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Nesterenko Viktor Ivanovich

23.02.2018 22:43
Nesterenko Viktor Ivanovich


Nesterenko was born on 7 June 1948 in Leningrad region.

 In 1979 he graduated from the Faculty of Economics at Plekhanov Institute of National Economy in Moscow and then he graduated from Academy of National Economy under the RF

Government. He received doctor's degree in economics.

Since 1972 he has been working for  Mosfundamentstroy-6 company, where he has worked his way up from a worker to the director-general.

Since 1992 he has been the director-general of Mosfundamentstroy-6 closed corporation (MFS-6)



A scandal around  distributing construction plots between developers started at the end of 1996, when an extrabudgetary planning management directorate was being established in Moscow. Later the directorate was transformed into Department of Extrabudgetary Construction Policy (DECP). Major developers protested against it as a broker between them and  apartments buyers  who got the whole profit from the investment activity.

In spring 2000 the scandal became public. Six Moscow leading construction firms, DSK-1 DSK-2, BSC-3, MCM-5, SU-155 and MFS-6, applied to mayor Yuri Luzhkov and asked him to preserve their right to finance the construction under social housing programs. They stated  that only an independent investment policy would prevent them from bankruptcy. In fact, they called on the mayor to abolish the department. Vladimir Resin, the first deputy prime-minister of Moscow Government, head of architecture, construction, development and reconstruction complexes, supported the lobby.

Source: KM-News, 19 July 2000


In 2009, the media listed construction projects of Inteko empire formed with Luzhkov's assistance. Projects of  MFS-6 were first in the list: Grand Park business class residential area in the southern part of Khodynskoye field:the total area of 420 thousand square meters.  Mosfundamentstroy-6 invested half of the money, while Inteko invested another half.

  Aero Park in Khodynskoye field: the total construction area of 950 thousand square meters of hotels, offices, apartments, and shopping areas.  MFS-6  invested money in halves with Inteko as well. Forbes magazine says that from the late 1990s Viktor Nesterenko had sought to develop the former airfield in Aero Park district. But only in 2002, when Inteko joined the project, the construction started.

Source: The New Times,  7 Sepember 2009


 Aero Park (950 000 sq. m. of hotels, offices, apartments and shopping areas) and Grand Park (420 000 sq. m. of housing) are being constructed in Frunze airfield, more commonly known as Khodynskoye field, once owned by the Ministry of Defense. ''The scheme involving federal agencies is more complicated, since the work involved a lot of interested parties: the user of the property, the branch office, the Federal Property Management Agency, and Moscow City Government'', major Moscow developers says.  Inteko is not the principal investor of Khodynskoye field projects, it is on equal footing with other Moscow company, Mosfundamentstroy-6.

Source: Radio Svoboda, 2 October 2009


Several leading construction companies fought for the right to develop Khodynskoye field and  former Frunze Central Airport. The companies that MFS-6 did not include in the projects started spreading rumours about  Inteko participating in the construction. They stated that Elena Baturina had made Viktor Nesterenko, the director-general of MFS-6, ''an offer which he had not been able to resist''.

Source: Newsland, 22 September 2009


Mosfundamentstroy-6's management was reported to be close to Moscow City Government and to get the most profitable projects in Moscow. For example, it had long been undisclosed that Moscow Government   had given the right to develop Khodynskoye field to MFS-6.  There are several aircraft design bureaus in this area, and airmen tried to challenge the resolution, stating that the mayor's office illegally disposed of the state-owned land. But  despite the scandals around the project Grand Park  business class and lux  residential area is being completed. The total building area is 400 thousand square meters.

Source: Kommersant's supplement, No.162 (3001), 2 September 2004


In 2011 something unimaginable happened at Mosstroyprogress plant, located at Kalibrovskaya st. 31A, a subsidiary of MFS-6 closed corporation which functions not at the expense of production activity, but only at the expense of rent. In one day all the tenants were given to sign an additional contract to their lease agreement on early termination of the lease. Some tenants submissively obeyed, signed the additional agreement and left the plant. But some tenants' interests were thus strongly violated: it is known that the mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin was about to transfer the plant buildings to Yuri Kuklachev's cat theatre in exchange for his building on Kutuzovsky prospekt. Those tenants wrote an open letter to the mayor of Moscow Sergey

Sobyanin,  On Raider Seizure.

Source: Ingria, 25 August 2011

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