Born January 22, 1967 in Sumy, Ukrainian SSR.
Graduated from Moscow State Law Academy;
Since 1994, was chairman of the housing cooperative "Druzhba";
Since 1998, served as Director General of Vyazemsky house-building factory (Moscow region), then - president and co-owner of a group of companies "Druzhba" (construction, materials production, agribusiness, and the publishing business);
December 16, 2001 was elected to the Moscow Regional Duma of the third convocation of the electoral district № 7 (center: Domodedovo), was a member of the Committee on Problems of national economy and infrastructure development and the Committee on Land Use, Natural Resources and Environment;
December 2, 2007 elected to the State Duma of the fifth convocation of the federal list of candidates nominated by the All-Russian political party “Edinaya Rossia". She is a member of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy and Entrepreneurship;
Member of the Presidium of the organization "Opora Rossii”; was awarded the honorary title "Honored Builder of the Moscow region"; has three children.
She is president of Foundation for the Study of Ancient Tuvinian fortress Por-Bajin (the Fund operates under the auspices of Minister Sergei Shoigu).
Source: lobbying.ru
From 2009 to 2011 - Executive Director of the Russian Geographical Society.
She is currently the president of the Cultural Foundation of ancient Tuvan fortress Por-Bajin.
Member of the Presidium of the organization "Support of Russia".
Ignatova M.V. Entrepreneurial activity marked by a series of scandals with defrauded real estate investors in various cities of the Moscow region:
At Domodedovo, Mytishchi and Troitsk holders expressed their protest with a hunger strike. During an official briefing, December 5, 2005 the prosecutor of the Moscow region, Sergei Vasiliev carried the CJSC Group of Companies "Friendship" to unscrupulous developers, who are "in the most brazen manner defrauded co-investors-citizens" and said that in respect of its leaders initiated and investigated criminal cases. In response, 8 December, at a press conference in RIA Novosti, the regional deputy and the president of JSC Group of Companies "Friendship" Marina Ignatova denied the approval of the prosecutor. Later, in 2006, in an interview she revealed her vision of causes of the appearance of defrauded investors. It is intrigues of officials.
December 21, 2009 a few tens of defrauded co-investors of share building of housing from Domodedovo, Noginsk and Sherbinki blocked the entrance to the State Duma on Okhotny Ryad. Six people chained themselves with handcuffs to the bars of parking. Among other things, they demanded to prosecute a State Duma deputy from the "United Russia" Marina Ignatova, guilty, according to them, in their current housing situation. As a result, 12 people were at the police station, and two women in the hospital. One with broken ribs, a second one with a heart attack.
These stories had no legal consequences for M. Ignatova.
Married to a citizen of Great Britain, she has three children.
Marina Ignatova began her career as a modest chairman in the Podmoskovny ZhSK (“housing construction cooperative”) in the early 90's. Based on it the ZAO GK "Druzhba" appeared with the participation of representatives of the gangs controlled by a thief in law Zechariah Kalashov (Shakro young). Ignatova also made friends with Basil Cherepanov (“Cherep”) - he was a co-owner of UAB and its protection racket. Eventually Cherep believed that he was giving too much money to Kalashov, and did not want to work under his leadership any longer. He stopped transferring money to "collective fund”. Kalash could not let this off, and in 2006, Cherepanov was killed.
In 1997, Ignatova was elected deputy to the Domodedovo district. She supported the local head of administration Leonid Kowalewski at struggle with the opposition; for that "Druzhba" was given a land for high-rise and commercial construction. This helped her enter the business. They began receiving funds from investors, which allowed Ignatova to open several offices in Moscow, to begin the reconstruction office at the Lubyanka, to get new sites for the construction, to takeover some agricultural enterprises on the pretext of "agricultural development".
Source: igolkin from 12.03.2010
Ignatova managed to convince the shareholders and co-owners of agricultural ZAO "PZ" Konstantinovo” and SHPK (integrated agricultural production centre) "Pavlovskaya" to sell their rights and securities. The rights of the shares were passed to Ignatova. During the purchasing period from 2002 to 2006, the shareholders and co-owners had not received any of the promised funds, despite the conclusion of the contract. The shareholders and co-owners received all the money only in 2006-2008, when almost all the land of two farms had been sold and after shareholders' repeated complaints and claims of frauds against Ignatova. SHPK "Pavlovskaya" did not exist any longer, ZAO "PZ" Konstantinov” was disbanded, pigs were slaughtered, the property was sold and rented. More than 500 villagers were thrown idle.
