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Rogozin Dmitry Olegovich

23.02.2018 22:43
Rogozin Dmitry Olegovich

He was born in Moscow on December 21, 1963. In 1986, he graduated from the International Department of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow state University and took a job at the Committee of Youth Organizations of the USSR. In 1988, he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Marxism-Leninism at the Moscow City Committee of the Communist Party.
In 1990, he became the first Vice-President of scientific-research and educational organization RAU-Corporation.
In 1993, he founded and headed the people's patriotic movement Congress of Russian Communities (Kongress russkikh obschin, KRO).
In 1997, he won the by-election to the State Duma. He was elected Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Affairs of Nationalities.
In 1999, he reelected to the State Duma. He became Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee.
 In 2002-2004, he served as the Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation on issues of life support for the Kaliningrad region in connection with the enlargement of the European Union.
In 2003, he was elected co- Chairman of the Supreme Council of the electoral bloc Motherland and the head of the electoral campaign headquarters. He reelected a Deputy of the State Duma. He became Deputy Chairman of the State Duma.
In 2006, he became a member of the Public Council for preparation of the nationalist Russian March.
In 2006, he was elected Chairman of the revived Congress of Russian communities (the KRO).
In 2007, he participated in the creation of the Great Russia Party. The founders of the new organization were the KRO and the Movement Against Illegal Immigration (DPNI, leader - Alexander Belov)

In 2008, by decree of President Vladimir Putin, he was appointed Permanent Representative of Russia to NATO.
In 2011, President Dmitry Medvedev appointed Rogozin Russian Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.
He is married. He has a son and two grandchildren.
Source: Lentapedia

In his fifth year in the university, student Rogozin did practical work in Cuba and reported to one of the councilors of the Soviet embassy some facts testifying, in his opinion, about the Cuban leadership trying to hide the true extent of pro-American sentiment on the island. After that, he was almost sent back to Moscow and nearly expelled from the university.
Source: Zavtra, November 2, 2005

In his second year in the university, Rogozin married a student of the Philological Faculty of Moscow State University Tatyana Gennadyevna Serebryakova, daughter of Colonel Gennady Nikolayevich Serebryakov - a senior official of the First Chief Directorate of the KGB (foreign intelligence), who worked at the American sector.
Source: Moskovsky Komsomolets, April 9, 2006

 According to some reports, in 1993, Rogozin was one of the privy councilors of the speaker of the Supreme Council Ruslan Khasbulatov. On September 21, 1993, Rutskoy appointed Rogozin the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the oppositional Russian parliament, but he refused: according to the experts, he was either against the appointment of parallel Ministers or hoped for a higher position. At the end of September of 1993, Rogozin organized a meeting of members and leaders of political parties in the building of the Krasnopresnensky District Council. The meeting adopted the “Address to the People of the World”: it was planned to dismiss the parliament and the president. The coordinator of this action was to be the former secretary of the Russian Security Council Yury Skokov.
Source: Moskovsky Komsomolets, November 14, 1995

On March 28, 1994, Rogozin was attacked: an unknown man shot from a rifle into the open window of his office at the headquarters of the KRO, but missed. The crime committer and organizers were searched   by security staff of the Congress of Russian Communities and operatives of the Moscow police. Rogozin regarded the assassination as an act of political terrorism.
Source: Segodnya, March 30, 1994

Since 1994, he was engaged in the transformation of the KRO in Russian political movement. This task was accomplished with assistance of local branches of the Democratic Party of Russia (DPR) of Sergey Glazyev, representatives of which joined the KRO on the rights of dual membership. Despite the role of the organizer of the movement, Rogozin continued to work in the KRO in a supporting role: the National Council of KRO was elected at the congress; Skokov became the Chairman and the former commander of the 14th army General Alexander Lebed became the Vice-Chairman. In December of 1995, a list of KRO at the elections to the State Duma was headed by Skokov, Lebed, and Glazyev, while Rogozin took place outside the top three.
Source: PostFactum, September 2, 1995

