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Petrik Victor Ivanovich

23.02.2018 22:42
Petrik Victor Ivanovich



Born June 22, 1946 in Zhitomir. According to his official biography, he repeatedly won the school Olympiads in physics and chemistry and has taken great interest in hypnosis since the 6th class. As he asserts, in 1960 he moved to Leningrad where he began his studies at the shipbuilding department of the Higher Naval Engineering College named after Dzerzhinsky. According to Petrik , he was forced to pull out due to the dissolution of the faculty. After this he studied at the Military Academy, from which he had to move Leningrad State University because of the conflict. In 1975 he received a degree in psychology; the theme of his work referred the methods of hypnotic suggestion.

Since 1972, he worked as a senior engineer at the Institute of Physics, LSU for over 4 years, heading the group on the implementation and integration of physical equipment, and then became a senior research fellow in psycho-neurological Institute named after Bekhterev. Petrik performed with hypnosis, was familiar with Anatoly Kashpirovsky. However, one of his main occupations was trade in antiques and art objects.

In the early 80’s Petrik was sentenced to 11 years in prison for economic crimes in prison in the Irkutsk region.

In January 1989, Petrik was released on parole and was promoted to deputy manager on technology at the factory of complex automobile production. Then he led the cooperative producing replicas of antique furniture with modern technologies. Also, he was involved in the cultivation of artificial pomegranates, amethyst and other minerals.

In 1992, Petrik was hired to the post of Adviser on Economic Affairs in city hall of St.Petersburg.

In the early 1990's Petrik was called General Director of AO “Incorporation 4T": the company was formally responsible for the procurement of agricultural and technological activities.

In 1995, Petrik was elected Corresponding Member of the St. Petersburg Engineering Academy.

In 1997 he became a member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and in 2002 acquired Ph. D of Technical Sciences.

In 1998, the Russian Orthodox Church awarded Petrik the Order of St. Prince Daniel of Moscow II degree, he was also awarded the honorary title of RANS "Knight of Art and Science"

In the late 1990's - early 2000’s Petrik was often mentioned in the press as the general director of the scientific-industrial corporation "New Processes".

In 2002, the Research Institute for Physics of Fullerenes and new materials of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences was awarded the state accreditation; Victor Petrik was its director and supervisor. He also became an academician of International Academy of Ecology, Human and Nature Safety, an honorary professor at St.Petersburg European University, Academician pf Petrovskaya Academy of Arts and Sciences, St.Petersburg Academy of the history of science and technology, Academician and Vice President of the International Slavic Academy of Sciences , Education, Arts and Culture, as well as Academician, Vice-president and Director of the Department on Strategic Research in Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement.

In the early 2000's Petrik was called General Director of ZAO “Infpro” in the press, in 2006 - Head of Scientific Research Institute of supramolecular systems and nanotechnology in Dubna and the owner of OOO "Holding "Golden Formula"- first he was CEO and then President of the holding. In the press there he was referred as a member of Expert Advisory Board on National Security of the State Duma. Petrik’s activity was actively supported by the head of Rosatom Sergey Kiriyenko and State Duma Chairman Boris Gryzlov.

Viktor Petrik is married, has a son who works as Vice-President of the American company BDnP Technologies LLC, doing nanotechnologies and was awarded an order "Young Talent of Russia" of the Russian heraldic Chamber. Petrik’s son was also mentioned as Director of Development in OOO “Golden formula online.

Viktor Petrik lives in Vsevolzhsk, the Leningrad region, his laboratories are also located in there, which, according to Petrik , were allocated to him by the Administration of St.Petersburg.

Petrik’s hobbies are collecting expensive cars, paintings, portraits on gems, playing the violin, yoga.
Sources:, «Novaya Gazeta» № 133 from 30.11.2009, "Parliamentskaya gazeta» № 216 (1833) on 07.12.2005


Viktor Petrik draw the press attention in 1984 (according to other sources, in 1981-1983), when he was sentenced to 11 years in prison on 13 articles of the Criminal Code. Petrik was accused of fraud, extortion, illegal currency transactions and coercion to make false testimony. The main claims of law enforcement services against Petrik began with his robberies of collectors.
Sources: "Sankt-Peterburgskie Vedomosti” on 02/18/1994, from 03.12.2003,"Lebed" (Independent Review) № 580 from 14.12.2008,"Bolshoy Gorod” № 24 (245) on 31.12.2009, "Novaya Gazeta” № 133 of 30.11.2009

In connection with the scandals involving Petrik, the press recalled his biography periodically. Some publications wrote that in his youth Viktor Petrik studied at certain military academy (they did not specify in which one) once he forced a sergeant through hypnosis to clean the toilets instead of him and, supposedly, because of that case he was dismissed from the academy and passed to the psychological department of the Leningrad State University.

