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Murov Evgeny Alekseevich

23.02.2018 22:42
Murov Evgeny Alekseevich

He was born in November 18, 1945 in Zvenigorod, Moscow region. He received higher technical education, and later graduated from Krasnokazarmenniy Institute of KGB.

From 1971 he worked in state security agency, since 1974 - in the First KGB Chief Directorate (foreign intelligence service). More than three years he worked in a business trip to South East Asia. Since 1992 was the head of a number of regional offices of FSS in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, in particular, led the Admiralty district department of FSS.

According to some mass media, Murov belonged to Petersburg commercial and bureaucratic clan, named "Admiralty", headed by the former deputy general director of "Lenexpo" and vice-governor of St. Petersburg Sergey Tarasov, who died in 2009 in the crash of the train "Nevsky Express".

In Leningrad KGB department in the 90s Evgenii Murov met Vladimir Putin.

Since 1997 Murov held the post of deputy head of the FSS in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. Until August 1998 the head of department was Viktor Cherkesov (from March 2003 to May 2008 - Head of the State Committee for Control over Drug Trafficking, renamed in July 2004 to the Federal Service for Drug Control, Federal Drug Control Service). Some observers have noted that in Murov merit was put an absence of terrorist attacks in St. Petersburg in 1999, when a wave of major terrorist attacks in September waved ib Russia: there were explosions in residential buildings in the Dagestan town of Buinaksk, Moscow on Guryanov Street and Kashirskoye highway, as well as in the city of Volgodonsk in the Rostov region.

In January-May 2000, Murov was the first deputy head of the economic security department of the FSS. Post of the Head of Department held Yuri Zaostrovtsev (since March 2004 - First Deputy Chairman of the Board and member of the Board of Directors of "Vnesheconombank") May 18, 2000, Vladimir Putin, who became an elected president of Russian Federation shortly before, appointed Murov a director of the Federal Protective Service (FPS). Some sources claimed that Murov became the head of the FPS yet in May 1998.

According to mass media reports, Murov first reported on the threat of terrorist attacks committed by Islamic extremists during the summit of the "Big Eight" countries leaders in July 2001 in Genoa. This information, as well as large-scale Anti-globalists speeches, forced the summit participants to stay not in Genoa Ducal Palace, as planned, but on the sea cruise ship.

June 9, 2007 the mass media reported that Murov is the only one registered candidate in the elections of the Russian Federation of Boxing (RFB). On June 27, at the extraordinary conference of RFB Murov was elected its president. The acting Federation President Boris Ivanyuzhenkov, former president Edward Khusainov, General Secretary Edward Abdulmanov, supported his candidacy. According to mass media reports, the conference was held under unprecedented security measures. The police have cordoned off all entrances to the building of the Russian Olympic Committee, which brought together participants of the conference; snipers were on duty on the roof.

Mass media called the main Murov features that are phenomenal memory and extreme cruelty. Murov has the rank of General of the Army, he was awarded state awards. In addition, he is awarded by a number of public awards, including the Order of the "Silver Cross» of First degree and the distinction "For Merits to St. Petersburg." Murov is a laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation Marshal Zhukov and the National Prize of the Peter the Great. Evgenii Murov is married and has a son Andrew, General director of "Pulkovo" airport.

Source:”Kommersant-Vlast” №45 from 14.11.2005, “Kommersant” №100 from 09.06.2007,, “Trud” №111 from 21.06.2001, “Sobesednik” from 18.06.2003


