Date of Birth: 08 July 1959.
Place of Birth: Sebezh (Pskov region).
1981: Graduated from the Leningrad Technological Institute of Pulp and Paper Industry (specialty: machines and apparatus of PPI)
1991-1992: "Tekhnoferm”, the CEO
1985-1991: Leningrad carton factory, Master of cardboard shop, Production Manager
1981-1985: Kondopozhsky PPM, mechanic
Since 1992 - Deputy Director General of Ilim
Source: www.forbesrussia.ru
Until the early 90's Boris Zingarevich, along with his brother Michael worked as a mechanic at the Leningrad cardboard factory. In 1992, they created "Ilim Pulp" - a company for export of paper products. Then they were reassigned to the woods production, and over the years have bought about 30 logging companies - then timber industry enterprises were sold at very low prices.
Easy money in the timber industry caused competition that turned into criminal fights. Most of them appeared to be in Arkhangelsk region, where the main enterprise of the holding - Kotlas PPM was. In the region, the company has developed a bad reputation to the extent that one day in January 2002, half the guests did not appear on the anniversary of the governor Anatoly Efremov, having learnt that Zingarevich brothers and their partner Zakhar Smushkin were going to be there.
In spring 1999 the house of the head of the Arkhangelsk PPC Vladimir Krupchak was bombed. In the summer of 1999 the head of OAO “Solombalskiy LDK" Evgeny Drachev and his driver were kidnapped by unknown. A few months later director general of forestry complex the department of the regional administration, Alexander Bulatov was beaten. It is difficult to say whether those events were connected to the activities of Ilim Pulp. However, its top managers- Smushkin and the Zingareviches could have argued with those people, because the struggle for supremacy in the timber industry was very tough, and Arkhangelsk region was considered a "fiefdom" of Ilim Pulp in the field. The regional law enforcement agencies had a huge dirt on the heads of the holding, but for some reason the case went "down on the brakes" every time.
For example, the same story happened with the murder of Dmitry Varvarin, Director General of ZAP "Concern" Orimi”, the main competitor of Ilim Pulp. He was shot in St. Petersburg in March of 2000. The heads of Ilim Pulp, including Boris Zingarevich had sufficient motives for the killing, including the competition and the fact that Varvarin supported the campaign of Yuri Boldyrev for the post of mayor of St. Petersburg, which was obviously to fail. In addition, Varvarin owned shares of Ilim Pulp, so he begged Smushkin and Zingarevichey as his partners to allocate money for it.
A few days after the murder of Varvarin, unknown people killed another founder of "Orimi”, Sergey Krizhan together with his family.
Law enforcement agencies considered the version according to which the two murders were connected with the management of Ilim Pulp, as the most probable, but somehow forgot about it; the team of investigators was excluded from the investigation.
Source: Kompromat.ru from 31.07.2002
The involvement of the heads of "Ilim Pulp" in the second killing has not been confirmed, as in 2005, Andrey Yurevich - the son of commercial director of “Plastpolymer", Victor Yurevich, and two accomplices - Alexander Ulyanov and Vyacheslav Shinkarev were sentenced for that murder. Krizhan was chairman of the board of directors of the company and clashed with Viktor Yurevich.
The newspaper "Kommersant-Petersburg" № 216 (3300) on 17.11.2005
In spring and autumn of 2000, a new wave of crime passed.
In March, the director of Agency Company, lumber exporter - Vladimir Malkov was attacked. And in October, the hotel "Polina", owned by Krupchak was set on fire. As leader of the Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill, he was a major player in timber market and he could have possibly conflicted to the Zingarevicheses and Smushkin quite often. In 2001 Dmitry Belyaev, External Manager of LDK-4 was attacked. Again, the connection with the management of Ilim Pulp was not confirmed, but it was on the cards, as Ilim Pulp had been seeking for the rule in the forest sector, and Belyaev could have threatened the interests of their company by his business, or could have simply competed with its leaders.
