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Kogogin Sergey Anatolievich

23.02.2018 22:43
Kogogin Sergey Anatolievich



(Born November 16, 1957, with large keys Zelenodolsk district of the Tatar ASSR..) - Russian industrialist and statesman.

After 8 years of high school he entered the Kazan Aviation College, from which he graduated in 1977. In 1982 he graduated from the Faculty of Physics, Kazan State University with a degree in physics, and in 1988 - Banking School.

He has a degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences.

He began his career in 1976 as a milling machine operator at Kazan Engine Plant. After graduation continued to work at the Zelenodolsk Engineering Plant, where he worked from an engineer to director. In 1990-1994 he was the director of Zelenodolsk Engineering Plant.

Since June 30, 1999 - Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC "KAMAZ". On April 26, 2002 - General Director of OJSC «KAMAZ».

In November 2009, he became a member of the Board of Directors of OJSC "AVTOVAZ".

In the ranking of the top leaders - 2010 of "Kommersant" newspaper he took the I place in the category "Machinery".


State activity

In the period 1994-1999 - the head of Zelenodolsk district administration.

In 1999-2002 - Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy and Industry of the Republic of Tatarstan.

March 14, 2004 - the deputy of the State Council of the Republic.



He is married and has two sons (the youngest - Maxim was born in 2009) and daughter. Wife - Kogogina Alfia Gumarovna - Deputy of the State Duma of the sixth convocation.

According to the "Finance" magazine, ranked 493 in the rating of Russian billionaires in 2010 with a fortune of 3.3 billion rubles.



Professional activity:

Since 1982, he worked as an engineer of Zelenodolsk enterprise "Era".

In 1985 - Senior Engineer, Head of Office Automation and Measurement, deputy chief engineer (1987), Chairman of the Union (1989), director (1990) at the Zelenodolsk Engineering Plant.

In 1994 - Head of Administration of Zelenodolsk region and Zelenodolsk.

From 1995 to 1999 - deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan. He ran in the district number 14 (administrative-territorial Zelenodolsk city).

In 1999 he was appointed Deputy RT Prime Minister - Minister of Economy and Industry of the Republic of Tatarstan (RT).

In 1999 he was elected a member of the Board of Directors of JSC "Tatneftekhiminvest-holding."

In 1999 he was elected a member of the Supervisory Board of "AC Bars".

In 2001 he was appointed Deputy RT Prime Minister - Minister of Economy and Industry.

From 2001 to 2002 - Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC "Kazan Helicopter Plant".

In 2001 - member of the Board of Directors of OJSC "KAMAZ".

In 2002 - General Director of KAMAZ.

In 2003 he became a confidant of President Vladimir Putin in the presidential elections of 14 March 2004.

In 2004 he was a member of the National Council on Corporate Governance.

In 2004 he was elected to the RT State Council on Avtozavodsky single-mandate constituency № 23.

In 2004 he was elected a member of the Board of Directors of OJSC "Kazan Motor-Building Production Association".

From 2005 to 2006 - Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC "NefAZ".

In 2006 - Chairman of the Association of Russian Automakers (OAR).


Hobbies: tennis, master of sports in judo.




Autumn 2003 will go down as a black page in the history of the city on the Kama - Naberezhnye Chelny. September 28 one of the islands was discovered buried bodies General Director of "KAMAZ-Metallurgy" Victor Faber and his subordinate, the director of the Department of Economics Natalia Starodubtseva. ...

Three months after the murder of Victor Faber CEO of "KAMAZ" Sergey Kogogin signed a decree on withdrawal from the automotive plant "KAMAZ-Metallurgy".

Foundry has always been profitable, and there are enough people, willing to lay their hands on it.

Victor Faber didn't go to meet anyone. Spending two general directors at the Kama auto giant, 44-year-old Faber started in the 80s as a mechanic in the production of ferrous castings, and then worked as a foreman, production manager. The last 5 years as the head of "KAMAZ-Metallurgy".

"Nezavisimaya gazeta". 03.11.2003


Alla Pugacheva has disappeared from the field of attention of journalists, covering their treatment in Naberezhnye Chelny. Entourage of Pugacheva makes it clear that the Diva is very annoyed that she was unable to remain incognito. ..

