Born May 10, 1971 in St. Petersburg.
Education: St. Petersburg State Engineering Academy of Economic Studies (2000), North-West Academy of Public Service (2002); Ph.D. in Economics.
Since 1992 - Deputy Director for Economics in AO "Otsy i Deti”; Since February 1994 - Director of AOZT "Sirius - S", which he established together with the St. Petersburg authoritative businessman Konstantin Yakovlev (Kostya Mogila). Along with him Volchek established OOO "Briz" (1995), producer of films and videos OOO “Company MCA "(1996), ZAO" Premier SV – Neva” (1998), "Rus-Med” - State Duma Deputy Vladislav Reznik, deputy of “Edinaya Rossiya” party was member of the board of directors in the last company.
In 1997-98 - Head of the security company OOO“Sirius Fort”. From 1998 to present time - Chairman of the board of directors of the insurance company "RusMed".
In 2001 he was elected deputy of the municipal district of St. Petersburg "Poselok Terlyaevo", at the same time he became Chairman of the Municipal Chamber of St. Petersburg.
In March-December 2002 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO “Farmakon "- the largest pharmaceutical factory in St. Petersburg.
In December 2002 he was elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg of the third convocation. Chairman of the Standing Committee on Industry, Economics and Property; Head of St. Petersburg regional branch of the political party LDPR;
Since January 2003 - Coordinator of the faction "Sportivnaya Rossiya" in the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. In June 2004 he was elected leader of the St. Petersburg organization of the LDPR. June 16, 2004 - the LDPR faction was registered in the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, which included all the former members of " Sportivnaya Rossiya ", including Volchek, who became Coordinator of the faction.
In March 2007 he was elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg of the fourth convocation under the list of the LDPR; Member of Committee on Industry, Economy and Property and Committee on Education, Culture and Science.
In December 2007 he was elected State Duma Deputy of the Federal list of candidates nominated by the political party “Liberal - Democratic Party of Russia"; Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Financial Markets.
Denis Volchek has triple citizenship (Russia, Greece, Israel)
Married, one daughter and son.
Source: www.assembly.spb.ru, www.lobbying.ru, APN from 20.11.2007
In the early 90's Dennis Volcheck met criminal authority Konstantin Yakovlev, in some circles known as Kostya Mogila through his father, now sitting in the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. Volchek attracted the attention of Yakovlev and soon began to help him in business, which lied in such areas as construction, banking, commerce, media and pharmaceuticals. Their union appeared in 1994, when Volchek, Yakovlev, and one of the foremen of the Mogila’s criminal group, Vladimir Kulibaba founded AOZT "Sirius C". At that time Konstantin Yakovlev took on the legalization of his business.
Source: "Nasha versiya na Neve" from 20.04.2009
Media became interested in Denis Volchek in 2002 when he decided to enter politics by putting his candidacy to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg.
In that period of time the apartment of Dennis Volchek was searched under the criminal case instituted against him under Art. 160, Part 3 of the Criminal Code (embezzlement). In addition, a series of searches was carried out even at several other addresses, including the offices of insurance company “RusMed” and television “Nevsky channel (channel 36)" controlled by Volchek, as well as his public reception. Volchek himself was detained for 48 hours, but during the search of the apartment he escaped and hid in St. Petersburg. Writer Vladimir Shali was targeted as victim in the case, he claimed that he had given Volchek Rembrandt picture for expertise, but he never gave it back. It turned out that the picture was not original - Konstantin Yakovlev returned it to the investigator, stating he had been keeping it at home.
It should be noted that those events occurred in the same period of time when Volchek was elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. Experts believed that those were the machinations of the election competitors.
Denis Volchek was found guilty then, but in 2004 St.Petersburg Prosecutor's Office stopped the criminal case on the expiration of statute of limitations.