Even before studying at the University Petrik had been conducting mass hypnosis. There is no information in open sources about the audience of Viktor Petrik, which was present at those sessions.
Source: “Golos Edinstva” № 3 of 27.06.2000, www.

After his release, Petrik led the cooperative producing replicas of antique furniture with modern technologies and engaged in the production of Stradivarius violins counterfeits. According to some sources, Petrik had direct relation to the Russian Orthodox Church, the FSB and the Russian government; he was a mediator for the then Head of President Administration - Pavel Borodin in regard of restoration of the Kremlin furniture.
Source: “Izvestiya” № 20 (24379) on 02.02.1995

The press wrote that Petrik made a fortune by buying up technologies in the production and processing of the artificial gems. The technologies which Petrik subsequently assumed, had been developed at the Institute of Crystallography RAN, and the State Optical Institute (SOI) in 50-60’s. In the late 70's SOI developed and settled the industry of a batch of cultivating plants "Omega", but was unable to redeem them as the Restructuring began. Petrik bought the plants, and subsequently the SOI staff reproduced the technology of cultivation of gems for him, and Petrik played them off as his own scientific discoveries.
Sources: "Bolshoy Gorod” № 24 (245) on 31.12.2009, Rosbalt from 08.12.2009

In the late 90's Victor Petrik got into the epicenter of the scandal over the smuggling of osmium isotope-187. vice-mayor of Leningrad, Lev Savenkov was convicted of smuggling isotope in 1997; he headed the group created by Anatoly Sobchak to search for new technologies that could help replenish the city's budget. Savenkov acquired osmium isotope from Viktor Petrik, who made it at home (other sources - acquired it somewhere else) for further sale abroad. He needed money to open production of the isotope, and Savenkov decided to sell abroad the first batch illegally, but was arrested for the attempt of smuggling. At this time Deputy head of the group of emerging technologies was Vladimir Putin, and Petrik was a member of this group. At the same time, Putin headed the Committee on Foreign Relations in St. Petersburg City Hall, then Petrik acted under his support.

Subsequently, the Chairman of the Expert Council of the Federal Assembly Yuri Zhivlyuk participated in committees on osmium-187 twice, which resulted in a conclusion: the invention by Petrik was unsuitable for the claimed purpose. As for Sobchak: when interrogated Savenkov completely denied his involvement in the smuggling case, stating Mayor of Leningrad did not want to invest in the production of isotopes of osmium. At the same time, in 2009, after the death of Anatoly Sobchak, Petrik said he gave the first batch of osmium isotope - 8 grams – to Sobchak himself. Petrik stated that after his departure from the Administration of Leningrad in 1997, Sobchak was going to work as a lawyer in the company of Petrik , but changed his mind.
Sources: "Bolshoy Gorod” № 24 (245) on 31.12.2009, "Gudok" from 13.03.2003, "Novaya Gazeta» № 133 of 30.11.2009, from 03.12.2003

Following the statements by Petrik of the discovery of isotope of osmium, Academician Evgeny Alexandrov publicly called Victor Petrik a swindler, because, according to the academician, osmium-187 was analogous to non-existent in the nature "red mercury". Alexandrov said that "red mercury" was used as an object for delivery abroad as it was not included in the no-directories as it is a fictional substance. According to Alexandrov, Petrik had used the substance as a cover for the currency manipulations. After speaking critically of Petrik, Alexander began to receive threats: Petrik said to the academician in a telephone conversation, he had a secret inventions, which were able to kill a man in twenty ways.

In 1995, Petrik kept attempting to produce the isotope of osmium. As Director of AO "Incorporation-4T," he appealed to the Ministry of Defence, which representatives, in return, appealed to Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin with a request to donate the money - about $ 20 million - for the development of production technology of osmium-187 and for the new invention by Petrik - gamma-lasers (at that time the scientific world of Russia and foreign countries have already claimed the impossibility of a gamma-ray laser). There is no information about his source of money in the press. In 2008, Petrik reiterated such proposals to the Ministry of Defense, but that time he got a refuse due to the necessity of experimental verification of lasers and their examination.
Sources: Nauka v Sibiri № 44 (2729) on 12.11.2009, Gudok from 13.03.2003, Ogonyok »№ 5 dated 04.11.1996,

