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Kavdzharadze (KAVDISARIDZE) Maxim Gennadievich

23.02.2018 22:43
Kavdzharadze (KAVDISARIDZE) Maxim Gennadievich



He graduated from the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State Law Academy", specialty "Jurisprudence" with the award of the qualification "lawyer".

Before the election (appointment) to the position of the Russian parliament, he worked as the first deputy general director of the State Unitary Enterprise "Federal Agency for Food Market Regulation" of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

In December 2001, first elected (appointed) as a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Lipetsk region - representative in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Lipetsk regional council of deputies.

In April 2002, confirmed their powers in the established order, continued the professional activity in the service office of Senator till the expiry of a period, specified by the Russian Federation legislation.

Simultaneously with the election (appointment) in 2002, the Federation Council Resolution was adopted in the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy, as well as on the Board of the Federation of Youth and Sport Commission.

From February 2002 to present, in accordance with the decision of the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy, adopted by a majority vote of the committee members on the basis of the decision of the Council of Federation, he is the deputy chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy (in July 2007 it was renamed the Committee of the Federation Council on agrarian and food policy and Fishery).

In November 2006, he was re-elected (appointed) as the representative of the legislative (representative) authority of state power of the Lipetsk region in the upper house of the Russian Federation.

From July 2007 until November 2008 - Member of the Federation Council Committee for Housing Policy and Housing and Communal Services, as well as the Chairman of the Expert Council on the development of legislative proposals in the field of public housing policy.

In connection with the conversion of the Federation Council Commission on Youth and Sport since November 2008 he is a member of Youth Affairs of the Federation Council and the Commission on Tourism and a member of the Federation Council Commission for Physical Culture, Sport and Olympic Movement.

From December 2011 to November 2013 - Member of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education, Culture and Information Policy.

Since November 2012 the head of the working group of the Commission of improvement of the regulatory and legal support and order delivery of public services (execution of public functions) in the field of general aviation.

Since November 2013 Member of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building.

Since February 2014 the Chairman of the Federation Council Interim committee on monitoring of the implementation of the Federal Law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the issues of transport security"

In accordance with the presidential decree of December 25, 2013 №955 Kavdzharadze M.G. is appointed as a deputy chairman of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation on the development of general aviation.

He is a member of the "United Russia" political party.


"Maxim Kavdzharadze was born in Moscow in 1969. Perhaps the only indisputable fact, the rest of his biography - is a solid white spot.

On the Internet, on the official website, you can read that, after graduating from school, he worked for six years as a stage machinist in a certain "Circus on the stage" ...

However, there is no word about the circus in the questionnaire, which he filled himself before the nomination to the auditors. According to the document, Kavdzharadze career began only in the 92-th.

Where did the six years of the circus disappear? It is clearly very inconvenient for Kavdzharadze to answer this question.

November 87-th. In the Kiev District Court is listened the case of illegal currency transactions. On the dock is - 18-year-old bricklayer SU-1 of the trust "Mosfundamentstroy-1" Maxim Kavdzharadze.

Three months earlier, at the store "Russian ", he went to an Italian citizen Giuseppe Batstsako and offered him to exchange their souvenir (at the rate of 300 rubles) on the hundred dollar bill. The transaction has almost already taken place in a neighboring yard, but was thwarted by the police, came to the rescue.

This brisk lad was well known at the police station on the Red Square Protection - a rising star of the Soviet underground market. He revolves around foreign tourists constantly, sticks, buys clothes from abroad.

In September the 84th he is detained for the first time. Times were still tough. In SGPTU-190, where he studies, is convened a Komsomol meeting. Kavdzharadze cries, swears to correct himself, and compassionate Komsomol take him on bail. But soon the young black marketer was caught again for the same occupation: there, on the Red Square.

Yellowed paper from time to time: the decision of the commission on juvenile of Krasnogvardeisky area. On the yard - is 85-th year.

"Grouped around him underage, inclined to delinquent behavior, causes a demoralizing effect on a team of students. He does not show interest to studying, rough with the masters and teachers. Kavdzharadze M. was repeatedly interviewed about the inadmissibility of his behavior. Moskvoretsky district prosecutor summoned him for an interview."

In February, 85-th Commission decides to send Kavdzharadze to special, but before he could even gather belongings, as a fresh new has appeared in time. It turns out, on January 3; he beat his classmate in GUM, broke his nose and bruised eyes. Only tender age saves Kavdzharadze from the court. He is placed in a detention center and sent to the reformation in Sebezh special vocational. Another document - is a pedagogical characteristic from the Special technical training college". He stood up on the path of correction. Reviewed much in his life."

