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Yanchukov Sergey Valentinovich

23.02.2018 22:43
Yanchukov Sergey Valentinovich



Was born on 15.12.1975

Education: Higher professional education. In 1999, he graduated from the Odessa State Economic University on a specialty "Finance". "Economist" qualification. Candidate of Economic Sciences. He speaks English.

Employment: In 2001, he founded a trading company for the sale and export of oil and oil products.

In 2007, he acquired a controlling stake in OJSC "Oil Company “Mangazeya", belonging to the Russian Federation, and took over the company.

Currently, Oil Company "Mangazeya" has licenses to develop three oil and gas fields in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District.

Personal life: Sergey Yanchukov is married. He has six children. Wife - Christina Chernovetskaya (second) - the daughter of the former mayor of Kiev Leonid Chernovetsky.

Hobbies: Skiing, cycling.


In the database "SPARK-Interfax" he is referred as a former or current head of 10 companies, including LLC M7 (consulting), CJSC "Mangazeya" (oil and associated gas), LLC "Mangazeya Center» (wholesale), LLC «Consent "(activities of holding companies management), "Daltsvetmet" OOO (exploration).

Kommersant, 07.07.2014




A racing driver Alex Mochanov was answering questions from our readers for nearly two hours.

When the owner of our racing team, "Kliring House Rally Masters», Sergey Yanchukov planned and organized this trip, neither he nor I knew, of course, that in the autumn of 2006 I will get into an accident. But the expedition was scheduled for June 2007.

"Telekritika". 14.08.2009


General Director of OJSC OC "Mangazeya" Sergei Yanchukov was detained because he failed to pay staff salaries in the amount of 18.5 million.

In Russia, the director of a large company was arrested that does not pay salary to their employees.

 - General Director of JSC NC "Mangazeya" 33-year-old Sergei Yanchukov today was remanded in custody - said Life News press secretary of the UPC in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District Larisa Yeropkina.

According to investigators, the Manager in order to extract their own benefit in the form of obtaining material profits and create advantages for counterparties, with which OC "Mangazeya" has contractual relations, in the period from July 1, 2009 to September 1, 2009 did not pay salary to 83 employees of enterprise.

The total amount of debt amounted to about 18.5 million rubles - wherein, funds were available on accounts of the company during this period of time, - continues the source. - It was found that about 21 million rubles were spent on the purchase of foreign currency and more than 168 million rubles - for payments to suppliers.

Lifenews. 19.11.2009


Oil Company "Mangazeya", which is owned by Yanchukov, is one of the subsidiaries of "Gazprom", a part of its shares, according to Russian media reports, is located in an offshore zone. For Moscow Yanchukov is a well-known personality. "He has always been, and consists in bad relations with the authorities and the security forces. So we can say that Christina was gone from one of the current opposition to the other. However, after the incident in 2009, when he was arrested for non-payment of salaries to employees, he began to work clean. He doesn't develop business on the oil now. His current occupation is supermarkets in Moscow ", - Moscow journalist Anton Gordeev told us.

Kiev segodnya 27-05-2011


A "Brownian motion" is continuing actively in the Kiev mayor's family. From the mouth of Kiev citizens practically does not fly the topic of divorce proceedings of Leonid Chernovetsky and Alina Aivazova. According to the latest version, Alina Stepanovna has finally decided not to divorce. But the events are changing so fast in this case that any turns are still possible.

Now here it was found out that the mayor's daughter Christina suffers because of family troubles. In March, she divorced with her husband, a deputy city council Vyacheslav Suprunenko. Political analysts were inclined to think that this divorce is necessary first of all to preserve the assets of the family of the mayor. Like, Vyacheslav Suprunenko currently has problems with the law...

After the divorce, Christina Chernovetskaya with children moved to Moscow, where she now lives with 35-year-old businessman Sergei Yanchukov, a president of the Russian oil company. However, Moscow journalists say that Sergei Yanchukov already moved away from the oil business and owns a supermarket chain in the Russian capital. Originally he is a native from Odessa.

