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Seleznev Kirill Gennadievich

23.02.2018 22:42
Seleznev Kirill Gennadievich


He was born in 23 April 1974 Leningrad (St.  Petersburg for now).


He graduated from the D. F. Ustinov Baltic State Technical University in "impulse devices and automatic rotor lines" specialty and the St. Petersburg State University, majoring in "Finance and Credit." Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Professional experience:


LLC “Baltic Financial Company” manager


Technical analyst on money market instruments, an expert, the leading expert on securities of card stock exchange transactions of «Investment Financial Group" Management. Investments. Development".


Chief specialist of the investment coordination activity of OJSC "St. Petersburg Sea Port".


Head of OJSC "Baltic Pipeline System" (BPS) Tax Group, then "Verkhnevolzhskie magistralnye nefteprovody", a branch of the BPS.


Head of the Marketing Department and Processing of Gas and Liquid Hydrocarbons of OAO "Gazprom".


Head of the Marketing Department and Processing of Gas and Liquid Hydrocarbons of OAO "Gazprom", General Director of  LLC “Mezhregiongaz".



Management Board Member, Head of Marketing Department and Processing of Gas and Liquid Hydrocarbons of OJSC "Gazprom", General Director of LLC "Mezhregiongaz", a member of the Board of Directors of RJSC "UES of Russia".


Member of the Management Board, Head of Department of Marketing and Processing of Gas and Liquid Hydrocarbons of OAO "Gazprom", Director General of OOO "Gazprom Mezhregiongaz" (till September 2010 - LLC "Mezhregiongaz").

From 2015

Management Board Member, Head of Department 614, OJSC "Gazprom" (from July 17, 2015 - PJSC "Gazprom"); General Director of «Gazprom Mezhregiongaz» LLC (until September 2010 - "Mezhregiongaz" LLC).


The third key player in "Gazprom" is Alexander Ryazanov, who appeared in the "big", "Gazprom" only in 2001. He led the companies included in the structure "Sibur" (Surgut Gas Processing Plant and "Sibneftepererabotka") for a long time. In 1999 he became a deputy of the State Duma, where he was invited to "Gazprom", where, through his activity and experience, he was able to close on himself the main directions of business, related to Russian domestic market and the CIS countries. By the way, in one team with Ryazanov there is the only one Miller's person, who had access to the actual business management of "Gazprom", - Kirill Seleznev. He took his post only in 2002, and before that he worked "under the Miller" in the St. Petersburg harbor, the Baltic pipeline system and, finally, in 2001-2002. Miller's assistant in "Gazprom". Today he heads "Mezhregiongaz" through which the monopoly provides the gas supplies to the domestic market.

“Russkiy focus”, 12.04.2004

The head of Gazprom's department of marketing and processing of gas, the general director of "Mezhregiongaz" Kirill Seleznev is the youngest top manager of "Gazprom”. He came to the company at the end of 2001, one of the first staff appeals of Alexey Miller. The new chairman of the board of gas monopoly met Seleznev, when he was still working in OJSC "Baltic Pipeline System".

In "Gazprom" Seleznev immediately entered the inner circle of Miller. First, he had a modest post assistant of chairman of the board, and then Miller entrusted to his friend from St. Petersburg a market with a turnover of billions of dollars.

Kirill Gennadievich, many people believe that you are headed "Mezhregiongaz" (MRG), only to liquidate this company as superfluous. Created seven years ago to knock out debts for gas, it has turned into an unnecessary intermediary between "Gazprom" and the regional gas companies, delivering gas to the end user. But a year has passed, and "Mezhregiongaz" still exists. Why "Gazprom" changed his mind?

- We did not say that we will necessarily eliminate "Mezhregiongaz"; the task was to optimize our gas sales on the domestic market. And we did it: in 2003, the collection plan was fulfilled by 101.7%.

“Vedomosti”, 05.08.2004.

