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Gutseriev Mikhael (Mikail) Safarbekovich

23.02.2018 22:42
Gutseriev Mikhael (Mikail) Safarbekovich




Born March 9, 1958 in Tselinograd, Kazakh SSR. In 1961 the Gutseriev family moved to Grozny. In 1975 he graduated from high school and began working as a loader. In 1976 he went to Kazakhstan and entered the evening division of Zhambyl Technological Institute of Light Industry. Along with his studies at the university Gutseriyev he worked as adjuster, and after - a master plant at Zhambyl factory of folk crafts.

In 1982, he graduated from the institute, returned to Grozny. From 1982 to 1988 worked at the Grozny industrial association of Ministry of Regional Industry of RSFSR, where he held the posts of engineer, head of production and technical department, production manager, chief engineer and director general.

In 1988, Gutseriyev created the first Soviet-Italian joint venture in the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous - a furniture factory Chiital, as well as one of the first cooperative banks in the USSR. In 1991 he was elected chairman of the Association of Entrepreneurs of the Chechen-Ingush ASSR.

In 1992 he created the industrial-financial company BIN (Bank for Investment and Novation). Since 1993 became president of Joint-Stock Commercial Bank "BIN", and since 1994 - president of the consortium "BIN", which unites various industrial enterprises and financial institutions.

In November 1994 he was appointed by the Government of Russia the head of administration of Russia's first Favourable Economic Zone "Ingushetia".

In December 1995 he was elected to the State Duma. In the State Duma he entered the LDPR faction. On January 18, 1996 he was appointed deputy chairman of the lower house of parliament from the LDPR. In December 1999, was re-elected to the Duma.

On January 14, 2000 Gutseriyev became president of the state of Russian-Belarusian company «Slavneft». In May 2002, at a general meeting of shareholders Slavneft he was released early from the post of head of the company. In September 2002, he founded and headed the oil and gas company «RussNeft». Since 2004, «RussNeft» has been among the ten largest oil companies in the country.

During the terror attack on September 1-3, 2004 in Beslan Gutseriev was involved in operational staff to negotiate with terrorists, as he had been holding in great respect in the North Caucasus.

In 2005, Gutseriev acquired 50 % shares of JSC "Russian coal".

According to magazine Forbes, by 2006 the fortune of Gutseriev was estimated at 2.7 billion dollars. According to the magazine, Gutseriev held the 28th place in the list of the richest people of Russia.

On July 30, 2007 Gutseriyev voluntarily resigned as president of the oil company «Russneft».

According to the magazine "Finance", in February 2008 Gutseriev's fortune amounted to $ 4 billion. In April 2009, the fortune of Gutseriev was estimated at 1.2 billion pounds.

Gutseriyev is a Candidate of Legal Sciences, Doctor of Economic Sciences (in the 1990's he finished the graduate school of the St. Petersburg Law University, and then a Doctorate of the Russian Economic Academy named after G.V. Plekhanov). He is an author of five books, and a series of scientific publications on the development of free economic zones and offshore business in Russia.

He was awarded several state awards; founded several charitable and community organizations.

Married, has a son and a daughter. On August 22, 2007 became known about the death of one of the sons of the businessman - Chingiz (Genghis Khan) Gutseriev, who had been involved in traffic accident in Moscow. from 26.02.2010





The press wrote that in 2002 Mikhail Gutseriev conducted a "power seizure" of Slavneft.

As reported, in May 2002 he was released from the position of head of the company at the general meeting of shareholders of «Slavneft» (Ministry of Property relations owned 55.27% shares, RFFI - 19,68%, Byelorussia - 10,8%, Tyumen Oil Company - 12,58%) . Then there were two pretenders to the presidency formed in Slavneft. The first one was Yuri Sukhanov, who was elected at the shareholders meeting on May 13, 2002, and, as they wrote in the press with reference to unofficial information, he was also promoted by lobbyists of «Sibneft» (he worked there), and of the "Family". The second one was Anatoly Baranovsky, he had been appointed to the post of Acting President in “Slavneft» by Mikhail Gutseriev before his dismissal. according to unofficial information as well, Baranowski was supported by one of the owners of Mezhprombank (International Industrial bank), and by a contender for “Slavneft» - Tuvan senator Sergey Pugachev.
"Money» № 26 (381) from 10.07.2002


