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Berezkin Grigory Viktorovich

23.02.2018 22:43
Berezkin Grigory Viktorovich


Gregory Berezkin was born on August 9, 1966 in Moscow.

In 1988, he graduated from the Chemistry Department of Moscow State University with a degree in petrochemistry. In 1991 finished, his postgraduate studies at the same University and in 1993 he defended his thesis.

From 1991 to 1994, he worked at Moscow State University as junior research assistant.

In 1992 along with Aleksander Mamut and Vladimir Gruzdev he established firm Slavyanka based on store number 2 which further was the platform for future supermarket chain The Seventh Continent.

In 1993, after he started to trade oil, Berezkin met Roman Abramovich, who was involved in the supply of petroleum products from the Republic of Komi.

In 1994 through the influence of Roman Abramovich, he became deputy CEO of Komineft and its general agent in Moscow. At the same time, he led Mesco, a joint venture of Komineft and RAO International Economic Cooperation, which also was a key shareholder of Komineft.

In 1995, he ran as an independent candidate for the State Duma.

In 1996-1997 he headed KomiTEK - Moscow (KTM sales structure KomiTEK), which exported oil of Noyabrskneftegaz on behalf of Sibneft.

In 1997, he took over all the administrative resources of KomiTEK and became chairman of the board of directors. In the same year he acquired Evroseverneft (38%) and SB-Trust (29%), presenting securities of the National Reserve Bank (NRB).

In 1997-1999, he became chairman of the board of directors of Ukhtabank.

From 1997 to 2005, he was chairman of the board of directors in Evroseverneft (ESN).

In 1999, he organized the sale of holding KomiTEK to Lukoil. Experience of cooperation between Berezkin’s Evroseverneft and KomiTEK shown that external management by third party company was the only way to get the company out of crisis and thus to reliably protect the rights of shareholders who faced the difficulties of the company.

In 2000, it was decided in agreement with RAO UES of Russia to invite ESN Energo as a management company for Kolenergo. By this time, Kolenergo was on the verge of bankruptcy: overdue accounts payable exceeded 1.3 billion rubles.

In 2003, ESN Energo managed not only to stabilize the situation, but also to prepare Kolenergo for reforms.

In 2003, Berezkin acquired 5% of shres in RAO UES, and a year later resold them at a higher price to Gazprom.

In 2004-2007, he became member of the board of directors of RAO UES.

In 2006, he sold 49% of Rusenergosbyt (Russian Railways) to the Italian ENEL and to more than 200 thousand customers.

Since 2006, he was chairman of the board of directors of ESN.

In 2009, he acquired 76.92% shares in TGK-14 Power Company in Transbaikal region in partnership with the Russian Railways and through Energopromsbyt in which ESN owns 49%.

In Kommersant’s list of the top leaders in 2010, he ranked second in the category Fuel Industry.

Since 2010, he has been member of the board of directors of Russian Railways, chairman of the Electric Power Industry Commission in the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

He is married and has four children.

Source: Wikipedia


Daughter Anna of Gregory Berezkin is the CEO of the company, which publishes a newspaper Metro, the largest metropolitan dailies (1.1 million people) in the audience.




First Abramovich - for the whole year - gave all exports of "Sibneft" to the company "KomiTEK-Moscow", which was led by his old friend Gregory Berezkin. "KomiTEK-Moscow" was famous at that time for the highest percentage of "shrinkage and scattering" during the transportation of oil. "Shrinkage and scattering" gave a good pellet in the pockets of exporters. Clustered capital at the first stage later went on buying out a controlling stake of "Sibneft". In autumn 1996, some of CJSC "Sins" and "Oil Rifaina" consistently bought 34 percent of "Sibneft".

Moskovsky Komsomolets, 02.06.1999


On September, 15, 1999, when Berezkin organized Russia's first merger of two Russian oil companies NK KomiTEK and LUKOIL. According to the media, this merger was part of a multi-pass operation on the redistribution of the Russian oil industry. The operation was accompanied by the takeover of Transneft by riot police under the direction of Semyon Weinstock (then vice-president of LUKOIL), the transfer to Roman Abramovich of a controlling stake in Purneftegaz and getting a major monetary compensation by ubiquitous Boris Berezovsky.

