Konstantin Babkin was born in 1971 in Miass city of the Chelyabinsk region. In 1994 he graduated from the department of molecular and chemical physics at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.
In 1992 he became a co-founder of Sodruzhestvo Production Assosiation.
In 1996-1999 he was a deputy director-general of Novy Mylovar soap company, Moscow.
In 1999-2002 he was the director-general of Firma Sirius Tsentr LLC, Smolensk region.
In 2002-2005 he was the director-general of Evrostrategiya LLC, Moscow.
In 2002 he became a co-founder of the Central Council of Agrarian Russia movement.
Since 2003 he has been a board member of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.
In November 2004 Babkin was elected president of Rosagromash association. He is a member of the Central Council Bureau of the Union of Machine Builders of Russia.
Since 2005 he has been president of Novoye Sodruzhestvo closed corporation that incorporated 20 enterprises located in the Rostov region, Moscow, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Canada and the USA. The key assets of the holding are Rostselmash, Empils and Buhler Industries, England. Annual turnover of the corporation is over 600 million dollars. Main shareholders of Novoye Sodruzhestvo are its co-founders and managing partners Konstantin Babkin, Dmitriy Udras and Yury Ryazanov.
On 8 October 2006 Babkin was elected to the Novgorod legislature as a candidate from Free Russia who collected 11.03% of votes. He was a member of Veche faction and a member of the Committee on Budget, Finance and Economics.
In 2004 he was awarded National Prize of Pyotr Stolypin in the category Contribution to the development of agro-industrial complex of Russia
On 3 September 2010 he took the lead of establishing Organizing Committee of Partiya Dela All-Russian political party. On 14 October at the founding congress he was elected chairman of the federal political council of the party.
Babkin is married and has three sons and a daughter.
Source: Wikipedia
Konstantin Babkin, Dmitriy Udras and Yury Ryazanov, who in 2000 were fellow students of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, had already had a few seized enterprises under their belts. A few years earlier they founded Sodruzhestvo cooperative which later was renamed as Novoye Sodruzhestvo and then they had an eye on Moscow soap factory. Being suppliers of the factory at first, soon they turned into its owners. Few years later they laid their hands on Empils paint factory in Rostov-on-Don city. Then they tried to seize Aviastar-SP aviation plant in Ulyanovsk city, but finally failed.
In 2000 the trio seized Rostselmash plant. They made a complicated scheme and managed to withdraw all the asset so that the plant would virtually own only a signboard, while all the property would belong to Rostselmash LLC owned by Babkin and his fellow businessmen.
Source: Shield and Sword, 6 August 2009
Owners of Novoye Sodruzhestvo had managed Rostselmash for three years. At that period the only improvement made was installing air-conditioners of foreign manifacture in Niva and Don cars and widening Niva's rear track to the width of the front one. After that owners of the plant ran out of ideas. No combine model was put into mass production.
Source: Kompromat.Ru, 1 September 2003
In 2004 Novoye Sodruzhestvo seized Soyuzagromash, the Russian Union of Manufacturers of Agricultural Machinery and Equipment. Konstantin Babkin became president of the union.
Babkin was rumoured to be in touch with Kremlin officials close to Igor Sechin and to seek to become a federal official himself at that time. Immediately after Sechin had been appointed deputy prime-minister and industry supervisor he conducted a conference on agricultural machinery at the request of Konstantin Babkin. At the end of 2008 and in July 2009 prime-minister Vladimir Putin visited Rostselmash plant. Both times owners of the plant carefully prepared for his visit beforehand.
Obviously, one needed a powerful lobby to get the prime-minister to a plant twice. So Babkin had insiders among the higher authority people and got an easy access to Putin.
Source: Business & the Baltics, 18 September 2009
In 2011 Konstantin Babkin also joined the debate on 2013-2020 draft programme of agricultural development and regulation of the markets of agricultural products, raw materials and food prepared by the RF Ministry of Agriculture. He said, ''The program is not high-flying enough. What we are going to do and what are going to achieve is not impressive at all." Babkin also called Russia's intention to join the WTO a disastrous one.
Source: INFOLine, 20 October 2011