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Mirilashvili Mikhael Mihaylovich

23.02.2018 22:42
Mirilashvili Mikhael Mihaylovich



Mirilashvili was born on May 1, 1960 in settlement Kulashi of Samtredsky area, the Georgian SSR. Georgian Jews historically lived near the town of Samtredia. In 1977 he moved to Leningrad, where he entered Leningrad Institute of Pediatrics. In the student years he was close to the group of Vladimir Feoktistov ("Feka"), considered as one of the founders of organized crime in Leningrad. During the trial of Feoktistov in 1981 Mirilashvili was interrogated on an episode about drawing of physical injuries. Since 1980 he engaged in business. By the time of arrest together with his brother Gabriel Mirilashvili (Konstantin Mireli, 1961) owned a large mall of St. Petersburg "Gostiniy dvor". Also he was co-owner of the company "Russian Video". He was one of the sponsors of the election campaign of the "Democratic Russia" party leader. In 2003 he was the president of corporation "Conti", consisting of six casinos, he was chairman of the board of directors of holding "Petromir ", he was a member of management of the company "Lukoil-North-West-petroleum". He owned a part in the St. Petersburg branch of "Soyuzkontrakt". assessed his revenue in $40 million. Since 1995 Mirilashvili has a dual citizenship - Russia and Israel. Patron, a member of presidium of the Russian Jewish Congress.

Mikhael Mirilashvili is married and has full age daughter and the son. His family controls the large gambling holding of St.-Petersburg "Conti Group" (casino "Conti", "Palace", "Astoria", "Indiana", "Nevada", a concert hall "Giant-Hall", cabaret "Olympia", theater-cabaret "Astoria" restaurant "Colchis", Jewish restaurant "7.40", and chain of slot machines "jackpot"). Brothers of Mirilashvili in common owned more than 20 companies (as of 2003).

Son of Mikhael Mirilashvili - Vyacheslav (Itskhak) Mirilashvili (1984) and other family members were registered as founders of the company that owns one of the most visited sites in runet On February 1, 2008 the site was owned by offshore Doraview Limited, registered in the British Virgin Islands. The official owner of the project is a businessman Yuri Milner.
Source: "Wikipedia"




Journalists have become seriously interested in Mikhael Mirilashvili and members of his family in connection with kidnap of Mikhael Mirilashvili, father of Mikhael and Konstantin Mirilashvili.

Mirilashvili Senior was kidnaped in August 2000 on one of the main highways of St.-Petersburg - Vyborg embankment. He went with driver-bodyguard Vladimir Kogan in a car Lexus 300 (the car is written down on the some TOO "Genus" on which general director Mirilashvili is registered). At 10.15, when the car passed the house #43, two young men in the form of traffic police employees stopped it. They said to Kogan that they wanted to check the car’s documents and invited him into their car. There they aimed the gun on him and the car drove off. Nevertheless Kogan saw how two persons sat down into the car where Mirilashvili was and Lexus immediately moved.

Having passed a few hundred meters, the fake traffic cops threw out Kogan from the car and he immediately ran to the nearest police station.

A few days later Mikhail Mirilashvili Sr. was safely released, moreover there was no information that any claims had been filed or demands had been made to him.
Source: Newspaper "Kommersant" № 145 (2030) 09.08.2000

With reference to police sources journalists reported that brothers Mirilashvili paid a large redemption of captive. After paying the money brothers Mirilashvili considered a point of honor to find kidnappers and they succeeded. Having detained the thieves, employees of security service managed the get them to talk and as a result they caught one of prospective customers of abduction - a Georgian "thief-in-law" Gochi Tsagareshvili. On September, 8th, 2000 he together with his girlfriend and the driver was killed near hotel "Astoria" at Isaakievsky square. It is remarkable that at this moment in "Astoria" an international "round table" concerning investments took place in which Mikhail Mirilashvili Jr. participated.
Source: Newspaper «Kommersant» № 17 (2147) from 2/1/2001

It became known in January 2001 about the interest of police in Mikhail Mirilashvili in connection with capture in hostages of his father and also the following execution of two Georgian criminal "authorities" at the hotel "Astoria". Mirilashvili was arrested, and thus journalists paid attention to the interesting point: arrest happened when the businessman returned from Israel as a part of delegation headed by the president of the country Moshe Katsav. Also it was informed that after arrest of Vladimir Gusinsky in Spain Mikhail Mirilashvili had quite good chances to hold a presidential post instead of him in Russian branch of the World Jewish congress.
Source: Newspaper «Kommersant» № 12 (2142) from 1/25/2001