According to rumors, the desire to shelter A. B. in personal residences expressed the Mayor of Naberezhnye Chelny Ildar Khalikov and General Director of KAMAZ Sergey Kogogin. However, the assistant mayor of Naberezhnye Chelny put forward the version that Alla simply started a rumor to rid herself of attention of journalists. 20.09.2005


The head of KamAZ Sergey Kogogin yesterday decided to clarify, finally, their position on the proposal to head the "AvtoVAZ", which is now controlled by its Board of Directors, which is composed mainly by representatives of "Rosoboronexport". He said that he had received an informal proposal from the head of "Rosoboronexport" Sergei Chemezov, "With the offer to head the "AvtoVAZ" I was approached by the management of "Rosoboronexport". That is, the offer is serious and responsible. But unofficial. "And he has the main condition: he is not going to leave the post of head of Kamaz: "We can talk only about this or that form of participation in the management of both companies." On the "AvtoVAZ" and "Rosoboronexport" yesterday refused to comment a statement of Mr. Kogogin, as well as the possibility of a single control of "AvtoVAZ" and KamAZ.

"Vremya novostey". 17.11.2006


In condition of the sharp drop of demand for their products because of the financial and economic crisis, OJSC "KAMAZ" was forced to resort to layoffs, and the steps, already taken, may not be the last in this direction.

General Director of "KAMAZ" Sergey Kogogin told this at a press conference in Moscow. "We have held the first stage of optimization of the number of employees, places of temporarily recruited staff has been reduced, accepting of new ones had been stopped. It became possible to reduce about 3 thousand jobs"-. Quotes his words the correspondent of the Moscow Post.

The Moscow Post. 12.12.2008


However, the head of the government has been much more eloquent in the automotive industry issues. Having listened carefully to the speech of the Kamaz, Prime suddenly said: Once again present to you: Kogogin Sergey, General Director of Kamaz - and continued the story - a few years ago, I had the desire to transfer Sergey Anatolyevich somewhere in another place from Kamaz... However, as Putin shared, Tatarstan's leadership managed to convince him that it is a correct place for the director of KamAZ there. But not for the fact that "the cuckoo praises cock because he praises the cuckoo," according Putin's words, was the reason for his focus on this person.

Lifenews, 14.09.2010


Today, a scandal broke out on the largest woodworking enterprises of Tatarstan OJSC "Zelenodolsk Plywood Factory". The staff of the company at 9:30 am stopped work and went to the building of the administration, demanding an explanation about the extremely low wages, which does not increase for several years. Kogogin Alexander, ex-Minister of Industry and co-owner of RT ZFP, promises to revise the tariffs only after the New Year....

Zelenodolsk Plywood Factory - is an unusual company. More precisely it has extraordinary shareholders. It is known that its key shareholder is Kogogin family, and precisely brothers - Sergey and Alexander. Although officially about 20% package only has a younger brother, Alexander. There is no need to tell in Tatarstan (not to mention the Zelenodolsk), who are Kogogin brothers. Sergey - is a big man, even on the scale of Russia, he is steering Kamaz and even an entree to Putin. Bank Kazan is listed as their partner on ZFP - quite a successful bank in the capital of Tatarstan, which is a kind of support for SMEs Kazan.

... OJSC "Zelenodolsk Plywood Factory" is one of the few wood-processing enterprises in Tatarstan (as we know, the country refers to the low forest regions). A special piquancy to today's event gives something that ZFP was always listed among successful exporters, which sent 90% of production abroad. According to the official site of the company, plywood, produced in Zelenodolsk, is exported to the CIS countries, the UK Company, the United States, Germany, Poland, Slovenia, Italy, Egypt, and Hungary.

According to the date of the report for the 3rd quarter of 2010, the company's revenue grew by 40% in comparing to the same period of 2009 and amounted to 614.6 million rubles, and net profit rose by more than a quarter, reaching 38.6 million rubles. But this growth, probably, as export revenue for many years, felt on themselves not the technology and workers, but only the owners and top managers of the plant. For example, in 2009, they paid themselves dividends in the amount of 35.6 million rubles in the previous 2008 (and profits in the year they were 119.4 million rubles). As we say, no comment...

Busines - gazeta, 30.11.2010


Zelenodolsk Plywood Factory was founded in 1898. Then it was nationalized in 2001 and belonged to the state, maintaining the status SUE. In 1999 32-year-old Alexander Kogogin comes at the factory as the chief engineer. By the way, 1999 was the last for Sergei Kogogin, which he spent as head of Zelenodolsk region. After five years of administrative work in the area the elder one of the brothers leaves on promotion in Kazan, where he became the deputy of RT Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Industry of RT. And from there Sergei Kogogin already goes to Kamaz, with which he is now inextricably linked.

In 2000 - 2001, Alexander Kogogin became the director of the State Unitary Enterprise "ZFP". But after the corporatization of the plant in 2002, he not only retains the position of Director, but became one of the ZFP owners.

By the way, Kogogin Jr. and also tried himself in the civil service later. From July 2007 to March 2009, he headed the Ministry of Industry of Tatarstan. And now Alexander Kogogin - is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC "Zelenodolsk Plywood Factory".

