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Belkovsky Stanislav Alexandrovich

23.02.2018 22:42
Belkovsky Stanislav Alexandrovich



 Stanislav Belkovsky was born in 1971 in Moscow. He graduated from the Faculty of Economic Cybernetics of the Moscow Institute of Management, and then worked as a systems programmer at Goskomnefteprodukt of the Russian Federation. Then he engaged in political consulting and worked with such people as Konstantin Borovoy and Leo Weinberg.

From February 1999 to 2004 he was editor in chief of an Internet agency called Agency of Political News. Since 1999 he was chairman of the Public Editorial Board of the agency.

In 1999 worked as a speechwriter for Dorenko, was the author of the famous story about Primakov‘s tibia problem, then helped Dorenko to be elected to the Moscow City Duma.

In 2002 he worked in Yakutia region for Anatoly Blinov at Alrosa.

In 2002 he established nonprofit Council for National Strategy.

In 2003 the organization published a series of reports like “State and oligarchy” (June, 9) and "A new vertical power structure" (September, 22). “State and oligarchy” report, which specifically pointed to a coup d’etat that Russian oligarchs were supposedly planning, was published around the same time with the beginning of prosecution of Yukos company and its top managers (the head of Yukos, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, was mentioned in the report among the conspirators).

In 2004-2005 he was President of the National Strategy Institute.

In 2004-2005 he voiced opposition to Putin's regime as comprador, corrupt and anti-democratic, including in his criticism of the president both imperial-patriotic and some liberal claims.

In October 2009 he resigned from the establishers of the National Strategy Institute and the Agency of Political News

He is the author of the reports “Putin’s Loneliness” and “Putin’s Loneliness, part 2”.

Was the prototype of the protagonist of a novel by Alexander Prokhanov called “Political Analyst” (2005). The presentation was attended by Khodorkovsky's lawyer.

Source: Wikipedia





The first customer of Belkovsky was BAB, that is, Boris Abramovich Berezovsky. Belkovsky was always grateful to him and never said anything bad about him. But when in 2000 Berezovsky ran into some problems, Belkovsky continued to draw thousands of dollars from his teacher for different virtual projects. However, such PR did not help Berezovsky.

Source: Vokrug Novostei, 10 April 2007


In 1999 Agency of Political News web-page was claimed to be an internet site independent from the oligarchs and the power groups. However, in December of that year Prime-TASS news agency reported the purchase of Agency of Political News web-site by Cityline internet provider for 400 thousand dollars. At that moment close links between the Agency of Political News and Cityline became obvious to everyone. George Schuppe, founder and one of the largest shareholders of Cityline is the husband of Lisa Berezovskaya, that is, son-in-law of Boris Berezovsky. Damian Kudryavtsev, executive producer of the Cityline, is a good friend of Stanislav Belkovsky.

Stanislav Belkovsky and founder of the National Bolshevik Party, Eduard Limonov, became friends in 1999. Berezovsky demanded to slightly change policy line of the party in exchange for the money allocated "to maintain the viability” of the National Bolshevik Party and its leader. Limonov totally switched from his "revolutionary" views and obeyed by the request, adapting the party’s policy to match that of the orange leadership. And this is where Stanislav Belkovsky came in very helpful for Limonov. To be more precise, it was the web-site controlled by the Agency of Political News that was of help.

Source: solomin, 09 August 2006


In the early 2000s Belkovsky, who previously was successful as Sergey Dorenko’s alter-ego, gained the right to promote interests of Berezovsky in Russia, to develop contacts with the opposition and to form political project "BAB-opposition".

Belkovsky decided to become something like what Berezovsky had been under Yeltsin in the Communist Party.

In activities on raising public awareness of the Berezovsky opposition project Belkovsky involved Darya Mitina, a former Communist Party deputy who then broke off the ties with the party with a big scandal and thus put an end to her parliamentary career. Apparently, Mitina came up with a story about how Mikhail Khodorkovsky, instructed by the Kremlin, decided to buy the Communist Party from Berezovsky for 70 million dollars.

Source: Stringer, 22 August 2003


In 2003 Belkovsky persuaded Berezovsky to purchase the Party Union. According to some reports, the sum paid was up to 500 thousand dollars. According to the media, Belkovsky and Alexander Pronin, the party’s leader who previously was member of Zhirinovsky's Liberal Democratic Party and Rutskoy’s Derzhava party, simply split the money acquired. And in order to convince BAB that money was well spent he misinformed the media claiming that the party was headed by Alexander Prokhanov.