In a few days an accusation to Mikhail Mirilashvili was brought of the organization of abduction of two persons involved in kidnapping of his father. Besides, police detained some assistants to the businessman responsible for safety of his firms.
Source: Newspaper «Kommersant» № 17 (2147) from 2/1/2001

Meanwhile, the press took an interest in Konstantin Mirilashvili in connection with the basketball club "Spartak" scandals. The reason of the scandal was the possible resignation of the head coach of a team Dmitry Tumanov because of financial infringements.

In this connection it was informed that dismissal of the coach is a prerogative of council of "Spartak". Council included the president of club vice-governor Valery Malyshev, the president of city federation of basketball Vladimir Shitarev and the head of company "Euroservice" Konstantin Mirilashvili.

Among the persons involved in crisis of "Spartak" there was also the correspondent of the newspaper “Smena” of Boris Hodorovsky who was also press attache of "Spartak". Boris Hodorovsky was Konstantin Mirilashvili's main adviser. The director of "Spartak" Nikolay Vashchilin supporting Tumanov’s dismissal considered that many decisions concerning invitations of players and expenditure of means (the club budget is about $1 million) were imposed to Konstantin Mirilashvili by Mr. Hodorovsky, and the majority of them appeared erroneous.
Source: Newspaper "Kommersant-SPb" № 61 (2191) from 4/6/2001

Mikhail Mirilashvili's arrest gave a new push to one more wide-known criminal case of the end of 90s — case of "Russian video”.

In 1999 the story with assignation of the Federal state unitary enterprise (FSUE) "Russian video" to OOO "Russian video-11th channel" controlled by "Media bridge" came into the view of the Office of Public Prosecutor investigating the case about abusing of former director of FSUE Rozhdestvensky. According to the investigation, FSUE together with two front structures of "Media bridges" founded OOO "Russian video-11th channel" which at active participation of Mister Rozhdestvensky got actives belonging to FSUE: the license for broadcasting and the transmitter of 11th television channel, the real estate, and also the rights to a video production (serials "Santa Barbara" and "Streets of the broken lanterns") — in total sum $10 million. It finally led to bankruptcy of FSUE "Russian video" which was quite succeeding enterprise. In June, 2000 in the case there was the first accused, the head of "Media bridge" Vladimir Gusinsky whose old business partner was Mikhail Mirilashvili occupying a post of the chairman of board of directors of OOO «Russian video-11th channel». And Dmitry Rozhdestvensky was not charged: he was a target of the investigation about insignificant plunders.
Source: Newspaper «Kommersant» № 103/P (2233) from 6/18/2001

In the end of 2001 the Office of Public Prosecutor of Petersburg brought new accusation to Mikhail Mirilashvili. To the organisation of abduction of two persons, on charge in which the businessman was arrested in January of this year the organisation of murder of kidnapped persons was added.

According to the message of Office of Public Prosecutor Mikhail Mirilashvili was accused of the organisation of abduction and the subsequent murder (for the purpose of abduction concealment) of two persons – purse thieves – of the Georgian origin Rostom Dvali and Koba Kakushadze. On the versions of the investigation, the first of them was the relative to "authority" Badri Dvali who was a member of the criminal group which organized abduction of the father of the businessman – Mikhail Gabrielovich Mirilashvili in August of last year. According to the case details, Mirilashvili-junior ordered the security service to find thieves and as a result both purse thieves were delivered to the office of the concern "Petromir". There under tortures they told the co-ordinates of thieves of Mirilashvili-senior, then after his release they were taken out to the sandlot killed.
Source: Newspaper "Kommersant-SPb" № 185 (2315) from 10/10/2001

Later it became known that Mirilashvili family interfered to St.Petersburg Public Prosecutor's Office. In particular, the matter was a criminal case brought to the son of the assistant to the public prosecutor of Petersburg Boris Salmaksov who supervised business of Mirilashvili. The point was that defenders of Mirilashvili accused Salmaksov-junior that he had ostensibly extorted from them a large sum of money «under the father». The State Office of Public Prosecutor stopped the criminal case brought in relation to Salmaksov-junior concerning swindle because of the absence of event of a crime.
Source: Newspaper «Kommersant-SPb» № 31 (2400) from 2/21/2002