The conflict between the leadership of "Gazprom" and "Mezhregiongaz" was covered in detail by newspaper "Vremya Novostei" in recent months.  A long standoff, during which Miller issued an order to transfer the functions of gas seller in the group department (led by Kirill Seleznev, who worked with the head of "Gazprom" in the Baltic Pipeline System), completed with Nicolay Gornovsky resignation and his entire team. As a result, there was simply no one to provide selling gas and to ensure full payment, since no one took care in advance about human resources to perform these tasks in "Gazprom": payment for gas, according to preliminary data for January from the Russian consumers, amounted to about 50%.

“Vremya Novostei", 28.02.2003.

Since 2005, various departments of the Moscow police department and the Russian Interior Ministry are investigating the criminal case on the facts of the theft of money from "Mezhregiongaz", which is a 100% "daughter" of "Gazprom". We are talking about agreements between "Mezhregiongaz" and "Trastinvestgaz" (TIG) for the purchase of gas of "Novatek" in 2005-2006. The gas from "TIG" treated "Mezhregiongaz" by 40-70% more expensive than on direct contracts with the manufacturer. "TIG" did not bear any expenses as the same time. And "Gazprom" can receive 2.03 billion rubles damage from the contracts of its "daughters" to the intermediary, investigation suspected. In March, six people were involved in the case, including the Deputy of General Director of "Mezhregiongaz" Igor Dmitriev ... "Mezhregiongaz" gave a certificate that there is no damage, caused by TIG contracts, the document says. General Director of "Mezhregiongaz" Kirill Seleznev also said that there was no violation; transactions with "TIG" were "cost-effective", the same document says.

“Vedomosti”. 07.08.2009.

Another victory: crooks are named and they are charged. The main villain and the inventor of the theft scheme - Head of "Mezhregiongaz" Kirill Seleznev still slipped away and temporarily "otmazalsya"(disclaimed responsibility), but his deputy - Igor Dmitriev, who signed the contracts, is in ten minutes from the dock.

“Alexey Navalny Blog”. 06.08.2009.

"Gazprom" top managers are sharing inheritance of Alexander Ryazanov, who left the company last week. ... Supply of gas to CIS markets, the income from which will be about $ 8 billion this year, are the interests of another deputy chairman - Alexander Medvedev, and the distribution of quotas for access to pipe - Alexander Ananenkov and Kirill Seleznev .... Questions with access to the pipe of "Gazprom" and the distribution of quotas between independent producers did not dare without Ryazanov. In 2005, the monopoly gain $ 900 million from the sale of services for the transportation of gas. But no one can evaluate the true scope of this business, because the distribution of quotas for pumping gas through the tube of "Gazprom" has always been opaque, notes Dmitry Lukashov, the analyst of "Aton". Independent companies totally sold more than 80 billion cubic meters of gas (at higher than the "Gazprom" price) at $ 4-4,8 billion in Russia in 2005, calculated the monopoly employee. According to him, the first deputy chairman Alexander Ananenkov and General Director of "Mezhregiongaz" Kirill Seleznev want to supervise access to the pipe.

“Vedomosti”. 22.11.2006.

According to the official report of "Gazprom", Deputy Chairman Andrei Kruglov, head of financial and economic department of "Gazprom", and a board member Kirill Seleznev, the incumbent head of the marketing department, gas and liquid hydrocarbons, came out of the company's capital.

Until recently, they owned 0.00008976 and 0.00202847% of the shares of "Gazprom", respectively. The total cost of the package was $ 7.67 million, on yesterday. The report from "Gazprom" also notes that Deputy Chairman Alexander Ananenkov, who oversees entire "Gazprom" production unit, decreased his share in the company. He sold 0.00497113% stake, valued at nearly $ 18 million.

The sale of shares by several top managers of the company, who know and understand the perspectives of the enterprise activity, as a rule, is the evidence that the prospects are not very bright, consider to analysts. History has known many examples when insiders sell their shares on the eve of the official publication of negative information about the company (for example, of EADS top managers sold its shares to the series of events that had reduced the capitalization of the company on more than 40%) or on the eve of their own dismissal, as it had happened with a team of managers from DaimlerChrysler.


         At the heart of the case lies a material of pre-investigation of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Interior Ministry. The inspectors found that some of the "OGK-6" managers and CJSC "Slavimpeks" caused damage to property "OGK-6" worth over 250 million rubles. According to investigation, the material damage to the generating company was caused through a cession transaction and transfer of debt.

