Was born on December 13, 1961 in Ufa. The son of the former President of Bashkortostan Republic, Murtaz Gubaidullovich Rakhimov; has a university degree; Graduated from Ufa oil institute in 1984; Master of Sciences of Pennsylvanian University (MS University of Pennsylvania).
* In 1995-1999 —Vice-president, Chairman of board of directors of OAO "Bashneftechim".
* From 1999 till 2002 — Chairman of board of directors of OAO «Bashkir fuel company».
* In 2002-2006 — Chairman of board of directors of OAO "Bashkirenergo".
* From 2006 till 2009 — General Director of OAO "Bashneft».
The chairman of board of directors of OAO "Sistema-Invest" Alexander Goncharuk declared after Ural Rakhimov’s leaving from a post of General Director of "Bashneft": «We are grateful to Ural Rakhimov for the work done by him for last three years on a post of General Director of “Bashneft “. Under his supervision the company successfully developed and strengthened the positions».
Since 2009 — President and General Director of the hockey club «Salavat Yulaev».
Till July, 8th, 2010 was the deputy of the State Assembly — Kurultay of Bashkortostan Republic.
In the list of the richest people of a planet (2010) by Forbes he occupies 828th place with the fortune of $1.2 billion. He is also in Forbes list of 100 richest businessmen of Russia (2010) and occupies 54th place.
Source: "Wikipedia"
For the first time mass-media wrote about Ural Rakhimov in 1997 because his father, the president of Bashkiria Murtaza Rakhimov, instructed top-management of "Bashneft" to freeze export deliveries of oil. Thereby he hoped to increase loading of the large complex of oil refining factories located in republic with raw materials. The most interesting question in this situation is whether Bashkir oil-refiners were really low of raw materials. According to agency "InfoTEC", for 9 months of 1996 enterprises of Bashkir petrochemical company ("Bashneftechim") were loaded for about 60 % while on the average in Russia loading of oil-refining factories with raw materials was at level of 53 %. It suggested that the president’s decision, besides care about local ORF, had other motives. Speaking about the possible reasons of an interdiction of export, evil tongues hinted also at "family circumstances": vice-president and commercial director of "Bashneftechim" Ural Rakhimov — the son of the president.
Source: Newspaper "Kommersant" № 39 (1221) from 3/27/1997
In the summer of 2002 Ural Rakhimov came into the interest of mass-media in connection with the message that “Bashneft” – Russian Oil Company, the tenth on extraction volume — would replace the owner soon. The president of Bashkiria Murtaza Rakhimov by special decrees resolved sale of shares of the large fuel and energy and petrochemical companies of this republic. Ural Rakhimov by that time already held serious positions in this market that is why the decrees of his father concerned him directly.
Source: Newspaper "Kommersant" № 150 (2519) from 8/23/2002
In 2002 there was an active information battle against Ural Rakhimov. Various sources actively discussed ostensibly non-conventional sexual orientation of Rakhimov Jr., and his possible drug addiction. They told even that Vice-president of LUKOIL, Ralif Safin rescued Ural Rakhimov from problems with police in one of the resort countries a few years before. The less scandal story was about a merge of "Bashneftechim" and "Tatneft" broken by the president’s son, and also about direct charges in his address that sounded in the beginning of 2003 on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Taxes.
Source: Magazine "Dengi" № 21 (426) from 6/2/2003
In January, 2003 Murtaza Rakhimov came to Moscow where he tried to solve issues on upholding all licenses for use of the bowels, given out by regional committee on geology (a year before Ministry for Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources raised the issue about necessity to renew the licenses which were given out by regional bodies) and the termination of interest of Russian supervising departments to Bashkir Fuel and Energy Complex. The matter is that already then, according to the Ministry of Taxes and Audit Chamber, by means of the firms registered in Baikonur, tax privileges were unreasonably used and taxes were underpaid into the federal budget. Having stood up for oil-refiners, Murtaza Rakhimov pursued a personal interest: his son Ural Rakhimov supervised Ufa oil-refinery factories united to "Bashneftechim”. However Rakhimov was made understand that there would not be any exceptions of the federal legislation.
Source: Magazine "Vlast" № 3 (506) from 1/27/2003
A bit later it became known that the Moscow Regional Arbitration Court recognized contracts between the companies registered on Baikonur and nearby Bashkir ORF to be "insignificant". The court considered that the contracts had been conducted for the purpose of evasion from the taxation. According to this decision ORF should pay in the budget some billions rubles from unpaid excises in treasury and the VAT as well.