Source: "Kommersant» № 213 (2582) on 23.11.2002
In 2002, Denis Volchek acquired a controlling stake in OAO “Farmakon "(a major producer of drugs). The acquirer was the firm "Kovi-Farm” he had been controlling. Volchek joined the Board of Directors in Farmakon. With the assistance of St. Petersburg Governor Vladimir Yakovlev, in the late 90's and early 2000's, "Kovi-Farm" and then "Formakon" became regular winners of tenders for the supply of drugs to beneficiaries, conducted by the city of St. Petersburg. Thus, Volchek and Konstantin Yakovlev (all the gains by Volchek were related to him then) controled a part of the budgetary funds allocated for urban medicine, and shared them with Vladimir Yakovlev.
Source: "Leningradskaya Pravda" from 21.12.2002
In December 2002, Denis Volchek was elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. Volcheck spent $ 5 million for the election; they wrote that was money of Boris Berezovsky, the company “Severstal”, and the leadership of wine-distillery plant "Liviz". Volchek planned to bring his own people to ZAKS, such as Albina Savelieva, an ex-employee of the GUVD (“Central Internal Affairs Directorate”), Yuri Saveliev, rector of VOENMEKH, Victor Egorshin, a former deputy chief of Internal Affairs of St. Petersburg, Elena Topilskaya, a former investigator and author of detective novels, Konstantin Alkanovich, CEO of "Rus-Med”. Since January 2003, Denis Volchek was Coordinator of the faction "Sportivnaya Rossiya" in the Legislative Assembly of St.Petersburg. According to the media, the group was a union of criminal gangs created with the support of Berezovsky. However, shortly after Volchek disavowed his obligations to Boris Berezovsky, refused to rename the group into the Liberal Russia. A warrant for it was given by Konstantin Yakovlev.
Sources: www.flb.ru of 25.04.2002, APN from 20.11.2007
Denis Volchek obtained the post of the head of municipal chamber of St.Petersburg in 2002; then he negotiated with the rector of the St. Petersburg Mining Institute, Vladimir Litvinenko (a confidant of Vladimir Putin in the presidential election of 2000 in St Petersburg) and Federation Council Speaker Sergei Mironov, when he was a deputy of the Legislative Assembly on their entry into the leadership of MP. In return, Volchek promised uninterrupted funding of Mironov's "Volya Peterburga”, but the parties failed to agree. At the same time, Volchek was reported to pay to Konstantin Yakovlev 100 thousand dollars monthly, including for the pharmaceutical business.
Sources: "Leningradskaya Pravda" from 27.05.2003, www.flb.ru of 25.04.2002
Denis Volchek was Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the International Association on combating drug addiction and drug trafficking. The address of the Association's accounting coincided with the address of Volchek's registration. The Association and its chairman, Albin Saveliev supplied canned vodka to St. Petersburg. Over 150,000 packages of vodka valued at 2,5 million dollars had been received for two years. Due to the machinations with the customs. the State did not receive any contribution in the form of fees from that vodka. They said Denis Volchek was involved in that scam.
Source: www.konkretno.ru from 12.07.2003
Volchek was involved in the OPR "Rus" - the Russian Party of stability (RPS), which is based in St. Petersburg and headed by certain Vladimir Sokolov. It lived on the means by Dennis Volchek and was one of the parties supporting Governor Vladimir Yakovlev.
Source: "Russkiy Kuryer" from 26.08.2003
Denis Volchek was called a representative of Boris Berezovsky in St. Petersburg. The site "Compromat.ru" published a dialogue between Boris Berezovsky and Denis Volchek. The latter asked Berezovsky for help in order to solve a problem in the local parliament. According to Volchek, Gennady Zyuganov began to collapse the left faction and tried to exclude the local chief communist, a confidant to Volchek, from the party. Volchek complained that he could not keep working in that way and that it affected their interests in the Ust-Luga port in the Leningrad region. In the conversation it was mentioned that the interests of the State Duma deputy Vitaly Yuzhilin could have been affected. Berezovsky promised to help.
Source: www.compromat.ru from 17.04.2003
Wife of ex-governor of St. Petersburg Vladimir Yakovlev - Irina along with Denis Volchek and Konstantin Yakovlev contributed to Anatoly Kagan's appointment to the post of the head of the Health Committee of St. Petersburg. Subsequently, a criminal case was initiated against Kagan for the negligence and abuse of power - on behalf of his company Committee on Public Health bought from Denis Volchek's company "Kovi-Farm" insulin overstated at 5 million price; thus he lost the post and was tried.