Murov Evgenii Alekseevich was born in 1945. He is interesting by the fact that he was not spying in Europe, but in Southeast Asia, where he stayed for a business trip for 3.5 years. He worked in intelligence service from 1974 to 1992. After that he came in FSS Petersburg Department - first he served as head of the district department, and in 1997 became deputy head of the Department of Federal Security Service of St. Petersburg. When "Europeans" had seized power over the central apparatus of FSB in 1998, Murov was transferred to Moscow, to the post of first deputy head of the Economic Security Department. This was nearly the main department of the FSB, he was firmly tied to a huge amount of money ... When Putin was elected as a president, Murov became a head of the presidential guard (FPS) - Since May 2000. However, now FPS is not the same gigantic secret service, which was a Security Service of the President under Korzhakov at the time. Murov is only concerned with the protection of President Putin. It does not matter whether Putin is a areal President, or only pretends that something runs out there - all the same, all the power of the "European mafia" over Russia currently holds upon him. Therefore, his protection is one of the most important tasks for mafia ... Murov belonging to "European mafia" is unquestionable, but it is not clear enough, how could he get there.

         There are two possible variations:

1. Murov yet had a chance to go to Europe. After all, he served in the intelligence service for 18 years, he could fail at first and glow up in European direction, and then to go to Indochina, i.e., to 6 or 7 Intelligence Departments. 05.05.2004

In Leningrad Directorate of KGB in the second half of the 1970s, Chekists worked simultaneously or almost simultaneously with the future president, now holding key positions, both in power and in the economic structures of the government. They are Sergei Ivanov, Nikolai Patrushev, Viktor Cherkesov, Viktor Ivanov, Georgy Poltavchenko, Sergei Veryovkin-Rohalsky, Evgenii Murov, and Vladimir Strzhalkovsky…

General Murov is directly in charge of the security service of the president, Viktor Zolotov. The degree of the influence of the last one in Kremlin is estimated very high. Many colleagues compare him even with Alexander Korzhakov. According to unofficial information, Zolotov exactly lobbied an appointment on his posts of Georgy Kutovoy (FEK) and Alexey Miller ("Gazprom"). Besides, in both cases, according to independent experts, it some’s not just about personal stuff preferences of chief of personal bodyguard of President but about a certain political and economic vector. Viktor Zolotov supports opponents of reform plans of RAO UES on Anatoly Chubais and German Gref.

Source:”Kommersant Vlast”. 13.11.2001.

Putin met with Yevgeny Murov exactly in the Leningrad KGB administration two decades ago. Since 1997, Murov was the deputy head of the St. Petersburg FSS, then transferred to the central office of the Federal Security Service (worked with Putin and Patrushev), and in May 2000, he led the Federal Security Service. ... The third stage (May 2000 - Spring 2001). After winning the presidential election, Putin has taken a number of vigorous steps to promote people, known to him, to the top. In May the new government was formed, in which Kudrin and Gref come to the leadership of the economic block of the government. There have been changes in force structures: the Foreign Intelligence Service heads Sergei Lebedev, and the Federal Security Service - Evgenii Murov.

Source: “” 23.08.2002.

The President took the General-Colonel Alexander Grigoriev from a post of the head of Federal Security Service Department for St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, and introduced the new chief - Sergey Smirnov general-lieutenant.

Then Putin decided to change the leadership of the Federal Security Service, putting Evgenii Murov, a deputy head of the St. Petersburg FSS, as its leader. Smirnov entered the Murov's team in autumn, becoming his first deputy. What happened during the month, when Smirnov was in FPS, is unknown. What is clear to understand that today, the FPS is in a rather delicate situation, and there might be many reasons to remove the "guard number 2". Take, for example, the scandal with the fight of FPS employees in Sochi, which Smirnov had to deal with. Besides, do not forget that last summer a security service of the president stood out from FPS to the separate structure again. And most likely, this "divorce" was not without complications.

Source: “”. 12.01.2001.

It was assumed Initially that FAPSI inheritance will simply join the FPS, but its leader Evgenii Murov thought otherwise. It was he who insisted on the creation of the Service of Special Communication and Information (SSCI). On the one side, it will be an independent agency with its own staff, medical service and private security. On the other - it is subject to the FPS (its head is ex officio Deputy Director of the Guard Service.).