... According to the latest data of the database SPARK, there are five legal entities and individuals among the major shareholders of OJSC "ZFP". And Sergei Kogogin is not there among them, really. And who is there? There are:

1) LLC "Deposit" (27.33%),

2) The company "Alfa-Invest" (19.5%),

3) OJSC "Bank" Kazan"(19.9%),

4) JSC "Company" Optima +"(11.2%),

5) Alexander Anatolievich. Kogogin (19.2%)

In addition, shares of ZFP owned by several other individuals. One of the owners - is Konstantin Sergeyevich Kogogin (0.11%). Thus, "BUSINESS Online" is forced to admit that the letter of KAMAZ is telling the truth: Sergey Kogogin really is not a shareholder of ZFP.

Only his brother and son are listed among the shareholders.

... So, if you go back to the question of who really controls the ZFP, it must be admitted that the formal structure of shareholders, published in the Russian official databases (same SPARC), does not fully answer this question.

For example, we see that the fate of 27.3% of shares, owned by LLC "Deposit", is not clear. Almost half of the companies is owned by Lyudmila Kogogina (wife of Alexander Anatolyevich), her package - 48.8%. Another part is owned by offshore company "Sempervira Holding SA." (Belize) - 51.1%. Who is hiding behind offshore company - is unknown. (Recall that in his time 20-year-old Kogogin Jr. taxied the "Pledge").

We could not find out the fact who now owns OJSC "Alfa-Invest". It is led by the same Constantine Kogogin; he was also the beneficiary of it until early 2010. After that, "Alfa-Invest" replaced the owner.

Busines - gazeta, 4.02.2011


Last Friday Board of Directors meeting was held at KAMAZ. ..

Not just a shareholder of Kamaz began to ask questions, but a deputy of the local city council Sergei Eretnov. He went out and asked Kogogin directly, who owns the company Kazan Audex, conducting audits of KamAZ. Kogogin said: I have no idea. Eretnov went for broke: Sergey, are there your relatives in the list of founders of the company-auditor? Not a muscle moved on the face of Kogogin. But he did the pause before answering, still. Then he said a confident "no." "Thank you," retorted Eretnov, "I have no more questions, we'll figure out in a different place." 26.06.2011


A little more income that is modest has other members of United Russia party list of RT. The leader of Tatarstan "Support of Russia" Azat Gazizov earned 10, 7 million, the head of "Leasing Company KAMAZ" and the wife of the General Director of OJSC "KAMAZ" Alfia Kogogina (2 million. + almost 8 million deposits), member of Russian State Duma Fatih Sibagatullin (3, 5 million. + 5.4 million deposit in the "Zenith" bank + 9 plots of land)...

TATPRESSA, 21.10.2011

Kogogin told that controls "over 5%" of "Kamaz". "The first [shares] I bought myself in 2003, becoming a General Director, - he said. - Then I received shares as a result of the option" (according to Reuters quotes). The representative of "Kamaz" declined to comment on this topic. It failed to contact Kogogin yesterday. The package of shares of "Kamaz", controlled by Kogogin - is a part of the share of "Troika Dialogue", told Reuters, citing a source close to the board of directors.

Vedomosti, 27.09.2012


The combination of two strokes. The production site in Voronezh - is a 172-th Central auto-repair plant, included in OJSC "Spetsremont", which, in turn, is a part of the now infamous "Oboronservis." It turns out that with the Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, the assembling of Iveco controlled his men, and when positions of Serdyukov weakened, influential CEO of KAMAZ Sergey Kogogin intercepted initiative, managed to move the assembly on his platform. But then more influential owner of GAZ, Oleg Deripaska intervened the game, and already Kogogin stayed with the nose - the Ministry of Defense has decided to procure the GAZ "Bears", "Tigers" and "Wolves" instead of Iveco.

"Forbes". 01/29/2013


Appointment of Serdyukov to the "Noviy byt", according to a source version in the "Russian Technologies", probably lobbied Sergey Kogogin, General Director of Kamaz, which, like the "FIIC M", is included in the holding "RT-Auto". Kogogin and Serdyukov cooperated closely. The idea of the purchase of the Italian Iveco armored vehicles for the Russian army belongs exactly to the head of KamAZ; he talked about it in an interview with "Nezavisimaya Gazeta". According to Kogogin, immediately after the war with Georgia in 2008, he met with Serdyukov and discussed "how to hide troops under the modern, reliable armor." So was chosen the armored vehicles of Iveco, which has been decided to release under the name of "Lynx". They were tested on Kamaz, but eventually began to gather in Voronezh at the enterprise "Oboronservis." Commenting on Serdyukov's resignation Kogogin stated that the noise, with which Serdyukov "left", is really "incomprehensible and unpleasant." to him

"Izvestiya". 18/11/2013


"We consider the idea of out-offshoring an absolutely correct. In relation of the shares of OJSC "KAMAZ", shareholders held discussions and decided to start legal procedures on transferring of an ownership of shares in the Russian jurisdiction, "- said General Director of the company Sergey Kogogin.