Boris Zingarevich together with the companions did the business of "Ilim Pulp" not very successful, at least for their enterprises. The main one was the debts of Kotlas pulp and paper mill in Arkhangelsk region, Bratsk Timber Complex in the Irkutsk region, as well as others, they had ruthlessly cut down the forest, accidents happened frequently, the equipment was worn out or even broken. At the same salaries were miserable.
Until 2000, the shareholders of Ilim Pulp had not received dividends. Ostensibly, they were invested in production development, but in reality, everything was falling apart. The problem was that all the investments in production then were exempt from taxation. Once the tax credit was abolished, dividends went.
In addition, it became clear that Kotlas Pulp came under the control of Ilim Pulp illegally: during the investment competition the money, which the company pledged to invest in a company, were transferred to its account for one day and then were sent back to the accounts of Smushkin and the Zingarevicheses. But formally, everything looked legitimate.
They purchased equipment for the companies in an interesting way: at very high prices, while in fact only half of it was brought. The money also flowed to foreign accounts of the firms affiliated with Ilim Pulp.
Other financial frauds by the Zingarevicheses and Smushkin were turned in the Bratsk Timber Industry Complex (BTIC). First they formed huge debts for electricity for the budget of Bratsk and many others. And in 1998 the company established a subsidiary company OAO "Pulp and Cardboard Plant (PCP) and began to place there their liquid assets. Thus, BTIC eventually had unprofitable production and debts. The state had a stake in BTIC and did not impede the withdrawal of assets.
Only Dmitry Medvedev, the current president objected that, then in 1993 he was Director of Legal Affairs "Ilim Pulp", and since 1998 -a member of the Board of Directors in BTIC. His relationship with the Zingarevicheses and Smushkin worsened, and in 1999 they were completely stopped - he was distracted by new concerns associated with climbing the career ladder.
In October 2001, it became known that Ilim Pulp committed deals for the sale of pulp and paper factory to offshore companies. Then the shareholders of OAO “Irkutskenergo" which was the main creditor of BTIC - appealed to the federal agencies. They failed to find out the truth because of the legal tricks: documents submitted to the commission, were valid, but for the period prior to the fraud.
After that, the minority shareholders of BTIC went to court, and it ordered to reinstate the dismissed general director BTIC George Trifonov. He restored an order, paid the debts. The Zingarevicheses and Smushkin were defeated. But when in 2002 BTIC came under their control again, they began to restore the old order by dismissing disloyal people and replacing them with loyal ones, uncomprehending in the timber industry.
In addition, the holding company began the blockade of the Ust-Ilim Timber Complex (UiLPK) by not sending paid commodity to the company. All forces were driven to expell the head of the trade union, Yuri Savinkov, they wrote denunciations to the prosecutor's office against the former Complex director Andrey Prokopov. The new head of UiLPK Vladimir Batishchev reported that Prokopov took away the production equipment. It was a slander - he just took jeeps belonging to the management company “Continental Invest”.
In early February 2002, UILPK was entirely under the control of Ilim Pulp.
Source: Kompromat.ru from 13.02.2002
In April 2002, Ilim Pulp lost control over Kotlas and Bratsk pulp and paper mills. There were two lawsuits from shareholders, after which the company’s shares were arrested, and then purchased for the benefit of companies affiliated with the actual new owners - "Basic Element", "Continental management" and "Banking House" Sankt-Petersburg". Oleg Deripaska was behind those machinations, who wanted to get a strategic advantage in the industry.
Source: corp-gov.ru from 29.09.2003
The management of "Ilim Pulp" disputed the transaction through numerous courts. There were information wars. The information agencies had the news spread that the Court invalidated the new board of directors elected by shareholders. It was misinformation. To gain access to the documents of Kotlassky PPM they forged execution lists and sent them to the office of registry holders. According to them, it was necessary to issue registry documents. They also launched "a fake" that the registry of the Bratsk TIC was lost.
