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Deripaska Oleg Vladimirovich

23.02.2018 22:42
Deripaska Oleg Vladimirovich



Deripaska Oleg Vladimirovich was born on 2nd of January in 1968 in the town Dzerzhinsk (Region of Nizhny Novgorod). In 1993 he graduated from the Physics Department of Moscow State University of M.V.Lomonosov and in 1996 from the Russian Economical Academy of G.V. Plehanov. Some mass-media declared that Deripaska had begun his career in Russian secret agencies. In 2000 Oleg Deripaska was named a CEO of the Russian Aluminium company that included the aluminium and aluminous plants of the Siberian Aluminium and Sibneft companies. As a result of consolidation of RUSAL, SUAL Group and Glencore (Swiss company) assets a Russian Aluminium consolidated company was created in 2007. Deripaska has been a member of Board of Directors of the Russian Aluminium consolidated company. Moreover, Deripaska is a chairman of Supervisory Council of the Base Element company. Oleg Deripaska held a post of vice-president of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Businessmen, was the chairman of board of the Russian National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce, he is a member of the Competitiveness and Business Council at the Russian Federation Government. He is also a member of the Board of Guardians of the Fund of Domestic Science Assistance, member of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater, the business schools of Moscow and St.-Petersburg State Universities. Since 2007 he has been the chairman of the Russian part of council of the Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum. In 1999 Oleg Deripaska was awarded the Friendship Order. He is married and has two children.
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The Dossier:


The first scandal occurred to Oleg Deripaska in the beginning of 2001 when he had decided to create a timber processing holding. For this purpose he needed the archives of the Arkhangelsky PPP (Pulp and Paper Plant) and some other enterprises. By 2003 he became an owner of the Baikalsky PPP, Selenginsky PPP, Arkhangelsky Timber Mill №2, Omsky Cardboard Factory, Luzsky Woodworking Complex and some enterprises in Kareliya. The owners of the Arkhangelsky PPP had refused to sell Deripaska their shares. Then he used one of the raiders means – the judicial claims from the minor shareholders. Vladimir Krupchak the key shareholder had tried to find support in a struggle against Deripaska at Vladimir Kogan the Petersburg banker and friend of Vladimir Putin. But after getting 20 percent of shares of the Arkhangelsky PPP Kogan had began to operate in Deripaska's interests. Afterwards Oleg Deripaska had brought into the struggle against intractable Krupchakom an administrative and power resources. At first the latter had been withdrawn from the State Duma and after that Deripaska had initiated a criminal proceeding against Krupchak under Article 160 Section 3 (theft in especially large sizes) in the Investigation Administration at the Department of Internal Affairs of the Arkhangelsky region.

One more time Oleg Deripaska's name was connected to an ugly story with the Arkhangelsky PPP in December, 2009 when Vladimir Krupchak was arrested in Petersburg (the decision about his arrest had been taken in his absence and some months later it was canceled). Such judgment took place not without aid of Deripaska who had used a powerful administrative resource for that. Deripaska started massed attack against Krupchak in the beginning of 2009 when he had lost dispute about 20 percent of the Arkhangelsky PPP shares in Arbitration Tribunal - the right to a securities package remained behind the Northern Cellulose of Vladimir Krupchak. Jury Novolodsky the head of the Baltic Faculty of Advocates had represented the interests of Deripaska in the case about Krupchak's arrest. Ilja Mihalchuk the governor of the Arkhangelsky region also represented interests of Deripaska in the court - in Summer 2009 he sent Vladimir Putin a letter with a request to transfer 20 percent of the PPP shares to Rosimushchestvo.
Internet site, M.Mogilevskaya, “Oleg Deripaska hasn’t lost interest to Arkhangelsky PPP”, 18.12.2009

In 2001 Paul Khlebnikov a famous scandalous journalist published an article about the informal agreement between Oleg Deripaska and Vladimir Putin. According to Khlebnikov, Putin who was at that moment the president of the country promised Deripaska to shut his eyes to the criminal past of the latter in exchange for promise not to go into politics and give money for state needs. Khlebnikov assumed that Putin was going to shut eyes to last years "bloody lawlessness" in the aluminium sector. Khlebnikov wrote that "while the smoke from another shot was dispersing tens of ordinary executors, bankers, businessmen, mafia bosses got dead".
Newspaper Moscow News, E. Kvitko, G.Petrov «Putin has agreed with Deripaska», 21.11.2001.