Rumor has it that the young man even left his family for the sake of the daughter of the mayor of Kiev. At the beginning of September, an elegant wedding of Christina and Sergey was planned in Moscow. But as it was possible to find out to "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from sources, close to the family of the Chernovetsky, celebration is postponed.

"Komsomolskaya pravda". 06.09.2011


While earlier, according to our data, the wedding was prepared to celebrate in the elite Moscow restaurant "The Garden", which is partly owned by showmen Ivan Urgant and Alexander Cekalo. This is what it was said at the restaurant. "A daughter of Kiev official prepares a celebration by September at our place", - told us there earlier. The festival in this place costing from $ 50 to $ 80 thousand. And a dress for Christina, as her friend told us, would like to order in France by the famous designer.

FOR WHOM. Chosen of Christina - 35-year-old Moscow businessman Sergei Yanchukov. Recall, with her ex-husband, the deputy of Kiev City Council Vyacheslav Suprunenko, which is now an internationally wanted, she divorced last year. The new husband of the daughter of the mayor came from Odessa, he met Christine during her work in "Pravex-Bank". Now Yanchukov is engaged in a Moscow supermarket, and before that, he headed one of the subsidiaries of "Gazprom".

... Yanchukov is a friend of brother of Christina Stepan. One of the close friends of the family told us that Sergei was in love with Christina from the first day they met. "But they both were married. Both were happy in marriage. But the heart is lawless. When she divorced, he annulled the marriage with his wife one day, and made an offer to Christina...” - a close family friend told us. Christine has not changed surname - it is a tradition of their family.

... The first wife of the new husband of Christina - Elena Yanchukova - the former from Kiev. Sergei divorced with her for the sake of Christina. They say that Lena and Sergey Yanchukov had access to the family of Chernovetsky, often visited them with their children.

Elena Yanchukova now also lives in Moscow, she is 36 years old. She is the owner of an elite club of yoga, which is located in the center of the Russian capital. According to the personal page in a social network, Elena often visits China and India with friends. From marriage to Sergei Yanchukov she has two children of school age - Vanya and Nina.

Young live in Moscow, but the children of Christina went to an American school, where everything is taught in English. In addition to English, the mayor grandchildren, Alina and Lenya are studying French, Russian and Ukrainian.

Kiev segodnya, 07.09.2011


Yanchukov Sergei, a former top manager of "Gazprom", in November has become the second largest shareholder of a gold mining company White Tiger Gold, controlled by Mikhail Finsky. Then Yanchukov, entering the capital of the company White Tiger Gold, increased his share to 11%. The investment amounted to 129.4 million rubles.

"Marker". 30.12.2011


The arrest of General Director of OJSC "Oil Company "Mangazeya" Sergei Yanchukov, taken into custody on November 18 by the decision of the court of Krasnoselkupsky district of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District and sent to the detention center of Krasnoselkupsky IMD, caused a hefty scandal in a business environment not only of YaNAD, but the whole Russia. Perhaps this is the first time that a large businessman was arrested for the delay of salaries, under Article 145 of the Criminal Code. If such detentions were normal, every second Russian businessman would sit in the detention center and jail.

Ruspres, 07.09.2012


Investment "daughter" of VTB - VTB Capital plc - has entered into a settlement agreement with the mining company Mangazeya Mining Ltd, controlled by former top manager of "Gazprom" Sergei Yanchukov. In accordance with the agreements, VTB Capital plc has conceded the right of claim to the Mangazeya Mining, arising under the loan agreement for $ 150 million, to the company Unique Goals International Ltd, where the beneficiary is Yanchukov himself. This is the result of negotiations about the restructure from the side of VTB of the debt gold mining company, which lasted more than six months.

VTB accepted the decision to grant the loan to the gold company in the amount of $ 150 million in December 2011. In February 2012, the credit facility was opened for five years at the rate of three-month LIBOR plus 8-14% per annum, depending on the level of annual gold production. As part of the loan contract, the mining company also committed to sell all the produced metal to VTB in strictly defined quantities.

