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Vekselberg Viktor Feliksovich

23.02.2018 22:42
Vekselberg Viktor Feliksovich



         Born in 1957 in the city of Drohobych, Lvov region (Ukraine). In 1979 he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Automation and Computer Facilities of Moscow Institute of Railway Transport Engineers (MIRTE). He got a job in a laboratory at the Special Design Bureau for rod-less pumps (SDB RP "Connas"). In the late 1980s, he completed a postgraduate study at the Computing Centre of the USSR Academy of Sciences and became a head of SDB laboratory.

In 1990, he became a founder and a director of several commercial structures: NGO "KomVek" (research activity), Limited Partnership (LP) "Olympus" (public education), and the firm "KAM" (research activity). In 1991 he was one of the founders of the company "Renova" (two-thirds of its shares belong to the NGO "KomVek").

In 1991 he became first deputy general director of CJSC "Renova". He held this post until 1996. In 1996 he participated in the establishment of joint-stock company "Siberian-Urals Aluminum Company" ("SUAL"). He was elected as General Director of CJSC "SUAL".

In 1998 he was elected as deputy chairman and first vice-president of "Tyumen Petroleum Company" (TPC, later became TNK-British Petroleum). July 12, 1999 he was elected to the Board of Directors of OJSC "Nizhnevartovsk Oil and Gas Enterprise." On the same day he was elected to the Board of Directors of OJSC "Samotlorneftegaz".

In November 10, 2000, he was elected to the Board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RUIE). In November 2003, he entered the Bureau of the Board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

In the same year, Vekselberg headed the Management Company "SUAL-Holding" (the company merged a JSC "Trastkonsalt" and "SUAL" enterprises) and joined the Board of Directors of CJSC "ONAKO". In 2001 he became Director of Strategic Planning and Corporate Development, TNK and entered the board of directors of OJSC "SIDANCO".

In 2002 he was elected as chairman of the board of TNK. In the same year he became a member of the Board of Directors of JSC "RUSIA Petroleum".

Headed the Board of Directors of "SUAL" group in January 2003. The group consisted of 21 enterprises in 11 regions of Russia, at that time. In May 2003, he is incorporated into the Council of the Business under the Russian government.

         In February 21, 2005 came out from the board of directors of OJSC "SUAL".

In March 27, 2007, "Rusal" (Oleg Deripaska), SUAL and of Glencore (Ivan Glasenberg) reported about the completion of the unification of their assets. The association of the company "Russian Aluminum" (United Company RUSAL) includes four bauxite mines enterprises, 10 alumina refineries, 14 aluminum smelters and 3 foil mills. Vekselberg became a Chairman of the Board of Directors.

At the beginning of 2008, "Capital Renova" of Vekselberg and Mamut withdrew as co-owners of "Golden Telecom", selling their eight percent of the shares to OJSC "VimpelCom" (brand "Beeline"), for 334.9 million dollars.

In April 2008, "Vedomosti" reported that "Renova Capital" sold Mamut a 28.9 percent of shares of the company Inure Enterprises, which owns 49 percent of the shares "Corbina".

In March 2008, Forbes included Vekselberg in the list of the richest people in the world once again - this time at number 67. His financial condition was estimated at 11.2 billion US dollars. In the same year Russian Forbes put Vekselberg at the 16 places on the list of richest Russians, estimating his financial condition at 11.4 billion dollars.

According to August 2009, Vekselberg is a Chairman of Council of Directors of "Russian Aluminum" Joint Company, a Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Russian-American joint venture "Renova"; former chairman of the board of directors of "SUAL", the former chairman of OAO "Tyumen Oil Company", former General Director of JSC "SUAL-Holding", the former general director of OJSC "Siberian-Urals Aluminum Company". And also - a board member of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the valid academician of the International Science Academy of Ecology and Life Safety, a commission member of the federal, interregional and regional social and economic policy at the presidency of the Federation Council of Russian Federation, member of the Coordinating Council of the metallurgical complex of Russian Ministry of Economy.

Vekselberg is married and has a son and a daughter.

Source: on 27.08.2009.




         Vekselberg career start is associated in mass media with the time when he still was a head of the laboratory at the Special Design Bureau. One former subordinates of Vekselberg shared with the press by such memories: there were organized such firms as "KomVek" (the "Vekselberg Company"), "Olympus “and the other co-operatives. Vekselberg business was associated with buying copper from cables for the cost of one hundred dollars per ton. Then, copper was sold in Germany for $ 3,000 per ton. On the "copper" money, as it has been reported, Vekselberg, through the "Renova" company, was buying computers in the West, and was changing them on privatization vouchers.

Source: "Sobesednik" on 07.12.2006


Viktor Vekselberg appeared in press in association with a strange story about the change of Severouralsk Bauxite Mine (SBM) owners in 1999. Mass media wrote that a mass purchase of shares from the mineworkers took place thereat in Severouralsk. As a result, SBM has a new owner - the Siberian-Urals Aluminum Company (SUAL). According to press reports, Viktor Vekselberg and Ural businessman Vasily Anisimov (group "Transkonsalt") were its owners on an equal footing. But the co-administration did not last long. In April 12, 2000 the daughter of Vasily Anisimov was found dead in her own apartment. Galina was a well-known DJ in Yekaterinburg Radio "Pilot". As it turned out, two drug addicts have committed the crime. After the story Anisimov has sold its share stake to Victor Vekselberg.

Source: "Russian News" from 02.11.2005, "The Power» № 40 (442) from 09.10.2001


Press mentioned Viktor Vekselberg in connection with the scandal associated with the bankruptcy of "First City Bank" (FCB). It was reported that problems of FCB customers began in the summer of 2002, when the bank suddenly ceased to transfer payments. In 2003, after the customers of FCB realized that they couldn’t return $ 40 million, hung in the bank, criminal proceedings were prosecuted on the fact of theft of client funds under article № 196 of the Criminal Code (intentional bankruptcy). Press aired the opinion of the creditor committee member and the depositor of the bank Armen Rshtuni (former vice-president of the petrochemical holding SIBUR and former adviser to the chairman of the Yukos board of directors Semen Kukes), claiming that, as it turned out during the investigation, part of the funds of the FCB has settled on the company's SL Capital Services accounts, a wholly owned subsidiary structure of the "Alba Alliance" bank. And one of the shareholders of the bank is Viktor Vekselberg. Investors of FCB accused Vekselberg that he bought a collection of Faberge eggs exactly on the money, missing from FCB. In this regard, they even filed a lawsuit in Zamoskvoretskiy Moscow court demanding to seize jewelry collection as an interim measure. But the claim was not adopted, as it has been reported.