Gregory Berezkin was just a pawn in this game. For properly organized vote of KomiTEK shareholders, he received 120 million dollars. The largest oil and gas assets in the Komi Republic, the purchase of which immediately increased the reserves of Lukoil by 25%, was sold out by Berezkin for 500 million dollars, an amount ridiculous even for the dashing time.

Source: Novaya Gazeta, 10 January 2000


Now let us talk about personalities. In the corridors of power are worn rumor that sounds most different names. From the president of "Transneft" Semen Weinstock, who has allegedly been made a formal offer to head the Fuel and Energy Ministry, to well known in the narrow circles Chairman of the Board of CJSC "Evroseverneft" Gregory Berezkin. And if Weinstock, according to the same rumors, rests with all the limbs, just to decline the offer politely, then ... Berezkin is some kind of thinking.

And there are some things to think about. According to the "MK" powerful rears stand for Berezkin. At one time he was considered an active member of the team, Abramovich - Berezovsky. It was his company that Roman Abramovich - the whole year! - Gave all exports of "Sibneft" at the time. Times were truly golden: the highest percentage of "shrinkage and scattering" of oil gave a good pellet in the pockets of exporter.

Later, sensing the weakening of the positions of his friends Gregory Berezkin went over to Anatoly Chubais, in which he found not less powerful patron. It is quite possible that Anatoly Borisovich, concerned about the recent "attacks" on the president of RAO "UES", is now pushing Berezkin in the Fuel and Energy Ministry.

Moskovsky Komsomolets, 07.02.2001


On the French Riviera ended Russian secular season. A hundreds of Russian entrepreneurs with a monthly income of $ 500 thousand attended here during summer. As well as a few hundreds of their less affluent friends of creative professions.

... And now, in fact, about those, who were vacationing on the Cote d'Azur more actively. Vice-president of the company "Norilsk Nickel" Dmitry Zelenin and his wife Alla invited his friends to a rather chamber party "Samogon-party" in Saint-Tropez, in the village of Gassin, which is located in a mountainous area.

The party was stylized in Russian folk festivals, followed by vigorous disco. Many well-known entrepreneurs arrived there: head of "Norilsk Nickel" Mikhail Prokhorov, businessman Alexander Mamut, a farmer Sergei Lisowski, the governor of Chukotka Roman Abramovich, president of the company "UST" Gregory Berezkin, head of the company "World Class" Olga Sloutskaya, student Ksenia Sobchak and her friend, St. Petersburg socialite girl Ulyana Zeitlina.

AIF, 02.10.2002


Annual Cup of millionaires also turned into a children's party. Organizers are considering for a long time, if not to rename it into billionaires Cup and the representativeness declines year-on-year. Millionaire in fact can now consider himself every owner of "three-room" on the Arbat. Oligarchs themselves almost did not participate in the Cup, but brought their children. Among the participants were two daughters of one of the largest power engineering Gregory Berezkin and daughter Anastasia of Vladimir Potanin. This year she, however, took only the second place - in summer Nastya injured her foot on the aqua bike and still is not fully recovered from the injury. By the way, unlike other siblings, she has never appeared in nightclubs of Courchevel.

Moskovsky Komsomolets, 09.01.2007


The example of Potanin followed many other colleagues in the former social life. Once the king of parties, a businessman, and now Tver Governor Dmitry Zelenin travels in the Alps exclusively with three children, which he puts on skis. But the victory of his daughter Sonya in the millionaires Cup brought the greatest joy in this season of Courchevel to energy magnate Gregory Berezkin.

Moskovsky Komsomolets, 20.01.2007


In 1993, Berezkin met Roman Abramovich, who was then engaged in the Komi oil and gas business. In the second half of 1994 shareholders of Komineft, Ukhta Refinery, and Kominefteprodukt approved a merge under the holding of KomiTEK. Komineft already had a high status of special exporter and KomiTEK had the status of a government agent for the oil of Komi region, Arkhangelsk region, and Nenets Autonomous District. Business relations between Berezkin and Abramovich withstood the test of time. In 1996 -1997 Berezkin headed Komi TEK - Moscow (KTM sales structure of KomiTEK). Berezkin’s team worked directly for Sibneft, helping to establish new marketing strategy. First of all, Roman Abramovich - for a year - gave all exports of Sibneft to KTM. Gregory Berezkin brought waste coefficient in the preparation of oil for transportation up to 0.88. That is, KTM headed by Berezkin had a loss of 12% of all exported oil (usually this figure does not exceed 4-6%). Capital raised thanks to the efforts of Berezkin later was spent to purchase by Roman Abramovich and Boris Berezovsky of a controlling stake in Sibneft.