Now Alexey Mityushov, close to Seleznev, as the general director of OJSC "OGK-6", who paid 279 million rubles for doubtful transaction with CJSC "Slavimpeks", explained to investigators. Its most important participators are questioned with him: they are the Chairman of the Board of Directors "WGC-6" Fedorov, deputy general directors of "Slavimpeks" Razheva and Kiselyov, general director of "Slavimpeks", Patsulya.

People of the head of "Gazprom" power unit Kirill Seleznev increasingly accused in criminal scandals by shareholders. However, young managers are highly demanded in HR policy of Dmitry Medvedev. And from conclusion of the investigation, which is led by the Ministry of Interior (including among the inner circle of Seleznev), depends the fate of those whom he was inserting into the "investment and corporate processes."

         “Novaya Gazeta”. 23.10.2009.

An Arashukov clan is trying to destabilize the situation in Karachay-Cherkessia, wishing to put Rauf Arashukov, whose father is an advisor of the general director of "Gazprom Mezhregiongaz" Kirill Seleznev, on the place of the head of the region. It is unlikely that the head of "Gazprom Mezhregiongaz" is not aware "of regional policy" of his adviser Raul Arashukov. We can only guess why Kirill Seleznev, despite the risk of being called on the carpet to the presidential administration at any moment, and losing a high position as a result, taking so much care of his "assistant to the Caucasus."

“Novie Vedomosti”. 20.08.2013.

The famous Gazprom slogan “Public Domain” seems to lose its meaning completely. "Mezhregiongaz" is everywhere - a 100-percent subsidiary of "Gazprom", as he calls himself, under the direction of Kirill Seleznev, disables homes and businesses for the debts, ignoring the interim measures of court at the same time.

“”. 07.10.2013.

Of course, this "vertically integrated system of corruption" is not possible without the participation in "mutual responsibility" of direct management of OOO "Gazprom Mezhregiongaz" (at the federal level).

By the way, "recoiling" scandals were not only in Perm, but also, for example, in Moscow, where a corruption scheme was uncovered at the conclusion of the contract by the "daughter" of "Gazprom", LLC "Gazprom Transgaz Moscow", with its contractors and subcontractors. Exactly then the investigators found that the required amount of "rollback" was 22%!

As a result of the implementation of "a rollback scheme", Alexander Kochetov was sentenced to four and a half years under Article 204 part. 4 («commercial bribery»), the general director of "Servisgazavtomatiki" (SGA), an attributable "granddaughter" of "Gazprom".

It was found during the investigation that before reaching the federal level, this "rollback" (20 million rubles - editor's note...) had to pass through the chain of contractors, "Gazprom Transgaz Moscow" (customer) - "Gazprom Tsentrremont" LLC (client agent) - OJSC "Gazavtomatika" (the general contractor) -"Servisgazavtomatika" LLC (contractor) -"TelekomStroyServis" LLC (subcontractor).

Curiously, that on the court Alexander Kochetov admitted to the judge that the illegal transfer of funds went to the company accounts, which are called from "above".

- "From above?" - Who is this? - The judge asked in surprise directly at the process.

- It is a "Gazprom" direction ... - said Alexander Kochetov.

In other words, the general director of "Servisgazavtomatika" admitted that this scheme was controlled directly by management of the gas giant! However, who does Mr. Kochetov had in mind? The chairman of the board and deputy chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC "Gazprom" Alexey Miller, really?!! It is doubtful...

Meanwhile, sources in law enforcement agencies argue that under the term "Gazprom direction ", Kochetov was referring to general director of LLC "Gazprom Mezhregiongaz" Kirill Seleznev!!!

“Moskvu post”. 04.02.2014.

The investigation of "Novaya Gazeta" showed that "Russia" Bank is interesting not only to Russian officials, but also members of "Gazprom" board. In February 2014 the structure of gas monopoly has sold 12% of its shares to two companies - "Overpas-Invest" and "Oberon Estate". Ivan Mironov - step - brother of member of the Board of "Gazprom" Kirill Seleznev is related for both companies.