But a year later, the borrower has violated the "golden" agreement with VTB, without fulfilling the full liability for the sale of produced gold. So, in March of this year, which follows from the statements of the gold mining company, it lowered its productivity from 130 thousand ounces of gold in the year to 50 thousand ounces, in April - up to 42 ounces. As a result, a loan, provided to Mangazeya Mining, was classified as a short-term liability. And VTB could foreclose on the gold-bearing areas of the company, pledged under the loan.

Izvestia, 9/10/2013


The assets of the former owner of Cherkizovsky market Telman Ismailov, including Mardan Palace Hotel in Turkey and a real estate in Moscow, are frozen in Cyprus at the request of the "Mangazeya" of Sergei Yanchukov, owning assets in gold, oil and real estate development industries. Mr. Ismailov allegedly held in "Mangazeya" $ 100 million on development projects in the capital under the personal guarantee and did not return the debt, payment period for which occurred last autumn. But the cost of only one Mardan Palace is much more than the disputed amount, and attorneys are confident that businessman will resolve the issue out of court.

Kommersant, 07.07.2014


Yanchukov Sergey Valentinovich was born December 15, 1975 in the Ukraine. He graduated from the Moscow State University.

He has held various positions in the Russian companies in the sphere of trade, finance and mining. According to media reports, former head of one of the subsidiaries of "Gazprom". He is the founder of the financial group "Mangazeya", which develops oil and gas assets in the Yamalo-gold mining, development business in Moscow and finances. Among the biggest assets - 70-percent stake in Mangazeya Mining Ltd. (Former White Tiger Gold), which owns the Russian gold deposits Savkino, Nasedkino and several others. Currently heads the company's board of directors. In 2009, mass media reported the arrest of a businessman in connection with allegations of non-payment of salaries (P. 1, Art. 145.1 of the Criminal Code) to employees of the oil company "Mangazeya" and abuse of power (P. 1, Art. 201 of the Criminal Code). Soon he was released; nothing was reported about the development of the case. In the database "SPARK-Interfax" he is referred as a former or current head of the 10 companies, including Ltd. M7 (consulting), CJSC "Mangazeya" (oil and associated gas), LLC "Mangazeya Center» (wholesale), LLC "Consent" (activities of holding companies management), "Daltsvetmet" LLC (exploration).

"Kommersant". 07/07/2015


 Businessman Maxim Finsky, against which a criminal case is initiated in Russia, filed lawsuits in Canada and on the British Virgin Islands against his former partner Sergei Yanchukov. The plaintiff is claiming for $ 185 million.

A former top manager of Onexim, businessman Maxim Finsky, filed lawsuits in Canada and the British Virgin Islands (BVI) against his former partner in the gold business Sergey Yanchukov. It is said about the fact of filing lawsuits in the statement of one of the lawyers of Finsky, Robert Amsterdam. Businessman applied for judicial help to protect against the raid, which was initiated by a group of persons in Russia in "the highest circles of the Russian leadership", say lawyers. But while lawsuits are filed only against Yanchukov, to whom Finsky in 2013 sold his stake in the Canadian White Tiger Gold (WTG), which had a license in the Trans-Baikal and the Magadan region.

Finsky suspects Yanchukov in financial connections with the high-ranking official in the Russian government, but the name of this official is not mentioned in the lawsuit, stated Robert Amsterdam to RBC.

"RBC". 08/20/2015


Suing with the Russian state is costly and often futile. Yukos shareholders have already won from Russia $ 50 billion, but did not get anything. Nevertheless, the former oligarchs Pugachev and Borodin, Ukrainian oligarch Kolomoisky, a number of other individuals and companies want to sue with our country.

... To protect Maxim Finsky from criminal case in Russia Amsterdam & Partners LLP is preparing lawsuits in the Western courts to "senior Russian officials" and does not exclude the probability of filing a lawsuit against Russia. To date, lawsuits are already filed in Canada and the British Virgin Islands for $ 185 million, but not against Russia, but against former partner Maxim Finsky on White Tiger Gold Ltd Sergei Yanchukov. In 2013, Yanchukov bought out Finsky, but was unable to pull the company out of financial difficulties and filed a complaint against Finsky in law enforcement authorities about the outstanding loans, which were formed by the previous management team.