Source:, 18 May 2009


Since October 2003, a number of Gazprom bodies began buying electricity on the wholesale market through Rusenergosbyt controlled by Berezkin. As a result, the cost of electricity production for the gas monopoly rose by 60%. Moreover, power tariffs during that period rose by only 17% and Gazprom has extracted only 3% more gas. As a result of Berezkin’s mediation the increase of costs for Gazprom amounted to more than 125 million dollars.

Source: Forbes, 30 November 2009


"Osnova Telecom", a minority co-owner of which is subordinated of the Ministry of Defense "Voentelekom", already in mid-August can get a rate for the construction of a federal 4G network out of the competition, in spite of the protests of MTS, "MegaFon" and "VimpelCom". But among the contenders for the frequency are not only "Osnova Telecom", but also "Rusenergotelekom" (RET), a joint venture of "Rostelecom" (25%) and a group UST of Gregory Berezkin (75%). Thus, the dispute between the Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Communications may end with a compromise: the military will receive part of the 2.3-2.4 GHz, and 2.5-2.7 GHz will depart to RET. Wherein a  "big three" will be left without 4G.

Kommersant, 28.07.2010


In 2010, the conflict flared around the Ministry of Communications after the leaders of the MTS, VimpelCom, and MegaFon sent a letter addressed to Prime Minister Vladimir Putin with a request to bring order to the distribution of frequencies. According to representatives of the so-called Big Three, the frequencies for 4G (technology LTE) were distributed with no competition and in favour of the “newly established small companies.”

The "small companies", to which Ministry of Communications officials promised the licenses bypassing the competitive bid, included Osnova Telecom and Rusenergotelekom (RET). RET was set up several months before the competition and is owned by Gregory Berezkin, one of the most controversial and reserved businessmen in Russia.

On July, 30, 2010 Roskomnadzor unexpectedly withdrew its own order on the allocation of a number of frequencies to Scartel. Scartel promoted a well-known brand Yota in Moscow and several regions and used the very same frequency 2.5-2.7 GHz for that, which were promised now to RET.

Ministry of Communications announced that the decision was related to the check, during which they revealed violations of the law "by some officials." But most experts attributed this decision of the Ministry of Communications to the fact that negotiations of Gregory Berezkin about buying Scartel ended in failure. Maybe had Scartel management given Berezkin their company, there would have been no "irregularities" found in the licenses obtaining process.

Source: Vedomosti, 30 July 2010


Reporters quickly found out that under "small companies", which bypass tender procedures Communications Ministry officials have promised the coveted license, is implied "Osnova Telecom" and "Rusenergotelekom" ("RET").

The first of these was registered only 3 June 2010 with the participation of "Voentelekom" - the company under the Ministry of Defense, and the second established a few months ago and, as it turns out, it belong to Gregory Berezkin - one of the most controversial and closed Russian businessmen.

Despite the appeals and requests of the federal mobile market's main players, the ministry, apparently, is not going to cancel its "opaque" decisions. According to mass media reports, a conciliation meeting of the State Commission for Radio Frequencies (SCR) is scheduled on August 11, after which the license for 4G will be able to go to companies that do not have any experience or qualified personnel or own funds. Thus, according to the newspaper "Kommersant", the license for the frequency 2.3-2.4 GHz band in 39 regions will have "Rostelecom" (which won them in spring of 2010), other frequencies in this range will get "Based Telecom", and frequency 2.5-2.7 GHz will depart to "RET".

Compromat.Ru, 02.08.2010


In 2007 his connections in the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Water Canal them. Moscow Berezkin received contracts for the lease of two plots of land. It was 58 hectares in a protected area on the banks of the Moskva River (near the village of Rechnik). According to estimates of market analysts 1 hectare of land was worth 15-20 million dollars and Berezkin’s company had to pay the government only 400 rubles a year.

After receiving such amazing contracts, employees of Berezkin took to immediate eviction of Muscovites, whose homes were near the rented area. Berezkin planned to build up this side of Moskva River with elite houses. But the residents of besieged houses sent a letter to Viktor Zubkov, telling about threats and blackmail by the new contractors, and soon the ambiguous contracts were terminated.

