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Klinovsky Timour Timofeevich

23.02.2018 22:43

The founder of a number of companies - "StroyLendInvest", "Tetra T", "Land Service", "Agricultural Complex" Gorki-2 "," Rybhoz” , "Narskiye  ostrova" and other enterprises, which own large plots of land in the suburbs.


The attack on Mr. Klinovsky was committed on March 29 near the office of JSC "Agricultural Complex 'Gorki-2'" in the eponymous village located in the Odintsovo district. The police believe he was saved by a miracle - a bomb exploded in a moment after the businessman walked into the building industry. The agents said that "probably the killer hesitated with blowing up." The version that they just wanted to scare Klinovsky, is not under discussion. "They wanted not to scare but to kill him, it's a fact," - said yesterday one of the detectives.

As it was established by the experts of Moscow region police, criminals exploded an anti-personnel mine MON-50 20 meters from the main entrance to the office of agroindustrial company. Its pieces, 550 steel rollers, affect all living within a radius of 50 meters from the blast site. The police believe that if Timothy Klinovsky was on the street at the time of explosion, there would not be any chances of survival for him.

Yesterday public prosecution office of Moscow region opened a criminal investigation into the assassination of businessman. Investigators will study all possible versions of the crime. But, according to Ъ, mostly they intend to seek connection with the activities of the assassination of Timothy Klinovsky to serve on the Board of Directors of JSC "Agricultural Complex 'Gorki-2'." This agricultural firm, the former poultry farm, owns large piece of land along the Rublevo –Uspenskoye  highway. As you know, the cost of 1 decare of land in this location is $ 100 million.


A few years ago, the control of the companies  was gained by the main shareholders of the Company "Wimm-Bill-Dann" David Yakobashvili  and Yushaev  Gavriil, as well as their business partner, the son of Timofey Klinovsky-Timour.

On the lands of farming owners of "Wimm-Bill-Dann" and Timur Klinovsky intend to launch a large-scale real estate development. In there is the construction of a business center, a hypermarket and a residential complex of the area of ​​40 thousand square meters. The detectives of CID of police of Mosow region who are involved into the group which investigates the crime, yesterday in a conversation with reporter of Ъ supposed that "someone from the inhabitants of the houses at Rublyuvka might not like the prospect of large-scale construction projects under their own windows, but there are a lot of influential and determined people among them."

In addition, the police has not yet ruled out the version of a possible involvement in the assassination of Timothy Klinovsky some of the former workers of agro-firms who , after the privatization , are formally of  minority of shareholders in the economy, and they not control it. For many years, former employees of "Gorki-2", united to protect their interests with other farm workers near Moscow in a social movement "Peasant Front," are trying unsuccessfully to prove in court that the land of their farm were taken away  illegally." The directors of the agricultural firms , forging acts of voluntary transfer of land shares that we received in 1997 by presidential decree, without our consent  made them an authorized capital of the company," - told  Ъ the leader of the initiative group of disgruntled minority of shareholders "Gorki-2" Tamara Semenova. At the same time she strongly disagreed with the version of a possible involvement in the explosion  of someone from minority shareholders. "We are not criminals and not the oligarchs, it is their methods - said Tamara Semenova  to correspondent of Ъ. - We are fighting in the courts and at the meetings." She was supported by the leader of the "Peasant Front" Marina Zhurova, who  said that "the explosion is more probable  a provocation against our movement. We are not involved in this."

In the office of "AgroComplex 'Gorki-2', it was said that they were not involved into explosion . Deputy Director of the agricultural company Oleg Tsutskov said that he even did not hear about the explosion. "There was no attempt. All are alive, everyone is healthy, all these are machinations of our enemies," – told Ъ the Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Wimm-Bill-Dann"  and one of the principal owners of agricultural firm David Yakobashvili.
Source:, 31.03.2006

The calmest setting developed in Rublevo-Uspenskoye direction, where there is a unique microclimate, independent from the mood of the rest of the market - there are only a few large landowners. There is nothing to be sold in large amounts and the prices of land are dictated by several players. One of the owners of agricomplex "Gorki-2" - the shareholders of "Wimm-Bill-Dann" David Yakobashvili, Gabriel Yushvaev , Timur Klinovsky and others simply are not going to sell the land, moreover, they want to increase their assets, as "Vedomosti "  already mentioned .

Source:, 22.10.2007

Victoria Semenova , the wife of Deputy Viktor Semyonov, sold 60% of the "Russian lawns" company  to "Trinity" group. The new CEO of "Russian lawns" Sergey Tsarapkin representing the interests of "Trinity," confirmed that Semenova sold the share to "a group of investors that are close to “Trinity”. The Co-owner of “Trinity” David Yakobashvili said that together with him, the actual buyers of "Russian lawns "- are Gabriel Yushvaev  and Timur Klinovsky. And "Trinity" - is "just his office."