Kommersant, 05.10.2015


The owner of the group "Mangazeya" Sergei Yanchukov yesterday filed a lawsuit in the Southern District of New York "for damages caused by fraudulent activities" to the ex-partner in gold mining Mangazeya Mining (formerly White Tiger Gold, WTG), a former top manager of "Norilsk nickel" and "INTERGEO" Maxim Finsky. As told "Kommersant" Sergei Yanchukov, in 2010 he bought a stake in the Canadian Century Mining, where Mr. Finsky owned about 40%. The spring of 2011 there was the announcement of the merger of WTG and Century, also controlled by Mr. Finsky, which ended in October 2011.

Filing a lawsuit in a US court, Mr. Yanchukov explains by the fact that it was in New York in October of the same in 2011; Mr. Finsky urged him and other investors that reserves of Savkino, owned by WTG, are not less than 400 thousand ounces. In November of the same year came out a report of Russian "TOMS Engineering", which referred to 438 thousand ounces of reserves. Later, representatives of the "Mangazeya" found that by Micon report from November 2010 it was only about 113 thousand. Oz.

Kommersant, 10.16.2015


Sergey Yanchukov, the owner of the "Mangazeya", which consists of the same name development, oil and gold companies. He is in-law of the former mayor of Kiev Leonid Chernovetsky. Ismailov attempted to open a clothing market in Ukraine with Yanchukov, as well as to invest in Moscow's business centers, say friends of Ismailov. According to them, at a certain stage of cooperation among partners there was a serious conflict, after which Yanchukov started buying debts of Ismailov. Now Yanchukov is one of the largest creditors of Ismailov with the requirements of more than $ 100 million.

Vedomosti, 10.18.2015


OC "Mangazeya" (included in "Mangazeya" group of companies Sergei Yanchukov) is looking for an investor to develop Terelskoe gas condensate field in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District, told reporters the head of the group Mr. Yanchukov. According to him, negotiations are underway with several companies, among them - a "major Western energy company" that wants to "participate in the asset and receive a guaranteed amount of gas." Sergey Yanchukov said that it is about selling a share below the control.

Kommersant, 12.22.2015


In the mid-1990s, the main decoration of Odessa Privoz was a double decker Pavilion "Vegetables, fruits", built of plywood. Nearby was working an exchange office, next to which the moneychangers were fleecing unsuspecting customers. Exchanger belonged to two Jews from Odessa, Misha and Borya (history is not retained their surnames). First Deputy Chief of the Odessa branch of the National Bank of Ukraine Valentyn Yanchukov has attached to them his 18-year-old son, Sergei. Sergei first started to make good money there - a few hundred dollars a month.

... The financier, trader, owner of commodity assets, Yanchukov earned tens of millions of dollars initially, and then, after his marriage in 2011 to the daughter of the mayor of Kiev Leonid Chernovetsky, the account of his income went to the hundreds of millions.

... At the Privoz Sergey Yanchukov stayed only a year. In 1995, together with fellow students at the Odessa Polytech he organized a small-scale wholesale trade in water and food. But his father thought that it is time for his son to go to the stock market, and Sergei proved to be head of the department of set up branch of the bank "Aval", which served the pension fund cash flows, Ukrposhta, the Treasury and other government agencies. According to Yanchukov, especially he was able to work with government securities and promissory notes of the National Dispatch Center of Energy of Ukraine. It was possible to buy them at a discount of 40-60% and to extinguish with them debts for electricity in Odessaoblenergo at par.

In addition to bills and bonds, he became engaged in privatization compensation certificates (Russian analogue of vouchers). Buying them from the population and converting into shares of Odessa CHP, Yanchukov earned the first $ 100,000.