Firm "Overpas-Invest" is owned by young entrepreneurs from Saint Petersburg - Tatyana Svitova and Ivan Mironov. "Oberon Estate" formally owned by Cyprus Terramart Development Ltd, which, in turn, is owned by the structure from the Cayman Islands CIS Strategic Industries Investment Fund Ltd. But, as "Vedomosti" and Forbes reported, «Oberon Estate» is controlled by Ivan Mironov.

Mironov is 30 years old, he is a native of St. Petersburg, and he lived in the Bela Kun Street. At the same address have been registered Tatiana Mironova and a member of the Board of "Gazprom" Kirill Seleznev. Statement, available at our disposal, at this address shows: Seleznev is the first son of Mironova, Mironov is the second one. So, Seleznev and Mironov are stepbrothers.

Svitova, co-owner of "Overpas-Invest" is also not a stranger to Seleznev. She is the daughter of Helen Svitova, former vice-president of Gazenergoprombank where Kirill Seleznev, headed the board of directors...

Interests of Ivan Mironov in the banking business are not limited with "Russia". He and his company "Overpas-Invest" also own shares in "Finservice" bank. This bank was previously owned by Sobinbank, but Ivan Mironov, and other close to Seleznev people, such as Natalia Kovalenko, Seleznev's deputy in "Gazprom Mezhregiongaz", appeared among the bank's shareholders in 2013.

“Novaya Gazeta”. 21.04.2014

In 2008 the company "ExpoForum" was established in St. Petersburg. It is builds a new international convention and exhibition center near "Pulkovo" airport. The project is developed within the framework of cooperation agreement between the Government of St. Petersburg and company group from "Gazprom", the volume of investments is estimated at $ 1 billion. "ExpoForum" belongs to two companies, "GEO-Development" (51%) and "Balt-Klin-Komplect" (49%).

"GEO-Development" was previously included in Gazenergoprombank group (the original investor of construction) and today 65% are owned by "Gazprom Teploenergo" (subsidiary company "Gazprom Mezhregiongaz"). General Director of "ExpoForum" was Anatoly Erkulov, until recently. Today he works as a deputy of Kirill Seleznev in "Gazprom Mezhregiongaz". ...

"Oberon Estate" has a 20% stake in CJSC "Neftetransport". This company was established in 2002, today it is among the top ten largest Russian transport companies, as it said on its website. According to the database "SCRIN", until 2010 "Neftetransport" was a part of the Transgroup Invest AS holding, owned until recently by the deputy mayor of Moscow on Transport Maxim Liksutov. In 2013, due to the adoption of a law that prohibits officials to hold foreign assets, shares of the holding have been rewritten to Liksutova's wife Tatiana (the couple divorced shortly after the re-registration of the shares).

But in 2010, strong partners appeared at Liksutovs. Three companies acquired 50% of "Neftetransport»: "Oberon Estate" (20%), "Transstroy" (20%) and "The Alliance-H" (10%).

"Transstroy», according to Unified State Register of Legal Entities, is owned by subordinates of Kirill Seleznev for "Gazprom" and partners of his brother Mironov. 25% of the company belongs to the Anatoly Erkulov as well as Natalia Kovalenko - who are Seleznev's alternates in "Gazprom Mezhregiongaz". Another 25% of "Transstroi" belong to Mikhail Botvinkin as well as Natalia Svitova. Botvinkin is a Moscow lawyer, former member of the Board of Directors of Gazenergoprombank; today, he holds the shares of the bank "Finservice" together with Ivan Mironov and headed the direction board of the bank. Natalia Svitova is a daughter of Helena Svitova, former vice-president of Gazenergoprombank and a sister of Tatiana Svitova - co-owner of the company "Overpas-Invest", who bought the shares of "Russia" bank.

“”. 21.04.2014.

Company "Gazenergoinform" was founded in March 2009. In 2012, according to "SKRIN" database, a company has a new owner - JSC "Gasoil technology." And things went uphill. Also in 2012, the "Gazenergoinform" was, without exaggeration, a strategically important partner of "Gazprom»...

 212 of Gazprom's companies are listed in auction documents, "Gazenergoinform" will carry out tender procedures for their needs. With each contract, signed by these 212 enterprises, "Gazenergoinform" will receive 1.77% until 2016.