Murov's wisdom is hard to underestimate. He went to such a move specifically, that SSCI has not become a special services and the OSA subject. Considering the elections - it is extremely principle.

Source: “Moskovskiy komsomoletc”. 31.03.2003.

In April 2004, Andrew, the son of the current head of the FPS Yevgeny Murov, has been appointed as a director of the industrial complex "Pulkovo».

Source: “Kommersant”. 20.09.2004.

It turns out that half a year ago, the Federal Protective Service (FPS), responsibility of which includes the protection of the president and other VIP-officials, became the owner of the trademark "official supplier of the Kremlin" and since then has successfully rents it out to everyone. ... However, the vast number of licenses for using an "official supplier of the Kremlin" title, FPS issued to alcohol and tobacco traders. For example, CJSC "Russian Wine and Vodka Company" specializes in supplying vodka to Kremlin and CJSC "P.R. Rus" and "Trade and Marketing" LLC - whiskey, cognac, tequila and rum. Also Kremlin inhabitants smoke much (apparently when they drink!). CJSC "Liggett-Ducat" and "Gallaher Liggett-Ducat" LLC have the status of official supplier of cigarettes in Kremlin. However, to be honest, not all of it boils down to drinking and smoking. It turns out that the kremlins also greatly respect household utensils of Lomonosov Porcelain Factory ... It is unlikely that the Kremlin caretaker has never faced the Kremlin suppliers, working "under cover" of FPS, for a year and a half. On the other hand, he could quietly trust to Evgenii Murov to carry out their castings. It's a sin not to use FPS opportunities for the selection of worthy.

Source: “Kommersant. Dengi”. 13.06.2005.

In 2004, the FPS structures formed a Fund "Kremlin-9", which was an effective lobbyist, capable of solving the problems of its partners in the corridors of governance. One of the partners was called Child and old age Welfare Foundation, which received two promising area for the construction of buildings with a total area of 40 thousand square meters those years in Moscow. Previously, these areas could not be transferred to anyone, as it was a bomb shelter under them - a strategic object. As a result, the Fund of facilitate of the presidential guard, without putting any money and without providing any property obtained a guaranteed percentage of apartments as a result of its implementation.

Source: “”. From 21.10.2004.

In 2004, it has been written about the fact that the protégé of Vladimir Putin, the former governor of the Perm region, now Minister of Natural Resources Yuri Trutnev, has been collecting compromising information on Evgenii Murov. It was assumed that Murov might know something unpleasant about the former governor of the Perm. Reporters speculated that, given the persistence and rancor of Trutnev, Murov should be afraid of him.

Source: from 19.03.2004.

In April 2006, Alex Anichkin became the head of the Investigative Committee at the Interior Ministry was, and the purpose of his appointment contributed to the once Deputy Minister of Interior Ministry Andrei Novikov. In connection with this event the story of the appointment of Novikov has been remembered, to which have helped Evgenii Murov and the head of the security service of President Viktor Zolotov in their time. The purpose of Murov was the appointment of Novikov for the post of the Minister of the Interior Ministry, but the appointment of Novikov did not take place.

Source: “Novaya Gazeta”: № 30-31 from 26.04.2007.

In 2006, Evgenii Murov has initiated legal action against ex-Senator Igor Izmestyev, later accused of a series of very serious crimes, among them - the organization of eight murders and attempted murders. The object of the proceedings became Izmestiev's house on Rublevo-Uspensky highway, which was located in 600 meters from the presidential residence, "Novo-Ogaryovo". FPS achieved a judicial decision on demolition of house, valued at $ 40 million, in 2006. The court invalidated the agreement of acquiring a plot by Izmestyev and building a home on it, because he had not coordinated the construction of the FPS. His interest in Izmestiev's case Murov explained by the fact that the ex-senator blew fireworks in the evenings on the territory of the house and hindered a peace of President of the Russian Federation. Izmestyev had his own view of the situation: he believed that the reason for filing the lawsuit was his refusal of selling house to FPS for a pittance. Also Izmestyev argued that this refusal led to his arrest in January 2007, and all charges against him in a particularly grave crime are an occasion, contrived by FSO structures.

