Semion Mogilevich (Sergey Shnaider) was born on June 30, 1946 in Kiev.
1973 convicted for violation of currency regulations
1975 convicted for buying up gold from the emigrants
1977 convicted for fraud
Mid 1980s founder of Arbat-International firm which operated sea shipping vessels leased from state-run Black sea steams line, founder of Vnukovo co-operative society which run a chain of paid public toilets at Moscow's railway terminals.
1990 He emigrated to Israel, then to Hungary
1994 He represented Russia and former USSR republics at the meating of world's criminal dons in Italy.
1995 UK law-enforcement agencies instituted criminal proceedings against Mogilevich for money-laundering in London's banks. The U.K. refused him entry and issued an arrest warrant. He moved to the USA.
2003 In the USA he is charged with rigging the financial accounts of YBM Magnet International, racketering, money laundering and other crimes.
24 January 2008 He is arrested in Moscow by the economic security department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on charges of tax-evasion as an owner of Arbat Prestige company.
April 2011 Mogilevich and Nekrasov's case was dismissed due to absence of crime.
Mogilevich holds citizenship of Russia, Ukraine, Israel and Hungary. According to some reports, he has about 15 passports, but the FBR believes he uses Russian passport. His alias include Seva, Don Simenon, Simon, Suvorov, Semon Palagnyuk and Semen Telesh.
He is married and has four children.
Source: Wikipedia
According to the police, Mogilevich was introduced to the world of crime in the beginning of the 70s. He was illegal currency dealer, affiliated with Lyuberetskaya and Solntsevskaya gangs. There is evidence that he was a founder of Solntevskaya criminal group.
Source: GZT.Ru, 27 January 2008
Mogilevich earned his first million as a jewellery agent who was buying up works of art and jewellery from Jews, emmigrating from Kiev in the 80s. He promised to pay money for the objects in Israel, but in most cases money went into his pockets.
According to the CIA, at the beginning of the 90s he sold several surface-to-air missiles and 12 armoured personnel carrier to Iran for $20m. In 1995 he moved to North America where he found 2 large companies - YBM Magenex International and FNJ Trade Management.
Source: Gazeta.Ru, 25 January 2008
YBM Magenex International shares scheme infringed $150m damages to the investors. Mogilevich and his accomplices Igor Fisherman and Anatoly Tsura are wanted by the FBR. The charges brought against them include 45 counts: extortion, securities fraud, electronic crimes, money laundering and fraudulent mail.
Source: Delo (Ukraine), 20 October 2006
In August 1999 the FBR gave details of $10b Russian mafia money laudering scheme, led by Mogilevich. The money were funneled through the Bank of New York, through the company called Benex Worldwide Ltd, founded by Mogilevich.
According to Russian Customs, the Bank of New York was involved in the laundering of the proceeds from the imported goods. The Federal Customs Service (FCS) filed an appeal against the bank. The trial began on January 14, 2008 at a Moscow’s Arbitration Court. The Bank of New York officials demanded the trial, iniciated by the FCS, to be stopped, because they claimed American lawyers of the Russian Customs had no right to appeal in a Russian Court.
Source: RIA Novosti, 21 January 2008
Mogilevich was a participant of the agreements signed between National Joint-Stock Company Naftogaz of Ukraine, Gazprom and RUE in January 2006.
Source: Kommersant, 10 January 2006
In autumn 2001 it emerged that Mogilevich had met Bin Laden’s representatives in a view of selling terrorists enriched uranium stolen somewhere in the former USSR.
Source: Novaya gazeta, 08 October 2001
On January 2008 Mogilevich and Vladimir Nekrasov, the owner of cosmetics chain called Arbat Prestige, were arrested on charges of 50 million roubles ($1.7m) tax evasions. Mogilevich was called true owner of the company.
Source: Vedomosti, 25 January 2008
Charges against former head of Arbat Prestige chain Vladimir Nekrasov and his alleged business partner and former advisor to Evergate company Semion Mogilevich dropped. From the beginning Nekrasov and Mogilevich rejected their guilt and claimed the case was an attempt to raid the successful company.
Source: Gazeta.ru, 18 April 2011
Fact sheet on Mogilevich from Moscow GUVD archives
Surname ............... MOGILEVICH
Name ................... SEMEN
Patronymic .............. YUDKOVICH
Date of birth......... 30 June 1946
Place of birth........ KIEV, UKRAINE
Passport number ............... 7МА 748175
Nationality ........ JEW
Address ................. KIEV, UKRAINE
Registered at ..... 9/1, apt. 40, VISNEVSKOGO, NAGORNOYE-MO, YU-OKRUG OVD-0509
Job .......... CONCRETE WORKER
Category ............. FRAUDSTERS
Nickname ................ SEVA
Description 1 ............. GREY EYES FAIR HAIR COOPERATED - I1 8631834 09 86 АS 11299 LD-10755 LEIST 8 UUR PANICHEV. I2 8633757 9 86 АS 13167 LD-10755 LEIST 8 UUR PANICHEV
List of accomplices of Semen Mogilevich in the 1990s (made by Interpol headquarters):
AGAYEV, Chengeez, born on May 21, 1957, citizen of Russia, lives in Moscow. Agayev was arrested by the Czech Republic police in May 1995 in Prague in U Halubu restaurant. He was also suspected by the German authorities of being member of a criminal group and of money laundering in connection to Transfer on License and Finance SAH.