In April, 2002 the Minister of Justice of Russia Jury Chaika discharged Vladimir Spitsnadel from the post of the Chief of Main Directorate of Administaring Punishment of Ministry of Justice in St.-Petersburg and Leningradskaya region. The high-ranking sources in Ministry of Justice regarded resignation as Jury Chaika's protective reaction to pressure of the Presidential administration lobbying appointment of Mr. Spitsnadel as the chief of MADP of Russia. In this connection the facts of relations between Spitsnadel and Mirilashvili became known. Journalists wrote in particular that Spitsnadel allowed transferring Mikhail Mirilashvili from Kresty prison to the prison hospital. Visiting of the prison Gaaz hospital by Ludmila Narusova resolved by Mr. Spitsnadel in the beginning of March became the last drop.
Source: Newspaper «Kommersant-SPb» № 63 (2432) from 4/11/2002

In May 2002, the scandal with basketball club "Spartak" continued. Employees of criminal investigation department detained the former general director of OOO "Basketball club Spartak" Valery Zaharov who in federal wanted list on charge in large swindle for two years. According to the investigation, Mr. Zaharov stole the money given by sponsors to the well-known club.

The former senior engineer of aviation enterprise "Pulkovo" Valery Zaharov was appointed as the general director of OOO "Spartak" exactly after its creation in 1997. OOO was created at the initiative of the president of Petersburg federation of basketball, the chief of city tax police George Poltavchenko (nowadays — the plenipotentiary of the president in the Central region). The structure of founders of club under the insisting of Mr. Poltavchenko included aviation enterprise "Pulkovo" which for the next two years was the core and almost the unique official sponsor of the club. In 1999 "Pulkovo" left the structure of founders of OOO, and the rights to club passed to other legal body — to the noncommercial partnership concern "Euroservice" belonging to businessman Konstantin Mirilashvili. Right after that a criminal case about swindle was raised concerning heads of old administration, the director and the accountant of OOO.
Source: Newspaper «Kommersant» № 82 (2451) from 5/17/2002

In August 2003, the court of Leningrad military district announced a sentence to businessman Mikhail Mirilashvili and seven of his assistants. The businessman was recognized as guilty of the organisation of abduction of two persons. The majority of his accomplices were justified.
Source: Newspaper «Kommersant» № 136 (2739) from 8/2/2003

In October, 2003 journalists wrote about Mirilashvili in connection with attempt of share dilution of banking house "St.-Petersburg" in OAO "Plastpolimer" in favor to “Petromir” belonging to Mirilashvili. It was a question that OAO "Plastpolimer" started placing shares on the closed subscription in favor of structures of holding "Petromir" headed by businessman Mikhail Mirilashvili. In case of successful issue of "Petromir" will increase the share holding of the enterprise to 80 %, and the shares of management and banking house "St.-Petersburg" will be diluted.

The companies connected with holding "Petromir" already owned a controlling interest of "Plastpolimer" (about 65 %). Another 7.5 % belonged to ZAO "Banking house St.-Petersburg", other shares — to management and employees of the enterprise (in total about 2 thousand shareholders). The control over a chemical plant got to Mikhail Mirilashvili's structures as a result of procedure of bankruptcy of "Plastpolimer" in 2000-2001 which came to the end with the agreement of lawsuit. The plan of external management was approved in October, 2000. Then also it became known that the enterprise controlling interest is consolidated by holding "Petromir".

In the summer of 2003 the meeting of shareholders in which about 73 % shareholders participated made the decision on additional issue. It is curious that at meeting 12 % of participating shareholders voted against the in favor of "Petromir".
Source: Newspaper «Kommersant-SPb» № 192 (2795) from 10/21/2003

The military board of the Supreme court cut the imprisonment term for Mikhail Mirilashvili to 8 years.
Source: Newspaper «Kommersant-SPb» № 204 (2807) from 11/6/2003

In May, 2004 the city court of St.-Petersburg announced a sentence on the case of murder of the "thief-in-law" Gochi Tsagareshvili, his wife Liana Anguladze and the security guard near hotel "Astoria" in September, 2000. Three Azerbaijani were recognized guilty. The customer of murder was not identified. From case details it followed only Gochi came to the place of murder, to "Astoria", after Mikhail Mirilashvili's invitation.
Source: Newspaper «Kommersant-SPb» № 89 (2928) from 5/20/2004

Troubles of criminal character at company "Eurostroy" belonging to Konstantin Mirilashvili began in summer of 2004. In particular, the seizure of documents within the investigation of criminal case upon deliberate bankruptcy of OAO "Olymsky sugar factory" (Kursk region) was made.

