1992-1993 deputy director-general of Internet Customer Service, one of the first companies owned by Wimm-Bill-Dann group.
1993-1994 director-general of UT Center limited liability company
1994-1995 executive director of JSC Juices and Soft Drinks Production research and production enterprise.
1995-1996 president of Wimm-Bill-Dann Trade Company JSC
1996-1997 consultant of Wimm-Bill-Dann Trade Company JSC
1997-1998 deputy director of economic activity of Lianozovsky Dairy Plant
1998-2002 deputy director-general of Wimm-Bill-Dann Industrial and Commercial Group of Companies
Mikhail Dubinin is a board member of several companies that do not belong to WBD Group. These companies are Istrinskiye ruchyi LLC, Nadezhny Fundament LLC, C-Trading LLC, Cliff-Real Estate LLC and Benelux Residence non-profit partnership.
Source: OJSC Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods
In 1992 Mikhail Dubinin and Sergei Plastinin, 20-year-old demobbed soldiers, implemented a simple, but extremely productive idea. They rented a bottling line, bought juice concentrates and started juice box production. Naturally, they needed money and “protectors”. The duo was lucky to get support of David Yakobashvili who at that time was a big shot of young Russian business. Dubinin and Plastinin managed to get on the idea $ 50,000 credit from Sberbank.
Soon the number of both founding-fathers and shareholders of the new company rose up to ten. Gavriil Yushvaev, better known as Garik Makhachkala, was the last to join the ''juicy'' company. He had small business experience since up to 1989 Makhachkala was in prison where he did 9 years for robbery.
Source: Vslukh.Ru, 1 June, 2004
On July 2003 Alexander Orlov and Mikhail Dubinin bought a land plot at Novorizhskoye highway. Along with the owner of Magistral company they announced construction of Benelux Residence, the cottage settlement of 260 houses.
In mid-June of the same year it was reported that in the Moscow suburbs, approximately at the17-20 km of Novorizhskoye highway, closed residential complex was being constructed in strict secrecy. Presidents of Russia were supposed to reside there after resignation.
Having compared two information pieces, media concluded that in both cases the same project was at issue, the one implemented by Wimm-Bill-Dann top managers. Reports as well speculated that Boris Yeltsin could leave his Barvikha residence for the new apartment. Vladimir Putin was supposed to join him in 2008 when his second presidency would be over.
Source: Novy Region-2, 25 June, 2003
Dubinin sold 4% stake in WBD for carrying out Benelux Residence project. From architectural point of view each "residence" was Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg in miniature. But even wonderful art of building did not facilitate selling the houses straight off. Benelux construction lasted for more than 5 years while the houses were not sold. Benelux Residence sales were obviously stuck. To give a new impetus to the pestering project realtors came up with different tricks. For example, Usadba agency sold Benelux under the name of European Village.
When Dubinin realized that it would not be easy to sell 260 houses, he suggested selling only the land occupied by the settlement. Realtors immediately classified the settlement as uncompleted construction project.
Source: Vedomosti, 16 June, 2008
Establishment of Agent 002 real estate agency was the most controversial event of 2005 on the housing market. Its real estate services cost only 2% that was at least two times less than average market price. Market participants saw new price conditions as dumping attempt. Board members of the new agency were founder of the Independent Mortgage Bureau Mikhail Dubinin, Brunswick Capital Ltd CEO Christopher Mackenzie and business owner Pavel Dudnikov, up to 2000 a board member of Wimm-Bill-Dann. The project was invested about $ 1.5 million.
Despite dynamic market analysis Dubinin's companies, however, were not entirely prepared for the crisis. On October 2008 Agent 002 suspended its functioning indefinitely. Agency management explained that number of the deals was reduced while the agency was given more time for exposing apartments. Some employees joined DOKI company that was ready to take on all the brokers, including the shadow ones. Moreover, new staff was offered 75% of service pays. Experts claimed it to be another example of marketing developed by Dubinin's team. On February 2009 Agent 002 was back to the market and Dubinin carried on making up new marketing moves.
Source: Buffett.ru, 11 March, 2010
In 2008 Mikhail Dubinin invested large Internet real estate project. Website gdeetotdom.ru contained large photo database of houses located in different cities of Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Setting up the database cost over a million dollars. The website was to expected to attract real estate agents, developers and users who needed an accommodation. Experts estimated website development investments at 50-70 thousand dollars while during the first year over 500 thousand dollars were spent on servers and rental channels.
Experts claimed that the Mikhail Dubinin's experiments on real estate market did not look like serious investment projects. They were evidently unprofitable and mostly could be classified as a hobby.
Source: Kommersant, 14 February, 2008
In 2011 gdeetotdom.ru project was announced to have parted with its director-general Ruben Akopov who headed the starting project in 2008.
Market experts claimed that Akopov had gone since he had ceased to believe in the success of the project. The project was initially overestimated at its goals and investment profits. Experts also stated that management was likely to be the major problem of the project.
Source: Roem.ru, 5 August, 2011