In 2004 Paul Khlebnikov was killed.

The next scandal connected to Oleg Deripaska's name happened in mass-media in the beginning of 2002 because of the attempt to capture Kotlasky PPP. In 2002 the Russian Fund of Federal Property, without having any rights for that, transferred Kotlasky PPP to Deripaska's company Kontinental-Management. At that time the plant belonged to Zahar Smushkin and was part of the Ilim Pulp Enterprise holding. Deripaska used the standard for that time scheme with "minor" shareholders. (Deripaska had used the same illegal schemes with minor shareholders in case with Arkhangelsky PPP, and Syktyvkarsky PPP, and Bratsky TPC). Without Smushkin's knowledge more than 60 percent of the Ilim Pulp shares had been resold to the Baltic Financial Agency (BFA) - the CEO of the Petersburg Central Registration Company (PCRC) that was a Kotlasky PPP registrar had ordered to sell the shares without the knowledge of plant's shareholders. PCRC and BFA were the organizations controlled by Promstroibank (PSB). Vladimir Kogan, president of the bank, was a partner of Deripaska in that case. After Smushkins' refusal to sell PPP Deripaska had planned to capture the plant by force - that job was given to Vyacheslav Trubnikov, the deputy of Kontinental-Management CEO, the former agent of national security, the lieutenant general, the ex-chief of the Central Criminal Office (CCO) of Russian Ministry of Home Affairs. But Smushkin had managed then to repel all attempts to capture the enterprise by force and defend his rights in the court.
Internet resource, «Bestial farm. Second double» 16.07.2002

In February, 2002 in mass-media passed a number of detracting materials in which Oleg Deripaska's name was mentioned in connection with arrangement of capture raids of Bratsky TPC. Base Element representatives took the matter of honor, dignity and business reputation protection to court.
«Apples smell of dust», «New paper» 04.02. 2002.

The court took Deripaska's side.

In 2003 foreign mass-media published some information according to which Deripaska was accused in connection with criminal structures. In particular, they said that Oleg Deripaska's company RUSAL was actually in Michael Chernoy's sphere of influence. The western services accused the latter of committing crimes, drug traffic and money laundering. Journalists asserted that in 1996, when Michael Chernoy's name had been soiled by many crimes, Chernyi had brought into business Deripaska that, as a matter of fact, became his protege. In 1992 Deripaska and Chernoy registered the company Aluminproduct in Moscow, that subsequently bought up the shares of aluminium factory manufacturer in the town Sayansk. Deripaska became a head of the factory.

In September, 1999 the Aluminproduct company already owned 25 percent of Siberian Aluminium (SIBAL) that was supervised by Oleg Deripaska – the company became a place of accumulation of assets of the firms under Michael Chernoy control. After the SIBAL's consolidation with Sibneft the RUSAL company appeared.
Newspaper «Le Monde» V.Ivanidze, S.Shibakh «The RUSAL company, second worldwide aluminium manufacturer, is suspected of connection with Russian mafia» 13.02.2003.

In 2007, the Internet site "Favorites" published an article with the history of Oleg Deripaska's career start. It was said there that Deripaska, with the support of Michael Black, made plans for the acquisition of shares of the Krasnoyarsk aluminum plant, but shareholders disagreed to sell shares. In 1995 there were three high-profile murders committed — of Deputy Director of the factory Vadim Yafyasov, president of Bank «Yugoria» Oleg Kantor and CEO of the company “AIOC» Felix Lvov. As a result, KAZ came under Deripaska's control. The same events were reported in the foreign press, after the several trading companies working with the Novokuznetsk Aluminum Plant (NkAZ) had filed a lawsuit in New York court against Oleg Deripaska and Mikhail Chernoy and demanded compensation of 2.7 billion dollars. Deripaska and Cherney were accused of seizing raid to NkAZ and other criminal acts like extortion, bribery, harassment of the head of the operating company «NkAZ MIKOM» Mikhail Zhivilo and murder of his colleague Felix Lvov.
"I. Khrennikov, the newspaper" Today "," Oleg Deripaska is not allowed to go to Davos, 25.12.2000.