According to press reports, investors sent a letter to the federal prosecutor of Switzerland. According to them, the purchase of the collection of Faberge was paid from Swiss accounts of companies, controlled by Vekselberg. The assets from FCB were also stripped In Switzerland. Lenders, referring to the results of the investigation of law enforcement agencies, told the prosecutor that in the period July-September 2002 after the significant assets of KB 'First City Bank' were transferred to CB 'Alba Alliance' CB 'Alba Alliance' through offshore banks White Knight Merchant Bank (Nauru) and Forex Capital Bank (Montenegro) as well as non-resident companies 'Jaffrey Investments Limited', Ballard Industries Ltd, 'Subihon Enterprises Limited', SL Capital Services Ltd., conducted the doubtful transfers with elements of the legalization of funds amounting to more than $ 70 million. Part of these funds, as investors contended with reference to the investigation, was transferred to the accounts of several companies in Swiss banks Credit Suisse and of UBS, as well as in the Swiss offices of French banks Credit Lyonnais and Credit Agricole Indosuez. The authors of the letter pointed out that companies, controlled by Viktor Vekselberg had accounts in these banks, namely: Peregrin Ltd, Sabislend Ltd, Market Financial Corporation Securities, Pikeston Investments Ltd and Sibux Finance SA. Proceeding from it, the FCB lenders made a conclusion that Vekselberg led the illegal legalization of funds.

There is no information in mass media about the response to the letter of the Swiss prosecutor. Also there was no information about the end of the investigation of cases, filed in Russia. But, reportedly, Armen Rshtuni himself became involved in the criminal case. He was suspected of machinations with exchange bills of FCB.

Source: of 26 May 2004 "Kommersant» № 66 (3397) on 14.04.2006


Mass Media wrote about Viktor Vekselberg, in connection with the conflict between the Cyprus offshore Norex Petroleum and Tyumen Oil Company (TOC) about "Yugraneft." According to mass media reports, Norex Petroleum, accused TOC in illegal alienation of a controlling stake (owned by a Canadian company) of CJSC "Corporation “Yugraneft", which was founded in 1991 to develop Malochernogorskoe field in Western Siberia. As it was reported, in 2002 TOC won an arbitration court in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Area, achieving recognition of Norex contribution to the charter capital of "Yugraneft" unlawful. As a result, the Norex share in the company decreased to 20%. In response, the Canadian company appealed to the Federal Court for the Southern District of New York with a claim for damages. The defendants, according to the press, were TOC, its shareholders Access / Renova and the "Alfa Group”, offshores, affiliated with them, as well as current and resigned co-owners and managers of these companies - Viktor Vekselberg, Leonard Blavatnik, Simon Kukes, Joseph Bakaleynik and Elliot Spitz. As the press wrote, Norex accused the defendants "in a global conspiracy, controlled from New York, in order to seize control of the Russian oil industry." Alienation of "Yugraneft" shares called "Norex" only in a particular case of this conspiracy. Norex required to compensate the loss in the amount of $ 500 million and to recover  $ 1.5 billion from the defendants according to the law for the suppression of organizations under the influence of extortion or affected by corruption (RICO).

According to press reports, in February 2004, the court rejected the claim of "Norex", deeming it out of its jurisdiction. Claimants were asked to move the hearing in Russia. But Norex filed an application for annulment of the decision in the US Court of Appeals. The court, which considered Russia as an inadequate place for Norex lawsuit, granted the request of the Canadian company and sent the case back for retrial.

In an additional lawsuit Norex Petroleum has expanded its list of defendants include the BP company (at that time it bought 50% of TNK), TNK-BP, the chairman of its board of directors Lord John Brown, the then-president of TNK-BP, Robert Dudley, and a board member of TNK BP Robert Sheppard.

Information on the completion of the judicial saga is not available in the public domain.

Source: "Kommersant» № 242 (3326) of 23.12.2005.


Vekselberg was mentioned in the press in connection with the conflict between TNK-BP and "Gazprom" on the Kovykta gas condensate field in the Irkutsk region. According to press reports, Kovykta was one of the biggest assets of TNK-BP in Russia. TNK kept him in reserve, without elaborating, for many years. But in 2003, "Gazprom", which uses all the possibilities for expansion of the resource base, has shown interest in Kovykta. It was reported that there was a conflict of interests between "Gazprom" and "Russia Petroleum", a subsidiary of TNK-BP and the owner of the license to the field. It was written, that the negotiations on the compromise solutions are obviously failed.

As reported, President of TNK-BP, Robert Dudley was called to the chairman of the Accounting Chamber Sergey Stepashin. The press wasn't awarded, what was the conversation about. But it was said in the official press release, that head of the Accounting Chamber explained to the entrepreneur an essence of current government policy.

On the last day of 2003, the head of "Gazprom" Alexei Miller, as the press wrote, made the last offer to the executive director and co-owner of TNK-BP's Viktor Vekselberg. It has been reported, that "Gazprom" has criticized the idea of exporting gas from the Irkutsk region to China and offered to send raw materials to Europe.

The press wrote that further acts of TNK-BP's owners said that they have taken into the account the experience of oilman colleagues and not only agreed to share, but also personally demonstrated the love of country.

So, Viktor Vekselberg, after a meeting with Alexei Miller, did not get tired to declare reporters that he agreed to cooperate with "Gazprom" and TNK-BP is ready to share the Kovykta field with him.

Source: “Dengi” № 5 (460) from 09.02.2004.


In February 2004, the press reported that Vekselberg bought a collection of Faberge Easter eggs at Forbes family of publishers. And, as reported, he did it for a few months before an auction Sotheby.

Source: on 27.08.2009.


The transaction amount was not disclosed. But, as it was written in the press, Sotheby's had intended to gain for a collection of no less than $ 90 million. It is concluded that the purchase price could reach 100 or even 150 million, taking into account the shortest possible time of the transaction. Newspapers wrote that except of Easter eggs Vekselberg bought about 190 items - brooches, snuff and inkstand Faberge work. And he said that he bought the eggs not for himself and even not to the collection of their company "Renova", but "for the people" and was going to display them either in the Kremlin or in the Christ the Savior Cathedral. Expensive purchase was associated in mass media with Vekselberg desire to show that he is not some Abramovich or Khodorkovsky, but the real Russian merchant, solicitous for the good of the motherland. And thus solving business problems. At that point, according to press reports, TNK just having troubles with Gazprom because of the Kovykta gas field. Buying eggs, as it was written in the press, could influence the decision of the officials of the dispute in favor of the Kovykta TNK.