"Russian lawns" company  owns  5000 hectares of land in Ramenskoye near Moscow, said Semyonov. This figure was confirmed  by Tsarapkin. "Russian lawns"  cultivated about 1,000 hectares of lawns, performed by municipal orders for gardening. The company was part of "Belaya Dacha"group. Victoria Semenova,  as she said, will now focus on the flower business ("Flowers Belaya Dacha") and garden centers.

The conflict between the owners' lawns Russian "occurred in 2006-2007. According to Semenov, Zhardanovsky  was selling products of "Russian lawns" at inflated prices, so there was made a decision about his exit from the number of co-owners of the company, but he estimated its share is too high - as 2 billion rubles. According to Zhardanovsky, he wrote a statement for the sale of its share under "pressure", named  the price and went to Canada, and during the absence he was excluded from the list of co-owners of the "Russian lawns."
Experts estimate this deal as  $50 million. And if to calculate the price of the land, then, counting from  the price of $10 000 per hectar ,we will also get $50 million, as it is written in  "Vedomosti".

Source:, 26.11.2007

In August 2006, the 21-year-old student of the Moscow State University of Foreign Affairs Natalia Kasyanov married 23-year-old student of the Moscow State University of Foreign Affairs Klinovsky Andrey, the son of co-founder of "Epicenter Market" Timur Klinovsky. Timur Klinovsky is in the list of the richest people in Russia and owns several large land plots in Odintsovo district near Moscow. About three hundred guests arrived to the wedding banquet, which was held in the  atmosphere of high secrecy.

Source:, 24.09.2006

Kasyanov's young son-in-law  is the youngest son of widely known in narrow circles Timfey (Timour) Klinovsky - general director of "Shelter Corp." and the founder of a number of companies ("StroyLendInvest", "Tetra T", "Land Service", "Agricultural Complex" Gorki-2 "" Rybhoz "Narskiye ostrova").

The main business of  Klinovsky - is land. Timofey  Timofeevich  is considered to be the largest landowner in Odintsovo district near Moscow - the most expensive part of Russia, where the price of decare  has passed the price of 50,000 dollars long ago.

According to calculations of experts, the family of Klinovsky owns tens of thousands of hectares. The most expensive diamond in the” crown of ownership” - agricomplex "Gorki-2", the former leader of the agricultural enterprises.

"Gorki-2" - is nothing less than 2,400 hectares of "gold-" land. Its market value is estimated as 990 million dollars. Many other tidbits of Odintsovo lands passed through the hands of Klinovsky . Among them there are already sold villages "Gorki-8" and "Luxor Village."

On 29 March this year Klinovsky was even attacked: unidentified attackers put in front of his office in Gorki anti-personnel mine MON-50, from which, fortunately, nobody was hurt. The prosecutors do not doubt that this crime is directly related to land business of failed victim ...

Source:, 11.09.2006

In the early 90s Jakubovski bought a large amount of land in the Odintsovo district. Then he became friends with the heads of the administration, the prosecutor's office, the police, who still help "untouchable" lawyer  Jakubovski with land and other projects. However, it is imposible even to Jakobovsky to "lift" such a large project as the actual transfer to the private use of this tasty piece of land. That is why, according to information received from the Patriots precious lands, the main beneficiaries of the project  became Klinovsky family- the land  clan of "raiders" bound by ties of kinship with the family of former Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov.The businessmen Timour Klinovsky (his son Andrey is married to the daughter of Kasyanov) and his father – Timofey Klinovsky –are well known among various shareholders of agricultural complexes of Moscow region (in particular, agricomplex «Gorki-2»), Wich are situated on prestigious lands near Rublyovka. «By the afforts» of Klinovsky family, that has relations with the authorities of Odintsovo region, (Timofey was married to the relative of Alexander Gladyshev- the head of Odintsovo district  ), the agricultural complexes were robbed,and their lands were illegally taken from their owners.

Source:, 06.06.2013


It is said so that Timour Timofeevich Klinovsky is well-known to the police.

Journalists have reported that as early as the 1990s, he was listed in the database of regional administration for the fight against organized crime of Moscow as an active member of the "Orekhovskaya" gang and friend of the leader of the gang Sergey Timofeev  (Silvester, who was blown up in 1994). Rumor has it that the detectives repeatedly recorded, as they met in the residence of "Orekhovskaya" gang - "Raduga" café on Nizhegorodskaya street in Moscow.