Forbes, 18.02.2016

Surname: Yanchukov

Name: Sergey

Middle name: Valentinovich


Post: Owner of "Mangazeya» Group



Was born on 15.12.1975

Education: Higher professional education. In 1999, he graduated from the Odessa State Economic University on a specialty "Finance". "Economist" qualification. Candidate of Economic Sciences. He speaks English.

Employment: In 2001, he founded a trading company for the sale and export of oil and oil products.

In 2007, he acquired a controlling stake in OJSC "Oil Company “Mangazeya", belonging to the Russian Federation, and took over the company.

Currently, Oil Company "Mangazeya" has licenses to develop three oil and gas fields in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District.

Personal life: Sergey Yanchukov is married. He has six children. Wife - Christina Chernovetskaya (second) - the daughter of the former mayor of Kiev Leonid Chernovetsky.

Hobbies: Skiing, cycling.


In the database "SPARK-Interfax" he is referred as a former or current head of 10 companies, including LLC M7 (consulting), CJSC "Mangazeya" (oil and associated gas), LLC "Mangazeya Center» (wholesale), LLC «Consent "(activities of holding companies management), "Daltsvetmet" OOO (exploration).

Kommersant, 07.07.2014




A racing driver Alex Mochanov was answering questions from our readers for nearly two hours.

When the owner of our racing team, "Kliring House Rally Masters», Sergey Yanchukov planned and organized this trip, neither he nor I knew, of course, that in the autumn of 2006 I will get into an accident. But the expedition was scheduled for June 2007.

"Telekritika". 14.08.2009


General Director of OJSC OC "Mangazeya" Sergei Yanchukov was detained because he failed to pay staff salaries in the amount of 18.5 million.

In Russia, the director of a large company was arrested that does not pay salary to their employees.

 - General Director of JSC NC "Mangazeya" 33-year-old Sergei Yanchukov today was remanded in custody - said Life News press secretary of the UPC in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District Larisa Yeropkina.

According to investigators, the Manager in order to extract their own benefit in the form of obtaining material profits and create advantages for counterparties, with which OC "Mangazeya" has contractual relations, in the period from July 1, 2009 to September 1, 2009 did not pay salary to 83 employees of enterprise.

The total amount of debt amounted to about 18.5 million rubles - wherein, funds were available on accounts of the company during this period of time, - continues the source. - It was found that about 21 million rubles were spent on the purchase of foreign currency and more than 168 million rubles - for payments to suppliers.

Lifenews. 19.11.2009


Oil Company "Mangazeya", which is owned by Yanchukov, is one of the subsidiaries of "Gazprom", a part of its shares, according to Russian media reports, is located in an offshore zone. For Moscow Yanchukov is a well-known personality. "He has always been, and consists in bad relations with the authorities and the security forces. So we can say that Christina was gone from one of the current opposition to the other. However, after the incident in 2009, when he was arrested for non-payment of salaries to employees, he began to work clean. He doesn't develop business on the oil now. His current occupation is supermarkets in Moscow ", - Moscow journalist Anton Gordeev told us.

Kiev segodnya 27-05-2011


A "Brownian motion" is continuing actively in the Kiev mayor's family. From the mouth of Kiev citizens practically does not fly the topic of divorce proceedings of Leonid Chernovetsky and Alina Aivazova. According to the latest version, Alina Stepanovna has finally decided not to divorce. But the events are changing so fast in this case that any turns are still possible.

Now here it was found out that the mayor's daughter Christina suffers because of family troubles. In March, she divorced with her husband, a deputy city council Vyacheslav Suprunenko. Political analysts were inclined to think that this divorce is necessary first of all to preserve the assets of the family of the mayor. Like, Vyacheslav Suprunenko currently has problems with the law...

After the divorce, Christina Chernovetskaya with children moved to Moscow, where she now lives with 35-year-old businessman Sergei Yanchukov, a president of the Russian oil company. However, Moscow journalists say that Sergei Yanchukov already moved away from the oil business and owns a supermarket chain in the Russian capital. Originally he is a native from Odessa.

