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Pulikovsky Konstantin Borisovich

23.02.2018 22:43
Pulikovsky Konstantin Borisovich


  Konstantin Pulikovsky was born on 9 February 1948 in Ussuriysk.

  In 1970 he graduated from an army's tank school in Ulyanovsk.

  In 1982 he graduated from the Military Academy of Armoured Forces.

   In 1992 he graduated from the General Staff Academy of the RF Armoured Forces.

   In 1970 - 1993 he was a unit сommander  of the Armed Forces in Belarus, Turkmenistan, Estonia, Lithuania and the Caucasus.

  In 1996 he was a commander of  the Federal Forces in Chechnya.

  In 1996-1997 he was a deputy commander of the North Caucasus Military District.

  In 1998 he was elected chairman of the Krasnodar regional office of Combat Brotherhood, All-Russian public movement of veterans.

   In 1998 - 2000 he was an assistant to the mayor of Krasnodar responsible for municipal enterprises.

  In 2000 - 2005 he was the presidential plenipotentiary in the Far East Federal District and a member of the Security Council of Russia.

  In 2005 - 2008 he headed Rostekhnadzor, the industrial safety authority.


Order  of Merit For The Fatherland  4th Grade (2003)

Order of Honour (2005)

Order For Personal Courage 

Order For Service to the Motherland  in the Armed Forces of the USSR    3rd Grade

The Order of St. Prince Daniel of Moscow, 2nd Grade awarded by the Russian Orthodox Church (2005)

  In 2009 he was elected chairman of Krasnodar regional office board of Just Russia political party.

  Pulikovsky is married to a nurse, Vera Ivanovna.  In 1995 in Chechnya his senior son Alexey got into militant Khattab's ambush and was killed. His junior son Sergey is a serviceman.

Source: Wikipedia

  Pulikovsky's ally, Colonel-General Gennady Troshev, the Hero of Russia, commented on the death of Pulikovsky's son "He could have easily saved his son from a mission in Chechnya. I know some people, quite a lot, to my regret, who readily went to every expedient to help their children, nephews and brothers dodge service in a hot spot. General Pulikovsky was another  kind of person. He served to the Homeland honestly and  never looked for a cushy job. He  demanded the same from other people, too, including his own son. "

  However, Pulikovsky himself said that he had done everything he could to save his son from Chechnya, but Alexey repeatedly asked his сommanders to send him to Chechnya .

Source: Gennady Troshev. My war: One General's  Chechen Diary. Vek, № 48, 2001


   On 1 December 2000 at a press conference plenipotentiary in the Far East Federal District Konstantin Pulikovsky severely criticized   officials of Primorsky region. Pulikovsky claimed that they were intentially shattering regional economy  to get support money from the federal centre. Pulikovsky called activities of the regional administration "a classic way of  robbing the state."

Source: Kommersant, 2 December 2000

In January 2001 Pulikovsky commented on illness of governor of the Primorsky region Yevgeny Nazdratenko "Evgeny Ivanovich is ill, but his illness is not of a medical kind. It will be assessed and diagnosed by  the police."

Source: Noviye Izvestiya, 7 February 2001


    Pulikovsky was skeptical about the fact that Nazdratenko was appointed  head of the State Fishery Committee in February 2001 " The government probably believe  that  Nazdratenko's appointment  will restore receding   fishing industry. I think the government are mistaken."

Source: Kommersant, 28 January 2001

    On 16 March  2001 Pulikovsky said he had challenged  Vladivostok mayor Yuri Kopylov to a duel and  left it to Kopylov to choose weapons. The reason for the duel was banners that appeared in the streets of Vladivostok in December 2000 "Primorsky region is  not a battle  field for General Pulikovsky" and  "Pulikovsky, hands off  Primorsky region! "

     Pulikovsky believed it had been Kopylov's initiative. On 20 March 2001 Kopylov made a public apology to Pulikovsky on the air of Krasnodar radio station. Kopylov said that Vladivostok city administration had not been informed that those banners had been put up in the streets of the city.

Source: Kommersant, 21 March 2001
   In December 2001 Pulikovsky said: "One can not imagine an enormous scale of  the disorder Nazdratenko and his subordinates had caused to this richest region ... Now  Darkin is appointed new governor of the Primorsky region. He is a good manager and capable of finding unconventional solutions, but he can not fix anything for such a short period. "
Source: Vek, № 48, 2001

     In November 2003 Sergey Krupetsky and  Vitaly Sevrin, the officials of the Ministry of Natural Resources who worked in the Far East, were detained. They were accused of extortion.  They were claimed to extort  $ 1 million from the management of Amur prospectors' cooperative. The money was supposed  to be "a gift" for granting a license for the development of a platinum deposit in the Khabarovsk region. Arrested officials were appointed with Pulikovsky's consent. Krupetsky was even said to be ''Pulikovsky's man'' in Khabarovsk. Pulikovsky himself called the incident ''an attempt to spark a blacklash'' against him.

Source: News Time, 12 November 2003
   Plenipotentiary Pulikovsky was on very good terms with Roman Abramovich, the governor of Chukotka. He highly appreciated Abramovich's organizational skills.

   Pulikovsky stated  "To be honest, I don't even care about the way Abramovich got Sibneft. The main thing is that people of Chukotka treat him with great respect. He is well-liked and admired there. He does not visit Chukotka often. So what? He hired great managers to rule the region. It's like business. You needn't be at your workplace all the time to run your own business.''

Source: AIF, № 32, 2005

   In November 2005 it was reported that Pulikovsky had been removed from plenipotentiary position after he had pushed candidacy of Viktor Vekselberg for the positon of Kamchatka governor.     Earlier, in autumn 2003,  Pulikovsky initiated a criminal prosecution of incumbent  governor of the Kamchatka region Mikhail Mashkovtsev for embezzlement of the state funds.

Source: Vedomosti, 15 November 2005


Being a head of Rosteknadzor, Pulikovsky came into bitter conflict with governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleyev.

  In spring 2007 150 people were killed in a disaster that occurred at two coal mines owned by Yuzhkuzbassugol company. Pulikovsky laid responsibility for that on Tuleyev.  Pulikovsky said that the accident had been caused by failure of gas emission control system  that had been disconnected by by miners in order to increase coal production, as earlier Tuleyev had sweared to Vladimir Putin to increase mine-working.

   Tuleyev, in turn, called Pulikovsky's statement "provocative."  He blamed the accident on Pulikovsky and other specialists of Rosteknadzor. Tuleyev claimed that they had ignored repeatedly  the instruction of the regional authorities to introduce proper order at the regional coal  plants . Tuleyev promised to file a lawsuit against Pulikovsky, however, no action was taken later.

Source: RIA Novosti, 8 June 2007

   In August 2011 board members of  Krasnodar regional office of Spravedlivaya Rossiya  announced that they all would quit the party. Six board members of the office said that they did not trust party leader Sergey Mironov and his regional protégé, General Konstantin Pulikovsky. Board members accused them of selling places on the party list giving the opportunity to get a mandate of deputy.

   "It was  impudent of Pulikovsky to demand on  paying a certain amount of money to the regional treasury, that is, to him personally, for each candidacy nominated for elections'', the statement says. They believed  that Pulikovsky had destroyed the organization that used to be "effective and strong."

Source: Zhivaya Kuban, 8 May 2011

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