Source: "" from 05.02.2004.


Viktor Vekselberg is mentioned in mass media in connection with the strange story that preceded the decision on the privatization of OJSC "Plant" Shales "(deals with calcination of coke for the aluminum plants). In April 2004, mass media reported that the corporate conflict took place in the company. A group of people, referring to the decision of Board of Directors of "Shales" and its main shareholder - the Federal Property management Agency (at that time, as it was reported, 55% of the shares was owned by Federal Property management Agency, 33% is managed by the nominal holder - Bank "Eurasia", and the rest were scattered among individuals), tried to change the plant general manager. As then-acting general director of "Shales" Dmitry Goryachkin told to the press, in the evening of March 29,five cars drove to the building of the plant and a few people, accompanied by a cameraman, came out of them. Three of them staged a fight, apparently working on the camera. According to Goryachkin words, visitors presented him the report of the "Shales" Board of Directors of 24 March. According to the document, the enterprise has a new CEO. And the report was allegedly signed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Slates" Svetlana Stefanenko, according to the time information, worked as an advisor to the Federal Property Management Agency.

New was not allowed at the plant. Instead, the representatives of the local police, prosecutors and even the FSB came up with the credentials. Goryachkin told reporters that, in his opinion, the company was subjected to raider attacks. He reported that information appeared recently, that a well-known businessman Victor Vekselberg is interested in the plant. Goryachkin suggested that the invaders have decided to get control over the enterprise, and then resell it profitable. According to press reports, the company "Renova" denied that they have any views on the "Plant" Shales".

Source: "Kommersant-SPB" № 61 (3392) on 07.04.2006


Three months later, with reference to the authorities of the Leningrad region, information appeared that the structures of Viktor Vekselberg were negotiating about the purchase of 40% of the shares of "Leningradslanets" which is located next to the "slate" and once constituted a production chain with it. In this regard, as the press wrote, in the government of Leningrad region journalists were explained that the company "Energoprom" controlled by Viktor Vekselberg, as "Renova", has already owned 37% share stake in the plant "Shales". According to the press, although the "Energoprom" officially denied its participation in the "Shales", a source, close to the "Renova", confirmed it.

Source: “Kommersant” № 128 (3459) on 15.07.2006


After another four months, it was reported that the plant "Shales" was excluded from the list of strategically important enterprises, which opened an opportunity for its privatization. According to experts, as written in the press, the most likely contender for the purchase of state-owned share stake of the plant was "Renova". This time, already without reference to confidential sources, it was reported, that "Renova" owned 33% of shares of "Shales". The company was called the principal owners of the plant, together with the Federal Property Management Agency (56%). At the same time, it was reported that "Renova" group controlled 82% "Leningradslanets" shares. At the time the company refused to comment on its plans, regarding the Leningrad enterprises.

Source: on 26.11.2007


In early 2009, data appeared in press that the state owns 41.75% of shares of "Shales", more than 30% has the "Renova" group of Viktor Vekselberg, another 20% in a number of minority shareholders-natural persons. And besides, as it was reported, Rosimushchestvo includes “Shales” in privatization plan for 2009-2010.

Source: "Kommersant” № 6 (4061) on 16.01.2009


In autumn 2009, the press reported that the Russian presidential envoy to the Northwest Federal District Ilya Klebanov suggested to Deputy Prime Minister of Russian Federation Igor Sechin to transfer state-owned shares of OJSC "Plant" Shales" to the company "Energoprom" of "Renova" group, a minority shareholder of the plant. General Director of "Shales" Samuel Gandel'man stated then that he doubts about the possibility of transfer of state shares of the plant to "Energoprom", as the company is not a shareholder of the plant. "Renova" group refused to comment again.

Source: 15.09.2009


In February 2010, there was news in mass media that the Russian government has decided to include the 41.75% shares stake in OJSC "Plant"Shales" in the list of enterprises under federal ownership, shares of which are scheduled for privatization in 2010.

Source: from 10.02. 2010


In 2004, the press discussed the scandal on the application of business schemes by SUAL, known as internal tolling. Tolling is a customs regime under which the export of products, made from raw materials, imported into the country for recycling, is exempted from VAT. Working on such a scheme, the Russian plants have only raw materials recycling services. And the owner of the raw material (alumina) and finished products (aluminum) is a foreign company. According to the RF Tax Code, tolling is legal. It was reported that more than 90% of Russia's aluminum exports was realized under the scheme until 2004. But companies often engaged in recycling of foreign unmanufactured raw products, including Russian raw materials (so-called mixing scheme). In the case of detecting a mixing scheme the Federal Tax Service (FTS) has the right to make claims to the companies.

According to the press, the tolling operations of SUAL in 2002-2003 attracted the attention of the Accounting Chamber. AC estimated the federal budget losses at 420 million rubles. Also in 2004, representatives from SUAL announced that they have completely abandoned the tolling scheme. There is no data in the press if the claims of the Accounting Chamber have grown into something more. But when in 2006 we were talking about the merger of SUAL with "Rusal" (Oleg Deripaska), mass media expressed the view that this transaction will help Vekselberg to avoid problems with the Accounts Chamber. It alludes to the legendary administrative resource of "Rusal" owner.

Source: "Kommersant” № 176 (3015) of 22.09.2004, "The Secret of companies» № 31 (166) from 28.08.2006


Vekselberg appears in media reports in connection with the scandal around "Togliattiazot" - one of the largest chemical plants in Russia. It was reported that, according to tax authorities, in 2004 the company underpaid 2.582 billion rubles of profits tax and VAT into the budgets of all levels. According to press reports, in a year and a half the tax authorities carried out more than 120 inspections at the plant, presenting claims for $ 100 million. Searches also became regular. It was written that in August 29, 2005 the Ministry of Interior and OMON officers conducted seizure of documents in the building of OJSC "Togliattiazot".

Mass media provides opinions of experts, who have seen in tax authorities claims the next stage in the long struggle for the enterprise. It was reported that at the same time with the tax claims starts a checking of the legality of the privatization of the company by president of ToAZ Vladimir Makhlai, who controlled 75% of the shares - he was declared wanted.