Source: “Kommersant” № 126 (3943) from 22.07.2008

In 2007, the press wrote that the FPS provides informal meeting between Dmitry Medvedev and the head of the FSS Economic Security Service Alexander Bortnikov, who began to communicate often at that time. It has been suggested that FPS operates only within the framework of the protection of the first vice-premier, not supporting his political priorities.

Source: “Novaya Gazeta”: № 30-31 from 26.04.2007.

In 2007, Evgenii Murov came into conflict with the head of the Ministry of Agriculture Alexei Gordeyev. The history of the conflict is: FPS in due to the upcoming reconstruction of the fourteenth Kremlin housing should have to change the office. The building of state company OJSC "Agropribor» located on the Skakovaya street in Moscow met all the requirements. The decision to transfer an unused area of the building in 4377 square meters, and eight buildings with a total area of 2149 square meters to Russian Federation was made in October 2007, but the General Director of SRI "Agpropribor" Yuri Yunaev, who learned of the impending transfer of the property, sold part of the premises. Herewith Yunaev called the activity of Evgenii Murov and his companions not otherwise as raider seizure. Implementation of the state property was carried out illegally, test materials were sent to the Department of economic security of Russian Interior Ministry, and the central office of the Federal Property Agency was proposed to contact to the court demanding the return of unlawfully expropriated property to the state. Then an Agriculture Minister Gordeyev stood for Yunaev, coming thus to a conflict with Murov, and the Moscow Arbitration Court three times dismissed the claims of a Federal Property Management Agency, which was acting in the interests of the state and FPS. Then Evgenii Murov publicly called the actions of managers and employees of the Federal Property Agency unprofessional, because they failed to protect the interests of the state.

Source: from 14.11.2008.

Evgenii Murov at the time expressed support for the Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement (ASDLE), while the General Attorney's Office raised the question of liquidation of the organization, in cause of carrying out not quite legitimate activities. ASDLE involved in the fact that manufactured the state awards, certificates and the form of high-ranking officers in 67 regions of Russia. General Prosecutor's Office stated that the Academy, as a public organization, positioning itself as a state, uses symbols and attributes of state governance. In addition, ASDLE illegally, according to prosecutors, established dozens of identical state awards on behalf of the Academy special ranks were assigned and ASDLE staff issued service ID's that are similar to the ID's of the state sample. According to the General Prosecutor's Office, it creates conditions for corruption and discredits the government. President of the Academy Viktor Shevchenko, despite the attacks of the prosecutor's office, felt himself quite confident, as he received a full support in the government, from the Security Council and the Federal Security Service to the Ministry of Defense. Among the authors of letters in support of the Academy were the deputy head of the FSS Border Service Vladimir Rozhkov, the deputy chief of the Federal Security Service Academy Valery Andreev and Evgenii Murov.

Source: “Novaya Gazeta”: from 09.10.2008.

In December 2008, began talking about the conflict between FPS and the Office of the President Activity. The reason for the conflict was a building on the Red Square. Then in jeopardy was a project of the manager of the Office of the President Activity Vladimir Kozhin on construction of the hotel on the Red Square in cost of 360 million dollars because of claims of Evgenii Murov on the part of the building. If the building passed to Murov, the state had to compensate the expenditure of 150 million dollars to "UIC Development", a developer unit of United Industrial Corporation (UIC), controlled by senator from Tuva and the owner of the Industrial Bank Sergey Pugachev. Russian President Administration in conjunction with the "UIC Development" realized investment contracts based on the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "FC" Kremlin" in 2004. Conflict of FPS and UDP for the building did not take place for the first time: in 2005 Evgenii Murov sent a letter to then-President Vladimir Putin with a request to transfer this building to FPS, but, despite the positive Presidential Resolution, the building then remained in use of UDP.