Reviewed, as well! Just released, in a year - all over again. The investigation, the court ... Kavdzharadze will be sentenced to three years. Considering the repentance, he will not be sent to the colony, but on the construction sites of the national economy, in the commandant's office №1 of ATC Zelenograd, where he had a shock, and, most importantly, free of charge, will rattle off three consecutive years. Such is the circus on the stage.

Back in the 88-th he lost a Soviet passport (32 MJ 544 755), received a new in return (SB 2 692 134), and then forgot about it and registered 5 cars on himself on the lost passport.

The disease progresses over the years. Now he forgets to write in the questionnaire not only about a previous conviction, but also about studying in special technical training school PTU, and the work of a mason.

In just three months Kavdzharadze managed to overpower the 5-year course of the Law Institute of the Ministry of Interior (!) and got a law degree.

However, the Ministry of Education explains this metamorphosis simply: "To master the educational program in the specialty 021100 is impossible in such a short time," - says the Head of the Department of educational programs of the Ministry. He adds that a number of disciplines is absent in the annex to the diploma. And therefore "we believe that the education, received by M.G. Kavdzharadze, does not meet the requirements and the issued diploma has no legal force".

Ruspres, 07/05/2014



The scandal broke. But this time Kavdzharadze tried to make a good face on a bad game: immediately placed in a newspaper an interview with him, where, in a jumble with reflections about the fate of the domestic agricultural industry, passing touched on the sins of their youth. He told that in the Soviet years he wanted to live in a market environment (directly dissident rebel!), "And that was enough for initiation of the case. Today, it seems simply absurd, ridiculous. I have absolutely nothing to hide!"

Oh no no no. So young and already sclerosis. Senator Kavdzharadze exactly forgot that in all the questionnaires to the question of a criminal record, he replied unequivocally: none.

Well, Kavdzharadze suffered memory lapses since adolescence. Back in the 88-th he lost a Soviet passport (32 MJ 544 755), received in return a new (SB 2 692 134), and then forgot about it and registered on a lost passport 5 cars.

Compromat, 17.07.2003


The most interesting in the book is information about two secret visits of Timoshenko to Moscow. Chobit is sure that Tymoshenko directly from the Russian embassy had a telephone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin and then all the accusations of the Russian Prosecutor's Office have been removed from her. "The last Tymoshenko owes the old Komsomol Zinchenko, who personally called the Russian senator Maxim Kavdzharadze. In Moscow, Tymoshenko on the birthday of the Secretary of National Security of the Russian Federation Igor Ivanov was invited to dine with Putin "- said Chobit. He stressed that at this dinner was prescribed script of a gas war between Russia and Ukraine, which was supposed to be stopped by the 'hero'-Tymoshenko. According to Chobit, the Kremlin actually bet on Tymoshenko. 'This confirms the follow-up visit of the leader of BUT to Moscow in October 2005", - noticed the author of the book.

Rosbalt, 28.02.2006


It is clear that a person with such a biography, behind which shoulders there are not only two convictions, but also an accountability for beatings and arbitrariness, cannot "pass" the test of applicants for places in the Federation Council of RF. Already in 2003 in his article Hinstein noted that "in the main information center of the Ministry of Interior, which stores the information about all convictions, there are, somehow, no cards on Kavdzharadze."

The story is really mysterious. However, the mystery is opened very simply. Cards at Maxim present in ZIC. Just at the beginning of their political career of Kavdzharadze, his name and the last name has been changed in them. Then there was such a very expensive service. Especially for agencies, who want to double-check Maxim, we show, how one of the ZIC cards on Kavdzharadze looks like now.

System number: 173448

Card Number: 0P068

Type: ARCH


Date and place of birth: June 10 69 M

Place of registration: District U-ATS-0503 of General Belov D45 K2 KV309

Gender: Male

Nationality Russian

Company: TEAM CIRCUS ON STAGE the Assist C-District ATC-06

Height: 174 AVERAGE

Build: Average

Special features: Eyes - Brown, Hair - BLACK


Article: arbitrariness

As you can see in this card, through the intervention have changed the name and the surname of Maxim Kavdzharadze on Kavdisaridze Michael (such a person does not exist). All other data remain unchanged. This date of birth and middle name, and address of the residence of Maxim at those times. And even given a place of work of Kavdzharadze in 1987, which he hesitates to point out in his biography for some reason - assist on the stage of the circus., 11.04.2016


Maxim Kavdzharadze, aka Michael Kavdisaridze was prosecuted more than once and has been previously convicted. However, he managed to "clean up" their history and even take a high position in the Federation Council of Russia,

It figured out, how writes, that even with the teenage years, he had problems with the law. He gathered minors around him and was engaged in illegal activities, reports After that he served his chores for illegal currency transactions. There also were articles about the arbitrariness and beating in his biography. Also, he always spoke in "their own kind" circles.

