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Kurbatov Mikhail Yurievich

23.02.2018 22:43
Kurbatov Mikhail Yurievich

Biography: He was born on October 7, 1981 in St. Petersburg, Russia.


2003 - He graduated from the Faculty of Economics, St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance with a degree in "World Economy".

He trained in Mercuia Business College in Helsinki.

2002 - 2003: -he was a Chief Accountant of "PSBb-Development"

2003 - 2004 years - he was a Consultant of "Alfa-Integrator-Baan CIS."

July 2010 - June 2012 - he was a Deputy General Director of OJSC "IDGC Holding".

2004 - 2008 years - he worked in the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation: Consultant of Department, Deputy Head of Department, Department Assistant, Head of Department, Deputy Director of the Department of State Regulation of Tariffs and Infrastructure Reforms, deputy director of the Department of State Regulation of Tariffs and Infrastructure Reforms and Environmental Economics.

2008 - 2010 years. - He was a Director of the Department of State Regulation of Tariffs, Infrastructural Reforms and Energy Ministry of Economic Development of Russian Federation.

From June 2012 - he is a Deputy Minister of Energy.

He was awarded the badge "Honorary Worker of Transport of Russia."

April 11, 2014 he is in the Board of PGA


Father: Shupyatsky Yuri, 07.05.1949 year of birth, born in Leningrad.

Mother: Kurbatova Nadezhda Borisovna, born 25.9.1947.




Paris vacation - Minister of Communications Shchegolev, his advisor Leshchenko, Ministry of Economic Development Kurbatov and the deputy head of “Rospechat” Grigoriev rest in the capital of France in a big way.

In Paris, also was seen another senior official of the Ministry of Communications - Advisor to the Minister Mikhail Leshchenko. In Moscow Leshchenko in cooperation with Mikhail Kurbatov, who heads one of the Departments of Economic Development, was purposefully working on the concept of a bright future of "Svyazinvest". In France, the pair has been repeatedly seen in expensive nightclubs and luxury restaurants. Changing the one nightclub to another fashionable restaurant, the officials after a party allegedly "celebrated" so much that emptied the contents of the stomach directly to the rental car. Their mistake then they compensated for the rental company more and above, so that the scandal was avoided. On the same evening in a crowd of dancing people, by the way, was seen and deputy head of "Rospechat" Vladimir Grigoriev, who was famously dancing with his daughter Daria. By the way, right after the New Year, the official received one of the highest state awards.

"Ruspres". 24.01.2009


Kurbatov not once found himself in a situation, typical for those trying to combine work in the state authorities with a passion for luxury living - Courchevel, Ruble, expensive cars, drinking, traffic accidents, "hussar" wedding in the old mansion, and so on and so forth. And for all the claims in the "life beyond its means" Kurbatov has a ready answer - when leaving the sinecures in "Interregional Distribution Grid Company (IDGC) Holding", he received a good "golden parachute" - nearly 2 billion rubles were spent on bonuses in the company. It is not clear for what merits, yes it's not about that.

In addition, for the outside world, he likes to introduce like a kind of unselfish, living on one salary in a city apartment, bought on the grant, issued to him as to a nonresident state employee while working in the Ministry of Economic Development. Due to the high family in the ministry an unprecedented large subsidy has been allocated for the purchase of a luxury apartment in the center of Moscow, worth over 20 million rubles, despite the fact that the subsidy cannot exceed 3 million rubles....

Kurbatov makes a small business. With one hand, organizing impossibly high tariffs for manufacturers, the other hand, and he collects money from them for inclusion in the list of those who do not pay for network service of IDGC. Only at the rate of FGC UES.

The scheme is simple and ingenious, as any in sight fraud, that continue for several years. There are no direct consumers in "Kurbatov list". The list is disguised as an annual order of the Ministry of Energy of the delivery of networks of IDGC for rent to FGC. And mysteriously the list of checked-in equipment is losing substations, from which some large consumers derive energy. Of course, not free and not noting. ..

How did such a scheme become possible, in which the Ministry of Energy officials alone, without any examinations and competitions decide, whom to pay "in full", and who only pay the rate of FGC - is also a separate question to the supervisory authorities.