In May 2002, as the press reported, Anatoly Baranovsky appeared in «Slavneft», as well as deputy manager of Mezhprombank Alexander Gnusarev, and their bodyguards and staff of the agency «International Security", which protected Mejprombank. It was reported that they were accompanied by three dozen of the police officers. Visitors laid claim for business administration, citing the decision of the Ordzhonikidze district court in Ufa, which rendered the election of Sukhanov illegal. In Slavneft they showed another document - a resolution by the Dorogomilovsky district court of Moscow, according ti which Sukhanov was not to be impeded in the performance of his new responsibilities. Then, as they wrote in the press, a warning sounded from a speakerphone that one of the premises Slavneft had been planted an explosive device. The building was emptied. As soon as they confirmed, that there was no any explosive device, representatives of Sukhanov returned. from 27.05.2002


On June 27, 2002 Mikhail Gutseriev appeared in «Slavneft»f. They wrote that it happened under strange circumstances: Gutseriev was summoned for interrogation, which somehow was to be held in the building of Slavneft. According to the press, he went into his office, accompanied by the investigator, then Gutseriev ordered to change the protection to the company under his control "BIN-protection", and to expel Yuri Sukhanov from the building. It was reported that Gutseriyev stayed in the director's chair for one day, after which he never appeared at work again. A vacant post was again occupied by Yuri Sukhanov. However, the press reported that Sukhanov's accession was led by guards and police.
"Money» № 26 (381) from 10.07.2002


A criminal case was initiated upon the capture of “Slavneft», which had no sequel, according to press reports,. 04.09.2002


Experts associated the resignation of Gutseriev from the post of the head of «Slavneft» with several factors. They talked about his attempts to redistribute income in favor of the company's partners in the North Caucasus. According to another information, the decision to withdraw Gutseriev was affected by the presidential election in Ingushetia, in which he supported his elder brother Khamzat Gutseriev, former Interior Minister of Ingushetia. Meanwhile, the Federal Center wanted to have FSB general Murat Zyazikov on post of the head of Republic. Some felt that Gutseriev got in the way of «Sibneft», which needed to gain control over «Slavneft» on the eve of its privatization. Others linked the resignation Gutseriev with the fact that he had been involved in a complex game between the oligarchs Sergei Pugachev, and Roman Abramovich.
"Time of news" from 19.11.2002, "Novaya Gazeta" on 08.04.2002, "Power» № 19 (572) from 17.05.2004


According to press reports, Mikhail Gutseriev was accused of two criminal offenses: illegal business activities and money laundering.

It was reported that in the fall of 2006 a case was brought against the leadership of subsidiaries «RussNeft», «Nafta-Ulyanovsk", and "Ulyanovskneft». According to investigators, in 2003-2005 they had violated the license agreement, and extracted oil in excess of the norm. The damage from the activities of "Nafta-Ulyanovsk» totaled 700 million rubles,while of " Ulyanovskneft "- about 2 billion rubles.

In February 2007, Gutseriev was presented the first charge of "tax evasion in especially large scale" (Article 199 of the Criminal Code). On May 14, 2007 it became known that the Investigation Committee of the Russian Interior Ministry filed the second accusation against Gutseriev - of the "illegal business activities involving the extraction of income in a large scale" (items "a" and "b" of Part 2 of Article 171 of the Criminal Code). The same day the charges for the same article were presented against the companions of Gutseriev: Director General of JSC "Ulyanovskneft», Viktor Kurochkin, and General Director of «Nafta-Ulyanovsk" Igor Elansky, and vice-president of “Russneft» Sergei Bahir.
Vedomosti № 86 (1860) 15.05.2007


As reported, on July 30, 2007 Gutseriyev voluntarily resigned as president of the oil company «Russneft». The Board of Directors appointed Oleg Gordeev, the senior vice president of «Russneft» to be its acting president.
Prime-Tass 30.07.2007