Media became interested in Petrik again in the late 1990's - early 2000's. As CEO of the scientific-industrial corporation "New processes," he announced the development of new methodology of oil spill response with a special nanocarbon sorbent (a hydrocarbon highly reactive mixture - HHRM). He said the investigations had been carried out on behalf of the Presidential Programs Fund of Russia. In 2002, Petrik received a patent for this substance, but a number of scholars, including Academician Eduard Kruglyakov, accused Petrik of quackery and stated that HHRM - this is the usual thermally expanded graphite, a patent for water treatment by graphite had already been obtained in 1995 by a group of scientists, and Petrik was not among them. The press does not tell any reasons of why Rospatent took a positive decision on the twin-patent.
Sources: "Sankt-Peterburgskye Vedomosti” № 114 (2504) on 27.06.2001, on 03.12.2003," Novaya Gazeta »№ 133 of 30.11.2009,"Nauka v Sibiri” № 1944 (2729) on 12.11.2009 , from 14.01.2002, from 21.02.2009

In 2000 - 2001 years the conflict with introduction of HHRM reached an international level. Petrik stated that HHRM was used in Russia and abroad for the treatment of oil pollution. At the same time it became known that the Kuwait National Petroleum Company refused to implement HHRM due to the results of tests conducted, citing the need to refine the technology. They wrote that Petrik had falsified the certificate of the results of filters examination and reviews of experts.
Sources: "Lebed” № 609 (independent Almanac) on 21.02.2010, "Novoe Vremya” № 16-17 of 27.04.2009

One of the discoveries by Viktor Petrik was an algorithm of gamesmanship in casino - the discovery was announced on Petrik's company website "Golden Formula". There is also information about another discovery - the creation of a "secret harmony” on the basis of the principle of "golden section", through which the Egyptian pyramids can increase life expectancy up to 150 years and "generates the cavities of life. " These discoveries by Petrik have also been questioned by RAS Academicians.
Sources: "Novaya gazeta” № 133 of 30.11.2009, "Novoe vremya” № 16-17 of 27.04.2009,

In 2004, Victor Petrik was written to having solved the problem of methyl-tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE), found in drinking water in the U.S. and helped the world avoid a global ecological catastrophe, thus President George W. Bush invited him to his birthday party. Petrik allegedly created the installation, which allows complete removal of MTBE from the water and was going to install equipment on every American well. At the same time, press reports appeared stating that in fact Americans, including President Bush knew nothing about the unique technology of Petrik, while the picture of Bush and Petrik , which the latter was very proud of, according to journalists, was a photo-montage.
Source:, «Novaya gazeta» № 133 of 30.11.2009

Viktor Petrik was in habit of usurping regalia. According to media reports, Petrik has never been a triple winner of the Nobel Prize of Academy of Natural Sciences, as his name is missing in the lists of Natural Sciences. The press publish information that Petrik has Ph.D in physics and mathematics, but State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles denied any academic degrees by Petrik. On May 22, 2001 under the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Inter-Academy of Natural Sciences he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, and six months later, Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation adopted a decision on ineligibility certification activities by Higher InterAcademy Attestation Commission. They wrote that Petrik bought a fake diploma of European university. Petrik had problems with the law in 2008, when at the request of the General Prosecutor's Office the activity of the Academy on Security, Defense and Law was stopped, Viktor Petrik served as Vice President and Director of the Department of Strategic Studies in there.
Sources: "Lebed” № 580 from 14.12.2008, "Parlamentskaya gazeta” № 216 (1833) on 07.12.2005, "Parliamentskaya gazeta” № 216 (1833) on 07.12.2005

The site holding the "Golden Formula" has published the discoveries and patents of Viktor Petrik. No information was found in other media, confirming the existence of such discoveries and patents. For example, in open sources, there is no information on the disvcovery by Petrik "The phenomenon of formation of nanostructured carbon systems" - a diploma on the discovery exists only on the site.

Viktor Petrik got himself a name in connection with the project "Clean Water", run by the party "United Russia" on the proposal of State Duma Speaker Boris Gryzlov in 2006. Gryzlov stated on the creation of a similar federal program, and in September 2007 together with Petrik filed a patent application "Method of purification of liquid radioactive waste”. As a result, they have patented installation, allowing a large scale clean up the contaminated water up to the drinking state.

In the same year Petrik's company "Holding" Golden Formula " won the tender for the installation of filters in the institutions at different levels (no other participants were reported in the press). Petrik Filters have been installed in the Novgorod region - in schools and kindergartens – for a pilot project. And in 2009 an outbreak of serous meningitis occurred there, presumably, he children had got the infection through drinking water. But the project was not closed and they planned to allocate up to 15 trillion rubles from the budget for the program equipping with Petrik filters. But the project attracted the media attention, Gryzlov was accused of corruption, and Petrik - of fraud. In summer 2009 Petrik's activities were checked by RAS Academicians - Igor Eremenko, Vladimir Novotortsev, Oleg Sinyashin who spoke positively about his work. In turn, other scientists of RAS accused the colleagues of being noncritical. In particular, Academician Eduard Kruglyakov said that all activities by Petrik was a sheer ignorance.