In the end, "Ilim Pulp" prevailed in the information and judicial war. Businessmen managed to agree, but the true owner of the enterprises is still unknown. Representatives of “Bazel” argued that the blocking stake in the enterprises was still in the structures of Basel. Smushkin also announced that he possessed more than 90%. As the court ruled, the enterprises passed to Ilim Pulp. Perhaps the company paid Bazel some compensation. In any case, that was a good lesson for the Zingarevicheses and Smushkin and a signal that the empire they built up may well falter without gaining a strong support.
Source: Kompromat.ru from 31.07.2002
In 2004, the media reported that Boris Zingarevich intended to acquire a large stake in English football club Everton. Upon the request of Zingarevich, that information was retracted. According to British media, the football club was interesting to Zingarevich’s son Anton. He himself had no money to buy it, but he practiced abroad as a football manager. There is no information confirming the purchase plans. This episode is insignificant, but given that Boris Zingarevich studiously avoided the media spotlight, it looks interesting. Maybe it was advantageous for someone to put Zingarevich as a reckless spender and a wasteful man.
Source: "Kommersant» № 155 (2994) on 24.08.2004
Also in 2004, there were rumors in the media that the company "Ilim Pulp" is going to buy the state Vneshtorgbank, and the then owner of Promstroibank Vladimir Kogan was to be an intermediary in the transaction. The price was to be inflated in more than a billion dollars. Journalists advanced the version of such a bizarre waste of public funds. They supposed, the billion would be withdraw from the State Bank and shared by individuals, including Zingarevich. In their opinion, the deal was scheduled to be held "under the guise of" Finance Minister Alexey Kudrin. However, no further speculation happened at the possible grand scam failed for unknown reasons.
Source: Kompromat.ru from 23.09.2004
In 2006, the Zingareviches and Smushkin sold half of the holding to a foreign company International Paper, the world's largest pulp and Paper Corporation. In the name of the company, they found a strong partner and a way to overcome, the crisis that had begun with the attack by Mr. Deripaska on Kotlas and Bratsk pulp and paper mills. Once they returned the enterprises, Deripaska exchanged his remaining shares to the stake in the Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill of Vladimir Kogan, and the latter gave them to the shareholders of Ilim Pulp. That is, everything returned to business as usual. However, after such a shake-up the Zingareviches and Smushkin realized they were not omnipotent, and their old methods to maintain the credibility in the timber industry had been no longer working. The holding company needed a powerful protection of the parties and they found such a support in the name of the foreign company.
Source: Journal “Secret Firmy» № 48 (183) on 25.12.2006
In spring 2010, the authorities of St. Petersburg passed at once three buildings - the monuments of federal importance for the reconstruction of them as hotels - to the companies close to Zingarevich brothers. OOO “Lotus Oteli” received a historic building of the former barracks of the Life Guards of the Pavlovsky Regiment on the Marsovo Pole, 1. OOO “Orange-Development" acquired the building of the former court stables Office at Konyushennaya Ploshad, 1a. The third building was on Nevsky Prospekt, 7-9A, which is the Central Agency of Aviation and airline ticket place passed to OOO “IFG-Basis-Project”. Experts say that at the auction the buildings could cost a lot of money. However, they gave them under the decision taken at a closed meeting of the government. Thus, not only the interests of the city budget were violated, but also of the potential buyers who could acquire the right to use the buildings through a fair competition.
Source: "Kommersant" dated 05/21/2010
2010 - At the St. Petersburg Economic Forum presented to the Russian public his car of the future, which can be recharged from a conventional household outlet.
2010 - Received a loan from VTB Bank for the development of Ener1 business in the amount of $ 100 million.
2011 - Bought a Norwegian manufacturer of electric cars Think Global.