The plant called the situation an attempt to raider attacks and, as it was written in the press, adhered to the view that it was initiated by "Renova Orgsintez" - the structure, controlling chemical assets of Viktor Vekselberg, who owned 9.14% of shares of "Togliattiazot" in 2007. On "Togliattiazot" explained: in other enterprises of the "Renova" industry has already been able to accumulate large blocks of shares - 34% in Volgograd "Khimprom", about 70% in Samara "PROMSINTEZ" and 100% in Irkutsk "Sayanskkhimplast". It was suggested that ToAZ was much knocked out of Vekselberg plans - association of "Togliattiazot" assets with "Renova" would strengthen the position of the last in the methanol market.

The penetration on the plant, as it was considered there, "Renova" carried out through a minority shareholder of "Togliattiazot" - an offshore company Tringal Equities Inc. (2% of the shares of ToAZ). TEI accused ToAZ that it inflicted significant losses to its shareholders and, in particular, the company blamed managers for the agreement concluded with the Swiss petrochemical trader "Nitrohim". TEI said that the factory sold ammonia "at low prices, comparing to world". Minority assessed its compensation in court from $ 42 million to $ 73 million.

It was reported that the tax claims at the plant were connected with the same TEI, because the checks became more frequent after the company has become a minority shareholder. “Renova" denied the connection to the offshore. But, as journalists noticed, the head of the TEI, Alexei Kozlov, previously was a CEO of "Renova Orgsintez". And representatives of TEI brought documents with "Renova" logo to the court.

Source: "Company" from 19.08.2007, on 09.08.2007


In November 2006, the press reported that the Ninth Arbitration Appeal Court confirmed the legitimacy of the state tax claims to the company "TNK-BP holding" in the amount of 3.9 billion rubles for 2001 year. It was noted that TNK-BP has already paid the Federal Tax Service an additional taxes for 2002-2003 in the amount of 39 billion rubles - nearly $ 1.5 billion. Tax authorities demanded more only from Yukos.

Source: on 13.11.2006


In 2005, Viktor Vekselberg filed in Nagatinsky District Court of Moscow a lawsuit on protection of honor, dignity and business reputation. Respondents were investigations department correspondent of the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets" Nadezhda Popova and magazine "Blackmail." The cause of litigation was the article "9 eggs of Vekselberg," published in the 27th number of the magazine in January 2005. The material had negative reviews about Vekselberg and his business in Karelia.

In particular, the journalist narrated about the 18-year-old Dima Kuzin from the Karelian village Nadvoicy, where an aluminum plant is settled, according to the information at that time, owned by SUAL. The young man wrote the journalist, as well as many in the locality, is sick with fluorosis, which severely destroyed teeth. A young man, as it was reported in the article, sued, won and had to get 50 thousand rubles from Vekselberg. He got nothing, and appealed to the European Court of Human Rights.

After Dima Kuzin, as Nadezhda Popova wrote, other residents of the village Nadvoicy pulled to the court, which is about 15 thousand. In such a situation, she reasoned, the plant can simply go bankrupt.

But Vekselberg outraged not by a tragic story of Kuzin, and even not by a common information that aluminum smelter has contaminated the surrounding area with fluorine, benzopyrene and heavy metals. On the basis of a lawsuit, as Popov told the press, Vekselberg was offended by the article used the word "gentleman" and "Bill."

In addition, Vekselberg has denied his involvement in the disease of fluorosis in the village Nadvoicy. He also did not like the phrase that he, as the journalist expressed in an article, left with the nose depositors of "First City Bank", bought Faberge eggs for 140 million dollars.

Source: "Compromat.Ru", 27.01.2005, on 29.08.2005.


Vekselberg demanded that Nadezhda Popova and 3 of the founder "Compromising" magazine paid him for 100 thousand rubles each. But, according to mass media reports, the magazine founders Sergey Sokolov, Vadim Belyh and Alexei Chelnokov ceased to appear in the court and left the journalist face to face with representatives of the plaintiff. As a result, the court sided with the businessman.

Source: from 20.01. 2006


Victor Vekselberg was mentioned in the press as one of the main actors in the scandal with the attempt of privatization "Himpom" plant in Volgograd. According to data for 2007, 51% of the shares of plant were owned by Property Ministry, “Renova Orgsintez”, company of Viktor Vekselberg, controlled 35%. Vekselberg side intended to privatize the plant. But the problem, as it have been reported, consist in the fact that OJSC "Khimprom" is in the list of enterprises of strategic importance and are not subjects for privatization (until 1987 the Volgograd "Khimprom" was one of the key enterprises in the industry of the Soviet chemical weapons).

A scandal erupted around "Khimprom" and "Renova". It was reported that in September 2006, some environmental organization from Nizhniy Novgorod send a letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin, describing the catastrophic situation in which "Khimprom" had turned. It contained information about possible environmental disaster and the deaths of thousands of Volgograd citizens. State Duma deputy Viktor Ilyukhin send a request to General Prosecutor, containing the suspicion that the general director of "Khimprom" Stanislav Losev lead up the plant to the bankruptcy, so that he went on the cheap to "Renova" group. A similar request to Volgograd prosecutor's office appealed the Governor of the Volgograd region Nikolai Maksyuta.

It was reported that at the request of the General Prosecutor, the plant had been tested by Volgograd Prosecutor's Office. Over the guidance of "Khimprom" hung up a danger of a criminal case excitation under articles 196 and 201 of the Criminal Code ("deliberate bankruptcy" and "abuse of credentials", respectively). The federal and local mass media published lots of materials against Vekselberg. At the plant, according to the press, some of the materials considered custom. As it was, however, with a verification of law enforcement.

Mass media called "Renova" itself a possible customer of attacks on the enterprise. According to press reports, General Director of "Renova Orgsintez" Alexei Kozlov admitted his interest in the company's assets to the chemical plant. But regularly denied accusations of raiding. And, previously outraged because of a possible «Khimprom» bankruptcy, Governor of the Volgograd region Nikolai Maksyuta, at the meeting with Vladimir Putin, as reported, asked to give the company to a concession of Vekselberg's group.

Source: from 10.11.2006, from 9.03.2007


Then the press reported that in the process of privatization of "Khimprom" Vekselberg faced an opposition from the military forces. A conflict erupted between him and the head of the Ministry of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov, about the control of the company. February 9, 2007 Serdyukov was elected as a member of the Board of Directors of JSC "Khimprom" (then he was the head of the Federal Tax Service). Appointing a post of Minister of Defense, Serdyukov became chairman of 'Khimprom' Directors Council. It has been reported that the conflict of management put the factory to the edge of financial and ecological crisis. Rostekhnadzor has even threatened to suspend the enterprise activity.