Source: Vokrug Novostei, 02 August 2010


Berezkin had many projects; most of them are associated with state-owned companies - and were built on the same scheme: Berezkin came with the idea, became a partner, and carried out the project himself. In conversations with "Vedomosti" he is often referred as the "seller of ideas", but he replies: "I'm not a salesperson, I am an implementer of ideas." Not all projects were obtained, but the score is in the favor of Berezkin: Forbes estimates his financial state at $ 700 million. Berezkin himself doesn't comment this numeral and modestly consider himself to a "middle business".

... Berezkin angered a bunch of businessmen, including quite influential, in business of which he was trying to integrate with the reference to the president's orders, says the source of Medvedev's entourage. "Talks about some of my special relationship with the president - is a fantasy" - retorted Berezkin. Presidential press secretary Natalya Timakova declined to comment.

Ruspres, 13.09.2010


In 1994 Berezkin became Deputy General Director of "Komineft" (production - about 3 million tons per year; had a special exporter status). During this period, he met with Roman Abramovich, who also had a business in Komi. It is not clear, how it happened: all sources of "Vedomosti" remember them partners already, all in one voice say that Berezkin was larger oil trader than Abramovich. If this is true, it is logical that in 1996-1997 trader "KomiTEK - Moscow” headed by Berezkin, exported oil of "Sibneft".

But then between Berezkin and Abramovich ran a cat, says a former employee of the businessman. ... The deposit was 10% of the initial package price - $ 10.1 million, an additional $ 189.9 million the participant was supposed to deposit in the account of the pledgee (two years before the state laid the package at the auction). "KomiTEK" received money from the structures of Abramovich, but officially it has not been formalized. Berezkin eventually returned the money, but not immediately. This story said "Vedomosti" the man, who worked at that time on Berezkin and participate in conflict resolution, and confirmed a businessman, close to Abramovich. ...

By the time Berezkin himself became the owner of a major oil company - the same "KomiTEK". ... To solve problems with "Tebukneft" finally became able much later - and not Berezkin, but "Lukoil" who bought "KomiTEK" in 1999 for their shares (amount of the transaction was approximately $ 500 million, including $ 200 million of debt). ...

 "After the deal with the "Lukoil" I had a lot of money at that time - says Berezkin. - But I do not become a rentier; I already had a good experience in industrial business management. [The head of RAO "UES of Russia" Anatoly] Chubais took the first steps towards the reform of electric power industry. It was clear that he needed people; I came to him and asked in the management of "Kolenergo"....

"Vedomosti". 13.09.2010


In 2002, at a meeting of the Board was considered the report of "ESN Energo" about the results of management, and the board found them unsatisfactory. According to performance indicators (accident, conventional fuel consumption and occupational injuries) there was a negative dynamics. A company's financial position has improved because "ESN Energo" raised tariffs to consumers in more than two times. After the board meeting, continue sources of "Vedomosti", RAO received a complaint from the trade union "Kolenergo". It said that the workers are forced to sell the shares. Subsequently, it was discovered that structures of "ESN Energo" collected about 10% of "Kolenergo", and then sold it to structures of "Norilsk Nickel".

"Vedomosti" asked to comment on the information of the former deputy chairman of RAO Michael Abyzov. He said that such facts have taken place. A former top manager of "Norilsk Nickel" confirmed that Berezkin helped his company to buy a package of "Kolenergo".

Berezkin came with two proposals to “Gazprom": one - to buy up shares of RAO UES, then during the reform of electric power industry to exchange them on the assets, the other - to supply the gas monopoly with cheap electricity, says former deputy chairman of "Gazprom" Alexander Ryazanov. Berezkin have had a good relationship with the chairman of "Gazprom" Board of Directors (since October 2003 - the head of the presidential administration), Dmitry Medvedev, and he advised the Chairman of the board of the monopoly Alexei Miller to accept Berezkin and listen to him, remember the managers of "Gazprom". .

In 2004 Berezkin began to sell electricity to another state-owned companies - Russian Railways (2003 Railways spent on electricity for more than 30 billion rubles). As in the case with "Gazprom", the contract went to "daughter" of UST - "Rusenergosbyt" - without competition. ... Rostelecom" and the Federal Grid Company (FGC), which is a minority shareholder of ESN, held negotiations on the establishment of a joint company" Rusenergotelekom". It was assumed, that "Rusenergotelekom" would build a single fiber-optic communication line network (fiber optic) for the Unified National Power Grid subjects. Such a scheme was discussed: "Rostelecom" will be the network operator and will get 25% in "Rusenergotelekom", the remaining 75% will take UST of Berezkin and FGS will simply rent to "Rusenergotelekom" its fiber-optic network (20 000 km). Such a distribution of shares is difficult to explain. However, in April, the head of "Energostroyinvest-Holding", a major contractor of FGC, Igor Jaroslavtsev, called in an interview with "Kommersant" a management of FGC a "junior business partners" of Berezkin.