2011 - Took part in a working breakfast of the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and German Chancellor Angela Merkel with representatives of Russian and German business circles
In the United States a class action lawsuit is filed to company Ener1, owned by businessman Boris Zingarevich, engaged in the development of batteries for hybrid cars and electric cars. The Company, its executives and board members accused of falsifying statements and concealment of losses. If violations are proved, payment to shareholders may even ruin the company.
... Blame was the purchase of motor companies Norwegian Think Global, that trying to establish a production of electric city for 20 years. This is the fourth bankruptcy to Think in its short history. At this time the company has knocked down by the price of € 35 thousand for the car, very similar to our "Oka".
Izvestiya, 21.08. 2011
Manufacturer of Ener1 batteries, in which the businessman Boris Zingarevich has invested hundreds of millions of dollars taken out of Russia with the help of Medvedev January 26, filed for protection from creditors in the Bankruptcy Court of the Southern District of New York. The company also announced that it has agreed with the main investors on the restructuring plan. According to the text, submitted to the court application, all lenders and investors Ener1 must approve the plan before February 9 and the restructuring itself will take 45 days.
In the course of the restructuring, part of the debt (on December 31, 2011 it was $ 90.5 million, and its assets - $ 73.9 million) will be paid in cash, part will be replaced by a new debt, and part will be converted into shares, it follows from the document. For these purposes, investors, including Swiss Bzifin co-owner of the "Ilim" Zingarevich, Japanese Itochu Group, Goldman Sachs funds, will allocate for the company up to $ 81 million, and, besides, a large part of the sum will give Zingarevich. Russian businessman, whose structures belongs 55, 8% of Ener1, remains the controlling shareholder of the company, its owners will also become Goldman Sachs and Itochu, said a representative of Zingarevich.
"Ruspres" 30.01.2012
Bankruptcy Court has approved a plan of restructure of obligations of the company Ener1, manufacturer of batteries for hybrid cars and electric cars. As part of the plan Ener1 will receive new capital in the amount of $ 86 million, the company said. Most of this amount will provide Bzifin - the structure of the main shareholder of Ener1 Russian businessman Boris Zingarevich. Ener1 liabilities of $ 78.5 million will be paid in exchange for the common shares, issued by the reorganized company. All shares of existing Ener1 will be redeemed.
Capitalization of Ener1 collapsed due to the growth of loss in 2011 (the highest price during the year - $ 5.9, minimum, before the declaration of bankruptcy - $ 0.03 per share). Falling of shares accelerated on 10 August after the announcement of the revision of the reporting for the year 2010 and the first quarter of 2011 due to the impairment of investments in the Norwegian Think Global and write-offs of loans, given to company. The loss for 2010 was revised from $ 68.8 million to $ 165.3 million.
For investment in Ener1 Zingarevich in 2010 has attracted a loan of $ 100 million in VTB, giving a personal guarantee and laying the shares of the American company.
“Forbes”, 06.03.2012.
Reconstruction projects an area of 59 hectares around the "Konyushennaya" square and Champ de Mars are being finalized. Contestants in the program "Preservation of the historical center of St. Petersburg" are in no hurry to show sketches. This may be due to the fact that Zingarevich brothers, leading the reconstruction of buildings on Champ de Mars and "Konyushennaya" square, did not define in their desires. To explain the position of the businessman, should understand the background of the construction investment. This spring, the company "Lotus Hotel" and CJSC "Orange Development", claiming to the old buildings in the city center, completed the long proceedings in arbitration courts. Despite the objections of the St. Petersburg Department of the Federal Antimonopoly Service "Lotus Hotel" LLC can legitimately alter the former barracks of the Pavlovsky regiment of the Field of Mars, 1 to the hotel and "Orange Development" - former court Konyushennaya Office on Konyushennaya Square. Both buildings are allocated earmarked on the basis of the closed St. Petersburg Government meeting in May 2010. FAS objections about an absence of the competition of investors, which is necessary in such cases, were not taken into account.