Source: of 7.05. 2007


According to press reports, to the end of 2007 it became clear, that the privatization of "Khimprom" will not happen, and a controlling stake will be given to "Rostechologii".

Source: from 14.12. 2009


In 2009, Vekselberg was mentioned in mass media in connection with the scandal about the purchase of shares of large engineering company Sulzer. Transactions took place yet in 2006-2007. As it has been reported, in April 2009, the criminal-law office of the Ministry of Finance of Switzerland started an administrative investigation against Vekselberg and his partners. They were suspected of violating disclosure rules while buying the mentioned stocks. According to investigators, businessmen illegally became the owners of 31.9% of the shares. Vekselberg was accused that he beat the Swiss law on which it is necessary to publicly announce the purchase of more than 5% of the shares of any company. Based on the results of inspections conducted by the Swiss Service of supervision of financial markets, all claims against Vekselberg were dropped. But, as the press wrote, a head of Zurcher Kantonalbank, the largest cantonal bank in Zurich, Hans Veghel, had left his post. He admitted that in operations with securities of the Swiss company Sulzer bank's internal rules have been broken, and asked to relieve him of his post. However, a Head of the bank's operations in the stock market Marcus Hoffman left his job together with Veghel.

In mass media, in connection with the history of the purchase of shares of Sulzer, was written, that an institution of a criminal case after 2 years after the event strangely coincided with the negotiations between Switzerland and the USA, dedicated to the removal of bank secrecy from accounts of businessman, suspected of tax evasion in the US. Besides, journalists wondered why do Vekselberg needed to establish a control on Sulzer, which makes pumps for oil-and-gas pipelines, which are not produced in Russia. And they have explained it themselves: they are used in an economic and political project of the Russian government - a newly built pipeline that will bring Siberian oil to the Pacific coast.

Source: from 27.08.2009, "Gazeta", 10.05.2007


         Public opinion in Switzerland is clearly not on the side of the head of "Renova" group Viktor Vekselberg (the financial state is $ 1.8 billion, according to Forbes estimates), Canton of Zurich resident since 2004. A citizen are annoying by the fact that he is buying a national treasure, lives in a comfortable country and pays ridiculous taxes, explains the chief editor of the magazine "Russian Switzerland" Alexander Peske. More recently, in the canton of Zurich tax breaks acted for expats: it was enough to pay 5-10 times of the annual rent equivalent of rented or purchased homes. From next year in Zurich will do away with this, and Vekselberg, if he had retained a local registration, would have to pay 35% of the amount of dividends of Oerlikon and Sulzer companies, in which he is the largest shareholder, and with the remaining - another 20-25% income tax.

Vekselberg has already found a means to optimize their taxes: he moves to the Swiss tax haven from Zurich - the canton of Zug. According to the Forbes source in "Renova", company lawyers are conducting a preparatory work, and the mayor has agreed to take Vekselberg as a resident. Re-registration in Zug, will not improve his image, says Peske from the "Russian Switzerland": no one likes "tax refugee" here. And it will not help to solve the second Swiss problem of Vekselberg at all.

Switzerland dissatisfied with the way Vekselberg bought Oerlikon and Sulzer companies in 2006. In December, the Federal Department of Finance (FDF) has imposed an unprecedented fine on a businessman - 40 million francs (about $ 38 million). The Swiss authorities believe that buying Oerlikon shares from the Austrian Victory, «Renova" acted as a single group with this Austrian company, but did not report about this to financial authorities.

"Forbes". 01.02.2010


By the end of March 2010, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev decided on those whom to entrust their most important "modernization" child. To build "Innograd", or, in other words, the Russian Silicon Valley, is entrusted to Viktor Vekselberg, the head of "Renova". Appointment to this post an entrepreneur, which is loyal to the Kremlin and one of the richest people in the country, showed once again that Medvedev has an extremely small choice.

"" to 24.03.2010


Supreme Court of the United Kingdom is considering a lawsuit against the world-famous auction house Christie's, which is demanding to return money for "Odalisque” - art painting by Boris Kustodiev, purchased in 2005 at an auction of Russian art, which turned out a fake. For this purchase is responsible Russian billionaire Viktor Vekselberg.

Boris Kustodiev painting "Nude in the interior," featured in the catalogs under the name of "Odalisque" and written in 1919, was sold on 30 November 2005 at an auction of Russian art in London. She went for a record for the auction $ 2.9 million, more than seven times higher than the preliminary estimate. Then the new owner imported the nude “Odalisque” in Russia.

"Kommersant". 19.07.2010


         The scandalous story of the arable lands around the Museum-Estate "Arkhangelsk", acquired, as defenders of the estate believed, by close to Viktor Vekselberg structures in 2004, was continued. FS "Rosohrankultura" filed a lawsuit to the Arbitration Court of Moscow region on the recognition of the acquired land lease agreement null and void. It also became known that Viktor Vekselberg is trying to revise the security zone and the museum-estate borders with administrative resources. 19.01.2011.


The well-known oligarch Viktor Vekselberg brokered a deal with a building on Presnya: he bought it from Hungary to seven times cheaper than sold to Russian government.

Viktor Vekselberg, who now heads the Development Fund "Skolkovo" innovation center, mediated between Hungary and the Russian government, four people, close to the deal, told to "Vedomosti". The same said a former Ambassador of Hungary in Russia Arpad Sekey to Hungarian newspaper Nepszabadsag.

In March 2008, the Hungarian side sold the building Diamond Air for $ 21.3 million (about 511 million rubles at the exchange rate at the beginning of the month), and in 2009 the Ministry of Regional Development purchased it from "Innovation technology "Renova" seven times more expensive - 3 5 billion rubles.

"Vedomosti". 21.02.2011


It seems that a large corporate conflict broke out at the metallurgical market once again. This time, Alexei Mordashov, opened an office of their "Metcombank" in Yekaterinburg, challenged Viktor Vekselberg. However, the owner of "Severstal" is no stranger of participating in the corporate wars. The conflict between Alexei Mordashov and Victor Vekselberg broke out because of the "twin-banks", which are now operating in Yekaterinburg. So in the capital of the Urals Federal District operates the branch of OJSC "Metcombank", which was created in 1993 in the city of Kamensk-Uralsky, for more than 15 years. Viktor Vekselberg, the chairman of the Board of Directors of the group of companies "Renova", owns this bank, with the sum of assets equal to 52.62 billion rubles.

