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Nisanov God Semenovich

23.02.2018 22:42
Nisanov God Semenovich


Born on April 24, 1972 in a small town of Cuban (Azerbaijan)

In 1992 he arrived to Russia, started helping his fellow countryman Zarah Iliev in wholesale trade.

In 2001, he opened a trading-exhibition complex “Moscow” belonging to partners in Lublino

In 2005 company "Biscuit" supervised by Zarah Iliev and God Nisanov brought hotel “Ukraine” at auction of the government of Moscow

In 2006, he opened a trading complex "European" near the Kievsky station


Starting from the beginning of 90’s God Nisanov has had business in Moscow. According to mass media, he is the co-owner of shopping centers "European" and «Kievskaya Ploshchad», furniture center "Grand", a trading-exhibition complex "Moscow", hotel "Ukraine" and Cherkizovsky market. In Soviet times, God Nisanov’s father was the director of cannery where the most part of Nisanov’s clan worked. God graduated first from College of Finance and Credit and then Institute of Jurisprudence in Baku. Only after getting degree family relations let him enter into oil business — then he was in charge of transportation of the Azerbaijan oil products and supervised a certain part of sales.

The plan of privatization of city property including 50 % city share in hotel "Radisson SAS Slavyanskaya" at the Kievsky rail terminal became one of the last documents signed by Yury Luzhkov just before his resignation from a post of the mayor of Moscow. Other 50% of shares of this hotel since 2008 belong to the structure controlled by God Nisanov and Zarah Iliev. Then the city authorities were going to challenge the transaction as the former owner did not suggested the government of Moscow to buy up its share, but to but the things were not got going. From the end of 2009, God Nisanov through the press-service declared his interest in the full reacquisition of "Radisson SAS Slavyanskaya" and its subsequent reconstruction, but Y.Luzhkov's resignation can prevent it. Earlier all most liquid actives of a city were privatized non-transparently, experts consider, however, after Sergey Sabyanin's appointment to a post of the mayor of Moscow the situation can change.

Source: "Wikipedia"


Businessman hobby - is horses. Sources claim that the entrepreneur owns the stud farm, where, in addition to other colors, breeds Orlov trotters (famous Russian breed of horses with an innate ability to fast and frisky lynx).



Nisanov’s activity always remained in the background. His photo exists only in archives of the Air Forces. After getting degree, Nisanov entered into family oil business: transported the Azerbaijan oil products and supervised sales. Till present, he operates a part of the Azerbaijan oil portfolio.

Source: solomin from 11/17/2006


Nisanov moved to Russia in the late nineties, and got to the Cherkizovsky market where Zarah Iliev supervised a part of the territory by then both of them were natives of mountain Jews. Subsequently Nisanov became the right hand of Iliev in construction projects.

Together with Iliev Nisanov began to supervise the complex "Moscow", shopping centers «Electronic paradise», "Panorama".

Source: solomin from 9/11/2006


In Moscow Nisanov also worked in AST group belonging to Nisanov’s compatriot Telman Ismailov and including TOO «KBF AST», owning controlling interest in OAO «Central military shop» (Voyentorg), ZAO "AST-Cherkizovo", OOO "AST Capstroy", OOO «AST International Environment», restaurant "Prague".

Source: solomin from 11/17/2006


In 2000-2005 Nisanov worked in OOO «Diamond cutters», the diamond-dressing company. Since 2003 –chairman of board of directors of construction company OAO «Safra Instruments».

Nissanov heads OOO “Grand Title” which possesses furniture shopping center "Grandee"

Source: NPA from 11/20/2007


In 2005 Nisanov and Iliev on behalf of OOO "Biscuit" purchased hotel "Ukraine", one of the well-known Stalin’s period skyscrapers of Moscow for the record sum of more than 7 billion rubles at the auction. The names of representatives of OOO "Biscuit" were not called openly; Nisanov did not give any comments about the transaction. But it was known that the founder of OOO was the company Streamway Limited in which list of representatives Nisanov and Iliev appeared.

Source: «Kommersant» № 221 (3305) from 11/24/2005


In 2006, police began auction check on hotel "Ukraine" sale - it was supposed that the fact of preliminary arrangement took place at auction. However, they did not manage to prove anything.