In 2000 the control over OAO "Olymsky sugar factory" was got by "Euroservice" company. Then ZAO "Olymsky sugar factory" was registered where all contracts with suppliers of a beet and the staff were transferred. From that moment economic activities were f conducted on behalf of ZAO. As a result OAO it was recognized as insolvent and bankrupt. Territorial branch of FSFO in Kursk region drew the conclusion about the facts of deliberate bankruptcy of OAO "Olymsky sugar factory". The investigatory committee at the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Central Federal Region initiated a criminal case upon bankruptcy of the factory within the signs of a crime according to article 195 of the criminal code of Russian Federation.
Source: Kommersant (Voronezh) № 136 (2975) from 7/28/2004

A bit later it became known about serious claims from a territorial administration of Federal antimonopoly service (FAS) in Moscow to the government of Moscow. An investigation subject was an out-of-competition transfer of all rights to the organization of new payment system of auto parking given by the capital mayoralty to OAO "Parksim". Journalists found out that the general director of "Parksim" Herman Goglichidze is working in the same office as a management of a network of slot machines "Jack Pot". And Mr. Goglichidze as it was explained in his office, heads this game network as well. In this connection press wrote that the actual owner of "Jack Pot" is Mikhail Mirilashvili.
Source: Newspaper «Kommersant» № 187 (3026) from 10/7/2004

In February, 2005 it became known that the Office of Public Prosecutor of Petersburg stopped criminal prosecution of the president of holding "Euroservice" Konstantin Mirilashvili. The businessman was in the international wanted list on charge in the organisation of abduction and murder of two persons — those Dvali and Kakushadze. Konstantin Mirilashvili's criminal prosecution was stopped on the basis of article 24 of Russian CCУПК “in the absence of crime”.
Source: Newspaper «Kommersant» № 27 (3111) from 2/16/2005

Later journalists paid attention that Konstantin Mirilashvili's criminal prosecution was stopped by the assistant to the public prosecutor of Petersburg Alexander Konovalov. It was recollected in connection with his appointment to the post of the public prosecutor of Bashkiria.

Thus journalists paid attention that, according to an official site of corporation "Euroservice", two sugar factories of corporation "Euroservice" — Raevsky and Karlamansky are located just on territories of Bashkiria, whose Office of Public Prosecutor was headed by Mr. Konovalov since yesterday.
Source: Newspaper «Kommersant-SPb» № 34 (3118) from 2/26/2005

In city court of Petersburg process started on charge of four employees of Nevsky Department of internal affairs in abduction of businessman Tornike Tsartsidze and invention of criminal case against him. Evidences of Mr. Tsartsidze were used to put Mikhail Mirilashvili to prison.

By the version of the Office of Public Prosecutor, case for Tsartsidze was invented to discredit him in the opinion of the Supreme court and thus to achieve sentence revision of another case — businessman Mikhail Mirilashvili.
Source: Newspaper «Kommersant» № 178 (3262) from 9/22/2005

The city court of St.Petersburg delivered a verdict of "not guilty" to these four policemen.
Source: Newspaper «Kommersant-SPb» № 53 (3384) from 3/28/2006

In the end of 2006 the chairman of board of «Meat corporation Euroservice» Igor Kofman declared that "Euroservice" was going to arrange IPO in the first half of 2007. For achievement of the ambitious purpose the new management team was created: the post of the general director of "Euroservice" was held by the former general director of "Rusagro" Marina Golovanova, and the sugar company which was a part of the holding was headed by the former financial director of "Sugar company Clear up» Andrey Kornyushenko.

However already after New Year's holidays it became clear that IPO of "Euroservice", most likely, would not take place. In the end of January Golovanova, Kornyushenko and some other managers of financial and legal departments retired at once.