According to the site "Fontanka.ru", owners of "Lotus" and "Orange" are brothers Boris and Mikhail Zingarevich, native of the city of Sebezh. According to the materials of "SPARK-Interfax", they control the company through their founder - "Globus" LLC, and the only participator of "Globus" - virgin offshore "Plimner Assets SA"
Although the St. Petersburg Committee on Monuments (KGIOP) delayed the issuance of permits for works with federal cultural heritage, "Lotus Hotel" put "SMU-32" as the contractor on the Champ de Mars, which, as it turned out, did not even have a license that allows for a work with similar objects.
It is not surprising that the project has caused concern. Suffice loyal to Zingarevich director of OJSC "NII Spetsproektrestavratsiya" Michael Milchik, conducted historical and cultural expertise of Pavlovsky regiment barracks in the interests of investors, in an interview to "NTV" noted with concern the desire to complete the creation of the famous architect Basil Stasov with fashionable penthouses - it is still unclear what will be left of the barracks except walls. In addition, the building suddenly flooded with Zingarevich, and if it is in a short time brought to an emergency condition, the investor will be able to expeditiously obtain a permit for demolition from the construction regulations - ignoring any protests.
Probably for the same reasons, the destruction of the monument at the Konyushennaya Square is allowed.
"APN", 18.06.2012
In June, during the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, representatives of structures of billionaire Boris Zingarevich met with the head of "Rosatom" Sergey Kiriyenko. The speech went, in particular, about the possible purchase of US asset of Zingarevich, the company Ener1, by "Rosatom". In "Rosatom", did not deny the fact of meeting Kiriyenko with the representatives of Zingarevich to "Izvestiya" and confirmed their interest in general in accumulator technology, but transactions in this area are not foreseen before the end of the pilot projects. - "Rosatom" has an interest in the whole subject to the energy savings, because the use of such technologies can enhance the competitiveness of our key product in the domestic and foreign markets - Nuclear Power Plant - said the representative of the state corporation. - Selecting a technology partner is only possible on the results of the implementation of several pilot projects of different types with various solution providers. The initiation of these projects is planned for the end of 2012. In this regard, we currently do not plan to purchase or participate storage systems in the capital of the manufacturer. Accordingly, negotiations on this issue are not engaged. Representative of Z1 holding, asset manager of Boris Zingarevich, also neither confirmed nor denied the fact of the meeting, however, noted that there is no talking about any specific M & A transactions in respect of Ener1.
"News". 25.07.2012
The largest Russian retailers "Lenta" not withheld to pay 2.23 billion rubles for the settlement of the conflict of shareholders. This money could get a co-owner of Pulp and Paper Group "Ilim" Boris Zingarevich.
Option to purchase 3.2% of the ordinary shares of "Lenta" has received a private person, which has helped to resolve the conflict of shareholders of the retailer in 2011, the company reported in the financial statements at the end of last year. It was assumed, that the option will be exercised, when the Company will place shares on the Stock Exchange or one of the key shareholders will sell his stake to a third side. On Monday, "Lenta" has officially announced its intention to place Global Depository Receipts on the London Stock Exchange, on the preparations for the IPO sources reported since mid-2013.
But there is no option for peacemaker: it is said in "Lenta" report for 2013, which is published together with the announcement of the placement, that the option was canceled November 14, 2013 (a week after "Vedomosti" told about it). Instead of it, 2.23 billion rubles was paid to an individual.
Option intended for co-owner of Pulp and Paper Group "Ilim" Boris Zingarevich, told sources in the company and a familiar of a businessman to "Vedomosti" in early November. Then the businessman was part of the retailer's board of directors.
"Vedomosti". 02/06/2014
Unlike Zahara Smushkin (№8), his partner Boris Zingarevich remained completely non-public figure until the summer of last year. A year ago, information appeared in British press that he buys an equity stake of football club Everton from Liverpool. Barely started scandal quickly calmed down. As it turned out, Zingarevich have no desire to be "Abramovich number two" for English football. After all, he does not have immunity as a governor's post.