Source: «Kommersant» № 16 (3347) from 1/31/2006


In 2006, Nisanov’s name appeared in the center of the scandal connected with building of shopping center "European", constructed by Nisanov’s company «Kievskaya Ploshchad», on the square in front of Kievsky railway terminal. Rosprirodnadzor wished to check up construction as the future parking of hotel should be located in water protection zone of the Moscow River, and building could damage Filevsky subway line.

The assistant to head of Rosprirodnadzor Oleg Mitvol together with the deputy of the State Duma Sergey Mitrokhin, acting assistant to the nature protection public prosecutor of Moscow Dmitry Kavyshkin and the deputy of the State Duma Alexander Khinstein tried to get to the shopping center construction site, but they were not allowed to get in by the employees of private security company. Having closed a plywood door of a window in which Khinstein pushed his fingers, they damaged his hand and then poured out concrete dust on heads of gathered persons. Under Nisanov’s version, at that time all his employees were away on vacation.

Mitvol and Khinstein applied to the Office of Public Prosecutor with the written statement.

Source: solomin from 9/11/2006


In September, 2006 Rosprirodnadzor and nature protection office of Public Prosecutor carried out complex examination of the construction process of "European" and decided that it followed necessary norms.

Source: solomin from 12/22/2006


In October 2006, the company «Kievskaya Ploshchad» won the trial with nature protection Office of Public Prosecutor.

Source: solomin from 11/17/2006


During their holidays Nisanov and Iliev co-operated with other ill-wishers of Mitvol – probably, therefore and they received such positive result of examination. The situation with "European" ended up pitiably for Mitvol: his career and reputation were at risk. At first Alexander Hinstein who made an official statement that he was satisfied with results of examination left to the the enemy’s party. At the same time, in mass media there were scandalous details of Mitvol bulldozing to summer residences of well-known people in Moscow suburbs, and also the company "Sakhalin-2". The head of Rosprirodnadzor Sergey Say applied the Ministry for Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources with the request to check up office activity of Mitvol and to discharge him of a post. It is entirely possible that Nisanov and Iliev did their best for this.

Source: solomin from 12/22/2006


Nisanov and Iliev have always had good relations with Luzhkov’s team. It is absolutely clearly that behind hotel "Ukraine" purchase there were certain relations.

Also, Nisanov made friends with Zurab Tsereteli, also Yury Luzhkov's favorite – together with him and Iliev they stated to announce intention to realize the project «Park of Miracles», analog to Disneyland in Nizhniy Mnevniki.

Source: solomin from 4/3/2007


Experts forecasted that Nisanov could become a part of LDPR fraction in the Duma of 2007-2011.

Source: NPA from 11/20/2007


However the Supreme Court cancelled registration of Nisanov as the candidate of LDPR in connection with absence at it the Russian citizenship. To be more exact, Nisanov did not have any citizenship. In spite of the fact, that Nisanov’s partners informed that he was given Russian passport three times, the Supreme Court refused registration. Nisanov was going to challenge a judgment.

Source: "Kommersant" № 217/P (3793) from 11/26/2007


In 2007, Yury Luzhkov signed the order about prolongation of rent term for Cherkizovsky market till 2009. Earlier there were conversations about its closing.

Luzhkov's decision was preceded by arrival of Nisanov, Iliev and Ismailov to the Moscow mayoralty. After their visit, the head of the Moscow Department of the consumer market and services Vladimir Malyshkov officially declared that the market would be closed up step by step. Instead of shopping rows, it was planned to construct a housing estate. Thus, the market anyway remained with former owners. Inhabited building is also business favorable for them.

Source: solomin from 7/30/2007


In June 2009, the market was closed.

Source: Magazine "Power" № 28 (832) from 7/20/2009


In November 2007, one of the towers at the hotel "Ukraine" fell down. Ill-wishers of Nisanov and Iliev got a new reason to destroy their business, however it was found out that the collapse was caused by non-observance of technologies even at building. Then malefactors used threats of physical violence to businessmen and their families. Nisanov and Iliev evacuated the families abroad and applied to police. Group of malefactors was detained and investigation began.

Source: solomin from 6/5/2008


In 2008, Nisanov and Iliev purchased company "Hotel-invest" which had owned 50% of OOO "Slavyanskaya", and became co-owners of hotel «Radisson SAS Slavyanskaya». After purchase, it became known that the government of Moscow could challenge the transaction as it also was the shareholder, but it was not suggested the prior right of the share redeem.