         However, last week in Yekaterinburg began working an office of OJSC "Metallurgical commercial bank" (Metcombank), founded in 1990 in Cherepovets-based metallurgical branch of the Industrial and Construction Bank of the USSR. The owner of the bank, which has assets for 28.32 billion rubles, is the General Director of OJSC "Severstal" Alexey Mordashov.

"Moscvu post." 16.08.2011.


         Despite the fact that the Russian billionaire Viktor Vekselberg for almost a year had left the post of Executive Director of TNK-BP Oil Company and went to innovate in Skolkovo, 10th richest man in Russia did not loose business-acumen.

Holding "Renova", owned by billionaire, is going to buy 25% of shares of the metallurgical group East One from Viktor Pinchuk, in-law of former Ukrainian President Kuchma, and spend $ 1.5 billion thus. The group includes plurality assets, including the three-ferroalloy plants and 2 mining enrichment plants. Thus, the billionaire will get a tasty morsel - a share in one of the largest ferroalloys plants Nikolsky. Talks with Ukrainian billionaire with a remarkable name "Rothschild» (Rothschild) are underway for now.

"". 17.08.2011


Today, the reality became an opposition of Vekselberg and Oleg Deripaska; each of them is fighting for control of the company "Rusal". Deripaska is the former financial attorney of "Izmailovskaya" OPG, bought aluminum business with the money, obtained from organized crime. Later he became a member of the family of the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin, established personal contacts with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. Vekselberg is close to Dmitry Medvedev, together with the family of the first vice-premier Igor Shuvalov appeared in the land - corruption schemes of "Skolkovo" presidential project. The main way of getting money for Viktor Vekselberg and his corporation "Renova" remain fraud on a large scale. One example - selling by master of "Renova" of the building of Building Trade Representation of Hungary in Moscow to the state for $ 120 million, purchased by him form Hungarians for $ 21 million. The difference between the prices, extracted from the Russian budget, amounted revenue of the shareholder of "Rusal". This economic fraud was due to pressure from the FSB, fulfilling orders of Vekselberg.

"Ruspres". 12.12.2011


The owner of the "Renova" group Viktor Vekselberg resigned as chairman of the board of directors of the largest aluminum producer in the world UC "Rusal". Businessman, who owns a minority stake in UC, held this post since the company's creation in 2007. Vekselberg told on his retirement to the members of the Board of Directors of "Rusal" in an open letter, pointing out that he disagreed with a number of decisions, taken by the management of "Rusal", including "without coordination with the Council and in violation of the agreements of shareholders."

"Forbes". 13.03.2012.


All-powerful Russian oligarch "oviparous" Viktor Vekselberg has lousy mood since last September. From that moment, when the Congress of "United Russia" puts forward not Dmitry Medvedev, as a candidate for president of Russian Federation, like Vekselberg expected, but Vladimir Putin.

So, cried his money, and most importantly - the efforts, invested in creating "Potemkin's showcases" modernization - "Skolkovo".

It is understood that Vekselberg so willingly led the “Skolkovo” Foundation not because of the ideas of modernization. His goal was simple - to become a major oligarch under the future President Dmitry Medvedev.

But Vekselberg is not a man who is accustomed to retreat and give up. By strange coincidence, one of the active organizers of the "snow revolution" in Russia, or rather, its attempts, this year's winter was none other than close to Vekselberg, member of the council of the "Left Front" Ilya Ponomarev. Incidentally, the last one received a lot of money from Vekselberg as his advisor in the “Skolkovo” Foundation.

And it's not only a "strange coincidence". There have been persistent rumors that the money from Vekselberg, including through Ponomarev, keeps coming to the radical opposition.

"Vek". 14.03.2012.



Conflict of Viktor Vekselberg and Oleg Deripaska moved to Russia. Sual Partners Ltd, which is a co-owned by Viktor Vekselberg, requires from "Ingosstrakh", Insurance Company "Alliance" and "the Department of temporary operation" 1.77 billion rubles damages in favor of "RUSAL Sayanogorsk Aluminum Plant" because of the collapse of the bridge across the river Abakan. Separately Sual accusing Rusal Global Management and Oleg Deripaska personally of inaction for compensation of plant losses and threatens them with prosecution.

"Kommersant". 29.05.2012.


During the discussion, unfolding in the Internet, about the cost of the rooms at the Villa Feltrinelli, where the press secretary Natalya Timakova of Dmitry Medvedev rested, the question about the owner of an Italian villa was completely bypassed by attention. This castle in the Italian Lake Garda a few years ago was acquired for approximately € 40 million by Russian businessman and president of the "Skolkovo" Viktor Vekselberg, and with the owner, assumedly, the press secretary couldn't bother about the payment for the accommodation at all. Even if the owner of the hotel took the trouble, and paid for a journalist the € 10-15 thousand, which costs a week-long stay in the rooms of the villa, these times does not pull even for a bribe. Just a trifle: a small price to pay for the implementation of the joint projects that already binds Vekselberg and Medvedev for many years.

"Ruspres". 31.08.2012.


The Federal Antimonopoly Service accused TGK-6 and TGK-7 of Viktor Vekselberg in manipulating the energy market prices. Because of this, the last week tenders for the sale of power by 2013 across Central Russia and the Urals have been canceled

"Vedomosti". 16.10.2012


Early next year, the Supreme Arbitration Court of Russian Federation will consider the supervisory complaint of Russian Ministry of Culture and the Museum-Estate "Arkhangelsk" on the court decisions of other instances in the case of land plots. This is about the central area of the manor park located on the loan of "Erlik groups» LLC and «Oblstroyuniversal" LLC. According to the "first anti-corruption mass media", these companies and, consequently, their land, are owned by the head of the "Renova" group companies Victor Vekselberg - the richest, according to the Bloomberg news agency, Russian businessman in 2012. Previously, "Arkhangelsk" has won a series of similar cases of the Defense Ministry and local officials, but in disputes with companies, affiliated with the well-known oligarch, courts make decisions solely in the favor of the latest., 24.12.2012


The official representative of the Russian IC Vladimir Markin said that investigators suspect misappropriation of budgetary funds, allocated to the “Skolkovo” Foundation and placed on deposits of "Metcombank", affiliated with Viktor Vekselberg. Very few people surprised when the IC opened a criminal case of theft in the “Skolkovo” Foundation - today another attack at Medvedev address is not surprised. However, the blow to Vekselberg raises questions about the extent of the campaign against the current prime minister.

