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Papounidis Konstantinos

23.02.2018 22:42


         Konstantinos Papounidis, a Georgian-born businessman with Greek citizenship, had business in Northern Greece (Thessaloniki ),co-founder of Homertron Trading Ltd.

         He was the trustee and the nominee of the shares of Viktor Nusenikis in various off-shore companies. This position has much in common with duty of Zits-Chairman.

         Currently Papounidis is the closest partner of the former head of the Ukranian president’s deputy chief of staff, former attorney general of Donetsk region Gennady Vasilyev, person from  the surrounding of Victor Yanukovych.

          Mr.Vasilyev filed the petition in Nicosia district court, according to which he «is the beneficiary, co-founder (together with Viktor Leonidovich Nusenkis) of Concern Energo, one of the most powerful conglomerates in Ukraine». As a proving of this fact he shows some report, made by former employee of Concern Energo  Konstantinos Papounidis, where it is written that 50% of Energo MUST belong to Vasilyev.

 Zolotaya Fortuna,, Obshchaya Gazeta



      When in 2011 attorney general of Ukraine Gennady Vasilyev left his post he decided to «shake» businessmen of the Donetsk region who had to pay him tribute. The coal businessman Viktor Nusenikis also failed to escape from this destiny. The attorney general decided «I was «roofing» (giving protection) Nusenikis, thanks to me he is alive and with money, that is why a half of his assets legally belongs to me».

       Nusenikis totally disagreed with such a statement, and Vasilyev decided to start a war with the help of his tutor from the 1990s –the Patriarch of the organized criminal group of Commonwealth of Independent States Gennady Uzbek , whom he chose as a «senior partner».         Currently Gennady Uzbek is the Honorary President of Union Boxing Promotions company. However he has not lost his relations neither with bureaucrats coming from Donetsk region, nor with representatives of criminal groups including Russian ones.

        As a result Uzbek’s group caught Nusenikis’ trustee Konstantinos Papounidis in Greece. After a short, but rather convincing talk, Papounidis agreed to act on the side of Vasilyev and in 2011 declared him the true owner of coal magnate’s business.

         As followed the Court of Cyprus where Uzbek is very well known, made a decision to freeze the assets of Nusenikis after Vasilyev’s petition who, by Papounidis’ wager, was the owner of the half of Nusenikis’ business. Allegedly there existed a verbal agreement between them though it was not made in written form.


Piter-Press 10/02/2013


      The conflict between Nusenikis and Papounidis arose when the creditors decided to know who is the true owner of the Group of Companies Donetsksteel and PJSC Kreditprombank. According to the information provided by the National Bank of Ukraine in 2010 Papounidis owned 4,91% and was the vicarious owner of 70.08% of bank’s shares.  “ Papounidis was the trustee and the nominal, but not the true shareholder, and at the certain moment he forgot about this fact and started to claim for his share friction”, says the top manager of Donetsksteel group of companies.

        Nusenikis did not agree with this and filed a claim in the Court of Cyprus with the requirement of acknowledging him as the only owner of PJSC KreditPromBank and another assets of the Group. The claim is based on sham papers and/or signatures, which is in particularly confirmed by Mr. Papounidis”.

        The former colleagues of Mr. Nusenikis found common ground easily. The alliance between Papounidis and Vasilyev resulted in a claim of the latter to the District Court of Nicosia. ’’The legal system of Cyprus has much in common with the British one, that is why testimonies, email communication and other evidentiary materials may serve as evidentiary base’’ - explains Alexander Pavlenko, the partner of Pavlenko & Poberezhnyuk Law Group. Written evidence provided by Vasilyev where he explained how he was helping to launch and develop Concern Energo , together with evidence of Papounidis were enough for Mr. Christodoulou (judge of Cyprus Court) to take jurisdiction to freeze all of the assets of the Group of Companies. The fact that Nusenikis owns all assets has documented proof, but we have not seen any from Vasilyev’’-Mr. Bogdanov says.


Forbes. 01.08.2011


The conflict between Vasilyev and Papounidis for the assets of industrial assets of Donetsk region, from the one side and Viktor Nusenikis from the other side led to numerous problems with KreditPromBank PJSC.

The National Bank of Ukraine ordered to bring into compliance the funds-flow-adequacy ratio and the standard of credit risk on one contractor as a part of the bank rehabilitation program. The regulator imposed penalties on KreditPromBank PJSC because of non-fulfillment of the capitalization plan.

The problem is that Papounidis who is also called «Vasilyev’s right hand», acts as a Managing shareholder and the signer of negotiation with National Bank of Ukraine. And Donetsksteel JSC is managed by Viktor Nusenikis who rejects to acknowledge the right of Mr. Vasilyev on 50% of shares of Concern Energo.

The Ekonomicheskie Izvestia 12.11.2012

     Nikolay Lagun, the co-owner of JSC Delta Bank ,rounded off negotiations  considering purchasing of controlling interest of PJSC KreditPromBank. We failed to talk to the representative of its shareholders-Konstantinos Papounidis , and the Chairman of the Management Board of the bank  Viktor Leonidov did not answer the phone.  

    Konstantinos Papounidis gave up 48% of bank shares to the investors in 2010.That year 28 foreign banks and financial companies, among which were European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Raiffeisen Int., Commerzbank, Cargill, obtained permission to enter the capital of PJSC KreditPromBank. Before crisis these financial organizations gave to the bank a loan of 400 million dollars and as a part of restructuration converted it into shares. They owned 48% of shares using Cyprus company Kaluoma Holdings created for this purpose.            According to the information dated back to June 1, 2012 Kaluoma Holdings Ltd owned 47,78% of assets. Among the other shareholders is the Cyprus Fintest Holding Ltd (28,72%) and Irish  Homertron Trading Ltd (23,5%).

Kommersant-Ukraine, 25.09.2012

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