Rumor has it that the young man even left his family for the sake of the daughter of the mayor of Kiev. At the beginning of September, an elegant wedding of Christina and Sergey was planned in Moscow. But as it was possible to find out to "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from sources, close to the family of the Chernovetsky, celebration is postponed.

"Komsomolskaya pravda". 06.09.2011


While earlier, according to our data, the wedding was prepared to celebrate in the elite Moscow restaurant "The Garden", which is partly owned by showmen Ivan Urgant and Alexander Cekalo. This is what it was said at the restaurant. "A daughter of Kiev official prepares a celebration by September at our place", - told us there earlier. The festival in this place costing from $ 50 to $ 80 thousand. And a dress for Christina, as her friend told us, would like to order in France by the famous designer.

FOR WHOM. Chosen of Christina - 35-year-old Moscow businessman Sergei Yanchukov. Recall, with her ex-husband, the deputy of Kiev City Council Vyacheslav Suprunenko, which is now an internationally wanted, she divorced last year. The new husband of the daughter of the mayor came from Odessa, he met Christine during her work in "Pravex-Bank". Now Yanchukov is engaged in a Moscow supermarket, and before that, he headed one of the subsidiaries of "Gazprom".

... Yanchukov is a friend of brother of Christina Stepan. One of the close friends of the family told us that Sergei was in love with Christina from the first day they met. "But they both were married. Both were happy in marriage. But the heart is lawless. When she divorced, he annulled the marriage with his wife one day, and made an offer to Christina...” - a close family friend told us. Christine has not changed surname - it is a tradition of their family.

... The first wife of the new husband of Christina - Elena Yanchukova - the former from Kiev. Sergei divorced with her for the sake of Christina. They say that Lena and Sergey Yanchukov had access to the family of Chernovetsky, often visited them with their children.

Elena Yanchukova now also lives in Moscow, she is 36 years old. She is the owner of an elite club of yoga, which is located in the center of the Russian capital. According to the personal page in a social network, Elena often visits China and India with friends. From marriage to Sergei Yanchukov she has two children of school age - Vanya and Nina.

Young live in Moscow, but the children of Christina went to an American school, where everything is taught in English. In addition to English, the mayor grandchildren, Alina and Lenya are studying French, Russian and Ukrainian.

Kiev segodnya, 07.09.2011


Yanchukov Sergei, a former top manager of "Gazprom", in November has become the second largest shareholder of a gold mining company White Tiger Gold, controlled by Mikhail Finsky. Then Yanchukov, entering the capital of the company White Tiger Gold, increased his share to 11%. The investment amounted to 129.4 million rubles.

"Marker". 30.12.2011


The arrest of General Director of OJSC "Oil Company "Mangazeya" Sergei Yanchukov, taken into custody on November 18 by the decision of the court of Krasnoselkupsky district of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District and sent to the detention center of Krasnoselkupsky IMD, caused a hefty scandal in a business environment not only of YaNAD, but the whole Russia. Perhaps this is the first time that a large businessman was arrested for the delay of salaries, under Article 145 of the Criminal Code. If such detentions were normal, every second Russian businessman would sit in the detention center and jail.

Ruspres, 07.09.2012


Investment "daughter" of VTB - VTB Capital plc - has entered into a settlement agreement with the mining company Mangazeya Mining Ltd, controlled by former top manager of "Gazprom" Sergei Yanchukov. In accordance with the agreements, VTB Capital plc has conceded the right of claim to the Mangazeya Mining, arising under the loan agreement for $ 150 million, to the company Unique Goals International Ltd, where the beneficiary is Yanchukov himself. This is the result of negotiations about the restructure from the side of VTB of the debt gold mining company, which lasted more than six months.

VTB accepted the decision to grant the loan to the gold company in the amount of $ 150 million in December 2011. In February 2012, the credit facility was opened for five years at the rate of three-month LIBOR plus 8-14% per annum, depending on the level of annual gold production. As part of the loan contract, the mining company also committed to sell all the produced metal to VTB in strictly defined quantities.