In mid-February, the Investigative Committee opened a case against the former head of the Department of Finance of "Skolkovo" Foundation Kirill Lugovtseva, which, according to investigators, illegally spends 24 million rubles. As Vekselberg said the money was returned, and the manager was fired. However, IC refused to admit the "merits" of the Fund, accusing it of unwillingness to fully cooperate with the investigation. Now a new blow takes place, already directly on the "decision-makers". According to Markin, IC checks FSB data about the placement of 3.5 billion rubles, allocated for "Skolkovo", on deposits of "Metcombank", affiliated with the president of the Fund Viktor Vekselberg. Investigators also check the fact of transfer, of a grant of 400 million rubles by “Skolkovo” Foundation to the company, which is not a participator of the same-name project, said Markin. Also checked an information about the unjustified transfer by the Fund and its wholly owned subsidiary "United Directorate for the design and construction of the center of the development and commercialization of new technologies" of more than 37 million rubles to a number of contractors for work, which are not covered by contracts.

Perhaps, opponents of Prime Minister rely primarily on the destruction of the entire system of Medvedev relations, his resource, which could well include the "heavyweight" Vekselberg. Businessman himself faces a difficult choice: he will have to take a political stance - if he is for or against Medvedev.

"". 02.28.2013.


 After a conversation with Vladimir Putin, billionaire Viktor Vekselberg has promised to restore the park area of museum-estate "Arkhangelsk", assuring that it is a moral obligation for him. Wherein in the meeting it was decided to freeze the building of the reception House of military department, which was supposed to appear in "Archangelskiy".

",” 30.03.2013


Investigative Committee opened a criminal case on the embezzlement of 750 thousand dollars by "Skolkovo" Foundation. The case opened against the senior vice president of the "Skolkovo" Foundation, Alexei Beltyukov. According to investigators, wasting such large amount A. Beltiukov tried to disguise by concluding contracts on behalf of the Foundation with Ilya Ponomarev.

"In accordance with these contracts Ponomarev had to read 10 lectures in a number of Russian cities for 300 thousand dollars, and perform research work for 450 thousand dollars" - explained then in the IC.

Viktor Vekselberg, a President of "Skolkovo" Foundation recommend to Duma deputy Ilya Ponomarev to return 750 thousand dollars, received as fees for lectures and scientific work. V. Vekselberg said this in the interview to television channel "Russia 1"

"RBC". 05.05.2013


The scandal, related to "separating" of the airport market by Viktor Vekselberg, has led to unexpected consequences. So, according to experts, now Vekselberg came into conflict not only with Oleg Deripaska and Igor Sechin, but also with FAS. And besides, FAS officers "invented" a new criminal article for Vekselberg, reported independent experts to correspondent of The Moscow Post. The greatest suspicion of FAS has caused an activity of "Renova" holding of Viktor Vekselberg in the Perm region. After all, FAS suspects in collusion the government of the Perm region and the representatives of OJSC "Koltsovo-Invest" (included in "Renova" GC).

According to Kinev, they signed an agreement for the transfer to "Koltsovo-Invest" of Perm airport "Bolshoye Savino" property and its subsequent privatization - the airport is now 100% owned by the region in favor of the "Renova" structure.

"Moscvu post." 10/28/2013.


Chuvash senator suddenly demanded in New York court for un-received by him share from the sale of TNK-BP - $ 2 billion. Leonid Lebedev hopes to recover these costs from Viktor Vekselberg and Leonard Blavatnik, who ceded their 25% share to Igor Sechin in the face of "Rosneft". At the same time, as reported by Sechin sources close to the deal, representatives of Vekselberg assured that "there will be no problems" - despite the fact that already at the stage of negotiations Lebedev lawyers were interested in the fate of this part of TNK-BP.

On Tuesday Lebedev sued Vekselberg and Blavatnik, in the Supreme Court of the State of New York - a copy is in the edition of "Vedomosti", says the newspaper. The plaintiff claimed that he was a partner of the defendants with a share of 15% in OGIP, which, in turn, controlled 12.5% of shares in TNK-BP. Based on this, Lebedev requires a "partner" at least $ 2 billion from the sale to "Rosneft" shares in the oil company. This transaction took place in March last year. "Rosneft" has bought 100% of TNK-BP from AAR consortium and British BP for $ 44.4 billion and 12.48% of shares of "Rosneft". AAR was awarded with $ 27.73 billion, and half fell on OGIP. On this basis, the amount of the claim was calculated.

"Rospres". 02/06/2014.


The lawsuit of Lebedev was registered on the eve in the court of New York and published on the site of the office. [...]

The statement said that Lebedev, Vekselberg and Blavatnik are partners in the oil business since 1997, but legally formalized their business relationship after four years. In 1997, Lebedev helped partners to privatize 40% of TNK: it was he who brought in "companies controlled by one of the defendants," $ 25 million, as well as his share in the parent company TNK (1.8%), and its main production subsidiary "Nizhnevartovskneftegas" (10.5%).

In 2001, during a meeting in New York, the partners agreed that Lebedev would be entitled to 15% of the profits of the oil business and, specifically, 15% of OGIP, through which the partners owned a package of TNCs.

Then Lebedev and Vekselberg immediately signed the agreement, and Blavatnik agreed with all the terms of the contract later and ordered to issue a guarantee letter for $ 200 million, confirming the commitment of OGIP on dividend payment.

In 2003, the major shareholders of TNK reached an agreement with the British Petroleum about the establishing of a joint venture. For this, the largest shareholders of TNK - Vekselberg and Blavatnik, on the one side, and the "Alfa Group" Mikhail Fridman - on the other side, created the AAR consortium on a parity basis. At the time of the transaction on TNK-BP creation, a stream of negative publications walked in mass media about one of then-business partner of Lebedev. Referring to this, Vekselberg and Blavatnik insisted on that Lebedev's part was not advertised, according to the lawsuit. Partners have offered to buy out the share of Lebedev, but he refused, and the company Coral was established in June 2003, where bills, in the amount equal to 7.5% of payments received from BP to AAR, were transmitted within three years, and the total payout Coral was $ 600 million.

A source, close to Lebedev, explained Forbes that Blavatnik and Vekselberg were notified of Lebedev intention to sue, but there was no reaction from them. According to the interlocutor, the claim submission before completion of the sale of TNK-BP to "Rosneft" would hurt the company and, as a result, would reduce the value of the Lebedev's share.