Source: Newspaper "Kommersant" № 47 (2650) from 3/20/2003
In May, 2003 "Bashneft" published structure of the board of directors which were elected on April, 28 at annual meeting of shareholders. The candidates nominated by the companies "Basic element" and Vostok Nafta did not get into it. After that it was possible to assert that "Bashneft" became the next object of unfriendly absorption by the Moscow structures. "Basic element", representing interests of "JukosSibneft", and Mezhprombank began struggle for it.
Source: Newspaper "Kommersant" № 80 (2683) from 5/13/2003
Next time journalists became interested in Ural Rakhimov in connection with preparation for presidential elections in Bashkiria. Then they paid attention to the statement of one of the candidates - the former managing director of Mezhprombank Sergey Veremeenko. He declared that he owned the materials proving that in republic the huge sums were monthly transferred “in wrong way” through "Bashneft". According to Sergey Veremeenko, the management of this company (son of the president of Bashkiria Ural Rakhimov really supervised it, as well as Ufa ORF) delivered the extracted oil to Ufa oil refining factories located in the neighborhood not directly, but through 11 intermediary firms to which it monthly gave 500-670 thousand tones of oil at the price twice lower than the market price. As a result monthly loss of profit in the company made, according to the applicant, about $30 million
Source: Kommersant (Kazan) № 191 (2794) from 10/18/2003
In the beginning of 2005 mass-media for the first time started talking about the conflict between Ural Rakhimov and his father, President of Bashkiria - Murtaza Rakhimov. In particular, in February, 2005, acting at a private meeting of State Assembly of Bashkiria, the president of republic Murtaza Rakhimov declared that certain «deputies representing the fuel and energy complex», made an attempt to dismiss the speaker of parliament Konstantin Tolkachev. "Conspirators" were not named, but many members of parliament believed that the son of Bashkir President, Ural Rakhimov was the head of revolution attempt.
Source: Kommersant (Kazan) № 33 (3117) from 2/25/2005
In some days after that the president of Bashkiria Murtaza Rakhimov cancelled his own two-years-old permission for sale of shares of FEC enterprise’s company "Bashkir capital", supervised by his son Ural Rakhimov to Bashkir Fuel Company (BTK). Having signed the decree, the president charged the republic government to provide return of shares of OAO "Bashneft" and "Bashkirenergo" to BTK.
Source: Newspaper "Kommersant" № 36 (3120) from 3/2/2005
In April, 2005 in arbitration court of Bashkiria preliminary trial under the claim from the Ministry of property of Bashkiria Republic to OOO «Bashkir capital» (supervised by the son of the president of Bashkiria Ural Rakhimov) about a recognition of the void transaction on sale of shares of OAO "Bashkirenergo" and OAO "Bashneft" took place.
In 2003 management of BTK (100 % of an authorized capital stock belongs to the state) made a combination in which result state blocks of shares of "Bashneft" (63,72 %) and "Bashkirenergo" (36,07 %), and also shares of UFA oil-refinery factories and OAO "Bashkirnefteproduct" entering into "Bashneftechim" became the property of OOO «Bashkir capital» supervised by Rakhimov-Jr. Before association of actives under jurisdiction of OOO «Bashkir capital» state blocks of shares of republic’s leading enterprises were resold to seven Open Companies: «Taimas», "Sotsservice", security enterprise "Board", АТP-99, "Neftechimtrans", "Chimspetstrans" and the enterprise of mechanization and oil refining transport. All of them belonged to physical persons. At the moment of a transfer neither BТК, nor "Bashneftechim" received money from new shareholders: profit «on paper» was generated because of increase in their debt receivable up to 13 billion rubles. In July, 2003 all Open Companies transferred the shares to OOO «Bashkir capital» as deposits. Later all shares in «Bashkir capital»were sold to seven companies above mentioned.
Source: Kommersant (Kazan) № 63 (3147) from 4/9/2005
In the end of April, 2005 in Ufa annual meetings of shareholders of almost all enterprises of Bashkir FEC took place —"Bashneft", OAO "Bashkirenergo", OAO "Bashkirnefteproduct", Ufa and New-Ufa Oil-Refinery Factory, "Ufaneftechim" and "Ufaorgsintez". As the result of elections to boards of directors of the enterprises the son of the president of Bashkiria Ural Rakhimov managed to keep control over the companies.