Source: www.flb.ru of 25.04.2002
In 2003, the business by Dennis Volchek started intrusion into the sphere of influence of corporation “Farmakor", which was created and headed by former State Duma deputy from the Communist Party, Alexander Afanasyev. Konstantin Yakovlev and Volchek were extremely interested in ousting Farmakor from the pharmaceutical city market. At this time, the administration of St. Petersburg combined drug stores into GUPs for subsequent privatization and sale to individuals. Alexander Afanasyev and structures of Denis Volchek were called among the potential buyer then. Still Volchek failed to gain full control over the pharmaceutical market of St. Petersburg and to oust Afanasyev.
Source: "Vsluh o ..." from 09.06.2003, "MK v Pitere” on 11/03/2004
Konstantin Yakovlev used Dennis Volchek in his conflict with the leader of the Tambovskaya criminal group, Vladimir Barsukov (Kumarin); he was his link to Moscow and Berezovsky. In 2002, Yakovlev and Mr. Berezovsky used Boris Gryzlov (then he was Minister of Internal Affairs) to combat the Tambovskaya gang. Yakovlev provided information to Denis Volchek, then he communicated with Moscow. Berezovsky, in turn, made the then head of the Presidential Administration Alexander Voloshin and Security Council Secretary Vladimir Rushailo engaged; the latter one preserved mobilized agents in GUBOP. Thus, Gryzlov gained information about criminal business of the Tambovskye gangsters. Gryzlov involved the resource of security officials. In particular, he created a special investigative team of the Interior Ministry in St. Petersburg, which investigated crimes in the local fuel market, the birthplace of Kumarin.
Sources: "Leningradskaya Pravda" from 26.05.2003, www.flb.ru from 16.07.2002
Andrey Pcholkin - a businessman who is now Director General of OOO “North-West Alliance” in 2002, was plotting to kill Volchek. Given the evidence, criminal proceedings were instituted, Pchelkin was first arrested, then released on bail. There were rumors that the customer could have been a former associate of Volchek and Konstantin Yakovlev - Vladimir Kulibaba, which was closely associated with Andrey Pchelkin.
In the early 80's Kulibaba engaged semi-legal business in Leningrad, but a few years later came under the influence of Konstantin Yakovlev and became foreman of one of the factions in his criminal empire and the right-hand man of Kostya Mogila - he was responsible for enforcement actions. Kulibaba's name became surfaced during the investigation of assassination of Vice-Speaker of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly Victor Novoselov, but none evidence of his involvement in the murder had been collected. Soon after Vladimir Kulibaba was appointed Chairman of the youth movement "Rossia", its leader was Speaker of the State Duma Gennady Seleznev. Vladimir Seleznev supported Kulibaba for getting appointed First Vice-President of the Academy of National Security, supported by the same Seleznev - appointment occurred after the assassination of senior vice president of ANB, Oleg Taran on September 21, 2001. They say that the elimination of Taran was necessary to Seleznev. Subsequently, the Academy of National Security has repeatedly appeared in the center of scandals, even the State Duma investigated its activities, in particular, Galina Starovoitova who was killed in November 1998.
In 2002, before the attempt on Volchek,he had financial disagreements with Kulibaba - Volchek refused to pay several million dollars to Kulibaba. After the death of Konstantin Yakovlev (he was murdered in May 2003), Denis Volchek and Vladimir Kulibaba failed to come to an agreement with each other and parted: Volchek became involved in politics and business, including pharmaceuticals. Vladimir Kulibaba became President of the Wrestling Federation in St Petersburg, headed the ANB and was Adviser to ex-president of the National Olympic Committee, Leonid Tyagachev.
Sources: "Tayny Sovetnik" from 03.09.2002, www.rospres.com from 08.09.2008,
In 2002, Denis Volchek was "protected" by Viktor Cherkesov, who was then the head of the Federal Service for Control over the Traffic of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, and after - the head of FSB in St. Petersburg, and the Lenoblast. They wrote a Volcheck in 2002 was elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg thanks to help of Cherkesov.