In 2013, "Gazprom Mezhregiongaz" headed by Seleznev, held a similar competition. "Gazenergoinform" won again without competition and became an agent of another 14 structures of Gazprom; with each concluded contract the company will receive the same 1.77% until 2016.

"Gazenergoinform" is located at: St. Petersburg, ul. Sedov, 142, letter A, room 8N. In the same address, in the same room a company "ExpoForum-International" is located, where Mironov worked as deputy general director and owns 20%.

The company "Gazenergoservis" was founded in 2006, and since 2013 it began receiving a large contracts from "Gazprom" over and over again ... In 2013, according to the "SCRIN", 71% of "Gazenergoservis" were acquired by three companies: CJSC "Transbusiness "(51%), "Investment property" LLC (10%) and Cyprus structure Vonalinski Ltd (10%). ...

According to Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the owner of "Transbusiness" is Oleg Lyubimov. Lyubimov previously worked in companies, which are, apparently, related to Mironov. For example, he was the director of "Business Support" LLC. Today, the company belongs to "Oberon Estate". Since 2009, Lyubimov joined the "Gazprom" structure; he directs the management of reconstruction in "Gazprom gas distribution", where the board of directors is headed by Kirill Seleznev.

Does all this crossing mean that Ivan Mironov and Kirill Seleznev could be relevant to "Gazenergoservis"? The brothers refused to answer all questions of "Novaya Gazeta". The representative of "Gazprom Mezhregiongaz" only said, without explaining the reasons that they refuse to comment anything.

“Novaya Gazeta”. 21.04.2014.

Except of stripping asset from "Gazprom Mezhregiongaz" LLC in the interests of his relatives, Kirill Seleznev turned to be suspected in a series of raids. For example, at the end of December 2015 a scandal broke up, associated with the attempt to withdraw "Gazprom gas distribution Nizhny Novgorod" ( "Nizhegorodoblgaz") from the state property of PJSC, which is part of a group of companies "Gazprom gas distribution". This structure is managed by LLC "Gazprom Mezhregiongaz".

“Moskvu post”. 12.01.2016.

Still recalling a scandal, when the company "Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat" (GNS) (a subsidiary of "Gazprom Mezhregiongaz" LLC) began construction of the complex for the production of acrylic acid in Bashkortostan. However, this construction GNS has established an offshore company Acryl Investments Ltd, through which could pass through up to 15 billion rubles.

According to experts, offshore was specially inducted into the construction scheme so that money from Acryl Investments Ltd was "pumped" into the pockets of management of "Gazprom Mezhregiongaz" - that is, to Kirill Seleznev himself, who is chairman of OJSC "Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat" Directors Board.

“Vek”. 12.01.2016.

In the direction of gas monopoly "mafia" has formed in the name of Kirill Seleznev and Raul Arashukov. It is no secret that the "daughter" of "Gazprom" a huge embezzlement takes place. Mass media published extensive material about the machinations of the general director of "Gazprom Mezhregiongaz" LLC Kirill Seleznev and his associates. Such publications are increasingly shed light on the process of asset stripping from the "daughter" of "Gazprom".

However, according to the media, a former head of "Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Stavropol" LLC and JSC "Stavropolkraigas" Raul Arashukov, which currently holds the position of Adviser of General Director of "Gazprom Mezhregiongaz" LLC, is also involved to the theft from the structure of the gas monopoly.

Experts believe that Raul Arashukov can control the process of transmission of "rollbacks" from "machinations" with the assets of "Gazprom" in the interests of Kirill Seleznev. According to fighters against corruption, earlier Mr. Arashukov was able to "pump" the financial flows from the gas supply to the population in the "coffers" of companies, controlled by him.

Now Arashukov retained his influence in regional structures of "Gazprom" is largely due to his proximity to Mr. Seleznev, which presides over a general director of "Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Pyatigorsk" LLC Arkady Derevyanko. Perhaps this is why Derevyanko made Ruslan Arashukov, which accounts a nephew to Raul Arashukov, a head of the branch of "Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Pyatigorsk" LLC in Karachay-Cherkessia.

“Moskvu post”. 12.01.2016.

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