But then Chernoy and Deripaska went separate ways, and in 2006 Michael Cherney filed a suit in the High Court in London demanding to admit his ownership of 20 percent stake in Rusal.
Source - Internet resource 06.11.2007.


Deripaska began to bug the phone talks of Chernoy with Israel.
Source - Internet resource 06.11.2007

Chernoy openly accused Deripaska that he ordered the security service a campaign to discredit Chernoy, spent $ 200 million on that purpose and hired private detectives from the foreign company "Diligence".
Internet portal, 22.06.2007

In 2003 Oleg Deripaska won a lawsuit against the German newspaper «Frankfurter Allgemeine». The article of foreign correspondents commented on the history of establishing "Basic Element" control over the Bratsk and Ust-Ilim timber industry complexes and attempting to establish control over the Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill, and Oleg Deripaska was accused of the armed capture of industrial complexes. was, A. Ametov "The Germans get bended", 25.04.2003

In November 2005 another scandal was associated with the name of Mr Deripaska. The program "Department X" on the channel «TV Center” released material in which the journalists accused Deripaska of building his business on crime and capture raids of the Arkhangelsk and Balakhna pulp and paper mills. Deripaska filed a lawsuit, assessing his business reputation, honor and dignity damages of 44 million rubles. The «Basic Element" and "Continental Management" owned by Oleg Deripaska acted as claimants that time. Then many famous people spoke in support of the journalists of TVCenter - Andrei Nechaev, a member of the Political Consultative Council under the President of Russia, said that Deripaska's business was built on pure criminality. Vladimir Krupchak, the State Duma deputy and a former owner of the Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill told about the raids that Deripaska had organized. Aleksandr Sonin, CEO of the Balakhin CBK said that the power capture of the company happened as soon as the owners of the company refused to sell the asset to Oleg Deripaska. After the refusal a number of shaft inspection and law enforcement oversights followed. Eugene Liulin, chairman of the Legislative Assembly of Nizhny Novgorod region accused Deripaska of using administrative resources and involving the federal level public officials to the seizure of the company.
"Of course, that is a business built on pure Kriminale, TVCenter, 28.11.2005.

In the early 2006 one of the foreign sites published an interview with Oleg Deripaska. In the interview Deripaska mentioned about his interest to Asian projects, and also called the members of the Moscow government inadequate and greedy people. Deripaska promised to "restore order in Moscow», arguing that Luzhkov did not match his position. In the same interview Deripaska told the story of a trade union leader of Achinsk, Yuri Smolentsev who blackmailed Deripaska and tried to take the alumina refinery. Deripaska asked the security forces not to intervene in case Smolentsev complained about any illegal actions against him. Shortly after that Smolentsev was found dead in the river. Public organizations firstly accused Deripaska in Smolentsev's death, but in the end they concluded that he died of a heart attack. In connection with this publication, the press service of the company «Basic Element» declared that had never given such an interview and all of the above was fiction. The company threatened to take action under the existing legislation to protect the business reputation, rights and lawful interests of «Basic Element» and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Oleg Deripaska.
Bulletin of BEA, Internet resource, 12.03.2006 year

In March 2006 the newspaper "New Region" published a transcript of conversation with voices that presumably belonged to Oleg Deripaska and the former Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov. It became clear from the dialogue that Kasyanov had been asking Deripaska for money for his campaign in the State Duma, to create a united opposition. Kasyanov refered to the support of his interests in the West, but at the same time claimed of the lack of investment before the elections. Deripaska promised to give money, but on condition it was hold through the Western banks.
newspaper "New Region", "Oleg Deripaska sponsors Mikhail Kasyanov", 22.03.2006.

Later on the media reported on a group of «Basic Element» owned by Oleg Deripaska had planed to buy 100% shares of the “Consulting Company «MK-Analytics» LLC, owned by Mikhail Kasyanov. They supposed, thus Kasyanov tried to explain to the information and business communities about the financial support from the side of Deripaska on his political arena.