"Forbes". 02/06/2014


In international arbitration proceedings in London completed the hearing between the shareholders of UC Rusal - Sual Partners Victor Vekselberg and Leonard Blavatnik, En+ Group of Oleg Deripaska and Glencore - on the interpretation of the shareholder's agreement, told "Vedomosti" four sources, close to the different shareholders of company. Arbitration ruled: veto right is unlimited and binding on all the major shareholders in the event if it is used by one of them, told the two "Vedomosti" interlocutors. A third one noticed, that the decision "does not contain any findings of violations on the part of En+ Group and Glencore in relation to the subject of the claim." Representatives of En+ Group, Sual Partners, Glencore and "Onexim» (UC Rusal shareholder) refused to comment.

"Vedomosti". 04.21.2014


"White-tape white crow "- something like this can be called the role of the faction" Fair Russia" deputy Ilya Ponomarev. Chief (after deprivation of Gennady Gudkov mandate) troublemaker is behaving indecently on Bolotnaya Square, else votes against the annexation of the Crimea, and even strangely receives from the "Skolkovo" Foundation ten thousand dollars for a ten-minute lecture - and not for one! Must assume that deputy expected that the hype around the strange generosity of the Foundation, close to Vekselberg, eventually calm down. But it turned out conversely: Ponomarev himself is in the USA today, where he did not intend to return, until the restrictions, lifted against him by Bailiff service for non-payment of debt to "Skolkovo" foundation at the amount of 2.7 million rubles, will not be removed.

"Ruspres". 08.09.2014


Former shareholders of TNK-BP Leonard Blavatnik and Victor Vekselberg believe that paid the senator from Chuvash Leonid Lebedev yet in 2003 when they agreed to transfer him $ 600 million. Lebedev, who calls himself a "secret shareholder" of the oil company, claims that his package was worth twice as much, and these funds are the compensation of profits on shares that he could get. It still requires the former partners of at least $ 2 billion, and recently accused them in fraud.

Lebedev filed a lawsuit against Blavatnik and Vekselberg in a New York court in February this year, claiming that he was their partner with a share of 15% in the company OGIP, which in turn owned a 25% of TNK-BP. He demanded at least $ 2 billion from former partners, from the sale of shares in that oil company to "Rosneft" (in March 2013, the state company acquired 100% of TNK-BP for about $ 55 billion, Vekselberg and Blavatnik earned about $ 13.8 billion).

"RBC". 10.23.2014


As Forbes knew it, the billionaire and two old friends - Victor Vekselberg and Minister of Open Government Issues Mikhail Abizov find out the relationship in the court of the British Virgin Islands (BVI) for about a year.

Viktor Vekselberg has filed a lawsuit in December 2013, in the lawsuit he demands to annul the option of Michael Abizov, which Abizov received in September 2011. Mikhail Abizov, company Romos and Fresco Financial filed a lawsuit against Renova Industries and other companies, the beneficiary of which is Vekselberg. Abizov consider that Vekselberg has to pay him $ 451 million under the same share option transactions.

"Forbes". 12.30.2014


Ukrainian oligarch Igor Kolomoisky and Minister of the Russian Government Mikhail Abizov united in the fight against Russian businessman Viktor Vekselberg.

Vekselberg wanted to get Stakhanov Ferroalloy Plant, belonging to Kolomoisky, for a long time and even delegated for this purpose in Luhansk People's Republic of "Renova" top-manager Marat Bashirov.

Vekselberg has repeatedly offered Kolomoisky to sell ferroalloy plant. And now there is no need to sell. It is enough to change management simply. Igor Kolomoisky understands this and strives to maintain its crumbling empire. But, of course, he is not able to act in Russia for himself. Therefore, he attracted Abizov to his side to fight Vekselberg, using minister hands.

Ukrainian oligarch has repeatedly crossed with Abizov in the energy sector. In particular, both fought for control of OJSC "NII" Energoprojekt "(Kharkov). Then, however, they have found a common language.

"Mosmonitor". 02.09.2015


Last week, Cyprus offshore Ermon Holding Limited, controlled by Viktor Vekselberg, has filed a lawsuit to the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region to Gibraltar offshore Ligorio Limited, which is connected with the former Chairman of the Transport and Transit Policy Committee of Smolny, and now the president of CJSC "Stromberg" Alexander Kozhin. Ermon requires to recover from Ligorio 2,25 million euros of losses, caused by default of obligations on the contract of purchase-and-sale of 98% shares of "Petrovsky alliance" LLC, concluded as early as 2012.

"". 06.07.2015


Last week it became known that a criminal case is initiated against members of the criminal community, including, according to law enforcement officers, the governor of Komi Vyacheslav Gaiser, his deputy Alexey Chernov, a former senator from Komi Evgenii Samoilov - a total of 19 people, 16 of whom have already been detained. One of those who have escaped the arrest - Alexander Zarubin, a businessman and former head of the "Renova". In 2008, "Finance" magazine estimated his financial condition at $ 350 million. Its basis was 4% shares of the company Renova Industries, which owned all the industrial assets of the "Renova" group of Viktor Vekselberg, except for the main (stakes in TNK-BP and UC Rusal). At the end of 2006, the value of the company have been estimated at $ 4.6 billion by S & P. Zarubin came to work to "Renova" in 2003 from the post of chief adviser to the former head of the Republic of Komi Vladimir Torlopov.

 "RBC". 09.24.2015


Deputy Ilya Ponomarev, who was sought 2.7 million rubles in favor of the "Skolkovo" Foundation by bailiffs according to the decision of Gagarin district court in Moscow, decided not to return to Russia for a while. His representatives reported this. Parliamentarian feared that he would be arrested in a criminal case on the theft of the $ 750 thousand from "Skolkovo", in which he is accused, together with former vice-president of the Foundation Alexei Beltyukov. Witness on the case goes Viktor Vekselberg, a Foundation President, to which the investigators still have questions about the translation of another 93.5 million rubles from "Skolkovo" to accounts of company "Renova Management AG, Switzerland”, affiliated with him, in 2010-2011.

"Izvestia". 08.12.2015


The main owner of the "Renova" group, tycoon Viktor Vekselberg said that he considers the possibility of participating in the privatization of Russian companies, including AK "ALROSA", in particular. "Of course. The question is, at what price ", - quotes "RIA Novosti" an answer of Mr. Vekselberg to the question if he has an interest in the privatized assets.

He stressed that he is not interested in the privatization of the oil and gas sector for sure. "... And we will look carefully at all the rest. ALROSA, yes. In the mining sector, we are traditionally interested in this story, so we will take a closer look"- said the magnate.

"Kommersant". 02.13.2016.

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