Source: “Kommersant” № 224 (4041) from 09.12.2008.

In 2008, the press wrote that Evgenii Murov together with the head of the presidential security service Viktor Zolotov, and the head of the Drug Control Viktor Cherkesov carried out a special operation, the purpose of which is offset a Director of the Federal Security Service Nikolai Patrushev of his position. They wrote that they act, likely, in the interests of Dmitry Medvedev, who needs his own people at the head of the FPS on the eve of the 2008 presidential election. In this regard, Evgenii Murov, together with his allies, Viktor Cherkesov and Viktor Zolotov achieved the resignation of Prosecutor General Vladimir Ustinov and his team in summer of 2006. At the same time, with the filing of Murov and his associates, several generals were dismissed - it was one of the biggest cases in the prosecutor's office, it concerned a vast supply chain of Chinese smuggling through the Far East. Criminal group was headed by a member of the Federation Council, Igor Ivanov, and a member of a region parliament Gennady Lisak, and covered by the dozens of corrupt employees of the security services - the Interior Ministry, the Federal Security Service, and Federal Customs Service.

Sources: from 14.11.2008, “Moskovskiy komsomolets” from 31.03.2009,

In January 2009, the press reported that Evgenii Murov was vacationing in the French resort of Courchevel with Russian Olympic Committee president Leonid Tyagachev, with the Manager of Presidential Affairs Vladimir Kozhin and ex-Minister of Finance of Moscow Region Alexey Kuznetsov, who is wanted internationally. Mass media wrote that the official's program noted such events as placing in lodges on 40 thousand euros and a vacation in a luxury mountain chalet rented for 80 thousand euros per day.

         Source: from 10.02.2009.             

The press wrote that Evgenii Murov spends large means to ensure the FPS. In particular, the overhaul of the FPS object in Valdai cost the state budget of 11 million 500 thousand rubles. Recently his department bought the Mercedes-Benz S 600 L with special protection for the bodywork of 27 million rubles. Over the last three years 60 million 500 thousand rubles from the state treasury was spent in the purchase of spare parts for "Mercedes" of FPS. And another 4 million rubles have been spent from the state budget for the repair of "Audi" in 2009. In 2008, the FSO purchased at the Izhevsk factory 10 premium Yarygin pistols, decorated with symbols of the FSO, in the amount of 1 million 200 thousand rubles. In addition, the management of the presidential guard bought shotguns Benelli M2 and Beretta DT10, and carbine Blaser R93 Standart with a telescopic sight Zeiss. Guns were worth 208 thousand and 213 thousand, respectively, carbine - 188 thousand rubles. 

         Source: “Novaya Gazeta”: from 30.04.2010

         Officially it's prohibited to FPS to conduct business activities, so the agency of Murov performs this function for free, and money for certificates received so-called "Kremlin Suppliers Guild" ("Guild of Purveyors to the Kremlin» LLC, established by inter-regional public fund of promoting the federal bodies of state protection "Kremlin-9." The Fund, in turn, is established by a group of individuals who are the veterans of the security services, according to media reports. The net profit of the fund in 2009 amounted to 21 million 355 thousand rubles). According to the press statement, the Guild charges in its favor up to 1.5% of sales of certified products, herewith the certificate of "Official Purveyor to the Moscow Kremlin" is worth 2.5 million rubles, certificate of "Moscow Kremlin Supplier" - 1.5 million rubles, certificate of a "Honorary member of the Guild of Purveyors to the Kremlin" - 750 thousand rubles.