Since November 1998, Rogozin has worked in the Fatherland association, set up by Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov for the parliamentary and presidential elections. In June 1999, after the unification of the Fatherland with Shaimiev’s movement “All Russia”, Rogozin declared his political disagreements with Luzhkov and left the Fatherland.
Source: Novaya Gazeta-figuri I litsa, March 30, 2000

In 1997, during his election campaign, Rogozin demonstrated outstanding actor's talent. In a collective farm of the county Borisoglebsk, it was rented an old worn UAZ, in which Rogozin appeared to the people in the rural clubs. His luxurious Brioni costumes the candidate Rogozin temporarily replaced by a quilted coat, his super-shoes from an exclusive boutique - by rubber boots. All that entourage was necessary to ensure people that the Dmitry Olegovich with five-day beard was one of them – without much capital and smelt “in a national way”. That meant that he would stand firm defending interests of the voters. The method worked. Rogozin was elected deputy.
Source: Kommersant, October 2, 2003

According to Rogozin, in January 2003, the Russian President Vladimir Putin offered him to head the General Council of the United Russia Party. In February 2003, Rogozin applied to join the party, but didn’t start working on the new post – the leadership of the United Russia acted strongly against the appointment.
Source: Moskovsky Komsomolets, November 10, 2004

In 2005, Rogozin suggested the Chelyabinsk branch of the party to put the name of his wife - Tatiana Rogozina – at the top of the Rodina (Motherland) list on the elections to the Chelyabinsk legislative assembly.
Source: Kommersant, September 13, 2005

Many colleagues of Rogozin in the party noted that his xenophobic demarches not only push away potential voters from the Rodina but also harm the image. For example, the Rodina urged to ban the activities of Jewish organizations. Another example is a Rogozin TV- commercial calling to cleanse Moscow of representatives of other nationalities, who were called to be “garbage” there. The incitement of national hatred, taken by Rogozin as a tool of his political game, among other consequences, became the cause for which the Socialist International refused to accept the Rodina because of its xenophobic orientation. In fact, Rogozin personally made the Rodina to be considered as an outcast.
Source: Dni.Ru, March 20, 2006

Rogozin’s attempt to attract the nationalist electorate was poorly fitted to the fact that one of the sponsors of the Rodina Alexander Babakov was listed as one of the heads of Iwenta SA company (Zurich Canton) and with the fact, also given there, that Babakov had Israeli citizenship.
In total there were 46 candidates in the Rodina list for the Moscow City Duma election: 11 State Duma deputies, 3 employee of the office of the faction, 14 businessmen, 3 “temporarily unemployed”, and 7 pensioners. According to the Moscow Election Committee (Mosgorizbirkom), two of the lists were wanted.
Almost the most perspective regional group No. 2 (Leningrad) in the Rodina list was led by Rogozin’s sister Tatyana Olegovna Filippova, who was the president of the Titan Aero Airline.

Source: Komsomolskaya Pravda, December 2, 2005

According to some political analysts, Rogozin was considered by the Kremlin as a potential leader of the Right Cause party in the election of 2011, as well as a possible replacement to Sergey Mironov in the Just Russia.
Source: Kommersant-Online, October 25, 2011
In 2012, Rogozin used a known abusive word of the singer Madonna, commenting in his microblog on Twitter her performance in protection of participants of Pussy Riot group. And although the name Madonna was not called, it was clear both from a record context, and from the subsequent correspondence of the high-ranking blogger with readers that it was referred specifically to her.

“Every former b.(the rude word - red.) with age tends to read lectures on morality to everyone. Especially during foreign tours”- Rogozin wrote. To a comment of Alexander Oleinik, “Meanwhile, the hall unanimously supported her every word! We're different, we do not understand criminal punishment penalties for administrative violations”, the Deputy Prime Minister said, referring to a quote from a popular joke, “Either take off the cross, or put on your pants”.
Source:, August 9, 2012

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