But a year later, the borrower has violated the "golden" agreement with VTB, without fulfilling the full liability for the sale of produced gold. So, in March of this year, which follows from the statements of the gold mining company, it lowered its productivity from 130 thousand ounces of gold in the year to 50 thousand ounces, in April - up to 42 ounces. As a result, a loan, provided to Mangazeya Mining, was classified as a short-term liability. And VTB could foreclose on the gold-bearing areas of the company, pledged under the loan.

Izvestia, 9/10/2013


The assets of the former owner of Cherkizovsky market Telman Ismailov, including Mardan Palace Hotel in Turkey and a real estate in Moscow, are frozen in Cyprus at the request of the "Mangazeya" of Sergei Yanchukov, owning assets in gold, oil and real estate development industries. Mr. Ismailov allegedly held in "Mangazeya" $ 100 million on development projects in the capital under the personal guarantee and did not return the debt, payment period for which occurred last autumn. But the cost of only one Mardan Palace is much more than the disputed amount, and attorneys are confident that businessman will resolve the issue out of court.

Kommersant, 07.07.2014


Yanchukov Sergey Valentinovich was born December 15, 1975 in the Ukraine. He graduated from the Moscow State University.

He has held various positions in the Russian companies in the sphere of trade, finance and mining. According to media reports, former head of one of the subsidiaries of "Gazprom". He is the founder of the financial group "Mangazeya", which develops oil and gas assets in the Yamalo-gold mining, development business in Moscow and finances. Among the biggest assets - 70-percent stake in Mangazeya Mining Ltd. (Former White Tiger Gold), which owns the Russian gold deposits Savkino, Nasedkino and several others. Currently heads the company's board of directors. In 2009, mass media reported the arrest of a businessman in connection with allegations of non-payment of salaries (P. 1, Art. 145.1 of the Criminal Code) to employees of the oil company "Mangazeya" and abuse of power (P. 1, Art. 201 of the Criminal Code). Soon he was released; nothing was reported about the development of the case. In the database "SPARK-Interfax" he is referred as a former or current head of the 10 companies, including Ltd. M7 (consulting), CJSC "Mangazeya" (oil and associated gas), LLC "Mangazeya Center» (wholesale), LLC "Consent" (activities of holding companies management), "Daltsvetmet" LLC (exploration).

"Kommersant". 07/07/2015


 Businessman Maxim Finsky, against which a criminal case is initiated in Russia, filed lawsuits in Canada and on the British Virgin Islands against his former partner Sergei Yanchukov. The plaintiff is claiming for $ 185 million.

A former top manager of Onexim, businessman Maxim Finsky, filed lawsuits in Canada and the British Virgin Islands (BVI) against his former partner in the gold business Sergey Yanchukov. It is said about the fact of filing lawsuits in the statement of one of the lawyers of Finsky, Robert Amsterdam. Businessman applied for judicial help to protect against the raid, which was initiated by a group of persons in Russia in "the highest circles of the Russian leadership", say lawyers. But while lawsuits are filed only against Yanchukov, to whom Finsky in 2013 sold his stake in the Canadian White Tiger Gold (WTG), which had a license in the Trans-Baikal and the Magadan region.

Finsky suspects Yanchukov in financial connections with the high-ranking official in the Russian government, but the name of this official is not mentioned in the lawsuit, stated Robert Amsterdam to RBC.

"RBC". 08/20/2015


Suing with the Russian state is costly and often futile. Yukos shareholders have already won from Russia $ 50 billion, but did not get anything. Nevertheless, the former oligarchs Pugachev and Borodin, Ukrainian oligarch Kolomoisky, a number of other individuals and companies want to sue with our country.

... To protect Maxim Finsky from criminal case in Russia Amsterdam & Partners LLP is preparing lawsuits in the Western courts to "senior Russian officials" and does not exclude the probability of filing a lawsuit against Russia. To date, lawsuits are already filed in Canada and the British Virgin Islands for $ 185 million, but not against Russia, but against former partner Maxim Finsky on White Tiger Gold Ltd Sergei Yanchukov. In 2013, Yanchukov bought out Finsky, but was unable to pull the company out of financial difficulties and filed a complaint against Finsky in law enforcement authorities about the outstanding loans, which were formed by the previous management team.

