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Chigirinskiy Shalva Pavlovich

23.02.2018 22:42
Chigirinskiy Shalva Pavlovich



Born July 1st 1949, Kutaisi (Georgian SSR). Graduate of First Moscow Sechenov medical institute. 1987 emigrated to Spain, then to Federal Republic of Germany, where he started his realtor activities. 1989 became one of developer company ST Group ("ST Group", S+T Group) founders, later bought out partner's share and became the sole owner. In the beginning of 1990 returned to Russia, where he initiated construction and reconstruction real estate projects being the co-owner of German company “S+T Handels, GmBh”. 1997 elected Chairman of “ST Group” board.

2001 set up Moscow Developer company (MDC) on parity basis with Moscow government.

2002 shared assets with brother, and later instead of joint company “ST” was founded “STT Group” (of elder brother Shalvi) and “ST Group” (of junior brother – Alexander; 2007 renamed to “Snegiri” group). According to mass media, 50 % “MDC” share belonged to “STT Group” Ltd (the same share owned Moscow government). In the end of 2007, all Chigirinskiy real estate assets merged into “Russian Land” assets. It was announced that Chigirinskiy's real estate would be managed by joint company of Russian Land and Swiss construction group “Implenia" - "Russian Land Implenia" (RLI).

Printed media reported about such developer's projects as participation in Moscow international business center “City” (MIBC) construction, chain of hypermarkets “Metro-Real",also projects of St. Petersburg's island Novaya Golandiya reconstruction and construction of “Chrystal island” cultural business center in Nagatinskaya valley.

Parallel with developer business Chigirinskiy carried on oil business. In 1996, together with "British Petroleum" he set up "Petrolcomplex" for petrol stations chain development in Moscow under brand "BP", in 1999, became director of British company “Sibir Energy”, dealing with supply of oil products.

In 2000, Chigirinskiy launched “Moscow oil company” set up (MOC, later – 'Moscow oil and gas company”, MOGC) – with participation of Moscow government owned “Central fuel company” (Cenralnaya toplivnaya companiya). The same year the entrepreneur became president of “Moscow Oil Company”, in January 2001, he became president of “Central fuel company”, owning “Moscow oil-processing plant” (MOPP). In two years he took the position of CEO, in 2004 – president of “Moscow oil and gas company” OJSC. In March 2009 Chigirinskiy's president's authority was terminated at “Moscow oil and gas company” board meeting.

Chigirinskiy was named one of the reaches t people on the planet: in 2008 Forbes ranked him 524 in the World rating of reach men (58 in the list of Russian billionaires) with ownership of $ 2,3 billion.

Married, three children.

Since 2008, Chigirinskiy lived in London. In autumn 2009 printed media reported that the entrepreneur moved to Israel.
Sources:, 14.10. 2009



In radio “Svoboda” interview Shalva Chigirinskiy told that he started his career with illegal business. Not to state in concrete terms, he stated that he was dealing for twenty years with antiques. According to some information, as printed media reported, Chigirinskiy dealt with icons. The entrepreneur stated that because of his activities he was subject to KGB persecution.
Source: linked to radio “Svoboda” from 28.01.2001 and

Printed media reported about tight connection between Chigirinskiy and Georgian criminal group representatives and their partners, for example, one of “Solntsev”criminal group leader – Dzhamal Hachidze. It was reported about “Chigirinskiy affiliation with ethnic criminal societies, indirectly infringing on governor Luzhkov's interests”.
Source: with link to

As printed media reported, about Chigirinskiy's connection with criminal fellow-citizens mentioned Western information agencies reuters and marketwatch, TV channel CNBC. It was reported according to public organization OligarchWatch, one of arrested criminal leaders – Pitiya – confirmed that some well-known businessmen helped his group activities in Moscow. He named Chigirinskiy one of the most active helpers.
Source: "Schit and mech" from 11.09.2008

According to mass media, Chigiriskiy had an opened conflict with Roman Abramovich and Boris Berezovskiy.

As it was reported, in 2000, Chigirinskiy and Abramovich set up a joint venture “Sibneft – Yugra”. 50 % got the daughter of "Sibir Energy" (Chigirinskiy – owner of 23,5% share, the fact that has been disputed) - "Yugranef". The second part was transferred to “Sibneft”. In 2004,in Sibir Energy was founded "Yugraneft" owned less than one percent of "Sibneft-Yugra". It turned out that the joint venture held additional emission of shares twice, as a result, owners of company's 99% became “Sibneft” and several off shores. According to mass media, the diffusion of assets became the reason of misunderstanding between brothers Chigirinskiys. Shalva, supposedly, accused Alexander of permissiveness.
Source: «Vedomosti» №90 (2360) 20.05.2009