Source: «Kommersant» № 137 (3954) from 8/6/2008


In 2009, Nisanov and Iliev decided to start cruise business having got five icebreaking yachts. They also created cruise company Radisson Royal Moscow.

Source: «Kommersant» № 208/P (4263) from 11/9/2009

In 2010, Nisanov and Iliev declared intentions to construct three hotels in Moscow - on Vernadsky prospect, Kutuzovsky and Leningradsky highway.

Source: «Kommersant» № 53/P (4353) from 3/29/2010


Forbes estimates the financial status of each of the owners of the group of companies "Kiev area" Zarah Iliev and God Nisanov at $ 2.5 billion. Until now, few people know that the co-owner of the part of their facilities is a friend of Vladimir Putin.

... Speaking of resorts. Ilham Rahimov spent his childhood in the northwestern part of Azerbaijan, and then began to go to rest closer to the northeast, in the Cuban district. Through a district prosecutor he met with the director of one city-forming enterprise, the cannery, Semyon Nisanov. Acquaintance started a long family friendship. Nisanov family lived in Quba district, in the village of Krasnaya Sloboda, the compact settlement of Highland Jews in Azerbaijan. Ilham Rahimov does not belong to this nation, but it didn't prevent true friendship.

... By 2001, God Semenovich Nisan and Zarah Iliev already owned part of the Cherkizovsky market, the Riga electronics market and entered into a joint project with the Government of Moscow wholesale and retail shopping center (ORTTS) "Moscow". However, the "face" of Cherkizon then was another Highland Jew, Telman Ismailov and very few people knew Nisanov and Iliev as separate figures.

Forbes, 03.10.2012


... By 2000, God Nisanov and Zarah Iliev had already a rather big business, and then it began to grow rapidly. Nisanov and Iliev have long been overtaken in the Forbes list of the older comrade, the creator of Cherkizovsky market Telman Ismailov. Whether it is connected with the fact that at the helm of the country is stands a friend of "a family friend" of the Nisanov? Perhaps the lion's share of the success, the comers from Azerbaijan owe their enterprise. However, we should note one circumstance. Business of Nisanov and Iliev shows resistance to attacks of different levels. Here are a few examples.

In 2002, Nisanov and Iliev bought a promising area in the metro station "Kiev", which later built the shopping center "European" one of the most expensive in the city.

... "European" has been opened, is considered one of the best shopping centers of the capital and is worth more than $ 1 billion. Businessman from the environment of Rahimov believes that he is a co-owner of the center.

Forbes, 03.10.2012


... When the company "Biscuit" bought at the fierce auction a hotel "Ukraine" of 8 billion rubles, God Nisanov himself took part in trades. During the reconstruction of high-rise buildings a collapse occurred on one of the towers, spiteful critics hoped that the authorities would take away a historic building from him. Nothing of the sort, Radisson Royal ("Ukraine") works, and share of Rahimov, according to our data, it also has, even if less than 10%.

... Business of Rahimov partners suffered no damage from the change of power in Moscow. Following the resignation of Yuri Luzhkov, the owners of VVC, Moscow government and the federal government agreed to begin the reconstruction of the former VDNH. God Nisanov and Zarah Iliev "became investors" of the project. How clear was the procedure of selecting investors, is a separate issue. Anyway, Nisanov entered the Board of Directors of the OJSC VVC, and members of his team Alexey Mikushko became the CEO.

... As told Forbes one of the tenants, Boos rose to their defense, and braked hard measures to free territory. He did not resist more than a year on the post of the chairman of the Council, Natalya Sergunina, which has replaced him, does not preclude the policy of the investors. "Yes, companies, which belong to me, are reconstructing the VVC - confirmed in an interview with "Novosti-Azerbaijan" Ilham Rahimov. - We intend to invest $ 3 billion in this project. "Whence is the money? Lease income from objects of Nisanov, Iliev and Rahimov, according to Forbes estimates, more than $ 780 million a year.

... Three businessmen from the list told Forbes that Rahimov knows about friendship with Putin, which helps businesses of Nisanov and Iliev. Representative of Nisanov and Iliev denies that Ilham Rahimov can somehow use the familiarity with the president in the benefit of the business. "We do not work with "Gazprom", we did not receive anything from the budget never in my life - convinces Nadezhda Spiridonova. - And his shares - they are just a family business; Ilham Rahimov invests and provides consulting services as a lawyer. "

Forbes, 03.10.2012


August 1 a number of businessmen, most of whom - are Russian businessmen of Jewish descent - have been inspected "with prejudice" and humiliated in the VIP-hall of the airport behalf of Ben-Gurion. IzRus portal publishes the list of "victims."