Also his marriage helped Kavdzharadze to "clean up" the biography. He married Varvara Gordeeva, whose father was the Minister of Agriculture in 1999. And a son-in-law - respectively also took the high post, transmit That same year, he became the first deputy general director of State Unitary Enterprise "Federal Agency for Food Market Regulation". And already in 2001, he sat in a chair member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation.

FTimes, 12.04.2016


During his recent visit to Moscow, the US State Secretary John Kerry had been in the Russian capital for only two days, which were scheduled literally by the minute. Of course, that time is not enough to meet with old friends and discuss the events of the past. If a "free minute" appeared at Kerry, it would not be surprising, if he immediately rushed to the Russian senator Maxim Kavdzharadze. They have something to remember, in particular, to talk about the mutual buddy Jumber Elbakidze. At one time he was an adviser in the US of then-Senator John Kerry, then moved to Russia and quickly took the place of the main expert on money and cashing the money. In this period of time Maxim Kavdzharadze has become a partner of Elbakidze. The criminal case against Jumber literally abounds with the recordings of conversations about various shady businessmen, and that mention Kavdzharadze. It is noteworthy that in 2008 in the same conversation are discussed close contacts with the "American" partners, as well as some major event that will take place in Georgia. And then the war broke out in South Ossetia.

Compromat, 04/20/2016


It is worth noting that "playing" with their names - is a long tradition of Kavdzharadze family. In particular, the brother of Maxim David at first for some reason had a patronymic Andreyevich. With this patronymic he was put on the Moscow police special account as being associated with crime. Soon David became Gennadievich. Given the fact that David is now a co-owner of a number of banks, it is better to have a "spotless" biography.

Compromat, 04/11/2016


Maxim Kavdzharadze and US State Secretary John Kerry may be linked to the Georgian-Ossetian conflict, which happened 8 years ago, reports Also, politicians have a mutual friend Djumber Elbakidze.

If John Kerry had more time during an official visit to the Russian capital, then he, most likely, would schedule a meeting with Maxim Kavdzharadze. Considering that they have a mutual friend Djumber Elbakidze, then the talks, probably, would have gone just about him.

According to, in 2002 Elbakidze came to Russia and began laundering, exporting and cashing money. Estimated monetary channel's turnover was 30 million dollars a day. His partner in these deals was Kavdzharadze. It was he who helped Jumber to obtain a Russian citizenship.

FTimes, 21.04.2016


Kavdzharadze doesn't show great ingenuity and it is not difficult to "calculate", on whom he writes his mansion. Firstly, it is the mother of two of his children Valentina Safandula. Maxim was very close to her during his becoming a businessman, and then made friends with a girl, Varvara - daughter of the Minister of Agriculture Alexei Gordeyev at that time. But Valentina was not really confused, because she knew that male society attracts Maxim more than women. Therefore, the relationship between them is still great - Safandula is a loyal assistant of Kavdzharadze for many, many years already, she educates two daughters of Maxim, and he trusts her boundless. In particular he draws on a significant portion of their assets and some of his businesses on her.

Here in March 2013 he was sincerely happy on his website that the MAC decided to grant a helicopter Robinson R66 Turbine a Russian certificate. After all, senator loves this model of helicopter mostly, and soon it will appear in his hangar.

But in December 2013 Kavdzharadze in the "Heliport Moscow", next to the Robinson couple, promises "to achieve a removal of customs duties" to his favorite brand helicopters were cheaper.

It should be noted that in a large part of his speeches Senator makes referring to how everything is fine in the United States. There is nothing surprising in this. The company, which is a co-owner of the companies, controlled by him, is registered in this country. And a close friend of Kavdzharadze, searched shadow banker Djumber Elbakidze, and all worked as an advisor to John Kerry for a long time., 25.04.2016


In fact, during the stay in senatorial post, Maxim Gennadievich was able to buy an apartment in a residential complex "Sparrow Hills", an estate in the village of Nemchinov (Odintsovo district), apartments in the complex "Elsinore" and an apartment in a residential complex "Northern Star". After reviewing the real estate of the senator, there is a logical question: where from income is taken in such a meager to finance the purchase of such expensive real estate?

However, if you follow the extension of initiatives of the odious Senator, it becomes a little clear, where from may appear an "extra" funding of the Federation Council member. Recently, Maxim Gennadievich began to lobby interests of one American company actively.

Helicopters of this company are based on the airport in Moscow, etc. The senator did not hesitate to put emphasis on the fact that if the work of the Robinson company in the Russian Federation will be facilitated, the "life will be more beautiful and brighter." After all, such a happy life, in the opinion of the senator, there is on the territory of the United States., 28.04.2016

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