Those who do not want to bring cash to Kurbatov, forced to withdraw from the production of Russia.

"". 13.02.2012


In the Ministry of Energy meeting on preparation for winter, "daughter" of state "System Operator" collects from energy companies more than $ 1 million. However, the Deputy Energy Minister Mikhail Kurbatov promised to "Vedomosti" to reduce dramatically the budget of the event.

Next week, the Ministry of Energy will hold a one-day meeting of the all-Russian power engineering specialists on the preparation for the autumn-winter season. The budget of the event will be 32.31 million rubles, told "Vedomosti" employees of several energy companies. This amount will provide nine of the largest public and private energy companies, "Inter RAO UES", SO UES, IES, "Gazprom energy", "Rosenergoatom", FGC UES, "IDGC Holding", "RusHydro", and «RAO ES of the East". Each of them should transfer 3.59 million rubles to the "daughter" of "System Operator" - the company "Technical inspection of UES." It is commissioned by the Ministry of Energy for preparing the meeting. A spokesman of the "Technical Inspection UES" Julia Ivanova confirmed that her company in early October sent a letter to the energy sector with the project of service of the organization of the meeting in the amount of 3, 59 million rubles each. Representatives from all nine power companies declined to comment. ....

Deputy Minister of Energy Mikhail Kurbatov learned about the meeting budget amount from the correspondent of "Vedomosti" and did not believe it at first: "$ 1 million what for? For the room, and notebooks? It used to be such kind of money for doing meetings before, there is no such thing anymore." Later Kurbatov informed that an internal investigation would be held after the meeting, and, if the expenditure of unreasonable amount will be confirmed, culprits will be dismissed.

"Vedomosti", 16.10.2012


We all had one question at a time. Who supports Mikhail Kurbatov on the way to the pinnacle of power, as the participation in various government commissions, orders to lead promising (mainly PR) directions literally bombarded Mikhail Kurbatov. Kurbatov himself on the big secret was telling a few close people out of business, that he is a distant cousin of the influential Deputy Prime Minister I. I. Sechin. Hearings were well spread over the business community and some eagle power was created around Mikhail Kurbatov , as in any way he is a relative to the famous one ... However, knowledgeable people in confidence say that Kurbatov in fact is a close relative of Elvira Nabiullina. Then it becomes clear how he "earned" so many honorary posts and important assignments.

And that's why strange Kurbatov initiative were always enthusiastically perceived by the Ministry of Economic Development and included in the government directive.

... However, behind the scenes of the high-profile events a "Courchevel syndrome" was busy discussed: a series of high-ranking officials - in spite of the Government's advice to abstain before the New Year 2009 of traveling to the notorious resort of Courchevel - still go to France for the New Year holidays. Also "Lit up" in Courchevel, swarming with journalists, Mikhail Kurbatov, who, despite the ban, sounded on the First Channel, walked with the adviser to the Minister of Communications Mikhail Leshchenko on night clubs and fashionable restaurants - apparently continuing to discuss at the resort the privatization of "Svyazinvest concept ", started in Moscow . "Brainstorming" was so great that, in caustic mass media reports, "pretty tipsy officials emptied the contents of the stomach directly to the rental car." So to hush up the scandal friendly couple had to pay a hefty amount to local car Rental Company, and to Russian sites that have written about this story, but later withdrew these materials. Gradually, information about this was "tipped" on the Internet.


However, newspapers have not reached the unofficial talk that a state official just gone back to where he "was taking." Then it turned out that "Courchevel touring" of the young official was not a mistake: he liked to live beautifully. Wedding Mikhail Kurbatov in a big way (as usual for the officials) celebrated in the holiday home of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade - you can guess, at whose expense.

Moskvu-post, 03.01.2013


... But very few people notice the spoon of tar in a barrel of fanfare - many production and management successes of Mikhail Kurbatov, to put it mildly, are exaggerated. In "Holding IDGC" he allegedly made the rules of commercial accounting, but really just took acting holding requirements and dragged as his. At the same time Mikhail Kurbatov, adept in handling, made everything for the removing the General Director Nikolay Shvets from his post. He ran to the then leadership of the industry with the references of which he had a bad CEO. Mikhail Kurbatov just led (and leads) the privatization project of the country's grid complex and Nikolay Shvets prevented him with various unpleasant questions. What is the meaning of privatization, in fact, the ridge of reliability in energy and completely monopolistic activity, which depends directly on energy security and a safety of life of our people, who can be a buyer, how will change the prices of electricity after the sale of such a monopoly to private investors, etc. - Mikhail Kurbatov had no answers on these questions. So we had to take a banal intrigue, where he succeeded.