In May 2007 the media reported on Deripaska's building of the Hotel Rodina in Sochi, near the Sanatorium "Sochi", owned by the presidential administration. Journalists speculated that Deripaska chose that place to get closer to a power. At the same time, they said that apart from the "Rodina hotel" Deripaska bought an international airport in Sochi and built a hotel complex of 3000 rooms for the future Olympiсans - for $ 200 million in total. In Sochi Deripaska had other financial interests.
O. Roldugin, the magazine "The interviewer," What for does Deripaska need "Rodina"? "21/05/2007

In October 2007, Oleg Deripaska was accused of corrupt practices applied to solving a problem with Mikhail Gutseriev who had been owning the company RussNeft that time, and acquisition of producing assets of the company in order to gain access to the company. The "United Oil" company created by Deripaska was too small on the federal level, and he tried to acquire upstream assets of oil companies through participation in competitions and auctions, and failed. When Gutseriev suffered difficulties with RussNeft, Deripaska suggested him to sell one of the assets or the entire company. Gutseriev refused. Then Deripaska tried to start a dialogue with Gutseriev through the Swiss «Glencore', which used to be the largest creditor of “RussNeft» (on this reason Deripaska became a partner of Glencore to create an aluminum holding). But again everything was in vain. Then Deripaska plugged administrative resources and power structures, in particular the Investigative Committee. As a result, Mikhail Gutseriev was charged of mining exceeding the license and illegal entrepreneurship.
S.Razumov "Aluminum frames for black gold", the newspaper "Russian Courier" 04.06.2007

As a result of the Russian security officials persecution, Gutseriev sold «RussNeft» to Oleg Deripaska for $ 3 billion 600 million dollars. He sent $ 2 billion 300 million to repay the debts to Deripaska, Suleiman Kerimov, and the Swiss company «Glencore». As for Mikhail Gutseriev, he was forced to seek for political asylum in Britain.
Gutseriev came under the cover of the British secret services. The escaped oligarch will be check on the polygraph, the newspaper "Your Day" 25.10.2007

Another scandal broke out with Deripaska's name in the United States because of his contacts with presidential candidate, Senator of Arizona John McCain. In the U.S. Deripaska was suspected of having relations to the organized crime in Russia, and he even got a U.S visa denial. in 2006 Deripaska met McCain during an international economic forum in Switzerland Davos. He proposed to promote McCain in the envisioned business operations.
Internet resource «McCain was suspected of having links with Deripaska"

Deripaska has received a limited entry permit to America from the Ministry of National Security at the request of the FBI. They wrote that the FBI received interesting information from Deripaska, and therefore insisted on issuing him a visa. Provision of FBI informants with a limited right to enter the U.S. in exchange for information is a common practice for the FBI.
"N. Portyakova." Helped the FBI. "Newspaper" Vedomosti ", 02.11.2009

In January 2010 the newspaper «Vedomosti» published an article in which journalists accused Putin of Russia had being violating its obligations as a signatory to the World Heritage Convention of UNESCO, for the benefit of Oleg Deripaska. The Baikal pulp and paper mill owned by Deripaska was allowed to dump waste water into the Lake Baikal. For this purpose Vladimir Putin ordered to change the list of prohibited activities in the central ecological zone of Baikal natural territory. Due to the order the plant received the right to produce a bleached pulp, which price has risen to 40 percent recently, but generates an enormous amount of harmful environmental chemicals. Putin has taken such a wrongful decision in the benefit of Derepaski not at once. Similarly, another company owned by Oleg Deripaska - Pikalevo Alumina Refinery was allowed to produce harmful emissions into the atmosphere at Vladimir Putin's personal participation. Deripaska's interests are supported by the Russian Government in all spheres of his business. For example, «Rusal» received an anti-crisis loan of 4,5 billion dollars from the VEB (Bank for development and foreign economic affairs). In this connection it was necessary to give out a special permission about limits excess to a borrower. Sberbank bought the credit and extended it until 2013. In addition, VEB buys shares of «Rusal» at IPO.
The newspaper Vedomosti, 20.01.2010 g., "License to dirt"

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