Berezkin angered a bunch of businessmen, including quite influential, in business of which he was trying to integrate with the reference to the president's orders, says the source of Medvedev's entourage. "Talks about some of my special relationship with the president - is a fantasy" - retorted Berezkin.

"Vedomosti". 13.09.2010


The former head of Bank of Moscow Andrey Borodin, in exile in London, in an interview with "Vedomosti" on Skype has decided to lift the veil of secrecy over how it took the deal to sell his stake in the bank.


Is it true that Gregory Berezkin was trying to buy a blocking stake in the Bank of Moscow from you before Yusufov? He even, as it is told, wrote a letter, where he guaranteed a protection from persecution and also referred to Medvedev.


- Berezkin really showed such an initiative, but could not get approval at a level at which Yusufov get it. Berezkin tried to solve this question, but he could not. "We had to finish this rat race"

"Vedomosti". 22.11.2011


A similar competition was the second stage of the auction of collateral, which in May 1997, Berezovsky and Abramovich became the owners of «Sibneft» package, pledged by them. Applications of real competitors - ONEKSIMbank structures and Alfa Bank - have been rejected because of "violations of the legal regulations." And Abramovich asked his then-partner Gregory Berezkin to create the appearance of competition  - a trader “KomiTEK”, headed by him, filed an application.  "KomiTEK" received money for the necessary conditions for bidding deposit and depositor from Abramovich structures.

"Vedomosti". 03.09.2012


On Sunday, for the eleventh time held L.U.C. Chopard Weekend Classic Rally. It's a very nice rally of retro technique with pleasant metropolitan routes....

The most active participant became the owner of a group UST Gregory Berezkin - six cars took part in the race from his very extensive collection. He himself led to victory in the championship, "the veteran» Mercedes-Benz G3 1933, and his wife, Elena, supported by navigator Alexander Lukyanenko drove Oldsmobile 88 super Fiesta 1957.

Finparty, 04.06.2013



Fourth landlord, perhaps, may be regarded the owner of a group UST Gregory Berezkin. He himself, Elena and Anna Berezkina own in Serebryany Bor 2.5 hectares. Another 1.57 hectares are owned by the company "Rusneftegazeksport" which CEO Konstantin Rebeca previously directed at least three companies close to Berezkin - "UST gas service", "ESN cars" and "Fortress Group". Berezkin refused to answer questions about Serebryany Bor, saying that he did not consider it necessary to comment on the personal lives.

Vedomosti, 09.12.2013


Secular girls Tatyana Zavyalova, Elena Berezkina and Anna Andronova have discovered for themselves an Own Paris in the middle of Moscow last weekend. In the showroom Natasha Apraksina in Trekhprudny Lane all of the dresses are "French". And not only because they are made of the famous lace Sophie Hallette (the same one that decorated the wedding dress of Kate Middleton) - the rules of the Parisian fashion houses the designer Natalia Apraksina studied no less than at the headquarters of Nina Ricci in the Avenue Montaigne, so that her dresses are always unequivocally feminine and highlight the external advantages of the hostess.

TATLER, 28.01.2014


The marketing director of the company Anna Berezkina became the General Director of "newspaper" Metro "(group ESN), Itar-Tass learned at the press service of the ESN Group. She is also the daughter of the chairman of ESN Board of Directors Gregory Berezkin. "The long-term success of media companies is associated with innovative solutions. This requires new, creative approaches to the traditional media business, which is characteristic for a new generation of managers in this sphere ", - said the owner of the publication.

Vedomosti, 02.07.2014


According to lawyers, the owner of "Interros" is trying to transfer assets into an autonomous non-profit organization because of the division of property as part of divorce proceedings.

As "Izvestia" have found out, the owner of "Interros" Vladimir Potanin has created an autonomous non-profit organization "Club of development and support of sports Rose". According to the register, the club was registered in mid-March. Together with Potanin its founders became: the owner of the holding company "Sinara" and "Pipe Metallurgical Company" Dmitry Pumpyanskiy, president of "Transmashholding" Andrei Bokarev, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ESN Group Grigory Berezkin and the manager of development projects of "Interros" Sergey Bachin...