Considering the success of the project of Mikhail Kurbatov for the removal from the post of his direct head Nikolai Shvets, today's management needs to glance carefully at such a substituent. Especially because he did not get rid of the habit of running to the main supervisor to inform on the direct. In the meetings, which take place in the Ministry of Energy, for example, the name of Mr. Novak does not sound in the mouth of Kurbatov. Sounding phrases are: "I talked with Dvorkovich," "I agreed with Medvedev," "Medvedev gave me a direct order," etc. Apparently, our hero really is going to become the youngest minister of energy in the history.

Mikhail Kurbatov builds on the success of work in IDGC Holding, breaking bonuses for executives, leaving the Ministry of Energy. Press have written very vividly that company's top managers have taken with a "golden parachutes", leaving the company: in the first half of 2012, they doubled the payment for beloved themselves, spending bonuses to 1.9 billion rubles instead of 809 million rubles for the same six months last year. What was the reason of such consumption on leaving the company executives, "IDGC Holding" did not comment.

... And as for his work in IDGC Holding, it is very interested by law enforcement authorities. Not so long ago, searches took place on the relationship of the same company "Karana" and IDGC Holding. The Deputy General Director of IDGC Holding Mikhail Kurbatov just oversaw a number of consulting contracts with the company "Karana", totaling 534 million rubles. As usual, the consulting has been made on the issues that were in the direct duties of Mikhail Kurbatov, and had to be carried out free of charge, as the salary was paid for it. Accordingly, the law enforcement authorities reasonably suspect that the data of the contract are bogus. Especially that part of the funds, according to the Federal Financial Monitoring Service at the Central Federal District, under these contracts was transferred to offshore companies as the payment for subcontractor’s services (it is interesting what subcontractors are there in offshore jurisdictions). A part of the funds was paid to employees of KARANA in the form of bonuses and withdraw in cash from their bank accounts.

Searches in the investigation of this episode took place in the executive office of IDGC Holding, and in a country cottage of Mikhail Kurbatov on Rublevo-Uspensky highway. Currently, a bidder for ministers is making an incredible effort to hush up this story. Rumor has it that he even offers himself as an agent-informant of competent entities, if only the investigation of departed from IDGC Holding's 6 to "Karan" 534 million rubles would come to naught.

"Ruspres" 02/01/2013


Immediately after joining the ministry Kurbatov began working on his own enrichment. He developed a technique called RAB-regulation (from the English RAB - return on asset base). As a result, electricity tariffs have tripled in three years. The grid owners were very grateful to Kurbatov. The fact, that the official income is much higher than the official salary following facts - a regular holiday in Courchevel, wedding in the estate Voronovo near Moscow (architectural monument), accommodation in a cottage on the ruble, possession of an extensive collection of designer Italian shoes, where one pair is worth several thousand euros and more.

But these are, so to speak, all indirect signs. Thanks to ICIJ investigation appeared more than real evidence of business activity of the deputy minister. The beneficiary of the Cyprus offshore ATRACODE MANAGEMENTLIMITED is incumbent state servant Mikhail Kurbatov.

... Of course, this information is not available in any declaration of income of Mikhail Kurbatov. One would assume that the company is not operating, and acquired in order to be easier to obtain visas, or to buy a house for his beloved mother in law (deputies and officials like to excuse in such a way, at whom journalists have found undeclared offshores). But not only in this case.

It has been documentary confirmed that in 2011 the company "Bryanskenergosbyt", part of the infamous holding “Energostrakh”, transferred to the account of ATRACODE MANAGEMENT in Cypriot bank Hellenic  46 million rubles.