In the early 1990s Klinovsky with co-owners of "Wimm-Bill-Dann" and primarily, with his friend David Yakobashvili, acquired four dairy farms in the area of Rublyovo- Uspenskoye highway - agrocomplex "Gorki-2", " Naro-Osanovsky " , "Moskvoretskoye " and " Makarovo ". Farms sell milk to Lianozovskiy Dairy Plant (part of "Wimm-Bill-Dann"). The annual turnover of agricultural holdings is $ 150 million. In addition, Timur Klinovsky actively engaged in the construction business in Rublyovka.

In 2006, his son Andrey married Natalia Kasyanova, daughter of former Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov. The same year Klinovsky, the authority of the gang in the Moscow region was assassinated.

Now Timur Klinovsky is in a way, a  legendary personality in the Moscow region. All more or less important land transactions in Odintsovsky and other prestigious areas of the region can not be done without his participation.

With his assistance, collective farms on Rublyovka territory were successfully "splitted", which even led to popular discontent and strikes. In 2006 and 2008, pickets of cheated investors of collective farms of Odintsovo  took place. Among the other things the participants were holding the following posters: "Klinovsky! Bring back the stolen land to the peasants, "and" Klinovsky! Pay decent compensation for our land shares. "At the same time there were signs that governor of the Moscow region Boris Gromov was to be blamed of the weaning of lands.

The lobby opportunities of Klinovsky in Moscow district are close to unlimited: he was on familiar terms with famous actors, singers and "authorities" , most of  local officials and security forces are at his disposal. Until the certain time, Klinovsky had a devoted partner - a major “dispute-resolver” Oleg Sudakov (the former helpmate of the head of Municipal Department of Internal Affairs Nikolay Golovkin ). Now the criminal case against Sudakov is open. Sudakov, who was responsible for the work in conjunction with law enforcement, is accused of gambling in Moscow region).

Klinovsky and Oleg Sudakov appeared together in the case file of the murder of their common friend - general director of the hotel "Beijing" and the leader of the Ossetian gang Konstantin Georgiev nicknamed Kazik in 2002.

Timour Timofeevich saves Fyodor Bondarchuk from the criminal case.

The latest tumultuous story which happened before the construction of the 1st  private road in Rublyovka in June 2013, is related to agricultural regrouping in Odintsovo region by Klinovsky in 2011-2012.

In 1994, the head of the Odintsovo district gave cottage building co-operative "Nov’" two pieces of land in Barvikha-Razdory - 40 hectares for the construction of houses and 14 hectares – as joint property of 306 members of the cooperative. In 2011, the majority of the members of cooperative found out that they were no longer the co-owners of most of these 14 hectares. It turned out that 12 members of the cooperative created another entity - holiday consumer cooperative "NOV’", to which on forged documents the land of 306 people was rewrote. And almost the same time these 12 members planned to sell 14 hectares (market value $ 35,000,000) for dacha (country-house) construction. Among them  were actor Fyodor Bondarchuk, co-owner of a network of pharmacies "36.6" Artem Bektimirov, Managing Director of the State Duma Alexey Seryogin  (later left the cooperative "NOV’") and other “not ordinary” people. Cheated members of "Nov’" filed an application to the police department of Odintsovo  district, where in 2012 a case under Section 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code (fraud on a large scale) was opened. The chairman of cottage building co-operative and the deputy chairman Sheredina (the relative of Bondarchuk) were  called for questionings, Fyodor Bondarchuk and Bektimirov were trying to find protectors at different levels, but failed. The full perspective of the “checked sky” loomed in front of the famous actor and film director. Then together with famous pharmacist Bektimirov, he rushed for help to Timour Klinovsky.

As friend of Klinovsky Oleg Sudakov was in prison for “roofing” of illegal casino together with prosecutors of Moscow region at that moment, Timour Timofeevich decided to address directly to his another friend – Alexander Voronin-the head of Main Investigations Directorate of  State Administration of Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Moscow. Oleg Sudakov was working under the leadership of General, they were having common interests until "the dispute- resolver  " in the position of  the helpmate  of  Voronin was arrested. Klinovsky  promised  Voronin to resolve the issue with annoying  Odintsovo investigators, and immediately asked for the materials of the criminal case on fraud with land. As a result, he gave an order to close the criminal case. In summer of 2012 the investigation was "properly" terminated.

Probably the same police General Voronin will try to prevent the initiation of criminal prosecution against Timour Klinovsky and Tyuhtyaev families who choose to enrich themselves by constructing first private road in Rublyovka. Illegal, but reinforced by threats in the style of the 1990s, when business thinking of these informal hosts of Odintsovo district near Moscow, the most prestigious in Russia, was formed.


Source:, 12.07.2013

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