August 11 a number of businessmen, most of them - are the Russians of Jewish descent, were inspected "with prejudice" in the VIP-hall of the airport behalf of Ben-Gurion. As already reported the IzRus portal, they were held in the room for more than two hours, not allowing going for a smoke and not inviting water. Translator was not allowed to them. Twice they were strictly "shmonali" (searched), throwing things out of suitcases on the floor. Both aircrafts were inspected, on which flew the Russians. Even flight attendants were personally searched.

IzRus portal publishes a list of businessmen, questioned in Israel. By plane Golfstream-500 (flight number N678SC) arrived God Nisanov, Rimas Matulaitis and Edward Voynich. By aircraft Airbus-318 (flight number MHHHH) arrived Zorach Iliev, Maxim Zaharyaev (brother of the head of the STMEGI Fund Herman Zaharyaev), Yuri Yakubov, Vladimir Aksinevich, Roman Maisyzev and Darwin Izraev. They all came to honor the memory of the dead mother of their mutual friend, living in Israel, and to support him.

As reported in an interview with the journalist of our portal Iris Dor-On, a spokesman of the Israeli Tax Administration, which is a subject to customs, very expensive diamond earrings, that were not mentioned in the declaration, were taken from Nisanov. Businessman claims that he brought the earrings from Malaga as a gift to his wife.

IZRUS.CO.IL, 16.08.2013


The owners of the "Gardener" and "Moscow" found refuge in New Moscow immediately after the riot OMON attack on their facilities.

Entrepreneur God Nisanov bought one of the largest shopping projects in Moscow - a complex "Lotus City" on the Kaluga highway. The project brings together retail, office, hotel and warehouse areas - in the long run more than 1.5 million square km. Investment in this facility are estimated at $ 2.5 billion. Sources of RBC daily called the purchase not the best and connect the deal with riot OMON raids in the shopping center "Moscow".

... Source of the edition, familiar with the situation, said that the transaction was carried out in the shortest possible time, and almost immediately after the cleanup operations in the trade center "Moscow" in Lublin (November 25, there have been detained more than 700 people) and the market "Gardener" (a week earlier there detained about 600 people), which belong to Messrs.’ Nisanov and Iliev. The source pointed out that this is not the most favorable acquisition for businessmen.

Multifunctional trade and exhibition center "Lotus City" is located in 1.4 km from MKAD on the Kaluga highway, near the village Mamyri, on a plot of 67.5 ha. The project is being built in two phases. First - the trade and exhibition center at 350 thousand sq. M., then another trade and exhibition center on 470 thousand sq. m., four hotels of apartment type (120 thousand sq. m.), the necessary engineering and purification plants. In the future, on the remaining area can be built an area for luxury goods trade and a business center. Investments in the entire project are estimated at $ 2.5 billion.

RBC, 28.11.2013


The new skyscraper will appear in the "Moscow City" by 2015, reported "Interfax" a source in the management company OJSC "City". "Development of the project of architectural and structural parts of the building company implemented the company under the leadership of Werner Sobek (Werner Sobek)", - told the agency.

... At the beginning of December 2013 Iliev and Nisanov structures bought from Moscow a plot №15 in the business center. They paid for him 7.218 billion rubles. New skyscraper - is the first business project in the "Moscow City".

Iliev and Nisanov - are the largest real estate owners in Moscow, former co-owners of the Cherkizovsky market. Forbes magazine estimated their combined fortune at $ 6 billion. In addition to the "Lotus City" they own the shopping center "European" market "Gardener", the hotel "Ukraine" and "Slavyanskaya", a furniture center "Grand", "electronic paradise" on "Prazhskaya", "Panorama" in Cheryomushki, trade and exhibition complex "Moscow" in Lublino. Also Nisanov and Iliev structures are carrying out a renovation and new construction at the Exhibition Centre. Among their iconic projects at the site - are the largest aquarium in Europe and two new hotels Park Inn by Radisson and Radisson Congress Hotel.