         Ford Motor Company and Mercedes-Benz enjoy the arrangement of Evgenii Murov.   In 2009, the FPS purchased 106 vehicles total cost of 290 million 586 thousand 691 rubles. Of these, 90 are "Ford" cars and "Mercedes" in the amount of 230 million 113 thousand 312 rubles. All of them were purchased without competitive bidding through a dealer Ford - the company "New York Motors-Moscow". Similarly, information about the competition for the supply of spare parts, at cost of 60.5 million rubles was not found. This concern Daimler AG, which includes Mercedes-Benz, is accused by US authorities of paying bribes totaling € 2.87 million, allegedly paid for the contracts for the supply of cars to fleet FPS.

         At Evgenii Murov Federal Protective Service has become a major participant of the construction business, doing, in addition to residential and business buildings, formalization of various approvals. Among the investment partners of the FPS, in particular, recorded the “Inteko “company, owned by the wife of Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, Elena Baturina. After the conflict with the structures of the former Senator Sergei Pugachev FPS received Moscow real estate complex in the Middle Trading Rows, which was claimed by the company of the businessman. According to the project, in the architectural monument "Middle Trading Rows" next to the Kremlin should appear class "luxury" hotel, residential apartments, the exchange of precious metals and diamonds, the auction house, boutiques and restaurants.


         Next to walls of the Zachyat'evskiy Monastery can be easily found a house, where lives a General Director of the search engine "Yandex" Arkady Volozh: a lane is tiny even by local standards.

         But the most eminent inhabitant of these places is a Head of Federal Protective Service Yevgeny Murov. If the house №11, where his wife bought a three-room apartment at 161.8 square meters more than three years ago, is also easy to find, then you will hardly find traces of these apartments in the official's declaration. You bet, they should cost fewer than 150 million. It was only possible to stumble references to other apartments; it is also rather big - 208 meters. How many of them does Murov have? Is turnout failed?

         It's funny, but before the Murov's house on this site was historic mansion of his colleagues-enforcer Arkharov (from whose name comes the word "Arharovtsy"), the Chief of Police of Moscow. Despite the protests of architects, the house was demolished, leaving only part of the facade (and thanks for that).

         Source: “Rosspres”. 16.10.2013.

Army General Evgenii Murov, more than 14 years headed the Federal Protective Service (FPS), is preparing to leave the high post. His changer could be the current deputy - young General Alexei Mironov.

Source: “RBK”. 18.06.2014.

The head of the Federal Protective Service (FPO) Evgenii Murov still leaves office. As a source in the Federal Protective Service told to "Izvestia" with confirmation from the sides, close to the presidential administration, Murov plans to move to work in the Federation Council. General Alexei Mironov, who is responsible in the structure for the Special Communication, will replace Murov as director of FPS. The interlocutor of "Izvestia" in the Federation Council also said that he knew about the imminent Murov transition in the upper house of parliament.

Source: “Izvestia”. 02.07.2014.

In the near future one of the oldest gods will leave the Kremlin Olympus. The influential head of the FPS Evgenii Murov is preparing to go in a long treatment abroad for health reasons  - most likely he will not return to his office. Some unofficial sources give another, more plausible explanation of what is happening: Evgenii Murov has a serious health problems, and currently a question of his treatment abroad is being discussed. Resignation in this case is a forced measure and is not caused by the desire of quietly retire. According to the most optimistic forecasts, treatment and subsequent rehabilitation will last for several months, and it is unknown whether Murov will recover sufficiently to return to work. ...

There is also a foreign policy aspect of the story: from 28 April Evgenii Murov is included in the sanctions list of the United States. As a result, leaving him to be treated in a small European country with a high level of development of medicine, glorious for its banks, watches and chocolate, is prepared in a special operation mode, actually. According to rumors Murov flied on the preliminary survey on the documents to another name. Now he has to go down for a longer period of time, and a "modest" pensioner can avoid too much attention much easier than the head of a powerful service. Most likely, Murov will simply write a statement with an open date, and official resignation will be announced when the issue about candidacy of the new Director of the FPS will be decided.