"Finance". 09/10/2014
Advertising agency for a debt of 2.8 million rubles filed a lawsuit on bankruptcy to the "Orange-Development", which implements an investment project worth 5 billion rubles on the Konyushennaya Square.
The Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region has registered two cases of "Drim" LLC on bankruptcy of OJSC "Orange-development" (included in "Plaza Lotus Group" of Boris and Mikhail Zingarevich). Claims filed November 19; the definition of acceptance of a claim for consideration has not yet been published at the court site.
"Orange-development" reconstructs Konyushenny Department building on the Konyushennaya square, 1, at Aparthotel; it follows from the declaration on the project's website. The investor intends to invest in the project 5 billion rubles. Decision on reconstruction of the memorial building area of 13 500 square meters the Government of St. Petersburg has issued to "Orange-Development" in 2010, expires in 2015
... In just 2014 six lawsuits are filed to "Orange-Development" for recovery of 24 million rubles, from which the requirements of 2 million rubles are satisfied, 12.9 million rubles are denied, the other are in the course of litigation. State Property Management Committee has submitted in early October two claims with the requirement to collect 4.7 million rubles for delay on transfers on the development of urban infrastructure and rent arrears, it follows from cases file cabinet. The debt is not repaid, the Committee carried out claim-work to recover the debt, says his representative.
"Vedomosti". 11/25/2014
Petersburg Company "Plaza Lotus Group", as known, is controlled by billionaires Mikhail and Boris Zingarevich, former employers of the current Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who in 1990 provided legal support to "Ilim", owned by the brothers and, perhaps, therefore sometimes allows some architectural freedom for himself. Can recall, for example, a project, presented by "Plaza Lotus Group" at the St. Petersburg forum, which radically changes the Champ de Mars or scandalous construction of public trade complex under the "Vosstaniya" square. Besides, the company, controlled by businessman, a few years ago received from the city a number of historical buildings - on Konyushennaya Square, 1, letter A; on Nevsky Prospect, 7-9; Moika Embankment, 26, - for the reconstruction of a hotel accommodation. In particular, the right to adjust the federal monument building area of 13,530 square meters, holding quarter between the Konyushennaya square, Moika Embankment and Griboyedov Canal, "Orange Development" received as an intended purpose in 2010 for 19.9 million rubles.
"Sodis stroi" filed a lawsuit to the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region on recovery of 89.5 million rubles from CJSC "Orange Development" (included in "Plaza Lotus Group") on June 26, information about the claim is available on the Court's website. Date of examination has not been set yet. "Orange Development" was going to accommodate a historic building in the Konyushennaya Square 1 under a luxury hotel. The projects worth 6.5 billion rubles, according to the company, have already been invested 1 billion rubles. "Orange Development" signed a contract with "Sodis Stroi" to perform general contracting works last year. The contract value is not disclosed by its members. "Sodis" has performed works by 90 million rubles, that "Orange Development" accepted, but not paid for, admits the representative of "Orange development" Alena Murgina. According to her, in the "Plaza Lotus Group" are not surprised by the actions of "Sodis": "Apparently, due to the ambiguous situation around the object, the general contractor decided to fixate the financial obligations of the customer." "Plaza Lotus Group" has many disgruntled contractors. Total to "Orange Development" were filed about 10 lawsuits from partners and contractors for the recovery from 130 000 to 6.4 million rubles since the autumn of last year, seven lawsuits are filed to "Plaza Lotus Group" LLC. The biggest demand after "Sodis" was from "A Plus Development". At the amount of the penalty claim was satisfied by 68 million rubles, said the representative of "A plus development". Information about partial satisfaction of the claim is on the Court's website. According to the company representative, the "Orange development" also has a bill debt to "A Plus Development", it must be paid before July 10, otherwise the company will continue to defend their rights in the courts.