Media reported that, according to some reports, the same day a deal for selling «Russneft» to the holding company “Basic Element” by Oleg Deripaska was to be held. Gutseriev was supposed to receive from 3 to 3.3 billion dollars for quitting the oil business, and the criminal case against him should have been terminated.
"Kommersant» № 133 (3709) on 30.07.2007


On September 5, 2007 the court upheld the arrest of 100 % shares of «Russneft», deals with company's securities were banned.
Regnum from 05.09.2007


In August 2007, Gutseriev was declared on the federal wanted list (he violated the travel ban and disappeared in London, according to some reports), the court authorized his arrest.
Vedomosti № 161 (1935) on 29.08.2007


Despite the arrest of shares of «Russneft», in the mid of November 2007 the press stated of the head of "Basic Element» Gulzhan Moldazhanov; according to him, «RussNeft» no longer belonged to Gutseriyev.
"Kommersant» № 222 (3798) on 03.12.2007


In April 2008, the Investigation Committee announced the dismissal of the investigation proceedings against Gutseriev. It was reported that Russia tried to extradite the businessman from Great Britain, and Gutseriyev was wanted by Interpol.
Source RIA Novosti on 02.04.2008 and on 03.04.2008


The press wrote that in December 2008 Viktor Kurochkin was found guilty of committing a crime under Art. 171 of the Criminal Code, and sentenced to two years of imprisonment suspended. Later on Igor Elansky was sentenced exactly as Kurochkin. He also cleared with a conditional term and a fine. The case against Sergei Bahir was suspended because of the search of the defendant.
RosBalt "from 24.02.2010


According to the press, in 2009, lawyers Gutseriev managed to declare invalid a significant part of tax claims in the Supreme Arbitration Court of Russia. Then the businessman was withdrown of the charges of tax evasion on a large scale, only the charge of illegal business was left.
Interfax on 28.10.2009


On October 27, 2009 security measure for Gutseriev was suddenly from absentee arrest to recognizance not to leave, which meant, in particular, a withdrawing of international arrest warrants.
RIA Novosti on 27.10.2009


According to media reports, on October 28 the London District Court at the request of Russian authorities withdrew an arrest warrant for Gutseriev. In mid-November Interpol excluded him from the international wanted list.
RIA Novosti on 11.11.2009


On January 4, 2010 information appeared in press reports that representatives of Deripaska handed back 100 percent stake in «Russneft» under control of Gutseriev. According to some reports, Gutseriyev paid $ 600 million for them, according to others - the transaction cost nothing to him, since earlier Deripaska had made debts of his companies over to «RussNeft».
Source Vedomosti on 04/01/2010, Kommersant »? 1 (4301) on 11.01.2010


In February 2010 it became known that in addition to charges of illegal business Gutseriev was accused also of money laundering (Article 174 of ca. Part 4). According to investigators, the proceeds from illicit business (oil extracted in excess of the quota) had been "laundered" and pulled overseas.
Vedomosti № 32 (2550) 25.02.2010


According to experts' opinion given in the press, Gutseriyev could have become a defendant in a criminal case due to the fact that rejected a proposal to sell his company to one of the state structures. Businessman was reportedly not satisfied with the offered price - $ 1 billion, he called it "ludicrous." In addition, the authorities could have claimed against Gutseriev after his company had bought the assets of Yukos on the eve of its bankruptcy. The press also expressed a view that the problems of the businessman started as he had been supporting Ingush politicians opposing to the President of the Republic, FSB General Murat Zyazikov.
Source Vedomosti № 86 (1860) on 15.05.2007, from 15.05.2007


The decision of the preventive measure change for Gutseriev coincided with the increasing number of talks in political circles in the North Caucasus of the desire of the president of Ingushetia, Yunus-Bek Evkurov to involve people of a serious influence around the region in the changing situation of the republic. In the press is an indication that such a decision the Interior Ministry has . One of those people was Maksharip Aushev; he had led an opposition movement during the presidency of Murat Zyazikov, fully supported Yunus-Bek Evkurov, and was killed. Sources of some journalists believe that the influence of Gutseriev in Ingushetia remains very high, and his cooperation with Evkurov could seriously help the president of the republic.
RosBalt from 24.02.2010

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