The loss of the apparatus influence can be a serious problem not so much for Evgenii Murov himself, as for related businesses. In particular, the director of the Federal Protective Service is called one of the beneficiaries of the holding company "Forum", which is officially owned by the former head of the FSUE "Rosmorport" Nikolai Negodov and businessman Dmitry Mihalchenko. It is believed that Mihalchenko - in fact is an external manager with a share in the business, in fact, acting as "obshchak"(thieves cash department) holder for a group of influential security officials. According to Forbes magazine, one of the biggest projects of the company is the construction of a new harbor near St. Petersburg, to which the federal budget allocated significant funds, not without the involvement of Evgenii Murov. The holding also includes the construction company "Baltstroy", conducted the restoration of the Grand Kremlin Palace and many other iconic objects, protected by the FPS. Actually, most of the  "Forum" projects in one way or another depends on the support of various federal agencies, in case of leaving Murov that will be much harder to ensure this support.  The irony is that influential (until recently) head of the FPS will soon be able to test the feelings of an ordinary pensioner, deprived of the pension savings to a certain extent.

Source: “Vek”. 05.08.2014.

FSUE "ATEKS", specializing in the performance of the functions of the general contractor during the construction and restoration work at federal facilities, in the near future should be withdrawn from the jurisdiction of Federal Protective Service of Russia and handed over to the Ministry of Economic Development. The true meaning of this reshuffle is to make less explicit relationship of Murovs father and son with businessman Dmitry Mihalchenko and a "Baltstroy" company, belonging to him, that regularly receives multimillion-dollar contracts from the Federal State Unitary Enterprise.

Source: “Morning news”. 30.01.2015.

This year in March, during the ten-days mysterious "disappearance" of Vladimir Putin there was a rumor about a shootout, which was attended by Evgenii Murov. It was even said that Putin's internal policy ceased to arrange a number of security forces, and it was decided to reduce the impact of the FPS for the "better handling" of the president. Wherein, Murov allegedly received a bullet in the shoulder. If this version has at least some acknowledgment, it would be possible to talk about the next palace - if not revolution, then precisely the political turn.

Source: «V». 15.12.2015.


For example, a neighbouring village Yascherovo has long been a holiday village of elite of the Office of Presidential Affairs (APA) and the Federal Protective Service (FPS). A current head of the FPS Evgenii Murov, a former Kremlin supply manager Vladimir Kozhin and his recently dismissed former Deputy Ivan Malyushin are settled there in the neighbourhood. A little away, behind a grove, entrenched a leadership of the President Security Service - Klymentyev Oleg, Alex Dyumin and Nicholay Kondratyuk. Also here rests the family of former Putin chief guard Viktor Zolotov, who now commands the Interior Troops of Interior Ministry.

Source: “Sobesednik”. 20.03.2015.

The case of "rollbacks" in the procurement of vehicles for the Federal Protective Service and the Interior Ministry, which began with Nurgaliyev, so-so went to court with Kolokoltsev. The Court, however, is being in the mode of semi-secret, which is not surprising: both law enforcement agencies and representatives of Daimler AG tried to avoid unnecessary publicity, and let it down on the brakes, if not an international scandal, involving bribery of officials in the procurement of vehicles Mercedes-Benz. Recall that the company Daimler AG, which is part of Mercedes-Benz, was accused by US authorities of paying bribes totaling € 2.87 million, allegedly paid for the contracts for the supply of cars to FPS fleet, led by Evgenii Murov.

Source: “Rospress”. 24.06.2015

The feverish speed and family reasons in choosing a contractor for construction of an energy bridge to the blocked Crimea led to the fact that the project is currently implementing the worst possible performers and the worst ways. As known, General Evgenii Murov, a Director of the Federal Protective Service, is able to "push" the company FGC (Federal Grid Company) "UES", led by his son Andrew, as the executor of the project.

Source: “Rospres”. 09.02.2016

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