Source: Newspaper "Kommersant" № 75 (3159) from 4/27/2005
In the middle of May, 2005 the arbitration court of Bashkiria passed the decision under claims of the Ministry of Property of republic to the company «Bashkir capital» (BC) and to the private Open Companies participating in 2003 in privatization of state blocks of shares of Bashkir FEC. The court satisfied ministry claims about return of 63,72 % of shares of "Bashneft" and 32,07 % of OAO "Bashkirenergo" to the state OAO «Bashkir fuel company» (BTK).
After that they started talking about reconciliation between Ural Rakhimov and his father.
Source: Kommersant (Kazan) № 87 (3171) from 5/17/2005, Newspaper "Kommersant" № 102 (3186) from 6/7/2005
The conflict between the president of Bashkiria Murtaza Rakhimov and his son Ural, which led to scale repartition of the property in republic, ended up with signing of the amicable agreement. The Ministry of Property of Bashkiria declared that it withdrew an action about a recognition insignificant contracts on sale of share holdings of four Ufa ORF and OAO "Bashkirnefteproduct" which used to belong to the government of Bashkiria to OOO "Bashkir capital" (BC) controlled by to Ural Rakhimov. According to journalists, in exchange for control over Ufa ORF and "Bashkirnefteproduct", and also return of shares of "Bashneft" and "Bashkirenergo" extracted by court Mr Rakhimov-Jr agreed to pay in addition more than 13 billion rubles and refused political activity.
Source: Newspaper "Kommersant" № 105 (3189) from 6/10/2005
In September 2005, Bashkiria decided to liquidate the Bashkir Fuel Company (“BТК”) and the Bashkir Petrochemical Company (BPC) which kept actives of «Bashkir capital» (BC) of Ural Rakhimov at the height of his conflict to his father, the president of Bashkiria Murtaza Rakhimov.
Source: Kommersant (Kazan) № 180 (3264) from 9/24/2005
In October, 2005 joint-stock financial corporation "Sistema" became the owner of a blocking share holding of three Bashkir enterprises — "Bashneft" (25 %), "Novoil" (28,17 %) and «Ufa ORF» (25,52 %). The total sum of transactions made $502.9 million in two companies — OAO "Ufaneftechim" and "Ufaorgsintez" — its share came to this level. All these acquisitions AFK made at OOO «Bashkir capital», supervised by the son of the president of Bashkiria Ural Rakhimov.
The opinion was published that, having concluded the deal with "Sistema", Ural Rakhimov „ killed two birds with one stone“—deduced oil shares from a risk zone, created steadier proprietors’ structure at the enterprises, stopped old conversations on necessity to transfer Bashkir FEC under federal control, and personally for itself paved the way for the further exit from business in "cash" in case of political necessity.
Source: Kommersant (Kazan) № 188 (3272) from 10/6/2005
Later president of AFK "Sistema" Vladimir Yevtushenkov declared that his company intended to increase the share in the enterprises of Bashkir FEC. As he said, if the owner of their controlling stocks — OOO «Bashkir capital» (BC) by the son of the president of Bashkiria Ural Rakhimov — didn't want AFK to increase the share then "Sistema" would sell shares belonging to it.
Source: Kommersant (Kazan) № 191 (3275) from 10/11/2005
In December Ural Rakhimov began to undertake serious actions so that occurrence of Yevtushenkov’s interests would not affect his interests in business. Ural Rakhimov tried to strengthen control at the enterprises before re-structuring of actives of BC which was planned to implement together with the second shareholder of the enterprises — AFK "Sistema".
Source: Newspaper "Kommersant" № 244 (3328) from 12/27/2005
And in April, 2006 it became known that OOO "Bashkir Capital" (BC), supervised by Ural, transferred about 15 % of shares of Bashkir FEC (it was the basic shareholder of the latter) to the welfare fund "Agidel". In the afternoon the day before similar operation was made with welfare fund "Ural". The sources close to BC connected a reshuffle of actives with intentions of AFK "Sistema" to sell shares of Bashkir enterprises of "Rosneft" belonging to it that did not follow the plans of Ural Rakhimov.