According to the same source, condition of IPO arrangement was a business transparency, and Mirilashvili was not ready for that.
Source: Magazine «Firm Secret» № 50 (233) from 12/24/2007

In the summer of 2008 it became known about acquisition by companies "Sevzaptruboprovodstroy" and "Neftegazmontazhservice" which bought 100 % of OAO "Group of companies "Euroservice". Buyers were the structures close to "Gazprom". And the transaction reason - too big debts of "Euroservice". In particular it was informed that in December, 2007 "Euroservice" admitted a technical default on repayment of bonds of affiliated "Meat corporation Euroservice" for 1,5 billion rubles.
Source: Newspaper «Kommersant» № 135/P (3952) from 8/4/2008

Later it became known that the group of companies "Euroservice" declaring large cattle-breeding projects in Kursk and Orel regions sold the actives. The possible owner of sugar and agrarian-grain business was the holding "Prodimeks” which possesses an option for the repayment of 51 % of "Euroservice" within three years. A few participants of the market apply at once for the second part of business of "Meat corporation Euroservice".
Source: Kommersant (Voronezh) № 147 (3964) from 8/20/2008

Problems of Group "Euroservice" in connection with its huge credits appeared in the summer of 2008. The basic owner Konstantin Mirilashvili obtained citizenship of Israel, changed a surname to Mirelli and emigrated. And in the beginning of September Federal Agency of court enforcement officers in St.-Petersburg began enforcement proceedings for collecting taxes at the expense of property of the debtor regarding head company "Euroservice", the importer and the manufacturer of sugar and meat. Corporation "Euroservice" debt was $700 million, about $360 million of them – to Rosselhozbank.
Source: Kommersant (Voronezh) № 24 (4079) from 2/11/2009

On October, 19th, 2007 in Petersburg the former co-owner of TC "Perinnye Ryady" Arthur Pshihachev was killed. Anatoly Krahmal, the business partner and the close acquaintance of the lost businessman was the customer of murder, on a version of the investigation. As appears from materials of the case, businessman Pshihachev was killed to take hold of money which he received from sale of the share holding in ТC "Perinnye Ryady". Formally the owner of a trading complex was ZAO "Eastern enterprise express", but as participants of the market confirmed, the real owner was Konstantin Mirilashvili. In August, 2007 Arthur Pshihachev sold a share holding of a complex belonging to him to Mr. Mirilashvili, the amount of the transaction was made $2,5 million

Having learnt about the transaction, Mr. Krahmal, on an evidence, decided to kill Mr. Pshihachev as he had access to his account and hoped to receive $2,5 million.
Source: Newspaper «Kommersant-SPb» № 202 (4019) from 11/7/2008

In January, 2009 in Orenburg Mikhail Mirilashvili was released from the colony #8.
Source: Newspaper «Kommersant» № 11 (4066) from 1/23/2009

In February, 2009 press informed that OAO "Metallservice", one of the largest domestic metal traders, through affiliated structure creates agro-industrial corporation in Kursk region where regional actives of group "Euroservice", actually bankrupt agro holding, would enter, in particular – Tetkinsky and Olymsky sugar factories.
Source: Kommersant (Voronezh) № 24 (4079) from 2/11/2009

In the end of 2009 journalists learnt that Mikhail Mirilashvili restores the control over business of an auto dealer network "Laura" which he, naming in honor of the wife, started to found when he was even free. But then "Laura" was engaged in booking of cars and had only two salons on sale of GM and Subaru cars, and now its retail network includes more than ten salons in Petersburg and regions. But the company kept nearby 1.5 billion rubles of debts which, as participants of the market confirm, structures of Mr. Mirilashvili started to return receiving in exchange the control on business of the dealer.

As “Kommersant” found out, Mr. Mirilashvili was one of the founders of "Laura".
Source: Newspaper «Kommersant-SPb» № 232 (4287) from 12/11/2009

In March 2010, it became known that the structures of destroyed agro holding "Euroservice" had been blocking sale of the former sugar factories of the group. OOO "Kolos" being close to "Euroservice" challenged the price of property of ZAO "Zalegoshch-sugar" in Orel in arbitration, thus it broke the auctions where the enterprise planned on redeeming the Moscow OOO "Delos".

As it became known, that OOO "Kolos", being in St.-Petersburg, challenged the price in Orel arbitration (20 million roubles) at which the competitive managing director of ZAO "Zalegoshch-sugar" Vladimir Solomatin tried to sell the enterprise in February. Sources in the region, familiar with the situation, assert that the company is affiliated with ruined agro holding "Euroservice" of businessman Konstantin Mirilashvili. "Zalegoshch-sugar" was included earlier into its structure. OOO "Kolos", according to the court information, insisted that the factory should be sold not less than for 35 million roubles.
Source: Kommersant (Voronezh) № 42 (4340) from 3/12/2010

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