However, the lawyer of Natalia Potanin, Vladimir Potanin's wife - spouses are in divorce proceedings since the end of last year - said recently that by transferring of assets to the status of charitable projects Potanin is trying to hide them from his wife in the part of the division of property...

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the group UST Gregory Berezkin refrained from commenting too.

"Izvestia". 04/30/2014


Anna Tyushkevich

Year of birth: 1989

Father: Gregory Berezkin (№140, $ 600 million)

Education: Moscow State University (Department of Economics), Moscow State University Graduate School of Business, University of St Andrews (International Business Department), United Kingdom

Position: General Director of "Newspaper Metro"

ESN group owner's daughter after graduation got a job, as marketing director in the newspaper Metro became the CEO in April 2014. Anna did not immediately decided to work in his father's company. "Doubts were, but I could not immediately get a high position with a high level of responsibility and potential for personal development in another place. And I want to engage in management activity since childhood", - she told Forbes.

Forbes, 03.06.2015


Gregory Berezkin. A lover of big waves: he caught monetary one even during the crisis of 2015, on six points approaching the coveted hundred of Forbes. Ocean waves he catches in Mauritius with an intelligent wife, Lena, four children and son-in-law - surfer Peter Tyushkevich. Honored Power Engineer has a weakness for retro - cars. At Mercedes-Benz 500K - black, as they like in Moscow, but of the 1936 release - he sweeps from the Central Department Store to Barvikha on Rally L.U.C Chopard Classic.

TATLER, 03.09.2015


The Finnish company Jolla, which developed the operating system (OS) Sailfish, sent on unpaid leave for more than half of its employees due to financial problems, said company spokesman Juhani Lassila. According to him, financial difficulties arose because the company has not received the promised round of investment by one of its investors in time. Jolla has a debt, and a decision to significantly reduce the staff was made to repay it, said Lassila. He did not disclose neither the amount of the debt or the size of the shortfall of investments. According to the American base of startups CrunchBase, December 11, 2014 Jolla attracted only round of investment in the amount of $ 12.4 million from an unnamed investor.

Jolla Management on the decision of the Board of Directors carries out the planned optimization of personnel to reduce costs, knows Marianna Belousova, a representative of the energy holding UST of Gregory Berezkin (his company Votron owns 9,72% of Sailfish Holding). Parallel to this, in September a group of investors of Jolla from different countries is in negotiations with management of Jolla (which owns a significant share in the startup) to increase its stake in the company, she notice. The agreement on the assessment has not yet been reached, the next round of talks scheduled on Monday, and the UST expects that a solution, which satisfies all parties, will be found un the near future, she said.

Vedomosti, 11.23.2015


On the slopes of Courchevel rides with family businessman Gregory Berezkin: in 2013 his daughter Arina took 2-nd place in the alpine skiing women's competition at the VIII «Cup of millionaires."

Forbes, 24.11.2015


The included in "Gazprom-Media" film company "Central Partnership" (CP) requires recognition of a bankrupt of the company "TV Shows" of director and producer Alexei Uchitel. According to CP, the company has not fulfilled obligations on released back in 2010 film “Krai” and remains a debt to a distribution unit of CP almost 30 million rubles.

... In the number of property owners of "TV Show" earlier were listed TBA Ltd. (founders of Ltd. "Media Asset" and LLC "Advertising agency "Vanguard"), LLC "Media Partner" (included in the group UST of Gregory Berezkin and cooperates with Russian Railways), CJSC "Prime film" (controlled by the ID "Vagrius" of Gleb Uspensky) and producer Alexander Maksimov. The company was incorporated in 1995, the last financial report in the database "SPARK-Interfax" is dated 2009, whereas the net profit of "TV Show" was 247 thousand rubles, revenues - 315 million rubles.

As "Kommersant" wrote earlier, CP recently initiated another case of bankruptcy, trying to recover 10.3 million rubles from the booker "Vest". On CP, according to "Film Business Today", it is accounted 12% of all film collections in Russia and the CIS, excluding Ukraine this year. The company issued 34 films with a total box office of 5.76 billion rubles ($ 95 million) and the audience 22.8 million viewers.

Kommersant, 11.30.2015

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