In late 2009, President of Academy of Sciences Yuri Osipov instructed the commission, headed by academician-secretary of the Department of Chemistry and Material Sciences RAS Vladimir Tartakovsky to examine the technology created by Petrik (the commission began its work in March 2010). In response Gryzlov issued a sharp criticism of RAS. On April 21, 2010 the commission concluded that the activities of Petrik were not in the field of science, but of business. For example, Petrik's patent for clean up heavy water from tritium could not be implemented because it was based on a misconception about the properties of nuclei of hydrogen, deuterium and tritium. The Commission cautioned against the use of Petrik filters for drinking water without a qualitative assessment of their impact on the human body. Regarding the study of filters: on the basis of the scientific findings, filters based on HHRM did not clean the tap water from microorganisms completely, but also added to it a new unwanted flora and nanoparticles which influence on the human organism is not known.
Sources: Rossiyskaya Gazeta № 5023 (199) on 21.10.2009, on 04/21/2010, Grani.Ru of 15.12.2009, The Wall Street Journal of 05.03.2010, Moskovsky Komsomolets from 11.03. 2010, Rosbalt from 08.12.2009,, www. on 29/01/2010

On April 28, 2010 in LiveJournal on behalf of Viktor Petrik a response to the conclusion of the expert commission of RASwas published, where he accused the experts' findings of containing errors that the examination was conducted without the participation of specialized professionals and that all materials on the topic will be referred to prosecutors
Channel: Rossiyskaya Gazeta № 5133 (54) of 17.03.2010

In 2009, the State Duma speaker Boris Gryzlov addressed to the specialists of Sciences to assess the work of Viktor Petrik. The latter made a presentation of his innovative discoveries in the field of fullerenes, modern technologies of nanomaterials and alternative energy at the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry named after Kurnakov. At this event, Boris Gryzlov signed a protocol in which the discovery by Petrik has been recognized scientifically interesting. Gryzlov agreed to organize a working group with relevant institutions for scientific support of inventions and technologies of Petrik , but the group has not been organized yet – no formal requests to the RAS from Viktor Petrik followed.
Source: from 22.12.2009

Periodically, the media publishes speeches of Viktor Petrik, in which he expresses his pride of his friendship with the politicians - with Dmitry Medvedev, with the late Patriarch Alexy II, with Bush senior and junior, and with American Senator John McCain.
Sources: www. of 18.03.2010, «The Wall Street Journal» from 05.03.2010, "Lebed» № 609 from 21.02.2010

They wrote that Victor Petrik was close to the head of Rosatom, Sergei Kiriyenko. According to his speeches in the press, Petrik's industrial installations for water treatment are financed by the Atomic Energy Organization of Sergei Kiriyenko as well.

Head of EMERCOM Sergei Shoigu was called one of the possible allies to Viktor Petrik. At the same time, some media accused Petrik of using the name of Minister of EMERCOM to strengthen his brand: the name of some Petrik filters are «ZF- EMERCOM Shoigu", "Golden Formula Shoigu" and "Hercules- Shoigu”.
Source: "Novaya Gazeta" on 30.11.2009

One of the sources of Viktor Petrik's revenue is considered to be his company "Hercules", which sells filters for home and family. On Internet forums they talk about the activities of "Hercules" as an unreliable company; allegedly, its staff disrupted the supply of filters. According to some reports, Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Health conducted a report recently on studies of filters "Hercules" and concluded that the test set does not meet the evaluation criteria for microbiological indicators.

One of the recent scandals associated with the name Viktor Petrik was a speech by Academician Eduard Kruglyakov. He criticized one of the latest advances in nanotechnology by Viktor Petrik - the development of electric power, which converts the heat radiation of the surrounding bodies into electricity. According to academician, Petrik's source work contradicts the second law of thermodynamics, and this source is a usual electrochemical element with a high internal resistance and irrelevant to nanotechnology. According to Edward Kruglyakov, this element is not eternal at all, and loses out the normal battery.
Source: "Novaya gazeta” № 133 of 30.11.2009, "Novoe vremya" from 27.04.2009

In April 2010 Victor Petrik addressed threats to the president of Sciences Yuri Osipov that he was going to submit a claim to court to defend his honor, dignity and business reputation, as well as a claim for loss of profits against Academicians Yevgeny Alexandrov, Vladimir Zakharov, and Eduardo Kruglyakova for their criticism. The press has no information on the judicial extension of this story.
Source: "Itogi” № 2006 (713) on 08.02.2010

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