Source: Newspaper "Kommersant" № 60 (3391) from 4/6/2006
In May, 2006 Ural Rakhimov became president of "Bashneft" — one of the key enterprises of Bashkir FEC. Apparently, changes in management of "Bashneft", as well as a transactions of shares of the Bashkiria FEC enterprises to the welfare funds and Open Companies, was an attempt of the republic authorities to protect its actives from absorption. Rakhimov's appointment occurred after the meeting of shareholders of the company, he was not among councilors of directors.
Source: Newspaper "Kommersant" № 92 (3423) from 5/25/2006
In the end of summer 2006, Ural Rakhimov appeared in the center of another criminal scandal.
The investigatory committee at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia informed that it accepted criminal case about swindle of which management of OAO "Bashkir petrochemical company" was suspected — structure, supervised by group of Ufa ORF till 2003. Ural Rakhimov was the Chairman of board of directors of "Bashneftechim". The case was connected with a damage caused for $26.3 million to Irish company Feyline Limited. Its representative in Russia was Yury Bushev, who was stolen a week before in Moscow suburbs.
According to police, in April and June, 1998 two contracts on delivery of large parties of oil products made in Ufa were concluded between Feyline and "Bashneftechim". Feyline transferred $177.3 million to "Bashneftechim", however OAO delivered oil products for the smaller sum ($151.2 million) and stopped deliveries in April, 2000. Police finds out where the difference in $26.3 million got to.
Source: Newspaper "Kommersant" № 149 (3480) from 8/15/2006
In the beginning of 2007 inspection of Federal tax service (FTS) on Ordzhonikidzevsky area of Ufa restored OOO «Bashkir capital» in the register of legal persons against the will of the founders liquidating the company. According to independent lawyers, liquidation of OOO should hide the intermediate stages of transactions on privatization of the enterprises Bashkir FEC and make them irreversible. Actions of tax specialists interfered with it.
Source: Kommersant (Kazan) № 12 (3588) from 1/30/2007
In the summer of 2007 the arbitration court of Moscow satisfied four claims of tax specialists about collecting of 13-16 % of shares Bashkir FEC from OOO "Yuruzan-Invest" and OOO "Agidel-Invest". On December 3, 2007 the Ninth arbitration appeal court confirmed legality of decisions on first two cases with participation of "Yuruzan-Invest" and "Agidel-Invest". Decisions became valid that allowed to begin immediate withdrawing of share holdings of six enterprises of Bashkir FEC (for 26-32 %) from accounts of investment companies and their transfer into the account of Rosimushchestvo.
Source: Kommersant (Kazan) № 20 (3837) from 2/8/2008
In the end of summer, 2007 mass-media started talking about possible participation of Ural of Rakhimov in murders of which the former senator Igor Izmestyev and members of Kingiseppskaya criminal group connected with him were accused. In Moscow City Court on trial of Kingiseppskaya group businessman Yury Bushev appended with an unexpected announcement. As he said, not only former senator from Bashkiria Igor Izmestyev who was on remand, but also the son of the president of Bashkiria Ural Rakhimov could be interested in murders of the former chief accountant of OAO "Bashneftechim" Valery Speransky and notary Galina Perepelkina. According to Mr Bushev, , in 2001 when both murders were made, Rakhimov had joint business with Mr Izmestyev.
Valery Speransky and Galina Perepelkina’s murders were made in 2001 with a difference in some months. It was during so-called Baikonur (through an offshore in Baikonur) operations executed by the heads of Ufa oil refining factories, supervised by Ural Rakhimov, and specially created firm "Korus-Baikonur" — branch of OOO "Korus-holding" which general director was Igor Izmestyev before he obtained a senatorial post
Source: Newspaper "Kommersant" № 143/P (3719) from 8/13/2007
In February, 2008 execution of decisions on collecting of 13-16 % of shares of Bashkir FEC from OOO "Yuruzan-Invest" and OOO "Agidel-Invest" was suspended. It was made by Federal arbitration court of Moscow district by the Bashkir party’s will.
Lawyers considered that stay of execution of decisions testified to serious chances of Bashkir party to achieve cancellation of decisions on collecting of shares. It allowed experts to speak about activation of the negotiating process with participation of structures of OAO "Gazprom".
Source: Kommersant (Kazan) № 20 (3837) from 2/8/2008
A bit later the Investigatory committee at Office of Public Prosecutor of the Russian Federation changed the charge to the former senator from Bashkiria Igor Izmestyev from terrorism to attempt at murder. Under the version of police, the son of the president of Bashkiria, the general director of OAO "Bashneft“ Ural Rakhimov could become a victim of the senator.