As it was reported, Chigirinskiy addressed the Russian court and the court of British Virgin islands court, but unsuccessfully. In November 2007 “Yugraneft” brought an action against Abramovich, his company "Millhouse Capital" and Boris Berezovskiy in the Commercial court of London. The claimants gave reasons for including Berezovskiy in the list of respondents by the fact that he had been co-owner of “Sibneft” and demanded in court from Abramovich $5 billion from the profit share he got after “Sibneft” sale to “Gazprom”. Therefore, as Chigirinskiy part considered, Abramovich could get part of profit of “Yugraneft” removing from SP.
Source: from 19.11.2007

According to printed media, in October 2008 the Court of London refused to satisfy Chigirinskiy company's claim because, as the judge stated, the accusations against Abramovich were not enough and the case is not under London court jurisdiction.
Source: with link to Bloomberg

Shalva Chigirinskiy was a leading person in a scandal with demolition of “Rossia” hotel.

According to printed media, in December 2004 Chigirinskiy's company “ST Development” won tender for the hotel demolition and Zaryadie construction.
Source: «Vedomosti» from 06.12.2004

However one of the loser companies - ZAO“Monab” – addressed the court with claim that the tender was held with violations. In October 2006 the Superior arbitration court acknowledged the results of the tender invalid. The case were forwarded for further consideration about invalid tender's results.
Sources: «Izvestiya» from 28.03.2008, «Kommersant» №126 (3943) 22.07.2008, «Rosbalt» from 22.10.2008

Moscow government owned OJSC “Rossiya”got the right for reconstruction of the buildings complex including hotel “Rossiya”. OJSC “Rossiya” as the owner attracted Chigirinskiy's company without tender. Irrespective the court decision about invalid tender results of choosing the investor for “Rossiya” reconstruction, Chigirinskiy's company concluded the contract directly with the hotel and continued it's demolition.
Source: RBC daily from 23.10.2008

However the economical crisis prevented the plans from realization.


According to printed media, in 2008 Chigirinskiy ceased to be investor of “Rossiya” tower construction. He stated that his removal was the formality because 100 % owned by him “ST Towers” Ltd. Continued to be the investor-constructor.
Source: RBC daily from 23.10.2008

Since spring 2009 Chigirinskiy started to conflict with Moscow government. As it was reported, he demanded “Rossiya” OJSC to cover the expenses for the project in the amount $ 100 million. At first the entrepreneur's claims were considered illegitimate but then agreed to pay the expenses of “ST Development” for the project's initial part of realization.
Source: Interfax from 22.05.2009

According to printed media, already in 2007 the decision of court came into power to charge 171,2 million rubles from OAO “Rossiya” against claim of “ST Development” Ltd. However the statement about execution of the court order against OAO was signed only in April 2009. As it was reported, the property and cash resources, including partly demolished hotel building, were arrested.
Source: «Kommersant» №102 (4157) from 09.06.2009

Having unpaid the promised compensation from Moscow government, Chigirinskiy brought an action against OAO “Rossiya” with claim of almost 125 million rubles.
Source: RIA "Novosti" from 19.06.2009

In November 2009 came up news that OAO “Rossiya” sinked a debt for Chigirinskiy's structure for about 500 million rubles.

After that, as it was reported, the capital city government stopped negotiations concerning the compensation of “ST Development” expenses for hotel “Rossiya” reconstruction. «ST Development» claimed against Moscow government and personally against Yury Luzhkov and his two deputies.

It was stated in the claim that the officials didn't submit documents necessary for confirmation of “ST Development” position in another case – about charging Moscow government 3,159 billion rubles (later the amount was increased to 4,093 billion rubles in specified claims). According to reports, in February 2010, Moscow Arbitration court declined “ST Development” claim to charge compensation of “Rossiya” reconstruction and application with the request to oblige the respondent to submit additional documents confirming the expenses of “ST Development”.
Source: RIA «Novosti» from 14.01.2010, «Kommersant» №4 (4304) from 14.01.2010

Another ambitious project, in which Shalva Chigirinskiy suffered a failure, was cultural and business center “Crystal island' in Nagatinskaya valley.

