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Ananiev Dmitry Nikolaevich

23.02.2018 22:42
Ananiev Dmitry Nikolaevich


    Dmitry Ananiev was born on 19 February, 1969 in Moscow. In 1994 he graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute having acquired a profession of a mechanical engineer specialized in motor power and energy aircraft installations. In 1997 he graduated from Ordzhonikidze State Academy of Management, having acquired a profession of a manager of the highest qualification. In 2006 he received an Executive MBA degree at business school of the University of Chicago.

In 1987-1989 he did army service.

1990-1996 deputy director for marketing, vice-chairman and deputy chairman of the advisory board of  Tekhnoserv A / C systems intergrator.

1995-2006 chairman of the board of directors of Promsvyazbank.

2001-2006 member of the board of directors of Promregionsvyaz private pension fund.

2002-2006  board member of AIF publishing house, deputy chairman of the advisory board of Tekhnoserv A / C company.

From 2005 to September 2006 Ananiev was an adviser to chairman of the Federation Council Sergey Mironov.

Since 25 September, 2006 he has been a member of the Federation Council, a representative of the Legislative Assembly of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District.

Co-owner of Promsvyazbank, Technoserv, Synterra, Media3, AIF companies.

   Ananiev was a member of the board of trustees of the Russian Orthodox Church. In the spring of 2006 Dmitry Ananiev, along with plenipotentiary Georgy Poltavchenko, president of Russian Railways public company Vladimir Yakunin, president of the St. Andrew Foundation and senator Sergey Scheblygin, was a member of the Arrangement Committee on staying of the St.Andrew's relics in Russia. Ananiev is one of major Russian Orthodox patrons.

In 2011 he was ranked 39 in Forbes richest list of Russia. His wealth was estimated $ 1.9 billion. His family income was 628 .02 million rubles.

In 2011 his wife Ludmila Ananieva, despite  being pious and not being engaged in business, earned 146.5 million rubles.

Ananiev has two sons and two daughters.

Source: Wikipedia


In 2004 multiple currency account was opened by St. Daniel Monastery at Promsvyazbank bank operated by Dmitry Ananiev.  Patriarch Alexy II called upon to transfer there money aimed at the return of 18 bells that were then at the bell tower of the dormitory of Harvard University. Ananiev in fact was "depositary of the accounts of His Holiness."
Source: Vedomosti, 24 August, 2006

In 2006 Dmitry Ananiev was delegated to the Federation Council from the parliament of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District. Banker Ananiev was the richest senator of the upper house. In the Yamal Parliament Ananiev originally had a competitor in his brother Alexey. However, in the end the ruling party chose junior brother Dmitry  as he was an adviser to chairman of the Federation Council Sergey Mironov. Since 2005 Ananiev has been staff advisor to Speaker of the Federation Council.

Ananiev was introduced to the Council by chairman of  the Yamalo-Nenets parliament
Sergei Kharyuchi. Council members asked Ananyev several questions before the voting started. Ananiev  did not deny that he was not familiar with the problems of the northern regions and had no position on the issues. Deputies were not discomforted with that: just one vote was cast against Ananiev.
Source: News Time, 24 August, 2006

  Dmitry Ananiev, who was not familiar with the region, but was close to the speaker of the Russian Federation Council, was elected a member of the Federation Council from the Yamalo-Nenets Region. That fact confirmed Sergey Mironov's intention to ''mironize'' the upper house of the Parliament. Speaker Mironov sought a control over the Federation Council. On 12 May  Mironov presented a  proposal on the early withdrawal of the authority of the Council member representing the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District from Boris Gutin. Gutin's agenda item was resolved quickly, as he submitted a voluntary resignation. The reason for Gutin's resignation was a mystery. It was assumed to be Mironov's lead.
The election of Ananiev was Mironov's great personal success. Mironov managed not only to promote his assistant in the significant region, which produced 90% of Russian gas, but also to avoid confrontation with Edinaya Rossiya, the governing party.

 Source: Politkom.RU, 28 August, 2006

  In 2003 total buying up of the land shares from suburban collective farm employees started. At first the land in the suburbs of Moscow was being purchased by obscure and questionable individuals. Later serious investors appeared on the market, for instance, Promsvyazbank operated by Ananiev brothers. Experts say that within a few years 90% of collective farm lands were sold. New owners got 2,025,000 acres of land. That is the fifth part of the whole territory of the Moscow region.

  Buying up of the land was always carried out in a similar way. Imposing men arrived at a farm by expensive cars, the pulled out of the boot a suitcase full of cash and said to the farmers: "Let us buy this useless land from you. It is worth nothing, anyway." Usually, they bought 200 out of 1000 farm shares and arranged general meeting of farmers, where they forced decision to increase the authorized capital up to1 million rubles. Obviously, farmers had no money. Then the owners of  200 shares paid for the entire share capital, extinguished land tax debts, and thus became virtual owners of the farm, since the share of the other participants was eroded due to the fact that they had not been able to contribute money to the authorized capital.

   In 2003 residents of Leninsky Luch Krasnogorsk collective farm were offered 15 thousand dollars per share. But the average market value of one are (one hundred square meters) of land in the region was ​​10 thousand dollars, while each share contained 78 ares. That is each shareholder could have got 780 thousand dollars if the land had been put on the transparent land market.
   In 2003 prosecutors of the Moscow region opened a case of  1785 acres land larceny  from Leninsky Luch collective farm. On 30 October of 2008 Krasnogorsk City Court invalidated a number of transactions that transferred 867.5 acres of the farm land to the possession of Niva CJSC  and Pleshcheevo CJSC. The companies  purchased that land from  Promsvyazbank.

Source: Vedomosti, 19 February, 2009

    Promsvyaz Capital B.V. company owned by Dmitry and Alexey Ananiev filed a lawsuit against  State Duma deputy Oleg Mikheev. Bank management stated that Mikheev had violated a confidentiality agreement that had been made in 2007 within the deal on purchase of 86.88% stake of Volgoprombank. Promsvyazbank demanded 139 million rubles from Mikheev.

As Promsvyaz Capital B.V. representatives claimed, the deputy disclosed sensitive information during the trial on the deal contestation and reported details of the deal to mass media.

  This case was another stage of fight between Ananyev brothers and Mikheev. The latter stated that over 100 claims and counter-claims were filed to the court by that moment.

The litigation between PSB and Mikheev started in 2007. Mikheev, the owner of Volgoprombank, was filed a tax claim. Companies operated by Mikheev were suspected of tax evasion, and the bank was searched. That fact, as Mikheev said, drew attention of the Central Bank. Being a regulator, Central Bank  ordered Volgoprombank to assume the measures on bankruptcy prevention. ''Because of the requirements of the Central Bank the time for making an agreement was limited and, besides, we signed our contract at night, so, naturally, it was not entirely verified. Now Promsvyaz is trying to evade paying for the purchased shares by hook or by crook ", - Mikheev said.

  Mikheev sold his 86.88% stake of Volgoprombank just for 79 million rubles, several times cheaper than their actual market value of that time, but he was promised to get subsequent premium payments. Mikheev expected to get 6.5 billion rubles from Promsvyaz Capital B.V.
The opposite side believed that share restitution was out of question. The deal had been made in strict accordance with the law. Mikheev claim was allegedly just an attempt to improve his position in the negotiations for the recovery of 1 billion rubles debt to PSB

Source: Marker, 26 January, 2011

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