Meanwhile, according to conservative calculations, the yield earned by Marina Ignatova was 30 times higher than the costs she incurred when seizing the farms. The income from the land transactions amounted to $ 500 million. The seizure of agricultural land and its subsequent sale allowed the Moscow entrepreneur to move to the post of the State Duma deputy, to obtain personal enrichment in the form of expensive real estate worth tens of millions - abroad, at Rublyovka, in central Moscow, cars, as well as to divert the funds of the company to her bank accounts abroad, to put across a number of other operations successfully. For example, ZAO “Zatonsky" was purchased for $ 50-60 million and in a half years resold for about $ 180 million
Source: igolkin from 12.03.2010
Thanks to "Druzhba" Ignatova collected money from co-investors and squandered them inappropriately.
Source: igolkin from 12.03.2010
In 2002, interest holders entered into co-investment contracts of "Druzhba" for the construction of the neighborhood unit "Druzhba-2". It was expected that the construction of houses would be completed in 2004. By February 2009, only 8 houses out of 19 had been put into operation. By December 2009, they had put into operation three other homes.
Source: www.finansmag.ru on 05/04/2010
A criminal investigation was opened due to the facts of delays in delivery of projects and non-compliance with the interest-holders of "Druzhba", the Moscow region prosecutor Sergei Vasiliev said in the official briefing in 2005. He called the "Group of Companies "Druzhba" an unscrupulous developer which had been deceiving the citizens-co-investors; the construction of house in Mytischi had been made without a permission; he announced also that the leaders of that one company along with some others had been prosecuted. A few days later Ignatova held a press conference at which she said that the company did not appear in the list of unfair, that only one of its employees had had a criminal case filed against him (Article for "arbitrary behavior"), as for the construction permission in Mytischi – its term had just expired, and then it was in process of reissuance.
Source: Novaya Gazeta, 22.06.2009
The company faced problems as many of the documents and building permits had not been issued, Ignatova wanted to do it retroactively, but that time no one wanted to issue them, so the construction was halted.
After the Cherepanov's murder in 2002, Ignatova herself got hold of the company.
From 2005 to 2006 "Druzhba" had been on the verge of bankruptcy, but the funds of co-investors and investment in agricultural enterprises saved the company.
Source: igolkin from 12.03.2010
As a deputy, Ignatova sent the deputy requests to prosecutor for the "Druzhba", which is a conflict of interest in the world of legal practice. Then "Druzhba" had almost got checked by prosecutors.
Source: Novaya Gazeta, 22.06.2009
In 2006, e journalist Vladimir Solovyov stood up protecting the reputation of Ignatova by dropping her into his program, which theme was the persecution of the small and medium businesses., He also appealed to the Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika together with his friend and, a deputy of the State Duma Alexander Khinshtein requiring to prevent prosecutorial arbitrariness in relation to Ignatova. Shortly thereafter, Solovyov received from Ignatova an apartment built by "Druzhba" under the toll-free investment agreement. Ignatova thanked Similarly everybody who in some way or another defended her activities from the law enforcement interest. Mass media no longer mentioned the names of people loaded with benefits of Ignatova, but it was mentioned that one of them had a house built for about $ 5 million, another one had the land and non-residential premises transferred, and some people had been given apartments like Solovyov.
Source: The Moscow Post dated 18.06.2008
In addition, in 2006 the Stupinsky district court ruled the search of Ignatova's house to determine her involvement in the murder of Cherepanov. But the deputy status defended her – they did not bring her to the case investigation.
Source: igolkin from 12.03.2010
In the summer of 2009, the interest holders deceived by Ignatova held a hunger strike in Domodedovo. On the first day, 25 protesters settled in the apartment of one of the houses of the new "Druzhba-2” and forwarded their requirements to the developer and the city administration. The hunger strike lasted for 11 days and then it was stopped as the people had got tired and they had been assured that the problem was to be solved, they would get their flats.
Source: www.ekcumep.ru
Deputy Alexander Khinshtein, who was involved in the problem of defrauded co-investors, spoke to the press that the problem in Domodedovo had been caused by the builder's quarrel with the local authorities. In 2001, Ignatova entered Mosobolduma, and the head of Domodedovo Leonid Kovalevsky supported her; and then the conflict began, after that starting from 2002 the Domodedovo officials refused to issue building permits and to take into operation the houses already constructed by "Druzhba".
According to Ignatova herself, this was due to political envy - her rating was twice the rating of Kovalevsky. She also believed that the delay in the delivery of houses was beneficial to officials because of an overpayment for non-transferred houses - water and power tariffs for builders are five times higher than for residents. Head of district administration Dmitry Gorodetsky said that "Druzhba" had begun building many houses without necessary permits, having planned to get them retroactively.