According to mass media,”Moscow development company” became the investor of “Crystal island” in 2004. Chigirinskiy brought British architect Norman Foster, whom he dealt withalready before, as the project designer. The architect was involved, for example, in such projects as 600 meters skyscraper “Rossiya” and “Novaya Gollandiya” island reconstruction project in St.Petersburg. It was reported that “Crystal island”, pretended to become the biggest building in the World, excited many arguments already in project phase.
Source: «Kommersant» №232/П (3808) from 17.12.2007, Regnum from 14.02.2006

In 2008, according to printed media, “Moscow development company” exited the “Crystal island” project. The entrepreneur himself didn't comment the situation. Moscow city hall sources stated that the situation could be influences by the entrepreneur's problems with limited access to credit resources. In accordance with this, it was reported that in spring 2008 Chigirinskiy negotiated with Western banks pool about $1 billion credit line for “Rossiya” tower construction. Negotiations came to nothing. It was stated in Moscow administration that they were intended to search for new co-investors of “Crystal island”, ready to take upon themselves almost all expenses.
Newspaper «Kommersant» № 192 (4009) from 22.10.2008

In December 2008, when Chigirinskiy got to a complicated financial situation, there came up information that he sold 50 % of “Tower “Rossiya” project to Sibir Energy (cofounder of “Moscow oil and gas company”) and was ready to sell it other developer assets with discount. In addition to that, it was stated that Sibir Energy would take liabilities of Chigirinskiy owned “Russian Land” in the amount $ 213 million upon itself. According to Sibir Energy representatives, that way company could support it's partner in economical crisis conditions.
Source: «Kommersant, 04.12.2008. — №221 (4038)

However already in February 2009 Sibir Energy refused to finalize the purchasing of developer assets and take upon itself liabilities of Chigirinskiy. The entrepreneur had to return the company $325 million till October 11th 2009. Experts supposed that Chigirinskiy would be obliged to sell his share in Sibir Energy for debts.
Source: from 20.02.2009

Sibir Energy brought an action to Superior court of Great Britain accusing Chigirinskiy that being the owner of 23,5% shares, he forced the company to operate to the prejudice of other shareholders. Claimants stated that the entrepreneur misappropriated $328 million, belonging to the company, and forced Sibir Energy to pay $ 62 million of his debts. Co-respondents of Chigirinsky became controlled by him "Gradison Consultants", investment consultant "Derbent Management Limited" and the former Sibir Energy CEO Henry Cameron. Court issued determination for Chigirinskiy to forbid him selling assets if the transactions would lead to decrease of the rest of his property cost less than $ 371 million.
Source: «Kommersant» №62 (4117) 08.04.2009

According to interim decisions, made in August 2009,” Gradison Consultants" was obliged to pay out to "Sibir Energy" $ 210 million.

According to reports, in July 2009, London court arrested Chigirinskiy's developer projects, real estate and antics, and then permitted "Sibir Energy" to get money from sale.

According to printed media, "Sibir Energy" already got from Chigirinskiy's London mansion sale $ 27,4 million.

In November 2009 Superior court of London increased the amount of Chigirinskiy and his company's liabilities to return to "Sibir Energy" to $ 111,3 million.
Sources: «Vedomosti» № 169 (2439) 09.09.2009, «Vedomosti» 226 (2496) from 30.11.2009, from 14.10. 2009, 24.08. 2009

The printed media described a conflict between Shalva Chigirinskiy and Ruslan Baysarov. According to printed media, in the beginning of 2009, businessmen brought an action against each other. Baysarov addressed the court of Man island via his company "Rossini", stating that already in 2003 his company became the 50 % shares owner of "Bennfield" Ltd, controlling 47 % of “Sibir Energy". As the confirmation of getting the shares, “Rossini” representatives submitted Chigirinskiy application certified by Swiss lawyer.
Source: «Kommersant» №76 (4131) from 28.04.2009

Baysarov, as it was reported, stated that Chigirinskiy already in 2006 chose "Sibir Energy" from the list of shareholders, and hid share was bought by Baysarov's partner Igor Kesaev. One month after the claim, according to printed media, Baysarov announced, that he returned to himself control over "Sibir Energy" 23,5 % shares. According to him, that was exactly what he was going to get when applying to court.
Source: «Kommersant» №86/П (4141) 18.05.2009

Chigirinskiy brought an action against Baysarov's "Orton Oil Company" Ltd and "Bronson Partners Corp." in Superior court of London. The entrepreneur disputed Baysarov's the control over 23,35% shares of “Sibir Energy". In summer 2009 the shares remained at Baysarov.

According to information for March 2010, the dispute between Chigirinskiy and Baysarov has been continuing.
Sources: from 30.07.2009, from 18.03.2010

According to printed media, Russian law-enforcement authorities suspect companies, earlier led by Shalva Cigirinskiy, of tax evasion in the amount more than 600 million rubles. It was reported that on June 29th 2009 Moscow Chief Directorate of Internal Affairs (GUVD) investigation department began criminal proceeding, suspecting “Moscow oil company” of tax evasions in 2002-2003, and it's assign – “Moscow oil and gas company” - in 2006.