Vedomosti, 12.23.2013


Forbes magazine has made a rating of "Kings of the Russian Real Estate" once again. The first line in it took businessmen Zarah Iliev and God Nisanov. As part of their company "Kiev square" they control more than one million square meters of commercial area of the capital, which may yield nearly 1.5 billion dollars a year. Also in store of the billionaires there are a shipping company, interests in the hotel business, and is now being completed Aquarium at the Exhibition Center and a skyscraper complex in the "Moscow City". Wherein Iliev and Nisanov remain the most closed of all the Russian oligarchs, persistently trying to stay away from the cameras and journalists. This habit they have back in the 90's, when the future oligarchs kept the famous Cherkizon. The path from market stalls to the thrones of "property of kings" traced "Our Version". In spring 2007, celebrity gossip reported: Moscow Ruble suddenly became empty, and several charter flights took off from the airports. All of the more or less significant "Very Important Personals" from the business world and the government were going to Turkey to celebrate the anniversary of a person, which you will never see on the television and in the pages of glossy magazines, but which is known to everyone at the same time, whose interests lie in the field of capital trade and development. According to rumors, to celebrate his 35th anniversary the co-owner of "Kiev area" God Nisanov allegedly chose the Turkish president's residence and Shakira entertained guests. A man with a fortune of several billion dollars could easily afford such a whim.

... To Iliev has already joined his countryman God Nisanov. Son of the director of the cannery came to conquer the capital, already having had the experience in the trade: in his native village he founded a pawnshop. Knowing the Arabic language, in Moscow, he quickly established a supply of consumer goods from Dubai.

Newspaper “Nasha Versia”, 16/02/2015


... How often say, billionaires are usually covered with paint, when they hear the question of the origin of their first million. God Nisanov gives a response on it - say, first borrowed from his father 85 thousand dollars to purchase in Dubai, and then is have gone by itself. Although it is difficult to imagine that the director of the rural cannery had so much currency on the hands. Much more convincing is another version of the origin of money - Cherkizon. However, this can only be guessed about. The representative of the company "Kiev area" Dilara Rayanova refused to give any comments.

Newspaper “Nasha Versia”, 16/02/2015


... Partner’s relationship with administration of Yuri Luzhkov really lined up more than warm. Considering, how tidbits are capital markets, Iliev and Nisanov could get the market "Gardener". Traders with Cherkizon moved there not accidentally. Established orders moved to a new location together with them. In 2005, Iliev and Nisanov purchased one of the iconic buildings of Moscow - Stalin's high-rise hotel "Ukraine". However, the most ambitious project was another: in 2003, the Moscow City Hall has signed an investment contract with a group of "Kiev area" to build "business commercial center". The project was completed in 2006 - so the square near the Kiev station appeared a huge shopping and entertainment center "European" with a total area about 180 thousand square meters. At the same time 30% of the Mall belonged to the city. So at least it was believed until 2011 when Sergei Sobyanin, who has replaced Yuri Luzhkov, decided to include the share of the "European" in the program of privatization of municipal property. And then it turned out that this is impossible, since the city doesn't own a third area of the center for some reason, but only their 10th part. It was impossible to find out, how it has happened, and who of the officials did not pay attention to it. A scandal broke out, the mayor's office appealed to the court. As a result, the parties agreed that Iliev and Nisanov admit the disputed area in the favor of the city with their subsequent redemption, thus taking full control of one of the largest shopping complexes in Europe.

... Here, many advised to pay attention to the roots of billionaires. The village Krasnaya Sloboda, from where went out both oligarch, is a place of compact habitation of Highland Jews already for a hundred year and a half. Comers from Krasnaya Sloboda can be found all over the world, especially in Moscow. Among them are - officials, businessmen and cultural figures. "Naturally, we are helping our diaspora. Our strength is that we do not lose ties with their compatriots "- proudly confessed God Nisanov. And these relationships extend far beyond Russia. Nisanov and Iliev actively donate money to Jewish organizations. The extent of charity has reached such proportions that philanthropy has grown in political influence. In 2011, at a conference of envoys of the Chabad movement Nisanov sat next to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. And when in summer 2013th Iliev and Nisanov suddenly were searched at Ben Gurion Airport, they personally were hosted by the President Shimon Peres to apologize for what happened. History with undeclared diamond earrings that customs have found at Nisanov, the parties agreed to consider an "unfortunate misunderstanding."

Newspaper “Nasha Versia”, 16/02/2015

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