Source: "Russian Newsweek" from 29.06.2009
In December 2009, interest holders deceived by Ignatova (they did not receive apartments in residential complex "Druzhba-2” in Domodedovo in time, which had been built by the company of Ignatova) chained themselves with handcuffs to the building of the State Duma demanding a meeting with the Speaker of the Duma, Boris Gryzlov, and pleaded for bringing Ignatova to trial. The people were beaten by police, 12 of them were taken to the militia department. Ignatov told journalists she had heard nothing about the campaign, she had been engaged in public affairs irrelevant to the construction business. She generally called all the charges against her as a detractors' libel who wanted to take away her business.
Source: "Kommersant" № 239 (4294) on 22.12.2009
In April 2010 at Domodedovo, three more houses of defrauded co-investors were commissioned in the neighborhood unit "Druzhba-2". Negotiations about the rest of the unfinished houses of co-investors are still in process.
Source: www.finansmag.ru on 05/04/2010
Meanwhile, according to the most conservative estimates, the profit, received by Marina Ignatova, 30 times exceeded the costs, incurred by her in the seizure of farms. Revenue from land transactions amounted to about $ 500 million. The capture of agricultural lands and their subsequent sale allowed the outside Moscow businesswoman to set to the chair of the State Duma deputy, to obtain personal enrichment in the form of expensive real estate worth tens of millions - abroad, on the Rublevka, in the center of Moscow, and a car, to lead the company's cash on their accounts abroad and successfully rotate a number of other operations. For example, CJSC "Zatonskoe", which was purchased for $ 50-60 million, and resold for about $ 180 million after a year and half.
Ignatova also didn't forget and her patrons, who generously helped and covered her business from audits, tax evasion and of the raider activities. For one of them is build a house worth about $ 5 million, to another were transferred land plots and non-residential premises, apartments are passed to the third, a fourth...
Compromat, 12.03.2010
In April 2010 in Domodedovo were put into operation three more houses of defrauded real estate investors in the district "Druzhba-2". Negotiations are continuing on other unfinished houses of co-investors.
www.finansmag.ru on 05.04.2010
HBC "House of the writer" was created to implement the project. Organization - is strange. Cooperative for a long time refused to accept as its member the 15 most writers for some reason, for which everything was started, and its chairman was a gentleman with a last name Jopua. Within the walls of "PEN-club", which brings together many writers - participants of the project, he said more than once, how is it terrible to live to him: "You have no idea, I'm waiting for the bullet every minute." But the bullet never caught him, but he got involved in a game where all the rules were been build by Ignatova. Documents? Documents just did not exist, not a single paper had been issued at the hands of the writers.
By the order of the Government of Moscow dated June 13, 2000 № 433 "On the provision and use of land on the street BolshayaYakimanka, ow. 50 and Staropimenovskiy Lane, Ow. 10/3, b. 1 "LLC" Sanrash "(a subsidiary company of "Friendship"- E.L.) Received 60% of the apartments, and HBC "House of the writer" - 40%. At the same time one of the most prominent shareholders of HBC appeared to be ...the Company "Friendship".
As a result, apartment divided as follows. ... On Staropimenovskiy Lane 10/3, b. 1, four people from the "list of 15" got them, including - Okudzhava, Zhvanetskiy and Tkachenko, another departed passed to "Friendship" and five - to the people, who are not related to literature. On the Bolshaya Yakimanka Street, 50, "Friendship" has got three apartments, one got Voznesenskiy and ... Jopua. Then, by the protocol number 3 of the general meeting of members of HBC "The house of the writer" of 30 January 2007, the quota of "Friendship" the co-op members became, including Kuzmin I.V. (Director of "Sanrash") Bratchenko V.A. (Employee of CJSC "GC" Friendship ") and V.R. Soloviev - Yes, a well-known television journalist.
There is an important ethical nuance here. Soloviev came face to face with Ignatova before got an apartment - in his own program "To the barrier!” where her opponent was a famous fighter for the rights of defrauded investors, the deputy and the journalist Alexander Khinshtein. That's what Hinstein told the "New": "I remember how our duel took place. Not to say that Soloviev was on the side of Ignatova. It was a fair fight; each defended him and defends their interests. I won in a proportion of about three to one. "
If so, Vladimir Soloviev showed a top professionalism. It's hard: to sue the match honestly, knowing that with the efforts of one of its members you will get an apartment on Staropimenovskiy Lane with an area of 251.5 square meters and cost about 2 million euros.
Compromat, 21.03.2011