ALEKSANDROV, Aleksey Viktorovich, born on December 4, 1959, citizen of Russia, MOGILEVICH’s assistant and head of Arigon Ltd. He headed Arbat International. He owns 25% in Russian Petroff-Bank in Moscow. He had a Czech residential permit from Jun 2, 1993 till June 9, 1995, when he worked at Arigon CS Ltd. On June 9, 1995 he was banned from entering the country for 10 years. According to Prague National Central Bureau, in August 1995 British authorities banned ALEKSANDROV from entering the country for life.
ELEK, Joseph, born on March 13, 1966, Hungarian and Yugoslavian citizen.
FIEGELSON, Aleksander, born on March 26, 1948. In 1991 left for Israel and in 1993 came back to Lithuania. He is involved with the criminal group called Vilnius brigade. He has an Israeli ID 30476699 and a passport 5007674. He was MOGILEVICH’s business partner in Israel.
FISHERMAN, Igor Lvovich, born on June 30, 1952. He is an American and Israeli citizen and has American, Israeli, and Croatian passports. National Central Bureau in Sophia states February 5, 1956 as his date of birth. His Croatian passport № 06833643 was no longer valid since April 1999. In 1997 he entered Croatia with passport № 093191661. He has an American passport № 093191661 and a Russian passport № 500285350. According to Ukrainian Tax Service, FISHERMAN is head of joint stock company А.B.V. (registered on February 26, 1996 at 19, Yaroslaviv val, Kiev)
He is also the financial manager of Army-Coop and ILF Consulting, and chairman of the board of directors in Magneks. From June 9, 1995 till August 31, 1998 he was the financial manager of 3S and F Capital Investment.
FISHERMAN was president of United Trade Ltd in the Cayman Islands. He was also vice-president of Arigon, USA, in charge of financing projects in Europe.
HAYES, Leonid, born on December 21, 1949, Israeli passport № 5206495, worked for MOGILEVICH in the Czech Republic. He was his business partner in Arigon and Asania-Fia in Prague.
KARAT, Konstantin, born on October 27, 1959, Israeli passport № 6020826 and/or 90908931. He was a partner in Arigon in the Czech Republic.
KOROL, Igor Mikhailovich, a.k.a. Gimah, born on August 28 or 30, 1971. In Kiev he headed the so-called militants of MOGILEVICH.
KULACHENKO, Anatoly, has Greek and Russian passports. He established Arbat International in Russia and was partner in Arigon in Budapest and on the Channel Islands.
MARIN, Yuri Petrovich, born on April 22, 1953 in Russia, lives in Moscow, has a Russian passport № 1724668.
ORLOV, Aleksander, born on July 26, , 1955 in Russia
RAKHIMOV, Botir, born on June 30, 1966, lives in Tashkent, passport № СА0885024.370
RYBAKOVA, Irina, a.k.a. BODONI Shandorne, born on July 31, 1950, has a Bulgarian passport.
TITYUNIN, Aleksander, born on December 3, 1954 г, Israeli ID 30734562 and Israeli passport 4866510. He was involved with MOGILEVICH since they met in Russia and was his business partner in Israel. He was also a partner in U Habulu.
TSURA, Anatoly, financial assistant to MOGILEVICH . He has a Russian and an Israeli passports.
VESSERMAN, Mikhail, born on December 7, 1949, has an Israeli passport № 5271388. He worked for MOGILEVICH in the Czech Republic and was a business partner in Prague in Arigon, Leman, and Asma-Fia.
Sergey Mikhailov was directly involved in the establishment of following companies set up by Semen Mogilevich:
• Mixim,
• SV Holding,
• Arbat International, joint venture,
• Emire Bond in Israel,
• Arigon,
• Magnex in Hungary,
• MAB International in Belgium,
• YBM Magnex,
• Benex
Foreign Ids owned by Mogilevich:
• Croatian passport № 06521953.
• Croatian passport 06941355, issued to SEMJON JUTKOVICH, void at Croatian Ministry of Internal Affairs decision as of April 7, 1999.
• Israeli passport № 4904179 issued on November 24, 1991 (expiration date is November 24, 1992).
• Israeli ID 30923674.
* Israeli passport 4745426 issued in Tel-Aviv.
* Israeli passport 7489398.
In 1992 Mogilevich received a passport issued for Semen MOGLERICH, Semion MOGLARITS. He may possess Ids as Semen TELES or Semen TELECH.
Places of residence:
In Israel in 1996 he lived at:
* 27, Zhibatinskogo Str., Tel-Aviv, Israel.
In Hungary in 1990 he lived at:
* 26, Grarat Str., Budapest (tel. 116-26-09).
* Fogarashi Str., Budapest.
* 18, Margit Yanovets, Budapest, XVI
* 140-142, Kerepeshi Str., Budapest, 1145
In June 1999 he lived at:
* 106, Erdoalya, Budapest (tel. 250-31-37).
In Kiev he lived at his wife’s at:
* 36, apt. 8, Budivelnikiv Str., Kiev (tel. 552-77-49).