Recall that the controlling shareholders of Energostrakh Holding, transferred 46 million rubles on the account of an offshore company Kurbatov, father and son Shandalov have long been associated with Kurbatov. His first job, before the Ministry, was "Alfa-Integrator" - one hundred percent "daughter" of GC "Optima" of Shandalov.

That GC "Optima" has received billions of dollars in contracts for the construction of substations and for the provision of IT services to network companies at a time when Mikhail Kurbatov served as Deputy General Director of IDGC Holding on Strategy and IT in the period 2010-2012. ...

In addition to the offshore company as journalists ICIJ found an account on the name of Mikhail Kurbatov in Cyprus Popular Bank Public Co Ltd (it was absorbed by Bank of Cyprus in the framework of the reorganization of the banking system of Cyprus).

On this account, according to the statement, provided by informants of consortium of journalists, in February 2013 were nearly 12 million euros.

Paritet - Press, 6/28/2013

There is a weighty folder with documents about the debts of the holding "Energostream" on the desktop of the Deputy Energy Minister Mikhail Kurbatov. Talking to the Forbes reporter about distressed sellers of electricity, the official does not hide the irritation. Not only that on the proceedings with "Energostream" he spent more than a year because of the participation in the elimination of holding, his picture adorned at online for several months, and a weight of articles with colorful details of his personal and professional life were appeared in the internet. ...

While lenders are fighting for their money, companies of "Energostream" are separately transferring to the new owners. Among those who are interested in pieces of the collapsed empire are the RZHD structures, "Inter RAO" and billionaire Mikhail Gutseriev.

Forbes, 07.10.2013


Also ran a young, budding, and not a doctor, as some would think, but a former Deputy Energy Minister Mikhail Kurbatov. Very recently the former. "Google" help says: "until September 2013 - Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation." The probable reason for the resignation was called a fatigue and frustration of Kurbatov in a ministerial work, because, according to "Kommersant" newspaper, before retiring deputy was reading the official letters to three in the morning, but - a short rest, and a former official, now an ordinary citizen, found the strength, lifted the torch and ran. A real patriot.

JLOB, 10/07/2013


Kudepstinskaya TPP has become one of the most controversial unfinished Olympics objects, and certainly the most problematic energy object of Games, says former Deputy Energy Minister Mikhail Kurbatov, who oversaw its construction. By the time, the building was under his supervision, owners changed, place of deployment and the project itself changed also.

Just three days after his appointment as deputy minister Kurbatov went to Kudepsta - already then the construction caused a storm of protests from local residents. They have written a bunch of petitions, they blocked the road, organized the clock camp around the construction site. Some activists really threw themselves under the tractor.

Kurbatov himself, when he came to the place of the audit, was almost beaten.

Forbes, 02.04.2014


Former Deputy Energy Minister Mikhail Kurbatov April 11 became a member of the board of the Joint Stock Company Freight One (FCC), according to the materials of the railway operator. Kurbatov will be in charge in the FCC on relations with state authorities, said his friend.

... Freight belongs to the structures of Vladimir Lisin. Revenue of a railway operator for 2013 on RAS decreased by 13% to 103.6 billion rubles, net profit - 3 times to 12.6 billion rubles.

Vedomosti, 05.06.2014


Deputy General Director of OJSC "Freight One" (FCC) Mikhail Kurbatov entered the list of candidates, proposed for election to the board of directors of "Transneft" board as an independent director. The text of the document is published in the Federal Property Management Agency website.

Vedomosti, 02.12.2014


The Government Commission on Transport, headed by Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, approved the decision on the appointment of Ilya Yuzhanov as the Chairman of the Board of consumers of OJSC "Russian Railways", it said in a statement on the website of Russian Federation.


In addition to I. Yuzhanov, according to sources of "Interfax", for the presidency of the Council of consumers also claimed the deputy head of "Basic Element" Vadim Geraskin, co-owner of "Neftetransservis" Alexey Lichtenfeld, the former CEO of the "daughter" of Railways - JSC "Federal Freight" - Vitali Evdokimenko, Deputy General Director of mergers, acquisitions and development of JSC "Freight One" Mikhail Kurbatov, Advisor of the General Director of PJSC "Severstal" Sergei Naryshkin and Chairman of the "Union of passengers" Kirill Yankov.

"Interfax", 27.01.2016

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