It was a question about the car VAZ-2104 which was found full of explosive on September 27, 2003 - opposite to residence of Ural Rakhimov on Karl Marks Street in Ufa. During that moment in republic there was preparation for presidential elections in which the present head of republic Murtaza Rakhimov, ex-head of Mezhprombank Sergey Veremeenko, senators Ralif Safin and Igor Izmestyev, and also the deputy of the State Duma Alexander Arinin participated.
Police did not change the charge for one more incident with mined "Zhiguli" in Ufa as a result of which blasting in November, 2003 two security guards of Rakhimov-Jr were lost and two more got hurt. This episode remained the terrorism and murder action of which organization the ex-senator was accused.
Source: Kommersant (Kazan) № 75 (3892) from 5/5/2008
In December, 2008 ex-senator of Bashkiria Igor Izmestyev and three more suspects on "Baikonur" case were given accusations in evasion from payment of taxes in the large size, «made by a group of persons on preliminary arrangement» (item 199 of the criminal code of Russian Federation. Police considered that in 2001 they were among those who organized evasion of Ufa and Novoufa ORF, and also OAO "Ufaneftechim" from payment of excises on oil products for eight billion rubles by fictitious rent of capacities of ORF by companies registered in an offshore zone Baikonur (Kazakhstan). Ideally, within the limits of this case charge should be given also to Ural Rakhimov, but it did not happen.
Source: Kommersant (Kazan) № 223 (4040) from 12/6/2008
A bit later it became known that scale searches were made in the department for authorities’ protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Bashkiria and OOO "Board", carrying out security of the son of the president of republic Ural Rakhimov. As the result of the searches the criminal case based on the signs of the crime according to point 2 item 222 of the criminal code of Russian Federation («illegal traffic of the weapon, ammunition and explosives») was brought.
Source: Kommersant (Kazan) № 231 (4048) from 12/18/2008
In January, 2009 tax inspection declared refusal of claims about collecting of shares of six companies of Bashkir FEC in favor of the state.
"Sistema" already owning then block share holdings of six companies was interested in phase-out. In November, 2008 "Sistema" received these companies for management for three years, and its representatives didn't hide interest in share increase in the companies of Bashkir FEC.
Source: Newspaper "Kommersant" № 13 (4068) from 1/27/2009
In April, 2009 Ural Rakhimov left a post of the general director of "Bashneft". The company’s Board of directors ahead of schedule stopped powers of Mr Rakhimov since April, 20th "on the basis of his personal statement". Nikolay Grakhantsev was appointed as the new general director of "Bashneft". Recently he was the first deputy of the general director of OAO "Sistema-invest". Change of the general director of "Bashneft" occurred after on April, 9th "Sistema" finished the transaction on acquisition of controlling interests of the oil enterprises of Bashkiria at OOO "Agidel-Invest", "Ural-Invest", "Inzer-Invest" and "Yuruzan-Invest".
Source: Newspaper "Kommersant" № 73 (4128) from 4/23/2009
In July, 2010 deputies of State Assembly of Bashkiria Republic stopped powers of Ural of Rakhimov ahead of schedule after he had complied his personal request for it. 103 of 104 present members of parliament voted for the recall of the deputy mandate. Mr Rakhimov Jr. wasn't present at session. Experts differently treated motives of decision of Rakhimov-son, but unanimously connected it with forthcoming leaving of Rakhimov-father.
Source: Kommersant (Ufa) № 122 (4420) from 7/9/2010
In July, 2010 the State Office of Public Prosecutor of Russia renewed investigation of the criminal case opened in 2003 upon illegal privatization of the enterprises of republican FEC. Management of the State Office of Public Prosecutor of the Russian Federation recognized as unreasonable and illegal the decision made earlier on the termination of investigation due to expiry of periods of limitations. Experts connected new interest of to seven-years-old event with desire of Moscow authorities to accelerate process of change of managing republican elite.
Source: Kommersant (Ufa) № 124 (4422) from 7/13/2010
In some days the president of Russia Dmitry Medvedev accepted prescheduled resignation of the head of Bashkiria Murtaza Rakhimov. Thus the head of the state awarded him with the order "For merits to Fatherland" of I degree.
Source: www.newsru.com from 7/15/2010