Sources: www. lenpravda.ru from 11.12.2004, “Leningradskaya Pravda” on 10.10.2001
In 2002, a scanda occurred in l"Farmakon":the factory worker was caught in the misuse of drugs. As Volchek positioned himself as addiction fighter, this story caused damage to his reputation. Details of the history were not reported in the open press.
Source: www.flb.ru of 25.04.2002
In 2002, law enforcement sources of St. Petersburg said to journalists that they were going to review the business activities of Gennady Volchek, the father of Denis Volchek, who permanently resided in Israel, and had a few companies in Russia. There is no detailed information in open sources about this fact. In 2007, father of Denis Volchek - Gennady Volchek - moved to Russia and Denis Volchek, being in the State Duma on the LDPR list, helped his father to sit in the chair of MP in Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg at the expense of his mandate Party Member Vladimir Belozerskikh.
Source: "Leningradskaya Pravda" on 21.12.2002 from 07.12.2007
Denis Volchek was called a partner of businessman Dmitry Mikhalchanka, who was blamed for massive trade in counterfeit and attempts to capture the market of audio and video products. The then victims appeared to be a chain “505” and the company "Trading House" Orby ". The help was provided by non-profit partnership "Organization control, protection and collective management of copyright and related rights" ("Oko"), headed by the son of satirist Semen Altov – Pavel Altov. Mikhalchenko was helped by the head the 1st of the 8th operative-investigation unit of Economic Crimes police department of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region - Alexander Poygin.
Source: "Vek" from 18.12.2007
In April 2008, Denis Volchek tried to present Vadim Chechel to be the customer of assassination of director of the security company "Kaskad". Alexander Druzhinin told investigators about the killing; in the late 90's he was part of the group by Konstantin Yakovlev and has repeatedly been accused in the killings. But during the investigation it was found that Druzhinin slandered Volchek, Chechel had been killed because of his fiancee, Maria Stroganova, who was the mistress of President of the Russian Olympic Committee, Leonid Tyagachev, she gave a birth to an illegitimate child. Subsequently, the basic version of the murder was jealousy: Vladimir Kulibaba, being a former colleague of Konstantin Yakovlev and Dennis Volchek ( he was the official advisor to the Nok by Tyagachev), met with his former colleague Druzhinin and ordered Chechel – allegedly under the request of Tyagachev. As soon as Druzhinin was detained, Vladimir Kulibaba persuaded Druzhinin to provide appropriate evidence. He tried to make Denis Volchek the customer of the murder of Druzhinin, with whom he had a conflict -a
Source: "Kommersant» № 49 (4104) on 20.03.2009
In spring 2009 the company owner of JFC (Russia's largest supplier of fruit and vegetables from the southern countries), Vladimir Kehman said he suspected that their main competitors - including the company "Sorus" - of deliberate bankruptcy. The essence of the conflict was that in 2006 the firm "Sorus-Capital" issued bonds, and when the securities had been sold, it initiated the procedure of its own bankruptcy. The company was incorporated in 1995 and was called OOO "Briz". Among its founders Denis Volchek was listed , but in his time - Konstantin Yakovlev. Company's employees were people with criminal backgrounds, similar to Denis Volchek and Konstantin Yakovlev - by Stanislav Vasilyev Valery Linetsky. The latter heads the Group of companies "Sorus" now.
In April 2010 an attempt was made to murder Chairman of the Committee on creditors "Sorus-Capital Gregory Orlik, who took office a few days before the attack. His appointment was preceded by creditors discontent of bankruptcy: heads of "Sorus" refused dealing with financial documents of the company. Term of bankruptcy proceedings ends in June 2010, and the elimination of Orlik was beneficial to “Sorus” owners who promised to provide creditors with open access to the documents. In addition, Orlik considered bankruptcy of "Sorus-Capital" fictitious and became one of the initiators of the criminal case against the owners of "Sorus" for fraud.
Sources: "Vash tayny sovetnik" from 18.05. 2009, from 26.04. 2010