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Rossel Eduard Erdgartovich

23.02.2018 22:43
Rossel Eduard Erdgartovich


Eduard Rossel was born on October 8, 1937 in the village of Bor in Borsky district of Gorkovsky region in the family of a German cabinetmaker (Rossel’s parents were persecuted). After graduating from high school in the city of Ukhta in 1957, he entered the shaft construction department of Sverdlovsk Mining Institute. He graduated from it in 1962 with a degree in mining engineering and construction. Having worked sometime in the Institute, he began working in the trust Uhtastroy in the same year, and in February 1963 went to work in Vysokogorsk construction and assembly department of management trust Tagilstroy, where at first he was a master, and then foreman. In 1963 he also became a student of economic faculty at the evening studies University of Marxism-Leninism at Nizhniy Tagil city committee of the Communist Party. 

In February 1972 he defended his thesis on "Feasibility study of types and sizes of foundations under frames of industrial buildings and structures" at Ural Polytechnic Institute in Kirov (UPI), receiving a PhD in technical sciences. 

In June - September 1962 he was junior researcher at the Research and Production Department and graduate student at the faculty of mine construction at Sverdlovsk Mining Institute. 

From November 1962 he was master of building and construction department N 3 in Uhtastroy trust. From January 1963 he was head of fitting and decking shop shuttering in reinforced concrete products plant. 

Since 1963 he was master in Vysokogorskiy construction and installation management of Tagilstroy trust (Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk region). In May 1964 he became foreman; from March 1965 he was senior foreman. 

Since 1966 he was chief engineer and since June 1967 head of Promzhilstroy construction department.

Since 1969 he was head of production department and in February 1972 became the chief engineer of the trust. 

Since 1975 he was deputy head and in April 1977 he became head of Tagiltyazhstroy plant.

Since 1981 he was head of construction and assembly production at Tagilstroy association.

Since 1983 he was deputy head of the Glavsreduralstroy and after its reorganization in 1988 he became deputy head of the territorial construction associations Sreduralstroy.

From June 1989 he was acting chief of Sreduralstroy and from January 1990 he was head of the territorial construction associations Sreduralstroy

On April 2, 1990 he was elected chairman of Sverdlovsk oblast Executive Committee. 

By the decision of the III session of Sverdlovsk Regional Council (XXI convocation), on November 21 Rossel was elected chairman of Sverdlovsk Regional Council. 

In 1991-1993 he was head of administration of Sverdlovsk region and acting governor of Ural republic. 

In 1993-1994 he was president of the association of economic interaction between regions and republics of the Urals. 

From April 1994 he was Chairman of Sverdlovsk Regional Duma. 

Since August 1995 he was Governor of Sverdlovsk region. 

In November 2005 on the suggestion by President Vladimir Putin, the Legislative Assembly of Sverdlovsk region made him governor of Sverdlovsk region. 

In 2009 he resigned as governor. 

On December 10, 2009 he became member of upper house of Parliament of the Russian Federation. 

He is the leader of the political movement Transformation of the Urals since November 1993. 

He has a PhD in Technical Sciences and doctoral degree in Economics. He is an academician of Russian Academy of Engineering and of International Academy of regional cooperation and development. 


Medal "For Valiant Labour. To commemorate the 100th anniversary of V.I. Lenin "(1969); 

Order "Badge of Honour" (1975); 

Order "Badge of Honour" (1980); 

Honoured Builder of RSFSR (1983); 

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (1996); 

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (2000); 

Orderof Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (2004); 

Honourary Certificate of the Russian Federation Government for services to the state and years of diligent work (1997); 

Honourary Certificate of the Legislative Assembly of Sverdlovsk region for the large contribution to the rule of law in Sverdlovsk region and in connection with the 60th birthday (1997); 

Badge Miner's Glory, I degree (1999); 

Honourary citizen of Nizhny Tagil (1997); 

Honourary citizen of Yekaterinburg (2005). 

Rossel is married to Aida Aleksandrovna, the couple has a daughter, Svetlana, a grandson Sasha and a granddaughter Nicole. 

According to published information on 2009 tax return, the income of Rossel was 22.47 million rubles. In his property there were two plots of land, a house, a banya and two cars. 

Source: Wikipedia 




In 1977 Rossel met Boris Yeltsin, who was then first secretary of the Sverdlovsk Regional Party Committee. 

Source: Profile, 19 October 1998 


Rossel remained Chairman of Sverdlovsk Regional Council until October 1991. In that month Boris Yeltsin, who by that time became President of the RSFSR, in his decree appointed Rossel head of administration of Sverdlovsk region. Having filled the position, Rossel embarked on the policy of economic and legal independence. In October 1993 the Ural Republic constitution was adopted, after which Rossel became acting governor of it. However, the establishment of the Ural Republic angered the federal government, and by November 9, 1993, Russian President Boris Yeltsin had dissolved Sverdlovsk Regional Council and on November 10 he dismissed Rossel from the post of head of regional administration (he was replaced by Aleksey Strakhov). 

Source: Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 03 November 2000 


Media wrote about the conflict between Governor Rossel and Petr Latyshev, authorized representative of Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Urals Federal District. Rossel publicly voiced doubts about the viability of Latyshev as official and compared the institution of such representation of the President to the Gauleiters in Nazi Germany. However, by 2003 the conflict had calmed down and Rossell began to show his loyalty to Latyshev and to recognize his primacy as presidential representative. 

Source: Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 29 May 2006 


Rossel’s term as head of the region was over in November 2009. In August 2009 he was number one on the list of candidates for governor of Sverdlovsk region approved by the General Council of United Russia. Rossel making the list of applicants came as a surprise for the media because at the end of 2008 experts expected a near resignation of the governor and "saw no preconditions" to his reassignment. 

Source: Vremya Novostei, 20 August 2009 


On November 10, 2009 it was announced that Dmitry Medvedev had proposed a different candidate for the post of governor of Sverdlovsk region. It was Aleksander Misharin, not Rossel, on whose appointment, according to collected information, insisted Prime Minister Putin. 

Source: Interfax, 10 November 2009 


In June 2011 Valentina Matvienko agreed to head the Council of Federation. The pause was connected with the fact that it was not clear way to do it with dignity. The authorities of Sverdlovsk region were in line of those who wanted to provide their region for Valentina Matvienko. Elections to Verkhoturye City Duma, the smallest city in the depressed region, were scheduled for August 14. 

Partisipation in Sverdlovsk election is the easiest way for Valentina Matvienko to be elected to the Council of Federation. She could be Verkhoturye City Duma deputy already on August 15-16 and equally quickly by a decree of the Governor she would be approved representative of the executive power in the upper house of parliament. 

Executive power of the region was represented in the Council of Federation by Eduard Rossel. In the plan with Matvienko, he would have to lay down the mandate. 

Source: Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 28 June 2011


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