"Rospres", "Vedomosti". 01/07/2015
As became known to "Kommersant", the investigative department of the Ministry of Interior launched an investigation in point of the management of the GC "Energostroyinvest Holding", which is a co-owned by Anton Zingarevich, son of a former board member of "Rosseti" and co-owner of the "Ilim" group of Boris Zingarevich. Management team is suspected of embezzling 1.5 billion rubles, received from a subsidiary of VEB - the bank "Globex". This money is intended for the construction of the substation "Beloberezhskaya" in the Bryansk region, which was not built.
"Kommersant", 10.19.2015
Smolny figured out how to avoid the payment of 1.2 billion rubles to Zingarevich brothers for breaking the contract for the reconstruction of the. The city will provide them with sites on an equivalent amount.
The issue of compensation for "Orange-Development" is hanging over the Smolny like a sword of Damocles for several months. As "Fontanka" have already told, in summer the city government finally defined in the long-standing debate about the reconstruction project of the Konyushenny Department buildings. Officials suddenly sided the city-defenders and announced that a contract for the alteration of the complex to the aparthotel will be terminated. Although the investor has already fulfilled part of the preparatory work.
In "Orange-Development", included in "Plaza Lotus Group" of Boris and Mikhail Zingarevich, estimated their expenses by 1.2 billion rubles and submitted relevant documents to the Committee on the construction, which was in charge of such investment projects until recently. 1.2 billion rubles is a very impressive strike on the city budget. As interlocutors of the city administration say, several sites for development projects will be provided to structures of Zingarevich brothers. The total cost of land will be comparable to the size of the confirmed costs on Konyushenny Department.
"Fontanka". 10/24/2015
Investigators Research Affairs in Moscow in the evening on November 17 searched the apartment of the Chairman of the Board of "Holding Energostroyinvest" Anton Zingarevich on Moskovsky Prospect, in his father's house on Kamennoostrovsky Avenue, as well as the parents of Boris on the avenue Dobrolyubova. According to "Fontanka" in the events were also attended by operatives of the Moscow and Petrograd district of St. Petersburg. As a result of events any financial documents or other items of interest to the investigation, were not removed.
According to our publication, the reason for the searches was the criminal case filed September 3, 2015 under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code (fraud on a large scale) against unidentified leaders of the group of companies "Energostroyinvest-Holding" (ESIH), which was one of Russia's largest builders of substations and power lines until recently.
According to investigators, the companies, included in ESIH - "Engineering center Energo" LLC, "New Engineering Company" LLC, "Energo Project Center" LLC and others - received at Alfa Bank 10 bank guarantees in the amount of 5.6 billion rubles for execution of orders on construction and reconstruction of energy facilities "UES FGC". However, the company did not fully fulfill their obligations; as a result the Federal Grid Company demanded at Alfa-Bank 2 billion rubles of guarantees. However, the credit institution considered that businessman took out part of ESIH assets, bringing the group of companies to serious condition, and appealed to law enforcement agencies.
"Fontanka". 11/18/2015
Investigators of Moscow police conducted a series of searches in St. Petersburg apartments of the family of known entrepreneurs - creators of the GC "Energostroyinvest-holding" and "Ilim" Group of Zingarevich brothers. Operational activities were carried out within the framework of a criminal case investigation of large-scale fraud, excited by the capital security forces at the request of Alfa Bank, which lost about 2 billion rubles as a result of financial transactions, made by management of construction companies controlled by Messrs. Zingarevich.
As "Kommersant" already reported, in early September this year, Interior Affairs Department CAD of Moscow launched a criminal case investigation into the fraud on a large scale (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code - "Kommersant"), instituted against some "unknown persons" from the Direction of GC "Energostroyinvest holding", which is co-owned by Anton Zingarevich, son of a former board member of "Rossetti" and co-owner of the "Ilim" Boris Zingarevich.
The newspaper "Kommersant St. Petersburg." 11/19/2015