Kommersant, 05.10.2015


The owner of the group "Mangazeya" Sergei Yanchukov yesterday filed a lawsuit in the Southern District of New York "for damages caused by fraudulent activities" to the ex-partner in gold mining Mangazeya Mining (formerly White Tiger Gold, WTG), a former top manager of "Norilsk nickel" and "INTERGEO" Maxim Finsky. As told "Kommersant" Sergei Yanchukov, in 2010 he bought a stake in the Canadian Century Mining, where Mr. Finsky owned about 40%. The spring of 2011 there was the announcement of the merger of WTG and Century, also controlled by Mr. Finsky, which ended in October 2011.

Filing a lawsuit in a US court, Mr. Yanchukov explains by the fact that it was in New York in October of the same in 2011; Mr. Finsky urged him and other investors that reserves of Savkino, owned by WTG, are not less than 400 thousand ounces. In November of the same year came out a report of Russian "TOMS Engineering", which referred to 438 thousand ounces of reserves. Later, representatives of the "Mangazeya" found that by Micon report from November 2010 it was only about 113 thousand. Oz.

Kommersant, 10.16.2015


Sergey Yanchukov, the owner of the "Mangazeya", which consists of the same name development, oil and gold companies. He is in-law of the former mayor of Kiev Leonid Chernovetsky. Ismailov attempted to open a clothing market in Ukraine with Yanchukov, as well as to invest in Moscow's business centers, say friends of Ismailov. According to them, at a certain stage of cooperation among partners there was a serious conflict, after which Yanchukov started buying debts of Ismailov. Now Yanchukov is one of the largest creditors of Ismailov with the requirements of more than $ 100 million.

Vedomosti, 10.18.2015


OC "Mangazeya" (included in "Mangazeya" group of companies Sergei Yanchukov) is looking for an investor to develop Terelskoe gas condensate field in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District, told reporters the head of the group Mr. Yanchukov. According to him, negotiations are underway with several companies, among them - a "major Western energy company" that wants to "participate in the asset and receive a guaranteed amount of gas." Sergey Yanchukov said that it is about selling a share below the control.

Kommersant, 12.22.2015


In the mid-1990s, the main decoration of Odessa Privoz was a double decker Pavilion "Vegetables, fruits", built of plywood. Nearby was working an exchange office, next to which the moneychangers were fleecing unsuspecting customers. Exchanger belonged to two Jews from Odessa, Misha and Borya (history is not retained their surnames). First Deputy Chief of the Odessa branch of the National Bank of Ukraine Valentyn Yanchukov has attached to them his 18-year-old son, Sergei. Sergei first started to make good money there - a few hundred dollars a month.

... The financier, trader, owner of commodity assets, Yanchukov earned tens of millions of dollars initially, and then, after his marriage in 2011 to the daughter of the mayor of Kiev Leonid Chernovetsky, the account of his income went to the hundreds of millions.

... At the Privoz Sergey Yanchukov stayed only a year. In 1995, together with fellow students at the Odessa Polytech he organized a small-scale wholesale trade in water and food. But his father thought that it is time for his son to go to the stock market, and Sergei proved to be head of the department of set up branch of the bank "Aval", which served the pension fund cash flows, Ukrposhta, the Treasury and other government agencies. According to Yanchukov, especially he was able to work with government securities and promissory notes of the National Dispatch Center of Energy of Ukraine. It was possible to buy them at a discount of 40-60% and to extinguish with them debts for electricity in Odessaoblenergo at par.

In addition to bills and bonds, he became engaged in privatization compensation certificates (Russian analogue of vouchers). Buying them from the population and converting into shares of Odessa CHP, Yanchukov earned the first $ 100,000.

Forbes, 18.02.2016

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