Source: Stringer, 02 October 2006


In July 2003 the Swiss prosecutor's office conducted a check of large sum transfers from a London bank to accounts of Liskar Company which, according to the Geneva investigators, is a Russian enterprise. The ground for the check was the fact that money was transferred from firms set up by Boris Berezovsky. Part of the money (about $ 30 million) was transferred to the accounts of two German firms. Then a transaction was made to companies affiliated with the well-known businessman Sergey Zuev.

Another part of the London tranche (approximately $ 12 million) was also transferred to Russia but through Gibraltar and to Stanislav Belkovsky’s accounts.

The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation believed that these transactions were directly related to the events around Yukos.

Source: Kompromat, 30 July 2003


May, 26, 2003 report by the Council for National Strategy claimed that representatives of major Russian business were preparing to seize power in the country and that their activities in the field of politics and economics were a national security threat.

Some experts immediately began to deny their involvement in the petitioned preparation. Mark Urnov, head of the Ekspertiza fund, required to take off the board Joseph Diskin, one of the main authors of the report, and Stanislas Belkovsky, chairman of the board. The Council did not support him and Urnov resigned from the board.

Source: Novaya Gazeta, 05 June 2003


In 2004 experts believed that the reports of the Council for National Strategy were presented to President Putin. According to reliable sources, they were brought to Kremlin by a courier from St. Petersburg, former KGB agent who had close and trusting relationship with Putin. The mentioned man was Vladimir Yakunin, vice-president of Russian Railways JSC.

Source: The Moscow News, № 11, 26 March -01 April 2004


In 2004 Mikhail Khodorkovsky was the client of Belkovsky. Through lawyers and relatives Belkovsky managed to persuade him that only he and his sharp words could help Yukos and Khodorkovsky. At the beginning of the process, the fate of Khodorkovsky was not sealed yet. Most of the world democratic community was on his side and ready to make a huge international scandal. Everything changed after the publication of an article by Mikhail Khodorkovsky called "Crisis of Liberalism". Stanislav Belkovsky said that he is ideologically involved in it. "I think Mikhail Borisovich (Khodorkovsky) had read my articles and was inspired by my ideas," said Belkovsky. Some media claimed that Belkovsky was actually the author of the article published by Khodorkovsky, who did not deny it. He said that he did not write this article personally.

In this article and the following ones Khodorkovsky denounced democracy and liberalism, dreamed of a left turn, repented of his sins, and justified Putin.

After Khodorkovsky publicly renounced the democrats, even the most vigorous ones did not want to help him anymore. Confessions and pleas had no effect on law enforcement agencies. Belkovsky, having totally destroyed the ex-oligarch, left the customer after Khodorkovsky was moved to Chita.

Source:, 07 April 2004


In 2005 Mikhail Khodorkovsky was put in jail for a long time for good. This was a tangible loss for Stanislav Belkovsky. To survive and keep the team he had to find new customers. According to some sources, he chose Grigory Grabovoy, a man who considered himself a messiah and announced his intention to become president of Russia after 2008.

The ethics behind all this leaves room for doubt. Belkovsky considered Grabovoy a project that like any other power was actively gaining popularity in areas of human interest.

Surce: Kompromat, 07 October 2005


In 2004 Rodina party and its leader Dmitry Rogozin throughout the brief history of the party were closely involved with political analyst Stanislav Belkovsky. Just before the first congress of this organization in the summer 2004 he said the following in his comments about the future of its leader, “The Kremlin will not be able to curb the radical initiatives of Mr. Rogozin”.

The outcome is clear. Belkovsky got what he wanted and abandoned Rogozin. As for Rogozin, after a year anti-government attacks the government was so fed up with him that banned him in the media reports. And in 2006 he was made redundant from the party.

Source: Novye Izvestia, 24 March 2006


In 2004-2006 it was Yulia Tymoshenko whom Belkovsky assisted. Belkovsky began helping Tymoshenko immediately after her victory over people’s hearts on the city square, at the zenith of her glory. They parted when she found herself on the outskirts of Ukrainian politics. After the collapse of Tymoshenko, Belkovsky cynically said that he warned her about that long in advance.