According to version of investigation, Moscow oil company filled in it's tax declaration undone costs. And “Moscow oil and gas company” specified in it's documents that it sold oil products via front companies although in a fact the transactions were direct. In the result, as the investigators considered, “Moscow oil and gas company” paid less taxes than it was supposed to. The law-enforcement authorities got interested in Shalva Chigirinskiy because from 1999 he was the president of “Moscow oil company”, and from 2003 till May 2009 he took the position of “Moscow oil and gas company” president. It was reported that the entrepreneur was called to interrogation as a witness, but he didn't come.
Source: «Kommersant» № 129 (4184) from 18.07.2009

According to printed media, in the middle of February 2010, GUVD began the criminal proceeding against the former management of “Moscow Oil Processing Plant” for tax evasion. According to investigation version, in 2006 the former plant management filled false excise data in tax declarations, which caused 1,3 billion rubles loss for budget. According to printed media, in 2006 the company was led by one of "Sibir Energy" co-owners, Shalva Chigirinskiy, and Moscow government.
Source: 18.03.2010

Printed media described the conflict between Chigirinskiy nad VTB (VneshTorgBank).

It was reported that in 2007 Chigirinskiy's company "Russian Land" got 3 million rubles credit, as the guarantee acted Chigirinskiy personally and "Gradison Consultants" Inc. As was reported, the credit was issued by Deutsche Bank, which reassigned the right of claim to VTB. Approximately at the same time, according to printed media, “Russian Land” ceased paying the debt. In the beginning of July 2009 VTB addressed the Superior court of Great Britain with the claim against "Russian Land" to sink a debt. The court put Chigirinskiy's developer projects, real estate and private collection of antique watches under accessory arrest. Chigirinskiy himself and another credit guarantee, “Gradison Consultants" Inc., became the claim respondents.

According to printed media, in August 2009 the Superior court of Great Britain stated the decision to charge "Gradison Consultants" Inc, which name part of Chigirinskiy's assets were registered in, more than 3 billion rubles against VTB claims.
Source: 24.08. 2009

According to printed media, in a month the court obliged Chigirinskiy to pay out to the bank the same amount against selling property in Russia and abroad. It was admitted that by both decisions it was supposed to pay the same debt, which had to be withheld from different sources.

Against VTB claim the court arrested also “Passage” trade center in St.Petersburg owned by Chigirinskiy. According to information for December 2009, the trade center's sale negotiations were close to conclusion.

According to printed media, by the moment of offer “Passage” for sale Chigirinskiy didn't settle accounts with president of “Adamant” holding, Igor Leitis, for trade house purchasing.

Printed media reported that Leitis brought an action against Chigirinskiy in the International arbitration tribunal (London), claiming $32 million.

According to information by March 2010, controlled by Leitis «Edimax limited» continues legal proceeding with close to Shalva Chigirinskiy “Divieto limited” for “Passage”shares money due to receive.
Sources: «Kommersant» №176 (4231) from 23.09.2009, from 22.12. 2009, «Vedomosti – St. Petersburg» №156 (2426) from 21.08.2009, 01.12.2009, from 12.03.2010

Because of Shalva Chigirinskiy's accounts arrest by British court, the realization of “Novaya Gollandiya” project was hurried up in St. Petersburg. The entrepreneur was the co-owner of the project investor company. According to printed media, after losing the partner on behalf of Chigirinskiy, the investor announced that the reconstruction costs would be cut. It was supposed to reduce the project's cost by reducing and simplifying of new projects ( including Festival Palace) designed by infamous architect Norman Foster. In March 2010, according to printed media, St. Petersburg administration turned to Russian government with proposal to hold new tender for “Novaya Gollandiya” island reconstruction.
Source: 18. 03. 2010

At present time relations between the entrepreneur and the first couple of the capital are far from friendly. Chigirinskiy didn't only bring an action against Luzhkov about the tower “Rossiya”. At the next in turn hearing of the case in Superior court of London in July 2009 he tried to prove his rights for share in "Sibir Energy", accusing Elena Baturina of the attacks on his assets.
Source: from 21.07.2009

According to reports, the entrepreneur stated that in 1999 he concluded with Elena Baturina partnership agreement setting up the oil company “Sibir Energy". Under this agreement the authorized capital, incomes and costs were divided into equal parts in exchange for “assistance in overcoming bureaucratic complications”. However after that, as Chigirinskiy stated, Baturina tried to take possession of his share in the company. Yury Luzhkov's spouse and head of «Inteko» denied the accusations, calling them the attempt “to evade from paying undoubted debt”. Baturina stated that between her and Chigirinskiy remained “the only matter” regarding the loan that, as Baturina specified, was not returned.
Sources: «Vremya novostey» from 21.07.2009

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