At the moment, about 28% of shares of "KamAZ" belong to offshore owners.

AIF, 12/19/2013


Spouses of some deputies have earned more than the deputies themselves. Thus, the income of the deputy Alfia Kogogina amounted to 4.8 million rubles and her husband - the General Director of OJSC «KAMAZ» Sergey Kogogin - 86.4 million rubles. They increased by almost 1.5 times for a year, from 58 million rubles. The family declared five apartments (148 sq. M to 440 sq. M), a plot of land, garage, four parking places and even a storage room with the size of 5.7 square meters. Alphia Kogogina also has a Mercedes-Benz, and her spouse - BMW M6, Land Rover Defender and Jet Ski.

TATPRESSA, 17/04/2014


I was curious at a meeting of shareholders and in mass media publications: on what income did the CEO of OJSC Kogogin acquire 5% stake in the auto giant, with the possession of which he boasted in foreign media. It's official that Sergey Anatolyevich share in the authorized capital of the company amounts to 0.0028%, and the legal income of Kogogin and his family, are not even close to approaching the cost of the declared package. Based on the assessment, at which 100% of shares of "KAMAZ" in negotiations with the "Daimler" were estimated at 2.4-2.5 billion dollars, the cost of Kogogin's 5% is about 125 million dollars. Agree, this amount is enough not only to strangle me in the chamber, but also to equip a punitive expedition against any "banana republic."

IREK_MURTAZIN, livejournal, 23.07.2014


At the city council session, the mayor of the city of Naberezhnye Chelny made a non-standard move. He offered deputies to elect the General Director of "Network Company" Ilshat Fardiev as a member of the Presidium. The fact that Ilshat Shaehovich was elected as the deputy to our city council from party lists is already an intrigue. Residents of Chelny are perplexed; what for does "kazanec" Fardiev needs this status. Others build their own "staff projections" on this occasion. Like, when Kogogin would go to Moscow, Prime Minister Khalikov will become a CEO of "KAMAZ". Then Magdeyev will replace Khalikov on the position of prime minister, and Fardiev will head the City hall of our city. Only one thing can be said about this forecast - no one doubts that these people will continue their career further. In such a combination, or any other - is known only in the Moscow and Kazan Kremlin.

LTD Chelny. 02/11/2015


Interestingly that in 2013, a letter came to the redaction of several mass media, allegedly signed by the Director of the Finance Department of KAMAZ Samat Sattarov. It argued that the beneficiaries of the offshore company, in addition to Vardanyan, are the CEO of the auto giant Kogogin with his wife. Of course, the press service of KAMAZ immediately called the letter an "absolute fabrication." However, in late 2012 KAMAZ general director himself admitted that owns more than 5% stake in the auto giant. "The first [shares] I bought myself in 2003, becoming a General Director, - he said. - Further shares were received by me as a result of the option. «How much "more" than 5% are owned by Kogogin now, is unknown, but there is no place to "hide" this package, except in the offshore. ...

In October 2013 KAMAZ itself still bought 3, 72% of shares from Avtoinvest Limited by transferring them to its absolute "daughter" - FLC "KAMAZ". The amount, paid to the Cyprus offshore, according to reports of the company, amounted to 2.9 billion rubles.

Sergei Kogogin himself in an interview with "Vedomosti" explained that the notorious consortium previously bought these shares from Kamaz for 2.2 billion rubles, counting on the resale to Daimler. They took money for that at the FLC "KAMAZ", that is, at the very same auto giant. In 2013, the same deal was deployed back - the consortium returned the loan on which he paid the interests, and bought shares of KAMAZ. However, as we have already mentioned, an anonymous "group of friends" didn't remain in a loser: redemption cost was 79% higher than the market price of the securities at the time, and the difference between the purchase price and the sale amounted to 728 million rubles...

"Busines-gazeta". 04/04/201


Kogogin: the withdrawal of 100% of shares of "KAMAZ" from offshore companies is not possible.

In the first quarter the share of "KAMAZ" on the Russian truck market was almost 60% ... learn how "KAMAZ" performs the out-offshore plan, stated a few years ago, why the return 100% of shares in companies is not possible, - General Director of PJSC "KAMAZ" Sergey Kogogin told in an exclusive interview with Evelyna Zakamskaya in the studio of the program "Opinion ".

"Vesti". 06/04/2016

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