Source: solomin, 11 October 2006


The media speculated that starting with 2006 Belkovsky’s customer was Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov. It happened, naturally, in an indirect way through Federal Security Service of Russia supervisors of the analyst concerned with Ivanov. And also through a chain of people Belkovsky - Berezovsky - Gusinsky - Zverev - Ivanov. As a result, all Ivanov's over night became Belkovsky’s enemies.

Source:, 18 November 2006


For a long time Agency for Political News owned by Belkovsky and affiliated structures fed the media with allegations of irreconcilable tensions between the two Deputy heads of presidential administration, Igor Sechin and Vladislav Surkov. According to Belkovsky, Russian security services were a gang of murderers, and the presidential administration was a nest of vipers, and Medvedev can not do anything right. And most importantly, exposed Sechin as opaque plotter.

Source: Elektorat.Info, 29 November 2006


In autumn 2006 Belkovsky actively promoted himself to be the chief ideologist of the liberal opposition party Other Russia. However, even those supporting Limonov and the "black widow" of Russian politics and PR, Litvinovich, felt that his company was discrediting them. At the same time Belkovsky tried to flirt with the radical nationalist parties, but there he was firmly made aware of being unwelcome. Deprived of two promising business sources, the political strategist at some point decided to offer his services to a wealthy and respectable Just Russia party. But influential social democrats were stunned at such a proposal and Belkovsky had no clients again.

As a result in 2007 Belkovsky had to establish a tiny party of his own called People (co-chairpersons being  Sergei Gulyaev, Alex Navalny, Zakhar Prilepin, chairman of political council Andrey Dmitriev, Chairman of the Executive committee Peter Miloserdov). It is hard to tell who the sponsor was, although there is room for assumption that funding had something to do with the so-called fugitive oligarchs. Anyhow, the party had a money source. The story of new comers is of little interest: the movement existed exactly to the point where it seized to receive funding.

Source: solomin, 10 July 2007


Stanislav Belkovsky, the political analyst, was the ideological leader of the People. “Belkovsky”, said Alex Bulk, “is only a political scientist who oversees the process." However, the emergence of People on the Other Russia messed things up for the opposition and split the coalition into two.

The movement of Belkovsky and Navalny that emerged literally from nowhere was a massive blow for plans of Limonov and Mikhail Kasyanov, who wished to take up the part of consolidator. The blow was primarily that of supporting a complex scheme and, of course, the unexpected appearance of a heavyweight candidate Viktor Gerashchenko.

Already in late autumn 2007, when Other Russia’s failure became apparent, details of the intrigues and almost provocations started to come to the surface. There was a version that Boris Berezovsky authorized emergence of People to provide for Belkovsky and Navalny’s take over of the Other Russia. There was also an argument that the aim was to appropriate funds and other murky financial flows of the Other Russia party.

Eduard Limonov reminded the party about the activities of Navalny and Belkovsky as well as about other things. He accidentally found out that Navalny’s colleague, Stanislav Belkovsky, assured people that People party was set up by ... Eduard Limonov.

Source:, 15 February 2008


A TV journalist, Vladimir Solovyov, reported that the promotion of Navalny’s political and public career (at least since the People party emergence) was assisted by Stanislav Belkovsky and stated that Belkovsky failed the task.

Source:, 23 March 2011


In November 2007 Germany's largest weekly newspaper Die Welt published an interview with Stanislav Belkovsky, who was under the control of the then top officials of the Federal Security Service of Russia. In an interview Belkovsky claimed that Putin was one of the world's richest people, who controls a large number of Surgutneftegaz, Gazprom, and oil trading Gunvor company shares through his friends like Gennady Timchenko,.

Source: Slavic Europe, 11 March 2009


Media claimed that one of the reasons behind Aleksey Navalny’s interest to the Gunvor company was that Stanislav Belkovsky revealed ties between ex-President Vladimir Putin with Gunvor. After the statement Navalny demanded to know the volume and conditions on which  Rosneft, Gazprom Neft, and Surgutneftegaz sell oil to Gunvor.

Source: on 15 May 2008


The media speculated that during the 2011-2012 electoral period Belkovsky might work for the Communist Party. However, Stanislav Belkovsky, about whom Gleb Pavlovsky once said that "any word Stanislav utters was already paid for" may as well simultaneously be advisor to the non-party opposition. For example, to Boris Nemtsov and Garry Kasparov. For him, a wide scope of work including the Orthodox struggle or liberal nationalism is quite a usual thing.

Source:, 05 April 2011 

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