 Boris Gryzlov as Chairman of the State Duma, addressed to the specialists of Sciences to assess the work of Victor Petrik. The latter made a presentation at the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry n.a. N.S. Kurnakov of his innovative discoveries in the field of fullerenes, modern technologies of nanomaterials and alternative energy. At this event, Boris Gryzlov signed a protocol in which the discoveries by Petrik had been recognized scientifically interesting. Gryzlov agreed to organize a working groups with relevant institutions for scientific support of inventions and technologies of Petrik , but the groups have never been organized – and no formal requests to the RAS by Victor Petrik has followed.

Source: Polit.rufrom on 22.12.2009


In 2009, wrote that the name of Boris Gryzlov made the staff of Gosizberkom (State Electoral Commission) of St. Petersburg violate the law. Then the son of Boris Gryzlov, Dmitry announced his candidacy for deputy in the municipal elections. The Commission of Gorizberkom found hundred percent of invalid signatures in favor of Dmitry Gryzlov, and still registered his candidacy. They wrote that Electoral Commission of Municipal Education decided not to reject these signatures officially because of the family ties of Dmitry Gryzlov.

Source: "Kommersant-Petersburg" from 06.02.2009


In early April 2010, a few days after the terrorist attacks in the Moscow subway, Gryzlov said at a meeting with President Medvedev connected the speech of Chechen separatist leader Doku Umarov, who had assumed responsibility for the blasts, with materials on the subject, published in the newspaper Vedomosti and The Moscow Komsomolets, saying that the journalists and militants were linked. ZAO “Business News Media" (" Vedomosti ") and author of the article in the" MK"Alexander Minkin filed an action in court to defend their honor, dignity and business reputation. Presnensky Moscow court refused to satisfy the claim by Minkin and "Business News Media", basing its decision on the fact that Gryzlov had not claimed a fact of contributing to terrorism, but expressed value judgments.

Sources: www. on 27.04.2010, "Vedomosti" on 25.05.2010


In May 2010 the press talked about the fact that Boris Gryzlov may lose the post of head of the Supreme Council of United Russia - the Russian government got displeased with Gryzlov. the Kremlin administration hardly solved the conflict with the newspaper "Vedomosti" and "Moskovsky Komsomolets". They wrote that Gryzlov’s heavy-styled politics and his conservatism made the Kremlin fed up. Last time Boris Gryzlov was criticized by the head of the Effective Policy Fund Gleb Pavlovsky, who is close to the Kremlin. He said that such party leaders like Gryzlov "eat away the image of Putin and Medvedev," and advised Gryzlov to resign in order to stop discreditation of "United Russia". The inadequacy of Gryzlov was stated openly by deputy director of the Institute of Contemporary Development (“INSOR”) Evgeny Gontmakher. He accused the head of the Council of bringing all opponents of the "United Russia" to the level of people's enemies. Another recent conflicts involving Gryzlov broke on the eve of May 9: Gryzlov spoke against the idea of Yuri Luzhkov who suggested to place of posters with pictures of Stalin in the capital, and then insulted the mayor of Moscow by his remarks. As a result, press officers of the municipality made astatements in the newspapers recalling Gryzlov’s statements, expressed in 2004 in which Boris Gryzlov called Stalin an eminent statesman, who was sorely lacking in Russia.

Source: № 17 (668) on 10.05.2010

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